<p> 1Supplemental Data 6 Phylogenetic dendrogram of VP1 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap</p><p>2values (2000 replicates) are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu: human; Rh:</p><p>3Rhesus; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line indicates the</p><p>4best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces on the right</p><p>5side of the dendrograms depict the genotypes as they are proposed in this study. Panel B show the</p><p>6VP1 identity frequency graph. VP1 nucleotide accession numbers collected from GenBank: RF,</p><p>7J04346; RRV, EF583006; MG6, EF554093; PA169, EF554126; UKtc, X55444; B4106,</p><p>8AY740741; 30/96, DQ205221; SA11-Both, X16830; SA11-tsC, DQ838601; SA11-H96,</p><p>9DQ838640; SA11, AF015955; SA11-5N, DQ838636; SA11-5S, DQ838637; SA11-30/19,</p><p>10DQ838638; SA11-30/1A, DQ838639; B10925, EF554115; 111/05-27, EF554137; OVR762,</p><p>11EF554148; Hun5, EF554104; TB-Chen, AY787653; B1711, EF554082; DRC88, DQ005114;</p><p>12DRC86, DQ005125; N26-02, DQ146682; RV176-00, DQ490551; RV161-00, DQ490545; T152,</p><p>13DQ146699; TUCH, EF583010; YM, X76486; Gottfried, M32805; KU, AB022765; Dhaka25-02,</p><p>14DQ146649; Dhaka16-03, DQ492669; B4633-03, DQ146638; Matlab13-03, DQ146671;</p><p>15Dhaka12-03, DQ146660; PO-13, AB009629.</p><p>16</p><p>17Supplemental Data 7 Phylogenetic dendrograms of VP2 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap</p><p>18values (2000 replicates) are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu: human; Rh:</p><p>19Rhesus; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line indicate the</p><p>20best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces on the right</p><p>21side of the dendrograms depict the genotypes as they are proposed in the manuscript. Panel B</p><p>22shows the identity frequency graph. Panels C, D and E show details of the boxed region of panel</p><p>23B. In panel D, the identities among rotavirus strains belonging to the C2 genotype are shown in</p><p>24dark green. In panels E, the above mentioned dark green bars are omitted. VP2 nucleotide</p><p>1 1 1accession numbers collected from GenBank: UKtc, X52589; RF, X14057; Hun5, EF554105;</p><p>2MG6, EF554094; 30/96, DQ205222; OVR762, EF554149; B4106, AY740740; B10925-97,</p><p>3EF554116; 111/05-27, EF554138; PA169, EF554127; B1711, EF554083; TB-Chen, AY787652;</p><p>4DRC88, DQ005113; DRC86, DQ005124; RV161-00, DQ490546; N26-02, DQ146683; RV176-</p><p>500, DQ490552; T152, DQ146700; TUCH, EF583011; RRV, EF583007; SA11-Cl3, AF474406;</p><p>6SA11, X16831; SA11_Ramig, L33364; SA11-tsF, L20084; SA11-H96, DQ838635; SA11-5S,</p><p>7DQ838632; SA11-30/19, DQ838633; SA11-5N, DQ838631; SA11-1A, DQ838634; Wa,</p><p>8X14942; KU, AB022766; Dhaka12-03, DQ146661; Dhaka16-03, DQ492670; Dhaka25-02,</p><p>9DQ146650; Matlab13-03, DQ146672; Beijing, DQ862063; B4633-03, DQ146639; PO-13,</p><p>10AB009630.