FNOMCeO-Settore Estero - versione 28-05-2005


President Section & Board

ITALIE Prof Del Giacco Sergio ITALY Allergology and Clinical Immunology Policlinico Universitario Strada Monserrato-Sestu I -09042 Monserrato, Cagliari

Tél : +39/70510289 Fax : +39/7060286227 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

ALLEMAGNE Dr Hornung Barthold GERMANY Wilhemstrasse 5-7 D – 35037 Marburg

Tél : 49/642125736 Fax : 49/6421161114 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Board

PORTUGAL Dr Rosado Pinto J.E. PORTUGAL Serviço de Imunoalergologia Hospital D. Estefânia Rua Jacinta Marto P-1169-045 Lisboa

Tél : +351-21-3126654 Fax : idem E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

IRLANDE Dr Blunnie W. IRELAND Mater Hosp/Dpt Anaesthesiol. Eccles Street IRL - Dublin 7

Tél : 353/18032281 Fax : 353/18309563 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

PAYS-BAS Prof Knape J.T.A. THE University Medical Centre Utrecht Department Anaesthesiology - HP.: E 03.511 P.O. Box 85500 NL-3508 GA Utrecht

Tél : +31-30-2506716 Fax : +31-30-2541828 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

PAYS-BAS Prof Ruiter D.J. THE University Medical Center St Radboud Dpt of Pathology P.O. Box 9101 NL – 6500 HB Nijmegen

Tél : +31-24-3613414 Fax : +31-24-3540523 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board FINLANDE Prof Letho Veli-Pekka FINLAND University of Helsinki Department of Pathology Haartmanikatu 3 FIN-00290 Oulu

Tél : +358-9-19126412 Fax : +358-9-19126700 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

IRLANDE Dr Madden M. IRELAND Mercy Hospital Dpt Haematology Grenville Place IRL - Cork Tél : +353-21-4271971 Fax : +353-21-4342308 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

SLOVENIE Prof Poljak M. SLOVENIA Institute of Microbiology and Immunology Medical Faculty Zaloska 4 SI – 1000 Ljubjana

Tél : +386-1-5437453 Fax : +386-1-5437418 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

NORVEGE Dr Amlie Jan P. NORWAY Rikshospitalet Medisink avdeling Gaustaveien N – 0027 Oslo 1

Tél : +47-22-868261 Fax : +47-23-072363 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

FINLANDE Prof Huikuri H. FINLAND Kauppurienkatu 8 B 10 FIN-90100 Oulu

Tél : 358/83152011 Fax : 358/83155599 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

PAYS-BAS Dr Daniels O. THE St Radboud Children Heart Center NL – 6500 HB Nijmegen

Tél : 31/243619060 Fax : 31/243619052 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

SUISSE Dr Oberhansli-Weiss I. SWITZERLANDUnité de Cardiologie Pédiatrique H U G 6 rue W. Donzé CH-1211 Geneve 14

Tél : 41/223824583 Fax : 41/223824546 E-mail [email protected] CHI-SURGERY

President Section

ALLEMAGNE Prof Polonius Micheal-Jurgen GERMANY Berufsverband der Deutschen Gesellchaft fur Chirurgie GR -106 76 Luisenstrasse 58/59 D – 10117 Berlin

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

GRECEProf Panoussopoulos D. GREECE Alopekis 50 GR -106 76 Athens

Tél : 30/17230620 Fax : 30/17707574 E-mail [email protected]

President Board

ROYAUME Prof Greenhalgh R. UNITED Charing Cross Hospital Fulham Palace Road GB-London W6 8RF

Tél : +44-208-8467316 Fax : +44-208-8467330 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Board

BELGIQUE Dr Rutten P.H. BELGIUM Centre Hospitalier de l'Ardenne Av. de Houffalize B-6800 Libramont

Tél : +32-61-238569 Fax : +32-61-238593 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board ALLEMAGNE Prof. Holschneider A.M. GERMANY Kliniken der Stadt Köln Kinderkrankenhaus Kinderchirurgische Klinik D – 51058 Koln

Tél : +49-22189075261 Fax : +49-22189075492 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

ITALIE Prof Parigi Gian Battista ITALY Chirurgia Pediatrica I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico "S.Matteo" I – 27100 Pavia

Tél : +390382422966 Fax : +390382422966 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

