Published Intranets in Sharepoint Server 2010

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Published Intranets in Sharepoint Server 2010

Published Intranets in SharePoint Server 2010

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© 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Published Intranets in SharePoint Server 2010

Microsoft Corporation November 2010 Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010

Follow these tasks in the order they are presented to create and operate a published intranet site for your organization.

For the more information, see Published intranets in SharePoint Server 2010.

1. Evaluate

This section suggests some typical steps to take during the evaluation phase before a project is planned. An organization might use different steps or perform steps in a different order to meet its unique needs.

1.1 Evaluate organization needs

In this step, you determine your high-level needs for an intranet site. Include both technical decision makers and business decision makers in this process. Do not plan your specific implementation, but instead take time to identify requirements and constraints.

1.1.1 Identify business goals In this step, you work with a project team to define the business goals for the project. If you don't have an established process for how to envision your project, you can follow the steps in the Microsoft Operations Framework. Related content: Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0 - Envision Service Management Function

1.1.2 Determine availability, capacity, and performance requirements Do you have hours in which downtime might be acceptable? How many users are you serving with this site? Do you have any performance benchmarks you need to hit? Related content: Reliability Service Management FunctionProcess 1: Planning

1.1.3 Identify functional requirements What specific business and functional requirements need to be met for your intranet site? For example, does the site need to be accessible to users around the world? Will different departments have their own sites or will there be only a central Intranet site? 1.1.4 Determine operations criteria Are there specific requirements or restraints for operations for your intranet site? For example, are there any physical infrastructure constraints on your environment?

1.1.5 Identify staff and resource constraints What specific resource constraints will need to be taken into account during planning? For example, do you have a team that includes developers and designers, or will you need to hire employees or consultants to do some of the work?

1.2 Evaluate software capabilities

Review information about SharePoint Server 2010 to determine how using this software can help you achieve your business goals. Related content:

 Case Studies: Advanced search  Product information

1.2.1 Review checklist of SharePoint features Which edition of SharePoint 2010 Products contains the feature set you need? Related content: Evaluation guide for SharePoint Server 2010 (white paper)

1.2.2 Read applicable case studies Learn how other customers are using SharePoint Server 2010 to enhance their businesses. Related content: Case Studies: Advanced search

1.2.3 Compare business requirements with SharePoint features Now that you know what SharePoint Server 2010 can do, and you have a high-level set of goals for your intranet site, compare your business goals and the capabilities of SharePoint Server 2010 to determine whether they fit.

1.2.4 Try out SharePoint Use the trial version of SharePoint Server 2010 to test out your ideas and perhaps create a rough proof of concept. Related content: Download SharePoint 2010 trial

1.3 Review requirements

There are specific hardware, software, and licensing requirements for SharePoint Server 2010. Review these requirements to be sure that your environment and your organization can meet them. 1.3.1 Review licensing options You need to determine the types of licenses you'll need for your environment, how many licenses you'll need, and what the cost of those licenses will be.

1.3.2 Consider dedicated hosting Consider whether you'd rather use a hosting company for your published intranet instead of hosting on site. A hosting company can take on the operational burden of supporting your sites. Related content:

 SharePoint Online planning and administration  SharePoint partners  SharePoint Online

1.3 3 Review system requirements What hardware and software do you need to be able to run SharePoint Server 2010? Related content: System requirements

1.4 Exit criteria

At the end of the Evaluate phase, you should have:

 Determined whether SharePoint Server 2010 can help you meet your business goals regarding a published intranet.  Identified your broad solution criteria, such as desired uptime, maximum number of users, and whether you will take advantage of a hosting company or host your solution on premises.  Decided whether or not to use SharePoint Server 2010 for your intranet site. 2. Plan

2.1 Train IT and development staff

Before you begin your project, make sure your IT and development staff members are fully trained to use SharePoint Server 2010. Training videos and labs are available on TechNet and MSDN. Related content:

 SharePoint 2010 Advanced IT Professional Training  SharePoint 2010 Advanced Developer Training  Take SharePoint Server 2010 training at your desk

2.2 Determine key vision or identity for the site

Determine the most important goals for your site. For example, is the goal to distribute news and communication? To create a centralized location for resources?

