September 20, 2010

Dear (Church Name) families,

As a part of the diocesan centennial celebration, all religious education and Catholic school students throughout the diocese will be visiting St. Ambrose Cathedral. Our parish has chosen October 2, 2011 for our visit. This very special event begins at 1:30 PM and ends at 4:00 PM. During the visit, Bishop Pates will be celebrating Mass with the students and you their parents. Your family will receive a tour of the cathedral and learn about its history as well as have an opportunity for hospitality at the Pastoral Center with Bishop Pates.

Bishop Pates and (Pastor’s name) are excited to be present with our students and their families in the cathedral setting during our 100th year commemoration. We believe this is a unique learning opportunity and experience for all of our students across the diocese to join in prayer at our principal house of worship and to further grow in understanding of the diocesan community. Please take the time right now to reserve Sunday, October 2, 2011 from 1:30 to 4:00 PM on your calendar for this very special centennial opportunity.

Sincerely yours in Christ, Sincerely yours in Christ,

______Pastor’s Signature Catechetical Leader’s Signature

(Your Church Name here) Centennial Schedule Sunday, October 2, 2011 – 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM 1:00 to 1:20 PM: arrive at St. Ambrose Cathedral (those involved in music ministry should arrive no later than 1:10 pm) 1:30 to 2:30 PM Mass with Bishop Pates (regular Sunday Mass) 2:30 to 3:15 PM grades K-3 head to Pastoral Center for snack with Bishop Pates grades 4-12 stay at St. Ambrose for tour 3:15 to 4:00 PM grades K-3 head to St. Ambrose for tour Grades 4-12 head to Pastoral Center for snack with Bishop Pates

St. Ambrose Cathedral Map and parking directions on the back of this letter Map of St. Ambrose Cathedral and available parking

7th Street & Grand St. Ambrose Cathedral 6th & Grand Parking Garage (No Parking In Their Lot!) Parking Lot

Driving Directions & Parking Directions  St. Ambrose Cathedral is located at the corner of 6th Avenue and High Street. High Street is a two way street. Grand Avenue is one way street heading west. 6th Avenue is one way street heading north. 7th Street is one way street heading south.  It is best to exit from I-235 onto 5th Avenue. This street will take you south. o Drive until you reach Grand Avenue and then turn right (one way only). Stay in the right lane. o Turn right onto 6th Avenue and move into the left lane. o Turn left onto High Street and drop off your passenger.  There is no parking allowed in the St. Ambrose Parking Lot.  Please drop students off on the north side of High Street (the front doors to the Cathedral). There will be hospitality ministers available to help your students and families into the Cathedral.  Please park your car either in the parking garage at 7th & Grand (entrance on 7th Street – stay in the left lane), in the parking lot on 6th & Grand or along the streets. There is no charge at meters or in the parking garage on weekends.  Hospitality ministers will help you with directions once you drop off your students.  The Catholic Pastoral Center is the building immediately south of St. Ambrose Cathedral. The entrance into the Pastoral Center is on the south side of the building (facing Grand Avenue). The lobby of the Catholic Pastoral Center is where Bishop Pates will greet your family. We will be serving dessert and lemonade.