A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology s25
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from A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERARY THEORY, CRITICISM AND PHILOLOGY http://www.unizar.es/departamentos/filologia_inglesa/garciala/bibliography.html by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Spirit. See Subjects. Genres. Philsophy. Specific. Spirit. Spirits Spiritual authority Spiritual development Spiritual emptiness Spiritual exercises Spiritualism Spirituality
Baxter, Richard. The Certainty of the World of Spirits Fully Evinced. London, 1691. Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy. I, ii, 1, 2. (On spirits). Clark, Stuart. "Apparitions: The Discernment of Spirits." In Clark, Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. 204-35.* Concha Muñoz, Ángeles de la. Presencias invisibles en la obra de Virginia Woolf." A Distancia (1991): xii-xxi. Harris, Marvin. "La evolución del mundo de los espíritus." In Harris, Nuestra especie. 3rd. ed. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2011. 394- 98.* Hobbes, Thomas. "Of the Signification, of Spirit, Angell, and Inspiration in the Books of Holy Scripture." In Hobbes, Leviathan. London: Dent; New York: Dutton (Everyman), 1914. 210-19.* _____. "34. Del significado de espíritu, ángel e inspiración en los libros de Sagrada Escritura." In Hobbes, Leviatán. Madrid: Gredos, 2012. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2015. 317-28.* Jones, Edmund. A Relation of Apparitions of Spirits in the Principality of Wales. London, 1780. Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien. "II. Les puissances mystiques et invisibles." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mentalité primitive, in Primitifs. Paris: Analet, 2007. 47-84.* _____. "II. Les puissances mystiques et invisibles." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mentalité primitive. Ed. Fréderic Keck. (Champs Classiques, 964). Paris: Flammarion, 2010. 119-70.* _____. "XI. L'interprétation mystique de l'apparition des blancs et de ce qu'ils apportent." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mentalité primitive. Ed. Fréderic Keck. (Champs Classiques, 964). Paris: Flammarion, 2010. 509-50.* (Spirits, arms, technology, writing). _____. "XI. L'interprétation mystique de l'apparition des blancs et de ce qu'ils apportent." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mentalité primitive, in Primitifs. Paris: Analet, 2007. 331-62.* López Rodríguez, Marta Sofía. "Ben Okri: Politics in the World of Spirits." In On Writing (and) Race in Contemporary Britain. Ed. Fernando Galván and Mercedes Bengoechea. Universidad de Alcalá, 1999. 101-6.* New Lights from the World of Spirits; or,The Midnight Messenger; with Solemn Signals from the World of Spirits. 1800. Visits from the World of Spirits: or, Interesting Anecdotes of the Dead. London, 1791.
Byatt, A. S. "The Conjugial Angel." Story. In Byatt, Angels and Insects. London: Chatto, 1992.* Nabokov, Vladimir. Transparent Things. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972. _____. Transparent Things. Novel. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973. _____. Transparent Things. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975. Rpt. with minor corrections 1993.* _____. Transparent Things. New York: Random House-Vintage International [c. 1989?]. _____. La Transparence des choses. Trans. Donald Harper and Jean- Bernard Blandenier. Paris: Fayard, 1979. Poe, Edgar Allan. "Spirits of the Dead." Poem. In The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. (The Modern Library). New York: Random House, 1938. 1016-17.* _____. "Espíritus de la muerte." In Poe, Obras completas II. Barcelona: RBA, 2004. 320-22.* See also Ghosts; Demons.
Spiritual authority
Frye, Northrop. "The Problem of Spiritual Authority in the Nineteenth Century." In Essays in English Literature from the Renaissance to the Victorian Age: Presented to A. S. P. Woodhouse. Ed. M. MacLure and F. W. Watt. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1964. 304- 19.* _____. "The Problem of Spiritual Authority in the Nineteenth Century." 1964 In Frye, The Stubborn Structure 241-56. Trix, Frances. Spiritual Discourses: Learning with an Islamic Master. (Conduct and Communication). Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1992.
Spiritual development
Trotin, Jean. "La transition dans le Couronnement de Louis." Perspectives médievales 2 (1976): 34-45.