2.2.1. Research user roles and scenarios You need to understand who is going to use your site and for what purposes. Consider crafting a series of user personas and scenarios to illustrate these roles, so that your planning and development teams can work with the user in mind.

2.3 Plan information architecture

Effective information architecture makes it easy for users of your published intranet to find and store information. Related content: Plan information architecture for Web content management

2.3.1 Define managed metadata policy for site Define the term sets and terms that will be used as the basis of content organization and searches. Related content: Plan managed metadata

2.3.2 Determine URL structure and addresses You need to consider the number and type of top-level sites and subsites you’ll need, as well as the site collections that will organize them all. Related content: Plan sites and site collections

2.3.3 Identify search scopes Which search scopes are available to use? Which custom ones might need to be created? What set of scopes would be most useful for this site? Related content:

 Plan the end-user search experience  Manage search scopes  Define scopes for searches

2.3.4 Define governance requirements for site and content How do you want to govern the information in your site? What features do you intend to use for governance, for example, versioning, workflows, and content types. How do you ensure that your content stays current? Related content:

 Implementing and governing information architecture  Governance model  SharePoint 2010 Governance Planning (white paper)

2.3.5 Plan information storage design How are you going to store information in your site? What libraries do you need to contain site-wide documents or images? What external storage is needed?

 2.3.6 Plan migration of any existing content into the new site Do you have existing content that needs to be migrated or imported into the site? Third-party tools are available to help you migrate content. Related content: SharePoint partners

2.4 Define implementation-wide requirements

In this task, you define any requirements that affect how the entire site will work, such as accessibility and language requirements.

2.4.1 Determine how to support business goals with analytics The analytics features can help you gather feedback about your site from your users. How can you use these features to make continuous improvements to your site? What data will you gather and how will you use the feedback? Related content: Reporting and usage analysis overview

2.4.2 Set goals for usability and accessibility Build in support for users with accessibility challenges from the start of your designs. Plan usability testing to ensure that the site design is intuitive and works for all of your users. Related content:  Usability  Accessibility resources  Conformance statement A-level  Conformance statement AA-level

2.4.3 Define multilingual requirements for site Does your organization span regional and global boundaries? If so, does your site need to support multiple languages or will you have separate sites for separate regions or languages? Related content: Plan for multilingual sites

2.5 Define content requirements

Many sets of people will be coming to your site for multiple purposes. Plan how to target and secure content so that you display the right information to the right people.

2.5.1 Determine audience targeting needs Do you have distinct sets of users that you can identify and target information to? Use audience targeting to serve the appropriate content to groups of users. Related content: Audience and content targeting planning

2.5.2 Determine permission and security trimming needs How do you prevent users from seeing content they shouldn't, even in search results? Related content:

 Security planning for sites and content  Writing a custom security trimmer for SharePoint Server Search

2.5.3 Choose display tools and options for information After you think about what you want specific users to see, think about the implementation that will support that goal. What types of pages or Web Parts would be helpful for which types of information? What kinds of queries will provide the control that you need over the content display?

2.5.4 Determine media management strategy Do you need a central storage place for images and audio or video files? How do you structure libraries to contain these items so that you can retrieve digital media assets from different areas of the site? Related content: Plan digital asset management

2.5.5 Determine customization requirements Familiarize yourself with the capabilities and programmability features of the SharePoint Server 2010 framework so that you can determine customizations and solutions that you want to build, as well as the tools that you will likely use. Be sure to review best practices. Related content: Programming overviews

2.5.6 Define authoring and publishing flow How do you want authoring and publishing to work for your site? Could you benefit from the approval workflow or a custom workflow? What happens if you need to restore a previous version of the content. Related content:

 Plan content approval and scheduling  Plan workflows

2.6 Plan site structure

Once you’ve determined your requirements, it's time to start planning the design and user experience of your site. Review your branding strategy before you begin this work so that your branding and design will work together well.