</p><p>11</p><p>12Supplemental Data 8 Phylogenetic dendrogram of VP3 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap</p><p>13values (2000 replicates) are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu: human; Rh:</p><p>14Rhesus; Eq: equine; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line</p><p>15indicates the best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces</p><p>16on the right side of the dendrograms depict the genotypes as they are proposed in this study. B</p><p>17shows the identity frequency graphs. VP3 Nucleotide accession numbers collected from</p><p>18GenBank: TB-Chen, AY787654; DS-1, AY277914; DRC88, DQ005112; DRC86, DQ005123;</p><p>19N26-02, DQ146684; RV161-00, DQ490547; RV176-00, DQ490553; 111/05-27, EF554139;</p><p>20Hun5, EF554106; B10925-97, EF554117; OVR762, EF554150; MG6, EF554095; B1711,</p><p>21EF554084; PA169, EF554128; 69M, AY277916; UKtc, AY300923; RF, AY116592; RRV,</p><p>22EF583008; T152, DQ146701; TUCH, EF583012; B4106, AY740739; 30/96, DQ205223; SA11-</p><p>23tsB, DQ838600; SA11-5N, DQ838641; SA11, X16062; SA11-5S, DQ838642; SA11, X16387;</p><p>24SA11-H96, DQ838645; SA11-30/1A, DQ838644; SA11-30/10, DQ838643; L338, AY277922;</p><p>1 2 1OSU, AY277921; YM1, AY300922; Wa, AY267335; Hochi, AY277915; WI-61, AY277917;</p><p>2L26, AY277918; A64, AY277920; KU, AB022767; B4633-03, DQ146640; Dhaka12-03,</p><p>3DQ146662; Dhaka25-02, DQ146651; Dhaka16-03, DQ492671; Matlab13-03, DQ146673; ST3,</p><p>4AY277919; PO-13, AB009631; CH2, AY277923.</p><p>5</p><p>6Supplemental Data 9 Phylogenetic dendrogram of NSP1 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap</p><p>7values (2000 replicates) above 50 are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu:</p><p>8human; Rh: Rhesus; Eq: equine; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Fe: feline; Ca:</p><p>9canine; Mu: murine; Av: avian. The dashed line indicates the best option to divide the</p><p>10dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces on the right side of the dendrograms</p><p>11depict the 14 A-genotypes as they are proposed in this study. Panel B shows the identity</p><p>12frequency graph. NSP1 nucleotide accession numbers collected from GenBank: B223, Z12105;</p><p>13Hochii, Z12106; OSU(a), Z12107; UKtc, Z12108; UK, L11575; St3(a), Z32534; RRV(d),</p><p>14Z32535; 69M(a), Z32552; ST3(b), U11492; C-11, AF084550; Alabama, AF084549; BAP-2,</p><p>15AF084551; RRV(a), AY117048; RRV(b), U08433; RRV(c), AY117053; K9, AF111946;</p><p>16FRV64, D78362; L338, D38158; FI14, D38155; FI23, D38156; H2, D38157; SA11-4F,</p><p>17AF290883; SA11-4S, L29185; SA11-FEM, AF290881; SA11-both, X14914; SA11-Patton,</p><p>18L18944; EHP, U08423; EW, U08428; T152, AB097459; 116E, U85999; K8, D38152; Wa,</p><p>19L18943; RF, M22308; B641, AF458087; I321, U08418; A44, U23726; IGV-80-3, X59297; IGV-</p><p>20re, AF190169; OSU(b), U08432; KU, AB022769; Cat2, U23727; MP409, AF141916; A5-13,</p><p>21D38148; M37, U11491; AU-1, D45244; YM, BAA20545; Gottfried, U08431; DS-1(a), L18945;</p><p>22L26(a), D38150; 69M(b), D38151; H1, U23728; PO-13, AB009633; B4106, AY740735; NR1,</p><p>23AF506017; RMC321, AF506292; 4S, L29185; 4F, L29183; TB-Chen, AY787647; DRC88,</p><p>24DQ005108; B4633-03, DQ146644; RMC/G7, AY601547; RMC100, AY601546; Dhaka25-05,</p><p>1 3 1DQ146655; Dhaka12-03, DQ146666; Dhaka16-03, DQ492675; Matlab13-03, DQ146677; N26-</p><p>202, DQ146688; 30/96, DQ205225; DRC86, DQ005119; RV176-00, DQ490557; RV161-00,</p><p>3DQ490540; 111/05-27, EF554143; B10925-97, EF554121; Hun5, EF554110; MG6, EF554099;</p><p>4PA169, EF554132; R14a, DQ199658; R1a, DQ199657; KJ44, DQ494396; KJ75, DQ494395;</p><p>5B1711, EF554088; TUCH, DQ838651; SA11-H96, DQ838599; O, DQ838595; OVR762,</p><p>6EF554154.