The 2006 Tall Ships Race

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The 2006 Tall Ships Race



Purpose & overview

These notes are intended to give guidance for anyone completing the application form to apply for one of the places for ‘sail trainees’ to take part in The Tall Ships Races 2010. These places are being offered by Sail Training Shetland; a collaboration between Lerwick Port Authority, Shetland Tall Ships 2011 Limited and The Swan Trust.

The application process will result in fourteen young adults between the ages of 15-25 taking part in The Tall Ships Races 2010 between Kristiansand, Norway and Hartlepool, UK, in a trip lasting approximately 12/14 days. The placements offered will either be onboard Shetland’s own sail training vessel Swan or the Norwegian Tall Ship Christian Radich. The committee of Sail Training Shetland reserve the right to decide which vessel successful applicants will be placed on.

Sail Trainees will be given the opportunity to participate in some pre-race events and activities in Kristiansand prior to joining the Tall Ships fleet to compete in the second race across the North Sea to Hartlepool.

General information on Sail Training

The following information is extracted from the website of Sail Training International –

“Sail training requires participants to confront many demanding challenges, both physical and emotional. It is an activity that inspires self-confidence and the acceptance of personal responsibility, promotes an acceptance of others whatever their social or cultural backgrounds, and develops a willingness to take controlled risks. For most who undertake sail training on Tall Ships it is a positive life-changing experience.

Sail training is an adventure activity for people of all ages and abilities. It includes instruction in all aspects of sailing but its purpose goes far, far beyond this. Sail training uses the experience of being at sea principally as a means to help people learn about themselves, discover hidden strengths and talents and understand the value of working as a team. In some programmes today it forms the setting for much wider aspects of education at sea.”

The Tall Ships Races 2010 Timetable

For sail trainees offered placements on board SWAN:-

Departure from Lerwick  Sail trainees will be given the opportunity to sail to Kristiansand onboard the Swan.  Swan to depart from Lerwick on Wednesday 28 July for arrival in Kristiansand on or around Friday 30 July 2010.

Race – Kristiansand to Hartlepool  Vessels depart Kristiansand on Sunday 1 August, arriving at Hartlepool on or around Saturday 7 August.  Vessel in port at Hartlepool: Saturday 7 August – Monday 9 August

Return – Hartlepool to Lerwick  Depart Durham on Tees Monday 9 August via flight to Aberdeen.  Depart Aberdeen on Monday 9 August via NorthLink Ferries to Lerwick.

Sail Training Shetland is a Charity registered in Scotland, No: SC041182 Page 1 of 3 For sail trainees offered placements on board CHRISTIAN RADICH:-

Travel to ship – Lerwick to Kristiansand  Depart from Shetland on Thursday 29 July via NorthLink Ferries to Aberdeen.  Depart Aberdeen on Friday 30 July via flight to Kristiansand, Norway.

Race – Kristiansand to Hartlepool  Vessels depart Kristiansand on Sunday 1 August, arriving at Hartlepool on or around Saturday 7 August.  Vessel in port at Hartlepool: Saturday 7 August – Monday 9 August

Return – Hartlepool to Lerwick  Depart Durham on Tees Monday 9 August via flight to Aberdeen.  Depart Aberdeen on Monday 9 August via NorthLink Ferries to Lerwick.

The Tall Ships Races 2010 is organised by the Sail Training International. Further details of the 2010 Race is available at

Age limits

Trainees applying to take part in this opportunity must be aged between 15 and 25 years of age on Wednesday 28 July 2010, the earliest proposed date of departure from Shetland.

Trainees who are under the age of 18 years old will be required to get a parent and/or guardian to countersign their application form to confirm that they are happy for their son/daughter to apply to take part in The Tall Ships Races 2010. If successful following the selection process for ‘sail trainees’, a more detailed parental consent form shall require to be completed by the parent and/or guardian for trainees under the age of 18 years old on 28 July 2010.

Selection process

Interested applicants should complete and return their written application form by 12 noon on Friday 7 May 2009. A selection panel will meet thereafter to decide on a shortlist of potential ‘sail trainees’. An evening sailing trip on the Swan may be arranged sometime between 25 – 27 May to assist with selecting the successful trainees should applications received exceed the number of places available.

Trainees with additional support needs

Applications from anyone who meets the age criteria will be welcomed. Applicants will be asked for details of any additional support needs that they may have and this will not prejudice the consideration of applications. All reasonable support will be given to assist trainees with additional support needs to take part.

It should be borne in mind however, that the nature of participation in The Tall Ships Races is likely to be physically and emotionally demanding. Berths onboard the Swan and Christian Radich are not suitable for individuals with a physical disability.

Applicants who may have difficulty with reading and writing are welcome to have their application scribed and submitted by another person on their behalf.


NorthLink Ferries Limited has kindly agreed to part sponsor the cost of the sail trainees’ passage from Lerwick to Aberdeen on Thursday 29 August and from Aberdeen to Lerwick on Tuesday 10 August 2010. This will be arranged in advance. The costs of all necessary travel and insurance to cover the trip will also be met by Sail Training Shetland.

Sail Training Shetland is a Charity registered in Scotland, No: SC041182 Page 2 of 3 The costs of the Race Entry Fees and passage on the Swan and Christian Radich will be met by sponsorship and grant funding attracted by Sail Training Shetland and the personal contributions from the trainees. Selected trainees will require to make a personal contribution of £250.00, to be paid by no later than Friday 2 July 2010.

Any additional personal expenses other than those set out above will be the responsibility of the successful trainees.


Sail trainees placed on board Christian Radich will require to travel both via ferry and flights, from Lerwick to Kristiansand and for their return journey from Hartlepool to Lerwick.

Sail trainees placed on the Swan will require travel onboard the Swan to Kristiansand, although a flight and ferry journey will be arranged for their return journey from Hartlepool to Lerwick via Aberdeen.

Although it is likely trainees will be travelling as part of a small group they will nonetheless require a degree of self-reliance during the trip. Trainees under the age of 18 years will be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Further information

For more details or specific queries, please contact:

Melanie Henderson Peter Campbell Lerwick Port Authority The Swan Trust 01595 69 2991 (Office Hours) 01595 69 5193 (Evenings)

Sail Training Shetland is a Charity registered in Scotland, No: SC041182 Page 3 of 3

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