2.6.1 Determine site collection structure You can have your whole site in one site collection with multiple subsites, or you can create individual site collections for different areas and associate them by using custom navigation. Related content:

 Plan sites and site collections  Design sample: Corporate deployment

2.6.2 Create site wireframe Create a simple sketch of the site (or wireframe) that includes the general layout of your site and its component pieces. Related content: See "Creating wireframes" in Real world branding with SharePoint Server 2007 publishing sites (part 1 of 2)

2.6.3 Create and review design options Create detailed design illustrations (that is, comps) with branding options and review them with stakeholders. You might also consider usability testing at this stage to see which designs work best for your users. Related content: See "Creating realistic design comps" in Real world branding with SharePoint Server 2007 publishing sites (part 1 of 2) 2.6.4 Define site navigation Determine the best navigation model for your site, including global navigation, quick launch, Content By Query Web Parts, and search. Determine the necessary links for all pages and the positioning of those links. Related content: Plan site navigation

2.7 Define page structure

Determine the overall structure and layout of site pages. What elements do you need on each page, what areas are common and unique, and how much will users be able to change? Related content:

 Create SharePoint site pages  Create basic pages and Web Part pages

2.7.1 Define master pages Master pages provide the interface and overall layout of the pages on a SharePoint site. You must balance the customization of master pages with investments in styles and external cascading style sheets. Related content:

 Introduction to SharePoint master pages  Page layouts and master pages

2.7.2 Define page layouts Page layouts are used to position content on a page that uses the Publishing features in SharePoint Server 2010. They are also used with master pages to control the look and feel of content on a publishing-enabled SharePoint site. Related content: Page layouts and master pages

2.7.3 Define site pages What pages do you need to create for your site? Think about the types of pages, including wiki pages, list view pages, and Web Part pages. Related content:

 Site and page creation  Create SharePoint site pages

2.7.4 Define Web Parts Determine what content you need to expose by using Web Parts. Which are customized Web Parts, which are Web Parts that you need to create or buy, and which standard Web Parts can you use? Related content:

 Building block: Web Parts  Web Parts

2.8 Plan style design

How and where are you going to use Cascading Style Sheets and XSL files for branding and design? Will the site design be locked down or will it allow users to apply a theme?

2.8.1 Define global style guidelines Define and document which styles you will use throughout the site.

2.8.2 Determine use of cascading style sheets Determine how many .css files you want to apply to the site and whether you need multiple .css files for language, themes, and more. Related content: Cascading Style Sheets Class Usage in SharePoint Foundation

2.8.3 Define XSLT style sheets In addition to cascading style sheets styles, you can use XSL sheets to design specific Web parts, such as the XSLT List View and Content By Query Web Parts. Both of these Web Parts can appear in the body of your site pages. Related content: How to: Customize styles

2.9 Plan custom development and extensibility

Determine how much custom development is required and at what level, including sandboxed solutions versus full-trust development. Related content:

 SharePoint Foundation development in depth  What's new in SharePoint Foundation 2010  What's new in SharePoint Server 2010

2.9.1. Plan customizations to navigation Identify and diagram your intended site navigation, and learn how SharePoint navigation works. Then, plan the controls, Web Parts, ribbon customizations and other customizations that will be needed to implement your navigation. Related content: Plan site navigation 2.9.2. Plan custom Web parts and forms Determine the necessary validation steps to ensure the scope, security, and performance of custom Web Parts that your development team will be building. Related content:

 Building block: Web Parts  Manage Web Parts

2.9.3. Plan business intelligence and data integration Determine how to integrate your business data by using Business Connectivity Services and determine the processes that you will need to put in place in order to protect the performance and security of your custom solutions. Related content:

 Plan for Business Connectivity Services  PerformancePoint Services

2.10 Plan for browsing and search

Review browser, multilingual, and search requirements, and ensure that your site design will meet your requirements.

2.10.1 Determine browser support See if the browsers in use in your organization can be used with SharePoint Server 2010. Related content: Plan browser support

2.10.2 Plan UI for multilingual sites Do you need to provide a way for site users to view the user interface in a language other than the default site language? How will application content be translated? What language packs need to be installed? Related content:

 Introduction to multilingual features  Plan for the multilingual user interface

2.10.3 Design search UI Design how search will work with your site and how the search user interface will appear. Design the search page and search results page so that they provide useful links to users. Related content:

 Enterprise Search in SharePoint Server 2010  Learn about the minimal master page used on Search Center sites

2.11 Plan solution architecture

In this section, you plan the underlying architecture for your publishing intranet, including security, storage, performance, and business continuity requirements.

