Priority: Reducing Poverty
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Council Commitment to Local Communities 2012 - 2015
Quarter 4 Progress Report 2014/15 Appendix A Priority: Reducing Poverty
Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date Implement Reducing Poverty Apr Mar Andrew The current action plan was refreshed to show Strategy 2014 2015 Seekings current priorities that tie into the new Council Plan. The action plan was considered by Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee March and is due to go to Executive in June for approval. Current socio economic data shows that there are issues around NEET young people within G G G G Allerdale with lack of opportunities for those in deprived areas. This has a knock on effect to other service areas such as housing and benefits. Cuts to public service budgets mean that some NEETs are slipping through the net and we need to look at enhancing the service for the youngsters within Allerdale through partner organisations and through commissioning. Use Council assets to support the May Mar Graeme Banks Court Toilets has now been sold to G G G G provision of affordable homes across 2014 2016 Wilson Keswick Community Housing Trust (KCHT). the borough KCHT will be converting the former toilet block into four self-contained one bedroom flats that will be let at an affordable rate. Works commenced in March 2015. The estimated completion date is summer 2015. Positive publicity around this project will take place including press releases and BBC1 coverage on the Housing Enforcers documentary.
2 Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date Draft costings for the Westfield Drive site have been submitted for final comment. Work will continue to finalise the exact details of the development prior to any release of land by the Council. Support the formation of community Apr Mar Graeme Various meetings and discussions have taken land trusts to develop affordable 2014 2016 Wilson place to identify community groups that may be housing across the borough interested in becoming a Community Land Trust (CLT). More work needs to be done to raise the awareness in other parishes across the Borough. With the start of the Housing Development Manager it is anticipated that more time can be spent driving the project forward. To date there are five groups where encouraging discussions have taken place. However only one of these groups has requested more information / meetings (in Cockermouth). G G G G The Cumbria Rural Housing Trust are leading on the promotion of Community Land Trusts and it has been decided that the CLT will write to The Cockermouth Town Council to establish if they are interested in becoming involved in the project or finding out more about CLT. The team are working with Keswick Community Housing Trust (KCHT) where discussions are taking place to look at ways in which support can be offered for a planned larger scale housing development in the Keswick area. Organise and deliver an a ‘building May Mar Graeme Project is in development phase. G G G G
3 Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date truly affordable homes’ competition 2014 2016 Wilson
Bring empty properties back into life Apr Mar Graeme There are currently 1046 long term empty homes to provide more affordable homes 2014 2016 Wilson in the Borough and to ensure the team prioritise across the borough the worst empty homes, work is being done to pull together those that have been empty the longest and using the priority scoring mechanism already developed, a "top 10" will be selected to target our attention for this project. The team will engage with the owners of the "top 10" empty homes, develop action plans which G G G G may include possible purchase, grants, deadlines for bringing back into use and/or possible enforcement action. Where funding is used to help bring the homes back into use, the homes will be brought back into use as affordable homes. The detail around this is to be developed over the next couple of months.
4 Priority: Economic Development
Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date Develop Employment Strategy Mar Jan Kevin Issues and options stage has now been 2014 2017 Kerrigan successfully completed. Good progress has been made on site visits and initial assessment of employment sites. G G G G Employment sites have now been sent off for evaluation by statutory consultees. Use Allerdale Investment Partnership Apr Mar Paul Conditional contract in place for site in Maryport. to make better use of Council assets 2014 2017 Shackley Masterplanning project nearing completion for for job creation and economic growth towns in Allerdale. Year 2 Investment Plan being G G G G across the borough prepared.
Develop Environment Strategy to Apr Dec Kevin Publication of the Annual Monitoring Report is on support economic growth in a 2014 2015 Kerrigan track – the Annual Monitoring Report has been sustainable manner (Local Plan Part published. 1) Work is progressing on the Developer G G G G Contributions Supplementary Planning Document. A working draft should be available by the end of June. Develop (with partners) business Apr Mar Nik Hardy The feasibility study did not suggest immediately G G A B start-up units and business support to 2014 2015 moving forward with any project to develop the SMEs and new start-ups business incubator units without further evidence and work to ensure that there is a waiting list and that this would not just be displacement of existing offer. The next stage of this project if it is to be taken forward is to determine that there is sufficient
5 Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date evidence to make this a viable project. This would be required to enable us to access further funding. BEC has agreed to sharing of information between ABC and BEC to help to identify need. It has been noted that land agents do not quantify need, only availability, which may make gaining a full picture challenging. Pilot project (Fusion Go) in progress. Support the development of the Port Mar Jul Kevin The scope of this project has evolved in of Workington as a key strategic site 2014 2015 Kerrigan response to changing circumstances and it is no longer intended to adopt a development brief in line with the timescales envisaged. The land to the north of the Port of Workington will be included as a specific employment allocation within the Allerdale Local Plan – Part 2 taking into account ongoing discussions with potential G G G A end users wishing to develop land in this area. Consideration will be given to the development of a wider masterplan/prospectus to include the land to the north of the Port of Workington as part of a wider employment corridor to include sites affected by the recent closures at Indoraman, Eastman Chemicals and Evonik Goldshmidt.
