Summer Letter BSPS, Entering P3 Students Only, 2003

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Summer Letter BSPS, Entering P3 Students Only, 2003

Dear Professional Year One Pharmacy Student,

Welcome to the University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy program! You are now a professional pharmacy student which is a great milestone on your journey to become a pharmacist! Your first requirement as a professional pharmacy student will be to attend the Professional Orientation Program which will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday August 21st, 22nd, and 23rd on the Health Science Campus (HSC). This is a mandatory orientation. We look forward to meeting and getting to know you better during this 3 day orientation program of which you were informed of this spring and also in your acceptance packet. Professional Dress is Required for Thursday and Friday (See below for more details), Saturday will be casual.

Overview:  On Thursday, August 21st you will meet from 8:00 am – 5:00pm in Collier Building (COB) room 1000A on HSC. This will be an opportunity to get familiar with the “new to you” HSC, where you will spend the majority of the next 3 years, as well as meet and interact with fellow P1 students in the BSPS and PharmD programs.  On Friday and Saturday, August 22nd and 23rd we will meet in room COB 1050 on the HSC. The purpose of our time together will be to layout what it means to be a professional pharmacy student in the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at UT. o Our time on Friday will be followed by the Professional Advancement Ceremony, which will begin promptly at 4:30 pm in the Nitschke Auditorium on the Main Campus. o On Saturday we will wrap things up (or start the semester off!) with the Catamaran College of Pharmacy Cookout.  Please see the attached three-day schedule for details. The information is also available via the Pharmacy Portal under CPPS News and Events, P1 Orientation.

Professional Dress (for Thursday and Friday):  Male Students: Dress slacks, dress shirt and appropriate tie, along with appropriate shoes and socks.  Female Students: Dress or skirt of appropriate/professional length (at the discretion of faculty), or slacks with dress shirt, blouse, or sweater (no visible cleavage) and appropriate shoes and socks or hosiery.  Extremes in fad or fashion (e.g. midriffs, low cut blouses, Capri pants, cropped pants, etc.) are not appropriate.  Visible pierced jewelry (including tongue rings) should be removed.  Wear comfortable shoes for the campus tour on Thursday.

Other items of importance:  All students entering the PharmD program MUST attend August 21st, 22nd, and 23rd.  The composite class photo will be taken on Thursday afternoon  The dress code for Saturday will be casual.  Note: Seating in Nitschke Auditorium is limited, and you will be allowed three (3) guests (family, friends, etc.) per student.  Inform your parents and significant others of this ceremony and the photo opportunity it represents.  Lunch will be provided for all 3 days.  Indicate food allergies/dietary restrictions only- please respond to Pam Hennen by August 1 [email protected]

Access Card for Health Science Campus (HSC) All students on the HSC need an access card (different from your Rocket ID card) to be able to enter the Wolfe Center and the CPPS resource center (Wolfe Center 150) after hours. In order to receive your access card please follow the following steps:

 Log in to and download a picture of yourself; you will use your UTAD password. There is information regarding size and what is required in the photo on this site. Many of you have done this same kind of procedure for your Rocket ID and it will be necessary to do this unless you already have an access card.  After submitting your photo, you can pick up your access card at any time at the Police Department on the HSC, lower level of Mulford Library room 007. (Please allow 24 hours after submitting your photo)

We look forward to your participation in this program! If you have any questions please email Dr. Lengel at [email protected]


Aaron J Lengel, PharmD, BCACP

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