2.11.1 Plan page security Learn about the built-in security settings of SharePoint Server 2010. Consider using sandboxed solutions for deploying customizations. For solutions that can't be sandboxed, understand the requirements for any code access security policy you implement. Related content:

 Securing Web Parts in SharePoint Foundation  Save a SharePoint site as a template

2.11.2 Define topology and logical architecture Review recommended topologies and logical architecture to determine the architecture that will work best for your implementation. Related content:

 Topologies model  Logical architecture components

2.11.3 Plan storage Determine the type, amount, and frequency of data use in your organization and then specify which content should be stored in SharePoint versus integrated external storage. Related content: SQL Server and storage

2.11.4 Plan security and permissions Determine when and where to apply permissions on the site collection and which users and groups should have access to those sites. Related content:

 Security planning for sites and content  Permissions management

2.11.5 Plan for performance and capacity How many users do you need to support? What kind of performance targets do you need to meet? How will you test your system to ensure that you can hit those targets? Can you foresee future impacts? Related content: Performance and capacity management

2.11.6 Plan for business continuity You need to be able to restore your environment after either planned or unplanned downtime. Determine your recovery strategy. Related content: Plan for business continuity management

2.11.7 Plan for globally deploying multiple farms Will you deploy farms at the same time, or deploy them in phases? How will you address search and social computing requirements across farms? Will you integrate collaboration sites?

2.12 Plan integration with related solutions

Published intranet sites are rarely the only SharePoint solution deployed within an organization. How will you integrate other solutions with your published intranet? How will this integration change your design?

2.12.1 Plan for collaboration and social computing If you are hosting collaboration sites and My Site Web sites in your larger environment, how will these solutions interact with, depend on, or be integrated with your published intranet site? Related content: Plan for social computing and collaboration

2.12.2 Plan for search integration How will you search your published intranet site, and what other sites do you want to provide search results from? Related content: Enterprise Search in SharePoint Server 2010

2.13 Create project plan for overall effort

Now that you've reviewed all of the steps in this phase, you can create a detailed project plan for developing and deploying your published intranet site. Related content: Project Planning Service Management Function

2.14 Verify that site design complies with governance plan and meets organization needs

Check your draft design against your governance plan to ensure that it meets the criteria you set and will comply with your requirements.

2.15 Create training plan and gather training materials and resources Now is the time to set up training for your end users. You'll want to have resources in place before the rollout of your intranet. Related content: Getting started with SharePoint Server 2010

2.16 Order hardware

With the solution design, architecture, and capacity and performance planning done, you can be confident about the hardware you'll need to support your solution.

2.17 Exit criteria

At the end of the Plan phase, you should have:

 Identified the hardware and software requirements for your unique solution.  Created a solution specification that includes plans for: o Site navigation and information architecture o Branding o Metadata o Physical and logical design o Monitoring and maintenance o Governance o Training  Identified requirements for any custom features. 3. Develop

3.1 Review application lifecycle management (ALM) best practices

Plan and implement an application lifecycle management (ALM) process that integrates the SharePoint Server 2010 development tools and capabilities with the specific requirements and needs of your project. Related content:

 Application Lifecycle Management Resource Center  Setting up the development environment for SharePoint 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008  Best practices with SharePoint Server

3.2 Create proof of concept

Use a proof of concept to check whether what you have planned is what your stakeholders had envisioned. Related content: Proof-of-concept design

3.3 Create custom connectors

Integrate data from your external business systems and data stores so that you can manipulate them with the familiar development capabilities of SharePoint Server 2010. Related content: Microsoft Business Connectivity Services

3.4 Develop customizations to global layout

You customize your site’s global layout using a combination of SharePoint master pages, Cascading Style Sheets, page layouts, and content pages. Related content: Building block: Pages and user interface

3.4.1 Create new master pages Depending on the amount of customization, you can modify the default master pages or create new master pages. You’ll need a primary master page for most SharePoint pages, a minimal master page for search pages, and a publishing master page for publishing sites. Related content: Introduction to SharePoint master pages