6 Priority: Town Centres
Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date Develop a Commercial Retail May Sep Paul Strategy 2014 2014 Shackley B
Take a proactive approach on derelict Jan Dec Kevin 37 untidy sites dealt with in 2014. 14 sites dealt and empty properties across the 2014 2014 Kerrigan with without the need for formal action. Others borough are being progressed and could result in formal enforcement action should communications with the property owners not resolve the issues of concern. 12 untidy site notices served in 2014. 1 fully complied with, other 11 ongoing and continue to be monitored with communications with the property owners. 5 untidy sites dealt with in 2015. One of these sites is presently being renovated. 3 untidy site notices (section 215 notice) have been served to end March 2015. These 3 sites have been G G G B targeted following pro-active joint quarterly ‘walk- arounds’ of the town centres. Continue to liaise with Housing regarding derelict and untidy properties and list of all properties to form a shared work base is still planned to be implemented. Two untidy site notices which remain uncomplied with and to be recommended for direct action in accordance with agreed procedures. Pro-active quarterly reviews of town centres ongoing.
7 Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date Develop and promote the unique April March Nik Hardy Allerdale Visitor Guide published and distribution identities and assets of our towns 2014 2015 of 10,000 copies underway. The Guide was serialised in the Times and Star newspaper. Banner Sites - planning consent obtained for Cockermouth Main Street and local design competition underway. 2 banners have been put up to celebrate and promote Keswick market voted as 'best large market' at the 2015 Great G A A B British Market Awards. Sites have been identified for Workington and Maryport, with planning consent for Workington approved. Maryport application is under discussion with the Planning Officer. Wigton Heritage Trail booklet produced in April in conjunction with Wigton Town Team. Develop initiatives to support local April March Nik Hardy At a meeting of the Executive on the 15 April G A A B markets 2014 2015 Members approved the appointment of Geraud Markets Ltd. to manage and operate markets on behalf of the Council for a period of 5 years. The new contract will come into force 1 June. Following a consultation exercise the Council will work with Geraud to create a new Markets Strategy and promotional plan to review and improve the markets offer across Allerdale. Some excellent publicity has been achieved following Keswick being named Market of the Year in the ‘Best Large Outdoor Market’ category of the 2015 Great British Market Awards organised by NABMA (National Association of
8 Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date British Market Authorities).
9 Priority: Sports, Arts and Leisure
Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date New leisure centre for Workington Apr March Paul Project currently on schedule and on budget. 2013 2016 Shackley The build remains on target to contract G G G G completion date. Run a series of sporting events Apr Mar Charles 2 of 4 GOTRI (community triatholon) events have leading up to opening of the new 2014 2016 Holmes taken place. Exploring linking in with Wigton leisure centre Spring Fling in May and mini Maryport Olympics in the summer. These will be delivered as part of the Cumbria Sport Action Fund (£246,000) project which has been commissioned to the Cumbrian Sport and Physical Activity Alliance G G G G Foundation (SPAAF). Also currently exploring option for a Festival of Running in conjunction with the SPAAF and CN Group that will provide a large scale event and leave a legacy of running routes. Develop an Allerdale Leisure Strategy Jun March Charles The Leisure Strategy has been approved by Executive and is now live. The project is now leading to improved leisure provision 2014 2015 Holmes G A A B across the borough moving into Closure Phase.
Secure investment in the Helena Apr August Charles Workington Heritage Group’s Business Plan has Thompson Museum as a heritage 2014 2015 Holmes been approved and the money allocated. An attraction operational plan has been drawn up with the aim G A A G to open the new building by 1 September 2015.
10 Priority: Creating a sustainable business
Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date Maximise income through commercial Sep Sep Andrew A suite of projects is being developed to form the trading 2014 2016 Seekings Commissioning and Commercial Programme and governance arrangements for these are being G G G G explored. A Commercial Board is in place to examine current and future performance. Reduce costs through strategic Apr Mar Andrew Commercial and Commissioning Strategy has commissioning and procurement 2014 2015 Seekings been developed along with an approach to deliver commissioning. The interim commissioning manager is currently reviewing 3 G G G G large contracts. The Commissioning Manager job description has been written and job evaluated. Deliver Customer Transformation April Mar Andrew The Customer Transformation Programme will Programme 2013 2015 Seekings close in June, with the remaining service improvement challenges continuing into 2015/16 as part of a new programme of work. G G G B The programme has delivered some significant changes in the way we serve our customers. Deliver a workforce development May May Zoe There has been slow but steady progress on this G G G A programme 2014 2016 Pluckrose project. The new Leadership & Talent Manager has been in post since February providing resource to bring the action plan alive. 132 employees from across the Council have been involved in developing our behaviours framework, which has been internally facilitated. This framework has now been launched and all
11 Project Title Start Target Project Comment on progress Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date end Executive BRAG BRAG BRAG BRAG date managers are to receive training on appraisals, the training will be provided by our internal facilitators. Graduate trainee started with the Council on 2 year programme in October 2014 and 5 apprentices started with the Council on a one year contract in January 2015. Develop locality plans to address Jan Mar Andrew Locality Profile documents have been used as local issues across the borough 2014 2015 Seekings the basis of discussions with local ward and parish members in each of the seven areas about local priorities. Workshop/discussion sessions were held with groups of ward and parish members in localities in September/ October 2014 and followed up with additional sessions in Jan 2015. A number of queries were raised by local members at these sessions and officers have been working to give responses to G G G A those. Progress has been slower than anticipated in part because officer time has been diverted on to other projects and tasks. Draft Locality Plan framework documents will not be produced to meet the original deadline date on 31 March 2015. Suggested new date for completion of this project is 31 July 2015.
12 BRAG definitions:
Blue Project complete
There are significant concerns over achieving project outputs / there is serious slippage in the Red timetable / there are major issues to rectify
There are concerns over achieving project deadlines or outputs / there are issues to rectify, but plans Amber are in place to get the project back on track
Green Everything is on target / satisfactory progress is being made / no action required