Novel Genotype Classification System for Rotavirus Viral Proteins VP1, VP2 and VP3
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1Supplemental Data 6 Phylogenetic dendrogram of VP1 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap
2values (2000 replicates) are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu: human; Rh:
3Rhesus; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line indicates the
4best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces on the right
5side of the dendrograms depict the genotypes as they are proposed in this study. Panel B show the
6VP1 identity frequency graph. VP1 nucleotide accession numbers collected from GenBank: RF,
7J04346; RRV, EF583006; MG6, EF554093; PA169, EF554126; UKtc, X55444; B4106,
8AY740741; 30/96, DQ205221; SA11-Both, X16830; SA11-tsC, DQ838601; SA11-H96,
9DQ838640; SA11, AF015955; SA11-5N, DQ838636; SA11-5S, DQ838637; SA11-30/19,
10DQ838638; SA11-30/1A, DQ838639; B10925, EF554115; 111/05-27, EF554137; OVR762,
11EF554148; Hun5, EF554104; TB-Chen, AY787653; B1711, EF554082; DRC88, DQ005114;
12DRC86, DQ005125; N26-02, DQ146682; RV176-00, DQ490551; RV161-00, DQ490545; T152,
13DQ146699; TUCH, EF583010; YM, X76486; Gottfried, M32805; KU, AB022765; Dhaka25-02,
14DQ146649; Dhaka16-03, DQ492669; B4633-03, DQ146638; Matlab13-03, DQ146671;
15Dhaka12-03, DQ146660; PO-13, AB009629.
17Supplemental Data 7 Phylogenetic dendrograms of VP2 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap
18values (2000 replicates) are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu: human; Rh:
19Rhesus; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line indicate the
20best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces on the right
21side of the dendrograms depict the genotypes as they are proposed in the manuscript. Panel B
22shows the identity frequency graph. Panels C, D and E show details of the boxed region of panel
23B. In panel D, the identities among rotavirus strains belonging to the C2 genotype are shown in
24dark green. In panels E, the above mentioned dark green bars are omitted. VP2 nucleotide
1 1 1accession numbers collected from GenBank: UKtc, X52589; RF, X14057; Hun5, EF554105;
2MG6, EF554094; 30/96, DQ205222; OVR762, EF554149; B4106, AY740740; B10925-97,
3EF554116; 111/05-27, EF554138; PA169, EF554127; B1711, EF554083; TB-Chen, AY787652;
4DRC88, DQ005113; DRC86, DQ005124; RV161-00, DQ490546; N26-02, DQ146683; RV176-
500, DQ490552; T152, DQ146700; TUCH, EF583011; RRV, EF583007; SA11-Cl3, AF474406;
6SA11, X16831; SA11_Ramig, L33364; SA11-tsF, L20084; SA11-H96, DQ838635; SA11-5S,
7DQ838632; SA11-30/19, DQ838633; SA11-5N, DQ838631; SA11-1A, DQ838634; Wa,
8X14942; KU, AB022766; Dhaka12-03, DQ146661; Dhaka16-03, DQ492670; Dhaka25-02,
9DQ146650; Matlab13-03, DQ146672; Beijing, DQ862063; B4633-03, DQ146639; PO-13,
12Supplemental Data 8 Phylogenetic dendrogram of VP3 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap
13values (2000 replicates) are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu: human; Rh:
14Rhesus; Eq: equine; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line
15indicates the best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces
16on the right side of the dendrograms depict the genotypes as they are proposed in this study. B
17shows the identity frequency graphs. VP3 Nucleotide accession numbers collected from
18GenBank: TB-Chen, AY787654; DS-1, AY277914; DRC88, DQ005112; DRC86, DQ005123;
19N26-02, DQ146684; RV161-00, DQ490547; RV176-00, DQ490553; 111/05-27, EF554139;
20Hun5, EF554106; B10925-97, EF554117; OVR762, EF554150; MG6, EF554095; B1711,
21EF554084; PA169, EF554128; 69M, AY277916; UKtc, AY300923; RF, AY116592; RRV,
22EF583008; T152, DQ146701; TUCH, EF583012; B4106, AY740739; 30/96, DQ205223; SA11-
23tsB, DQ838600; SA11-5N, DQ838641; SA11, X16062; SA11-5S, DQ838642; SA11, X16387;
24SA11-H96, DQ838645; SA11-30/1A, DQ838644; SA11-30/10, DQ838643; L338, AY277922;
1 2 1OSU, AY277921; YM1, AY300922; Wa, AY267335; Hochi, AY277915; WI-61, AY277917;
2L26, AY277918; A64, AY277920; KU, AB022767; B4633-03, DQ146640; Dhaka12-03,
3DQ146662; Dhaka25-02, DQ146651; Dhaka16-03, DQ492671; Matlab13-03, DQ146673; ST3,
4AY277919; PO-13, AB009631; CH2, AY277923.