3.4.2 Customize the master pages based on design comps With your completed design mockup, you’re ready to implement that design in your master page. Use the master page to position individual content regions and elements on the page. Related content: Introduction to SharePoint master pages 3.4.3 Create an external cascading style sheet and attach it to the master page To customize colors, images, and text attributes, create a separate cascading style sheet and attach it to your primary master page. You’ll store most of the design attributes in this file. Related content:

 Cascading Style Sheets Class Usage in SharePoint Foundation  How to: Customize styles

3.4.4 Create and apply styles from cascading style sheets to master page content To apply styles to your master page, you’ll first inspect the existing styles that SharePoint is applying to content and then override those styles with your own. You can inspect these applied styles using the Developer Tools included with Internet Explorer. Related content:

 Cascading Style Sheets Class Usage in SharePoint Foundation  Introduction to SharePoint master pages

3.4.5 Customize XSL styling for list views and Web Parts In addition to the styles applied to the main elements on your master page, you can design the look and feel of the custom views and Web Parts on those pages by using XSL. Related content:

 Customize the XSL style sheets for the Summary of Links, Table of Contents, and Content by Query Web Parts  List views  Customize data views and forms in SharePoint Designer

3.4.6 Customize master pages by using development tools Use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and the SharePoint object model to customize the standard look and feel and the standard behavior for most of the pages on your site. Related content:

 Building block: Pages and user interface  Master pages  Deploy a master page using Visual Studio 2010

3.5 Create publishing page layout For publishing-enabled sites, you customize the publishing master page and associated page layouts that together control the placement of publishing page content. Related content:

 Introduction to publishing sites  Introduction to master pages

3.5.1 Create publishing content types Use the browser or the SharePoint object model to create and manage metadata related to items and documents in lists and document libraries. Related content:

 Introduction to content types and publishing content types  Introduction to Content Types

3.5.2 Create and test custom behavior for publishing pages Implement and test any custom publishing behaviors for publishing pages that your end users will create. Related content:

 PublishingPage Class  Create and manage publishing pages  Introduction to working with publishing sites

3.5.3 Create Term Sets for published content Use the browser to take advantage of the managed metadata features of SharePoint Server 2010, or use the SharePoint object model to customize the behavior of these features. Related content:

 Create, configure, and manage groups and term sets  Managing metadata  How to: Customize Content Type Syndication

3.6 Test browser support

Verify that your pages work in the browsers that are available in your environment.

3.7 Create custom navigation Build and customize the navigation links, the look and feel of those links, and the behavior of the links as part of the overall user experience. Related content: How to: Customize navigation

3.7.1 Create global navigation menus Once you determine the navigation menus for the site, design the menus that you want to appear consistently across the site. Next, use the master page so the menus map to the overall corporate brand. Related content: Working with menus and navigation objects

3.7.2 Style navigation by using cascading style sheets Customize your cascading style sheets with styles for the navigational elements of your site. Related content: How to: Customize styles

3.7.3 Customize navigation by using .NET development tools Use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to customize the behavior of the navigational elements of your user interface. Related content: How to: Customize navigation

3.7.4 Embed Silverlight navigation into master page Integrate Silverlight applications into your user interface by using the Silverlight Web Part and the cross-domain data access capabilities of SharePoint Server 2010. Related content:

 What's new: Silverlight integration and cross-domain data access  How to: Create external application XML markup

3.8 Develop custom Web Parts and forms

Add new functionality to your site and enhance your user interface by creating new Web Parts. Related content: Building block: Web Parts

3.8.1 Matching Web Parts to use cases and use of Content by Query Web Part Customize the dynamic display of data on your site's user interface by using the Content by Query Web Part. Related content:

 How to: Customize the Content by Query Web Part by using custom properties  How to: Display custom fields in a Content by Query Web Part  How to: Customize XSL for the Content by Query Web Part 3.8.2 Create custom Web Parts by using .NET development tools Use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to add functionality to your site and to customize your user interface by creating custom Web Parts. Related content: Building block: Web Parts

3.9 Create custom search experience

Customize and extend the SharePoint Enterprise Search functionality and user interface to provide search users with an enhanced search experience. Related content: Customizing the Enterprise Search UI