</p><p>7</p><p>8Supplemental Data 10 Phylogenetic dendrogram of NSP2 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap</p><p>9values (2000 replicates) above 50 are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu:</p><p>10human; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line indicates the</p><p>11best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces on the right</p><p>12side of the dendrograms depict the 5 N-genotypes as they are proposed in this study. Panel B</p><p>13shows the identity frequency graph. NSP2 nucleotide accession numbers collected from</p><p>14GenBank: NCDV, L04530; UK, J02420; SA11-both, J02353; RF, Z21640; I321, Z47975; OSU,</p><p>15X06722; KU, AB022770; IS2, CAA64262; Hu, X57944; SA11-Ramig, L04532; SA11-Patton,</p><p>16L04531; SA11-tsE, L20901; PO-13, AB009625; Ty-1, Q03244, of, AAA47300; B4106,</p><p>17AF506293; RMC321, AAQ07959; NR1, AF506018; TB-Chen, AY787648; DRC88, DQ005107;</p><p>18DRC86, DQ005118; RMC100, AF506014; 30/96, DQ205227; Dhaka25-02, DQ146656;</p><p>19Dhaka12-03, DQ146667; Matlab13-03, DQ146678; N26-02, DQ146689; RV161-00, DQ490541;</p><p>20Dhaka16-03, DQ492676; RV176-00, DQ490558; B4633-03, DQ146645; L26(a), DQ146696;</p><p>21T152, DQ146703; Wa, L04534; DS-1(a), L04529; Au-1, DQ490534; 111/05-27, EF554144;</p><p>22B10925-97, EF554122; Hun5, EF554111; MG6, EF554100; PA169, EF554133; B1711,</p><p>23EF554089; KJ75, DQ494402; KJ44, DQ494401; SA11-H96, DQ838615; SA11-30/1A,</p><p>1 4 1DQ838614; SA11-30/19, DQ838613; SA11-5S, DQ838612; SA11-5N, DQ838611; O,</p><p>2DQ838597; OVR762, EF554155.</p><p>3</p><p>4Supplemental Data 11 Phylogenetic dendrogram of NSP3 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap</p><p>5values (2000 replicates) above 50 are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu:</p><p>6human; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Rh: Rhesus; Av: avian. The dashed line</p><p>7indicates the best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces</p><p>8on the right side of the dendrograms depict the 7 T-genotypes as they are proposed in this study.</p><p>9Panel B shows the identity frequency graph. NSP3 nucleotide accession numbers collected from</p><p>10GenBank: Hg17, X81427; RF, Z21639; MP409, AF141917; KU, AB022771; ST3, X81436;</p><p>11I321, X81433; IGV-S, AF190171; Gottfried, X81430; M, AF338246; IGV-P, AF190170; OSU,</p><p>12X81431; Wa, X81434; PRICE, X81432; WI61, X81437; RRV, AY065842; RRV-bis, X81426;</p><p>13S2, X81428; 69M, X81425; SA11-4F, M87502; SA11-C14, AY065843; SA11-both, X00355;</p><p>14IS2, X76645; PO-13, AB009626; RMC321, AF541920; NR1, AF506019; UK, K02170; IGV-F,</p><p>15AF190172; NCDV, X81429; TB-Chen, AY787649; DRC88, DQ005106; DRC86, DQ005117;</p><p>16B4633-03, DQ146646; L26, DQ146697; T152, DQ146704; RMC100, AF506015; Dhaka25-02,</p><p>17DQ146657; Dhaka12-03, DQ146668; Dhaka16-03, DQ492677; Matlab13-03, DQ146679; N26-</p><p>1802, DQ146690; B4106, AY740733; 30/96, DQ205228; RV161-00, DQ490542; RV176-00,</p><p>19DQ490559; DS-1, EF136660; Au-1, DQ490535; 111/05-27, EF554145; B10925-97, EF554123;</p><p>20Hun5, EF554112; MG6, EF554101; PA169, EF554134; B1711, EF554090; KJ75, DQ494404;</p><p>21KJ44, DQ494403; SA11-H96, DQ838610; SA11-30/1A, DQ838609; SA11-30/19, DQ838608;</p><p>22SA11-5S, DQ838607; SA11-5N, DQ838606; OVR762, EF554156; GO, X81430.