Student Learning Objective Template

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Student Learning Objective Template

Student Learning Objective Template

Educator Information: Educator Name Betsy Cowherd Academic Year 2015-2016 School Name CCIS Course/Subject Math: topic 5 Grade level(s) Fourth

Timeline and Sign-off: Evaluator Name and Title Initial SLO Date and Sign-off Midpoint Date and Sign-off Due Date of Final SLO

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Element #1: Learning Goal

Describe the Learning Goal Students will interpret word problems to find exact and estimated products or sums using numbers and/or base ten blocks.

Which Content Standards are MA.4:1-6 Solve word problems with whole numbers using addition, subtraction, associated with the learning goal? multiplication and division. MA.4:1-1 Multiply whole numbers to solve problems MA.4:1-11 Determine reasonableness of answer using mental computation and estimation strategies MA.4:4-4 Round whole numbers up to 1,000,000 to any place MA.4:5-9 Use multiple strategies to solve equations (decomposing, expanding, compensation, etc.) MA.4:5-3 Illustrate multiplication problems using rectangular arrays or area models Describe the student population There are 21 students. Dominic, Owen, Rylan, Ethan, Kylee, and Amelia are in the TAG program. Identify the time span for teaching the We have math 1 hour a day, five days a week for the entire school year. learning goal (e.g., daily class-45 minutes for 3 weeks)

Element #2: Assessments and Scoring

Describe the assessments and MAP tests will be administered in fall, winter and spring. 4 district benchmark test evaluation procedures that measure will be given. 12 topic tests will also be given from the series. Formative students’ understanding of the assessments such as self, peer, and teacher will be used daily checking for student learning goal as well any understanding. All assessments except MAP will be scored using EnVision answer differentiation in those assessment keys. Key words will be underlined on topic tests for all students that did not scorings. pretest out of a topic. Explain how student performance is Students performance will be defined as a percentage. All topic and benchmark defined and evaluated using the tests will be based on 100 points. assessments. Include the specific These assessment are accessible on SchoolNet. They are Topic 5 and Topic 7 rubric and/or evaluation criteria to be pretest and posttest. used (attach).

Element #3: Expected Growth Targets

Identify the actual performance (e.g., They are attached. test scores, performance tasks, etc.) to establish starting points for students. Using students’ starting points identify Group 1 = 6 students the number or percentage of students Group 2 = 5 students expected at each growth target based Group 3 = 4 students on their assessment performance(s). Group 4 = 1 student Be sure to include any appropriate Group 5 = 5 students subgroups. Description of changes and concerns made during the midpoint Check-In. Element #4: Actual Outcomes

Record and/or attach the number or percentage of students who achieved the student growth targets. Be sure to include any appropriate subgroups. Provide comments you wish to include I gave the topic 5 pretest first. I forgot to tell kids to skip a problem if they didn’t about the actual outcomes: know how to do it rather than guessing so some kids could have gotten a higher score from guessing. I did tell them this for the topic 7 pretest. This definitely effected the scores a bit.

Adjusted Growth Model: Baseline Multiplier Group 6 96-100 X 1.00 Group 5 90-95 x 1.05 Group 4 80-89 x 1.10 Group 3 70-79 x 1.15 Group 2 60-69 x 1.25 Group 1 0-59 x 1.50

Use the Excel sheet provided to fill in baseline scores and final scores for results.

Example: Name Baseline Group Goal to Final Score Goal Met? Meet Bane, Jill 32 1 48 89 Yes Jones, Jen 68 2 85 100 Yes Smith, Bob 90 5 95 94 No REQUIRED FOR EVALUATOR:

Explain how the actual number or percentage of students who achieved student growth targets translates into an appropriate teacher rating.

Element #5: Teacher Rating

Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Excellent Less than 25% of Students 25%-50% of Students Met the 51%-75% of Students Met the 76%-100% of Students Met Met the Indicated Growth Indicated Growth Target(s). Indicated Growth Target(s). the Indicated Growth Target(s). Target(s).

Date Evaluator Signature:

Date Teacher Signature:

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