3.10 Create custom site templates

Declaratively create reusable custom site definitions by using SharePoint Designer 2010 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Create your development environment, and then create the site hierarchy and elements of the custom site template. Related content:

 Setting up the development environment for SharePoint 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008  How to: Create a custom site definition and configuration  Save a SharePoint site as a template

3.10.1 Create Web application Create a Web application to host the site collections and sites for your development environment. Related content: Create a Web application

3.10.2 Create site collection based on enterprise template Create a site collection to host the sites for your development environment. Related content: Create a site collection

3.10.3 Create site lists and libraries as required for development environment Use the browser or Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to create any lists and document libraries that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content: Building block: Lists and document libraries

3.10.4 Upload corporate images, scripts, and support files Add to your development and test environments any artifacts that are specific to your corporate environment and that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. 3.10.5 Create content types Create any custom content types that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content:

 Create site content types  Building block: Content Types  Creating Content Types

3.10.6 Create variations of site for multilingual support Create the labels that your localization team will use for the source variations site and the target variations sites, and then create the variations site hierarchy. Related content: Create a variations site

3.10.7 Create site hierarchy Create those elements of your site hierarchy that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content: SharePoint Foundation Building Blocks

3.10.8 Create supporting subsites that make up the intranet Create any subsites in your site hierarchy that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content: See a preview of SharePoint 2010 templates

3.10.9 Create required content types and columns for lists Create any custom content types and list columns that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content: Create, change, or delete a column in a list or library

3.10.10 Create lists and libraries Create any custom lists and document libraries that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content:

 Create or delete a list  Create or delete a library

3.10.11 Create and customize list views Create any custom list views that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content:  Create a list view in the browser  Create a custom list view using SharePoint Designer

3.10.12 Configure approval workflow for a list, library, or content type Add and configure any approval workflows that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content:

 Understand approval workflows  Use an Approval workflow  Use the task process editor for approval workflows

3.10.13 Create initial publishing pages Create any publishing pages that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content: Creating and editing publishing pages

3.10.14 Enable versioning of published content Enable the versioning behavior that your development team will need to create and test its custom solutions. Related content: How does versioning work in a list or library?

3.11 Optimize code performance, Validate Solution and fix bugs

Review published code optimization best practices for SharePoint Server 2010. Implement best practices and review and test policies for optimizing the performance of your custom code. Related content:

 Writing efficient code in SharePoint Server  Best practices with SharePoint Server

3.12 Create strings for multiple locales

Use resource files to create all of the strings that will be required to translate your user interface into the languages used in different locales. Related content: Working with resource files

3.13 Create the solution package

Use SharePoint Designer 2010, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, or the browser to create and save the solution package that contains your site customizations and custom solutions. Related content: Building block: Solutions 3.13.1 Create the solution package in SharePoint Designer Use SharePoint Designer 2010 to save the site as a template that contains all of the customizations that you have created. Related content: Save a SharePoint site as a template

3.13.2 Create the solution package using developer tools Use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to create a package that contains all of the custom solutions that you have created. Related content: Packaging and deploying SharePoint solutions

3.13.3 Create the solution package using the browser Use the browser to create a package that contains all of the custom solutions that you have created. Related content: How to save a site as a template in SharePoint 2010

3.14 Create operations plan and train operations staff

Plan and implement policies for managing the lifecycle of your site customizations and custom solutions. Related content: Application Lifecycle Management Resource Center

3.15 Exit criteria

At the end of the Develop phase, you should have:

 Ensured that custom solutions build without errors, warnings, or bugs.  Completed a test pass.  Staged all custom solutions.  Fixed all bugs found during user acceptance testing.  Verified that all custom solutions meet the identified business needs.  Verified that the customized user experience matches the design plans. 4. Deploy

Follow the steps in this section to deploy your published intranet to both test and production environments.

4.1 Run and test a pilot solution

As a best practice, create a pilot project and test your published intranet solution with representative users to ensure that it works the way you want it to. Then, make any adjustments before deploying to your production environment. Related content: Process 2: Conduct a Pilot Test

4.2 Prepare the servers

In this step, make sure that your servers are appropriately secure. Next, verify that all necessary software has been installed and that the servers are configured correctly to host your solution.