6Supplemental Data 9 Phylogenetic dendrogram of NSP1 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap
7values (2000 replicates) above 50 are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu:
8human; Rh: Rhesus; Eq: equine; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Fe: feline; Ca:
9canine; Mu: murine; Av: avian. The dashed line indicates the best option to divide the
10dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces on the right side of the dendrograms
11depict the 14 A-genotypes as they are proposed in this study. Panel B shows the identity
12frequency graph. NSP1 nucleotide accession numbers collected from GenBank: B223, Z12105;
13Hochii, Z12106; OSU(a), Z12107; UKtc, Z12108; UK, L11575; St3(a), Z32534; RRV(d),
14Z32535; 69M(a), Z32552; ST3(b), U11492; C-11, AF084550; Alabama, AF084549; BAP-2,
15AF084551; RRV(a), AY117048; RRV(b), U08433; RRV(c), AY117053; K9, AF111946;
16FRV64, D78362; L338, D38158; FI14, D38155; FI23, D38156; H2, D38157; SA11-4F,
17AF290883; SA11-4S, L29185; SA11-FEM, AF290881; SA11-both, X14914; SA11-Patton,
18L18944; EHP, U08423; EW, U08428; T152, AB097459; 116E, U85999; K8, D38152; Wa,
19L18943; RF, M22308; B641, AF458087; I321, U08418; A44, U23726; IGV-80-3, X59297; IGV-
20re, AF190169; OSU(b), U08432; KU, AB022769; Cat2, U23727; MP409, AF141916; A5-13,
21D38148; M37, U11491; AU-1, D45244; YM, BAA20545; Gottfried, U08431; DS-1(a), L18945;
22L26(a), D38150; 69M(b), D38151; H1, U23728; PO-13, AB009633; B4106, AY740735; NR1,
23AF506017; RMC321, AF506292; 4S, L29185; 4F, L29183; TB-Chen, AY787647; DRC88,
24DQ005108; B4633-03, DQ146644; RMC/G7, AY601547; RMC100, AY601546; Dhaka25-05,
1 3 1DQ146655; Dhaka12-03, DQ146666; Dhaka16-03, DQ492675; Matlab13-03, DQ146677; N26-
202, DQ146688; 30/96, DQ205225; DRC86, DQ005119; RV176-00, DQ490557; RV161-00,
3DQ490540; 111/05-27, EF554143; B10925-97, EF554121; Hun5, EF554110; MG6, EF554099;
4PA169, EF554132; R14a, DQ199658; R1a, DQ199657; KJ44, DQ494396; KJ75, DQ494395;
5B1711, EF554088; TUCH, DQ838651; SA11-H96, DQ838599; O, DQ838595; OVR762,
8Supplemental Data 10 Phylogenetic dendrogram of NSP2 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap
9values (2000 replicates) above 50 are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu:
10human; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line indicates the
11best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces on the right
12side of the dendrograms depict the 5 N-genotypes as they are proposed in this study. Panel B
13shows the identity frequency graph. NSP2 nucleotide accession numbers collected from
14GenBank: NCDV, L04530; UK, J02420; SA11-both, J02353; RF, Z21640; I321, Z47975; OSU,
15X06722; KU, AB022770; IS2, CAA64262; Hu, X57944; SA11-Ramig, L04532; SA11-Patton,
16L04531; SA11-tsE, L20901; PO-13, AB009625; Ty-1, Q03244, of, AAA47300; B4106,
17AF506293; RMC321, AAQ07959; NR1, AF506018; TB-Chen, AY787648; DRC88, DQ005107;
18DRC86, DQ005118; RMC100, AF506014; 30/96, DQ205227; Dhaka25-02, DQ146656;
19Dhaka12-03, DQ146667; Matlab13-03, DQ146678; N26-02, DQ146689; RV161-00, DQ490541;
20Dhaka16-03, DQ492676; RV176-00, DQ490558; B4633-03, DQ146645; L26(a), DQ146696;
21T152, DQ146703; Wa, L04534; DS-1(a), L04529; Au-1, DQ490534; 111/05-27, EF554144;
22B10925-97, EF554122; Hun5, EF554111; MG6, EF554100; PA169, EF554133; B1711,
23EF554089; KJ75, DQ494402; KJ44, DQ494401; SA11-H96, DQ838615; SA11-30/1A,
1 4 1DQ838614; SA11-30/19, DQ838613; SA11-5S, DQ838612; SA11-5N, DQ838611; O,
2DQ838597; OVR762, EF554155.
4Supplemental Data 11 Phylogenetic dendrogram of NSP3 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap
5values (2000 replicates) above 50 are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu:
6human; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Rh: Rhesus; Av: avian. The dashed line
7indicates the best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces
8on the right side of the dendrograms depict the 7 T-genotypes as they are proposed in this study.
