Logistics Strategies
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Logistics Strategies
Yingli Wang, Chandra S. Lalwani. (2007). Using e-business to enable customised logistics sustainability. International Journal of Logistics Management, 18(3), 402-419.
Maria Cristina Mendonça, J C Quaresma Dias. (2007). 'Postponement' in the Logistical Systems of New Automobiles Marketed in Portugal: The Brands and Quality. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 18(6), 681.
G Tomas M Hult, Kenneth K Boyer, David J Ketchen Jr. (2007). QUALITY, OPERATIONAL LOGISTICS STRATEGY, AND REPURCHASE INTENTIONS: A PROFILE DEVIATION ANALYSIS. Journal of Business Logistics, 28(2), 105-VII.
Qiang Wang, Kenneth Zantow, Fujun Lai, Xiaodong Wang. (2006). Strategic postures of third-party logistics providers in mainland China. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(10), 793-819.
Gilbert N Nyaga, Roger J Calantone, Daniel F Lynch. (2006). LINKING LOGISTICS CAPABILITIES TO STRATEGIC ORIENTATION: A COST AND SERVICE TRADE-OFF. American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings, 17, 246.
Michael Bourlakis, Constantine Bourlakis. (2006). Integrating logistics and information technology strategies for sustainable competitive advantage. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19(4), 389-402.
Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung, Willem Selen, Chee-Chuong Sum, Baofeng Huo. (2006). Linking financial performance to strategic orientation and operational priorities :An empirical study of third-party logistics providers. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(3), 210-230.
Ronald H. Ballou (2006). Revenue estimation for logistics customer service offerings. International Journal of Logistics Management, 17(1), 21-37.
Harry KH. Chow, KL. Choy, WB. Lee, Felix TS. Chan, TC. Lam. (2005). Design of a case- based logistics strategy system - an integrated approach. Expert Systems, 22(4), 173.
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Markus Hesse (2004). Logistics and Freight Transport Policy in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Berlin- Brandenburg/Germany. European Planning Studies, 12(7), 1035-1053.
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Simona Bolis, Rico Maggi. (2003). Logistics strategy and transport service choices: An adaptive stated preference experiment. Growth and Change, 34(4), 490-504.
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Yemisi A Bolumole (2003). Evaluating the Supply Chain Role of Logistics Service Providers. International Journal of Logistics Management, 14(2), 93-107.
Yen-Chun Jim Wu (2002). Effective lean logistics strategy for the auto industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 13(2), 19-38.
Michael A McGinnis, Jonathan W Kohn. (2002). Logistics strategy-revisited. Journal of Business Logistics, 23(2), 1-17.
Thea Durfee, George Chen. (2002). Should we e-? The Journal of Business Strategy, 23(1), 14-17.
Yemisi A Bolumole (2001). The supply chain role of third-party logistics providers. International Journal of Logistics Management, 12(2), 87-102.
Terence A Brown, David M Bukovinsky. (2001). ECR and grocery retailing: An exploratory financial statement analysis. Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2), 77-90.
Michael A Bourlakis, Constantine A Bourlakis. (2001). Deliberate and emergent logistics strategies in food retailing: A case study of the Greek multiple food retail sector. Supply Chain Management, 6(3/4), 189-200.
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Paul R Murphy, Richard F Poist. (2000). Green logistics strategies: An analysis of usage patterns. Transportation Journal, 40(2), 5-16.
Gregory N. Stock, Noel P. Greis, John D. Kasarda. (1999). Logistics, strategy and structure A conceptual framework. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 29(4), 224-239.
Cindy Claycomb, Cornelia Droge, Richard Germain. (1999). The effect of just-in-time with customers on organizational design and performance. International Journal of Logistics Management, 10(1), 37-58.
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Matthew J Liberatore, Tan Miller. (1998). A framework for integrating activity-based costing and the balanced scorecard into the logistics strategy development and monitoring process. Journal of Business Logistics, 19(2), 131-154.
Prabir K Bagchi, Helge Virum. (1998). Logistical alliances: Trends and prospects in integrated Europe. Journal of Business Logistics, 19(1), 191-213.
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Jonathan W Kohn, Michael A McGinnins. (1997). Logistics strategy: A longitudinal study. Journal of Business Logistics, 18(2), 1-14.
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