4.2.1 Harden the servers Follow best practices to ensure that the database servers in your environment are secure and optimized for hosting SharePoint sites. Related content: Harden SQL Server for SharePoint environments

4.2.2 Install SharePoint Server 2010 Install the pre-requisite software and the SharePoint Server 2010 software to your Web and application servers. Choose the deployment scenario article that best fits your environment. Related content: Deployment for SharePoint Server 2010

4.2.3 Create service applications Configure the service applications that will host any services you use in the farm, such as Business Data Connectivity, Search, and Managed Metadata. Related content: Configure services Configure search If you are going to host search locally on your published intranet farm, instead of in a separate services farm, now is the time to configure the Search service. Related content: Enterprise search administration Configure a Managed Metadata service application Create the Managed Metadata service application to host your terms and term sets in your taxonomy. Related content: Configure a managed metadata service application Configure Web analytics Configure the Web Analytics service to collect, report, and analyze the usage of your site. Related content: Configure Web Analytics service application

4.2.4 Create Web applications Create a Web application to host the site collections and sites for your environment. Related content: Create a Web application

4.2.5 Configure outgoing e-mail Configure outgoing e-mail so users can create alerts to such items as lists, libraries, and documents. Related content: Configure outgoing e-mail

4.2.6 Set up URL structure Configure DNS to provide the URLs for your sites.

4.2.7 Configure Alternate Access Mapping (AAM) zones and authentication Alternate access mapping allows you to use multiple URLs to access the content from different zones in your environment, such as from an extranet. Related content:

 How Do I: Configure an Alternate Access Mapping in SharePoint 2010?  Configure claims authentication  Configure Kerberos authentication

4.2.8 Create data stores and configure connections If you are storing data remotely, you need to configure the connections to the data sources. Related content: Business Connectivity Services Resource Center

4.3 Deploy the published intranet solution

In this step, you deploy your custom solution to your servers.

4.3.1 Deploy site templates and solutions Install the site elements that have been created for your intranet and make it available on the servers. Related content: Deploy customizations - overview

4.3.2 Create the site Create the site collection for your published intranet site. Related content: Create a site collection 4.3.3 Configure site permissions for authors and approvers Configure the permissions for users who will be allowed to create, approve, and manage content. Related content:

 Security and permissions  Managing permissions

4.3.4 Configure security for Web Parts pages and controls Be sure to set appropriate permissions for any controls on any Web Part pages. Related content: Securing Web Parts in SharePoint Foundation

4.3.5 Enable publishing features If you did not use the Publishing template but you want to use the publishing features, you must enable them. Related content: Enable publishing features

4.3.6 Configure user feedback options Configure settings so that readers can rate your content, if you want to. Related content: Enable users to rate content

4.3.7 Configure incoming RSS feeds RSS feeds can be configured so that users are notified of newly available or updated content. Related content: RSS and alerts

4.3.8 Configure organization and profile information Configure the organization profile properties and settings for social tagging in your environment. Related content:

 Organization profile management  Managing personal and social features

4.3.9 Configure caching Configure cache settings to improve the speed at which Web pages load in the browser. Related content: Cache settings operations

4.3.10 Configure integration with external systems Connect to your external data, accessed by means of a Web service, SQL Server database, or a custom connector. Related content:  Plan for Business Connectivity Services  Manage external systems

4.4 Create metadata

Create terms and term sets for your environment, and configure metadata navigation you want to use for lists or libraries. Related content:

 Create and manage terms within term sets  Configure metadata navigation for a list or library

4.5 Train content authors and content approvers

Ensure that your authors and approvers understand the processes and tools they need to use to add and maintain content on the site. Related content:

 Training courses  Videos

4.6 Author and import content

Author new content for the site, or import existing content from another site by using third-party content migration tools. Related content:

 Create and edit pages by using the browser  Creating and editing pages on a publishing-enabled site  SharePoint partners

4.7 Grant permissions to site visitors

After the content has been added and the site is ready for use by all users in your organization, the site owner can grant access to authenticated users in your environment. Related content: Control user access with permissions

4.8 Configure monitoring options

Configure logging and usage and health data collection, and ensure that you can monitor your solution. Related content: Configuring monitoring 4.9 Perform operational maintenance tasks

Run through all of your standard operational maintenance tasks so that you have a current backup and a good working state as you roll out your intranet. Related content: SharePoint Server 2010 Operations Framework and Checklists (white paper)

4.10 Set up and configure regional farms

Configure any farms that will host your site's content in other regions, and then replicate the content to those farms.