</p><p>23</p><p>1 5 1Supplemental Data 13 Phylogenetic dendrogram of NSP5 at the nucleotide level (A). Bootstrap</p><p>2values (2000 replicates) above 50 are shown. Designation of species of origin: Bo: bovine; Hu:</p><p>3human; Rh: Rhesus; Po: porcine; Ov: ovine; La: lapine; Si: simian; Av: avian. The dashed line</p><p>4indicates the best option to divide the dendrogram into appropriate genotypes. The closing braces</p><p>5on the right side of the dendrograms depict the 6 H-genotypes as they are proposed in this study.</p><p>6Panel B shows the identity frequency graph. Panels C, D and E show details of the boxed region</p><p>7of panel B. In panel D, the identities among rotavirus strains belonging to the H2, E1 and E3</p><p>8genotypes are shown in green, blue and red bars, respectively. In panels E, the above mentioned</p><p>9bars are omitted. NSP5 nucleotide accession numbers collected from GenBank: ALA, J04361;</p><p>10RF, AF188126; RRV(ATCC), AF306492; Wa(ATCC), AF306494; Wa(b), V01191; K8,</p><p>11AB008655; Au-1, AB008656; O264, AB008657; M318, AB008658; 512A, AB008659; 512B,</p><p>12AB008660; KUa, AB008661; KUb, AB022773; 512C, AB008662; 470, AB008663; 582,</p><p>13AB008664; Wa(a), AB091726; KUN, AB091727; 87H134, AB091353; 88H185, AB091354;</p><p>1492H085, AB091355; 88H116, AB091356; 92H069, AB091357; 88H242, AB091358; 92H102,</p><p>15AB091359; 96H001, AB045217; 96H026, AB045218; 96H063, AB045219; 96H070, AB045220;</p><p>16SA11, M28347; UK, K03385; VMRI, M33606; 69M, M33607; DS-1(a), M33608; RMC321,</p><p>17AY033396; Mc323, U54772; Mc345, U54773; YM, X69486; Z10262, U96698; OSU, X15519;</p><p>18M/clM0, AF338244; M/clM2, AF338245; B37, M28377; RV-5, M28378; v115, X76777; v158,</p><p>19X76778; v183, X76779; v252, X76780; v47, X76781; v51, X76782; v61, X76783; PO-13,</p><p>20AB009628; B4106, AY740731; Lamb, AY622998; NR1, AF508732; RMC100, AF373605;</p><p>21CC86, X80537; CN86, X80538; C60, D00474; TB-Chen, AY787651; DRC88, DQ005104;</p><p>22B4633-03, DQ146648; L26(a), DQ146698; RMC83, AY601548; 30/96, DQ205231; Dhaka25-</p><p>2302, DQ146659; Dhaka12-03, DQ146670; Dhaka16-03, DQ492679; Matlab13-03, DQ146681;</p><p>24N26-02, DQ146692; T152, DQ146706; DRC86, AH014893; RMC61, AY841126; RMC437,</p><p>1 6 1AY803730; RMC/G60, AY770974; RMC/G7, AY769695; RMC/G66, AY769694; RV161-00,</p><p>2DQ490544; RV176-00, DQ490561; RU172, DQ204739; 111/05-27, EF554147; B10925-97,</p><p>3EF554125; Hun5, EF554114; MG6, EF554103; PA169, EF554136; B1711, EF554092; KJ75,</p><p>4DQ494400; KJ44, DQ494399; SA11-H96, DQ838630; SA11-30/1A, DQ838629; SA11-30/19,</p><p>5DQ838628; SA11-5S, DQ838627; SA11-5N, DQ838626; HP140, DQ003299; HP113,</p><p>6DQ003298; IS2, EF185863; OVR762, EF554158; CMP034, DQ916134.</p><p>1 7</p>
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