9Panel B shows the identity frequency graph. NSP3 nucleotide accession numbers collected from
10GenBank: Hg17, X81427; RF, Z21639; MP409, AF141917; KU, AB022771; ST3, X81436;
11I321, X81433; IGV-S, AF190171; Gottfried, X81430; M, AF338246; IGV-P, AF190170; OSU,
12X81431; Wa, X81434; PRICE, X81432; WI61, X81437; RRV, AY065842; RRV-bis, X81426;
13S2, X81428; 69M, X81425; SA11-4F, M87502; SA11-C14, AY065843; SA11-both, X00355;
14IS2, X76645; PO-13, AB009626; RMC321, AF541920; NR1, AF506019; UK, K02170; IGV-F,
15AF190172; NCDV, X81429; TB-Chen, AY787649; DRC88, DQ005106; DRC86, DQ005117;
16B4633-03, DQ146646; L26, DQ146697; T152, DQ146704; RMC100, AF506015; Dhaka25-02,
17DQ146657; Dhaka12-03, DQ146668; Dhaka16-03, DQ492677; Matlab13-03, DQ146679; N26-
1802, DQ146690; B4106, AY740733; 30/96, DQ205228; RV161-00, DQ490542; RV176-00,
19DQ490559; DS-1, EF136660; Au-1, DQ490535; 111/05-27, EF554145; B10925-97, EF554123;
20Hun5, EF554112; MG6, EF554101; PA169, EF554134; B1711, EF554090; KJ75, DQ494404;
21KJ44, DQ494403; SA11-H96, DQ838610; SA11-30/1A, DQ838609; SA11-30/19, DQ838608;
22SA11-5S, DQ838607; SA11-5N, DQ838606; OVR762, EF554156; GO, X81430.
1 5 1Supplemental Data 13 Phylogenetic dendrogram of NSP5 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap
2values (2000 replicates) above 50 are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu:
3human; Rh: Rhesus; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line
4indicates the best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces
5on the right side of the dendrograms depict the 6 H-genotypes as they are proposed in this study.
6Panel B shows the identity frequency graph. Panels C, D and E show details of the boxed region
7of panel B. In panel D, the identities among rotavirus strains belonging to the H2, E1 and E3
8genotypes are shown in green, blue and red bars, respectively. In panels E, the above mentioned
9bars are omitted. NSP5 nucleotide accession numbers collected from GenBank: ALA, J04361;
10RF, AF188126; RRV(ATCC), AF306492; Wa(ATCC), AF306494; Wa(b), V01191; K8,
11AB008655; Au-1, AB008656; O264, AB008657; M318, AB008658; 512A, AB008659; 512B,
12AB008660; KUa, AB008661; KUb, AB022773; 512C, AB008662; 470, AB008663; 582,
13AB008664; Wa(a), AB091726; KUN, AB091727; 87H134, AB091353; 88H185, AB091354;
1492H085, AB091355; 88H116, AB091356; 92H069, AB091357; 88H242, AB091358; 92H102,
15AB091359; 96H001, AB045217; 96H026, AB045218; 96H063, AB045219; 96H070, AB045220;
16SA11, M28347; UK, K03385; VMRI, M33606; 69M, M33607; DS-1(a), M33608; RMC321,
17AY033396; Mc323, U54772; Mc345, U54773; YM, X69486; Z10262, U96698; OSU, X15519;
18M/clM0, AF338244; M/clM2, AF338245; B37, M28377; RV-5, M28378; v115, X76777; v158,
19X76778; v183, X76779; v252, X76780; v47, X76781; v51, X76782; v61, X76783; PO-13,
20AB009628; B4106, AY740731; Lamb, AY622998; NR1, AF508732; RMC100, AF373605;
21CC86, X80537; CN86, X80538; C60, D00474; TB-Chen, AY787651; DRC88, DQ005104;
22B4633-03, DQ146648; L26(a), DQ146698; RMC83, AY601548; 30/96, DQ205231; Dhaka25-
2302, DQ146659; Dhaka12-03, DQ146670; Dhaka16-03, DQ492679; Matlab13-03, DQ146681;
24N26-02, DQ146692; T152, DQ146706; DRC86, AH014893; RMC61, AY841126; RMC437,
1 6 1AY803730; RMC/G60, AY770974; RMC/G7, AY769695; RMC/G66, AY769694; RV161-00,
2DQ490544; RV176-00, DQ490561; RU172, DQ204739; 111/05-27, EF554147; B10925-97,
3EF554125; Hun5, EF554114; MG6, EF554103; PA169, EF554136; B1711, EF554092; KJ75,
4DQ494400; KJ44, DQ494399; SA11-H96, DQ838630; SA11-30/1A, DQ838629; SA11-30/19,
5DQ838628; SA11-5S, DQ838627; SA11-5N, DQ838626; HP140, DQ003299; HP113,
6DQ003298; IS2, EF185863; OVR762, EF554158; CMP034, DQ916134.
1 7