4.11 Roll out the site

You can now provide access to your pilot users, or your full set of users and send the solution live. Related content: Deployment Service Management Function

4.12 Exit criteria

At the end of the Deploy phase, you should have:

 Completed a pilot project and addressed and incorporated any feedback or changes.  Set up a production farm that is running a working, tested solution.  Set up regional versions that are ready to use.  Rolled out your solution to users.

5. Operate

5.1 Farm administrator operations

In this section, you manage your farm to keep all services, servers, and sites running effectively. Related content: Server and server farm operations

5.1.1 Monitor and tune server farm performance Keep your servers running in a healthy state, and ensure that your sites are handling requests efficiently. Related content: Health monitoring 5.1.2 Manage business continuity Put your backup and restore plans into action and ensure that your farm is available when needed. Related content:

 Backup and recovery  Availability configuration

5.1.3 Install software updates Keep your servers and sites running well by installing the latest software updates for SharePoint Server 2010, your operating system, SQL Server, and any other software running on your farm. These updates contain important product enhancements and improvements. Related content: Deploy software updates for SharePoint Server 2010

5.1.4 Update search terms Evaluate your search terms – are users' searches returning the best results? What can you do to tune the results? Web analytics reports can also help you understand what is working well and what is not. Related content:

 Manage settings to improve search results  Reporting and usage analysis overview

5.1.5 Maintain services Follow the provided checklists or create your own checklists to manage and maintain your servers and services. Related content: SharePoint Server 2010 Operations Framework and Checklists (white paper)

5.2 Content and site owner operations

Authors, approvers, and owners perform these tasks to manage the content within a site, whether that content is terms and term sets, data, text, or documents. Related content: Introduction to Web Content Management

5.2.1 Manage metadata Review and update terms periodically to ensure that you are categorizing information appropriately and following your taxonomy. Related content: Create and manage terms within term sets 5.2.2 Monitor the published intranet site Site collection owners can audit the site to understand how it is being used. Related content: Auditing

5.2.3 Revise site content and structure Periodically review and refresh the site content, structure, and navigation. Ensure that you are providing only content that is needed, current, and accurate. Verify that the site structure and navigation still serves your users and supports your business goals.

5.2.4 Run and review analytics and site usage reports Use the Web analytics and usage reports to determine what is popular and frequently used in your site and what is not being used enough or is not needed. Related content: Reporting and usage analysis overview

5.3 Author and approver operations

Authors and approvers can add new pages or new content to existing pages in the site, and then publish it by using the approval workflow.

5.3.1 Author publishing pages Create new publishing pages for the site, or edit existing pages. Related content: Create and edit pages by using the browser

5.3.2 Start content approval for publishing After authoring new content or changing existing content, submit it for publishing by using the approval workflow. Related content: Use an Approval workflow

5.3.3 Approve content for publishing Use the approval workflow to publish content to the live site. Related content: Approve or reject a pending submission

5.4 Site visitor operations

Train your site visitors on your new Intranet site, and then let them start using it and providing feedback.

5.4.1 View the site by using a browser Get started using your intranet site. Related content: Basic tasks in SharePoint Server 2010

5.4.2 Rate and tag content Let the site owners and other users know what you liked or didn't like, and what's relevant to you by tagging and rating content. Related content:

 Rate content  Use tags and notes to share information with colleagues

5.4.3 Subscribe to alerts and RSS feeds Find out what has changed on your intranet site or on external blogs or news channels by subscribing to alerts on the site or signing up for RSS feeds. Related content: Create an alert or subscribe to an RSS feed

5.4.4 Get Help Help and other resources, such as templates and training, are available on the Web site. Related content:

 Take SharePoint Server 2010 training at your desk  SharePoint Server Help  Online Help, templates, training, and additional content

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