Spiritual emptiness
Eliot, T. S. The Waste Land. Poem. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2368-83.* _____. "The Hollow Men." Poem. 1925. In Eliot, Selected Poems. London: Faber and Faber, 1954. 1961. 75-80.*
Spiritual exercises
Hadot, P. Ejercicios espirituales y filosofía antigua. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. Spiritualism
Bonilla Cozar, Cristóbal. Los amigos del más allá: Novísima doctrina. El Ser por su solo impulso, llega al infinito. Revelación de los Angeles Aleluyas, al Arcano Manuel Fernández Quesada y Hermano Mayor del Mayor, por escritura autográfica. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Editorial Hespérides, 1929. Carroll, Bret E. Spiritualism in Antebellum America. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1997.* Castaneda, Carlos. The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. U of California P, 1968. (Presented as nonfiction). Doyle, A. Conan. The New Revelation. 1918. (Spiritualist proclamation). _____. History of Spiritualism. 1930. Houdini, Harry. The Unmasking of Robert-Houdin. [signed Harry Handcuff Houdini]. New York, 1908. _____. Miracle Mongers and their Methods: A Complete Exposé of the modus operandi of fire eaters, heat registers. . . human ostriches... etc. 1920. _____. A Magician among the Spirits. 1924. Levi, Eliphas. La ciencia de los espíritus: Espíritus reales, Espíritus supuestos... Buenos Aires: Kiev, 1945. Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien. L'Âme primitive. Paris: Alcan, 1927. _____. L'Âme primitive. 1927. In Lévy-Bruhl, Primitifs. Paris: Anabet, 2007. 429-778.* Owen, Alex. The Darkened Room: Women, Power and Spiritualism in Late Victorian England. London: Virago, 1989.* Porter, Roy, Helen Nicholson and Bridget Bennett, eds. Women, Madness and Spiritualism. 2 vols. (History of Feminism). Andover: Routledge, 2003. Ronell, Avital. Dictations: On Haunted Writing. 1986. Rowland, Susan. "Women, Spiritualism and Depth Psychology in Michèle Roberts's Victorian Novel." In Rereading Victorian Fiction. Ed. Alice Jenkins and Juliet John. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2000. 2002. 201-14.* Sabadell, Miguel A. "Ciencia y espiritismo: El extraño caso de Wallace y Darwin." In Evolucionismo y racionalismo. Ed. Eustoquio Molina, Alberto Carreras and Jesús Puertas. Zaragoza: Institución "Fernando el Católico" / Universidad de Zaragoza, 1998. 351-65.* Swedenborg, Emmanuel. Arcana Caelestia. 12 vols. London, 1863. Vaughan, Thomas. Anthroposophia Theomagica. In The Works of Thomas Vaughan. Ed. Alan Rudrum. Oxford: Clarendon, 1984. _____. Anima magica abscondita or a discourse of the universal spirit of nature. 1650. Waters, Frank. Mexico Mystique: The Coming Sixth World of Consciousness. 1975. Wilson, Leigh. Modernism and Magic: Experiments with Spiritualism, Theosophy and the Occult. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2012.
Affinity. Dir. Tim Fywell. Based on the novel by Sara Waters. Cast: Anna Madeley, Zoë Tapper. Prod Adrian Bate. 2008.
Byatt, A. S. "The Conjugial Angel." Story. In Byatt, Angels and Insects. London: Chatto, 1992.* Waters, Sarah. Affinity. Novel. London: Little, Brown, c. 1999.
See also Animism.
Binswanger, Arthur. "Sobre la frase de Hoffmansthal: 'Lo que es el espíritu lo capta sólo el oprimido'." In Binswanger, Artículos y conferencias escogidas, In Binswanger, Obras escogidas. Barcelona: RBA, 2006. 563-72.* Bradstock, Andrew, Sean Gill, Anne Hogan and Sue Morgan, eds. Men, Masculinity and Spirituality in Victorian Culture. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000. (William Booth, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, John Addington Symonds). Crane, Hart. "Spiritual Laws." Essay. Compte-Sponville, André. El alma del ateísmo: Introducción a una espiritualidad sin Dios. Paidós. France, Peter. Journey: A Spiritual Odyssey. London: Chatto and Windus, 1998. García Landa, José Ángel. "The Vision of the Temple: Antiecclesiastical Spirituality in the Gospel of Judas and the Battle for Reality / La Visión del Templo: Espiritualidad Antieclesiástica en el Evangelio de Judas y la Batalla por la Realidad." Online PDF at Social Science Researhc Network (September 8, 2008). http://ssrn.com/abstract=1265207 2008 Jambert, C. "The Constitution of the Subject and Spiritual Practice." In Michel Foucault, Philosopher. Ed. T. J. Armstrong. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992. 233-47. McNamee, Brendan The Quest for God in the Novels of John Banville 1973-2005: A Postmodern Spirituality. Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006. Musil, Robert. "Das Geistliche, der Modernismus und die Metaphysik." Essay. In Prosa und Stucke, Kleine Prosa, Aphorismen, Autobiographisches, Essays un Reden, Kritik. Ed. Adolf Frisé. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1978. _____. "The Religious Spirit, Modernism, and Metaphysics." In Precision and Soul: Essays and Addresses. Ed. Burton Pike and David S. Luft. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1990. 21-25. Pániker, Salvador. Acercamiento al origen. Poe, Edgar Allan. Eureka: Un ensayo sobre el universo material y espiritual. In Poe, Obras completas II. Barcelona: RBA, 2004. 169-248.* Portabella Cremades, Ramón. "Aspecto espiritual del lenguaje." In Lenguaje y Filosofía: Ponencias y comunicaciones (Novena Semana Española de Filosofía). Madrid: CSIC – Instituto Luis Vives, de Filosofía, 1969. 371-74.* Rose, Michael R. "5. Darwinian Evolution of Free Will and Spiritual Experience." In Darwin's Bridge: Uniting the Humanities and Sciences. Ed. Joseph Carroll, Dan P. McAdams and E. O. Wilson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2016. 69-86.* Sánchez Dragó, Fernando. Mis encuentros con lo invisible. Spiritual memoirs. Vol. 1: La del alba sería. Sharrock, Roger. "Spiritual Autobiography in The Pilgrim's Progress." Review of English Studies 24 (1948): 102-20. Stapledon, Olaf. "What Are 'Spiritual' Values?" In Freedom of Expression: A Symposium. Ed. Hermon Ould. London: Hutchinson, 1942. _____. Death into Life. Fiction. London: Methuen, 1946. _____. The Opening of the Eyes. Ed. Agnes Z. Stapledon. London: Methuen, 1954. Tolle, Eckhart. Stillness Speaks. _____. A New Earth. _____. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. New World Library, 2004. 2010. https://books.google.es/books?id=sQYqRCIhFAMC 2015 Unger, Roberto Mangabeira. The Self Awakened: Pragmatism Unbound. 2007. _____. The Religion of the Future. 2014.