ITALIE Prof Prof Molea Guido ITALY Via Achille Vianelli 10 I – 80127 Napoli

Tél : 39/0815462383 Fax : 39/0817463696 E-mail [email protected] President Board

SUISSE Prof. Andrej Banic SWITZERLANDDept. of Plastic and Rec. Surgery University Hospital Inselspital CH-3010 Bern, Switzerland

Tél : +41-31-6328014 Fax : +41-31-3824496 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

GRECEDr Yiacoumettis Andreas GREECE Sarantaporou street 79 Halandri GR - 15252 Athens

Tél : +30-210-6424165 Fax : +30-210-6843395 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

ITALIE Prof Benedetti Valentini Fabrizio ITALY Via Cassiodoro 6 I – 00196 Roma

Tél : +39-06-490255 Fax : +39-06-49970230 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

ESPAGNE Prof Cairols M.A. SPAIN Torres Pardo Diputacio, 401 baixos E – 08013 Barcelona

Tél : +34-93-2463566 Fax : +34-93-2317972 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

Allemagne Prof Dr. Med. Gollnick Harald GERMANY Head of dpt Dermatology/Venereology Otto-von-Guericke University Leipziger str. 44 D-39120 Magdeburg

Tél : 49/3916715249 Fax : 39/3916715235 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

SUEDE Prof Bergbrant Ing-Marie SWEDEN Hudkliniken Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset S - 413 45 Goteborg

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

SUISSE Prof Gaillard R.Ch. SWITZERLANDService d'endocrinologie, diabétologie e métabolisme Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois CH-1011Lausanne

Tél : +41-21-3140600 Fax : +41-21-3140630 E-mail [email protected] Secretary Section & Board

PAYS-BAS Dr Van der Lely A.J. THE Internist Papavertuin 14 NL – 2662 CW Bergshenhoek

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]


President Section

ALLEMAGNE Prof Jung M. GERMANY St. Hildegardis Krankenhaus Hildegardstrasse 2 D – 55131 Mainz

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]

President Board ROYAUME Dr Burnham R. UNITED Gastroenterologist - Oldchurch Hospital Barking, Havering & Redbridge NHS Trust Romford UK -Essex RM7 0BE

Tél : +44-1708-516035 Fax : +44-1708-506142 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

IRLANDE Dr O'Donnell Luke IRELAND Mayo General Hospital Castlebar IRL- Co. Mayo

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]


President Section

ROYAUME Dr Hastie I. UNITED Dept Geriatric Medicine - Jenner Wing 2 St George's Hospital Medical School Cranmer Terrace UK - London SW17 0RE

Tél : 44/1816721255 Fax : 44/2087252855 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

ALLEMAGNE Dr Luttje Dieter GERMANY Klinik für Geriatrie Stadtische Kliniken Sedanstr. 115 D-49090 Osnabruck

Tél : 49/5414057200 Fax : 49/5414057299 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board (EBCOG)

BELGIQUE Pr Van Assche P.A. BELGIUM U.Z. Gasthuisberg/Verloskunde-Gynaecolo. Herestraat 49 B-3000 Leuven Tél : +32-16-337410 Fax : +32-16-337411 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

PAYS-BAS Pr Wladimiroff J.W. THE Academisch Ziekenhuis Rotterdam Divisie Verloskunde- Dr Molewaterplein 40 NL-3015GD Rotterdam

Tél : 31/104633632 Fax : 31/104635826 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

ROYAUME Dr McKendrick Mike UNITED Royal Hallamshire Hospital Dpt Infection & Tropical Medicine Glossop Road UK- Sheffield S10 2JF

Tél : +44-1142713561 Fax : +44-1142268875 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

ALLEMAGNE Prof Kern Winfried V. GERMANY Medizinische Universitätsklinik Innere Medizin II, Infektiologie Hugstetter Str. 55 D – 79106 Freiburg

Tél : 30/7315024423 Fax : 30/7315024488 E-mail [email protected]

President Board IRLANDE Dr Horgan M. IRELAND Cork University Hospital Consultant in Infectious Diseases IRL - Wilton Cork

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Board vacant


President Section & Board

FRANCE Pr Blicke J.F. FRANCE Service de Médecine Interne - Diabète et maladies métaboliques Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg F-67091 Strasbourg Cedex

Tél : 33/388116259 Fax : 33/388116262 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

ROYAUME Dr Semple Colin UNITED Diabetes Centre Southern General Hospital 1345 Govan Road UK - Glasgow G51 4TF

Tél : +44-141-2012354 Fax : E-mail [email protected] MN-NUCLEAR MEDICINE

President Section & Board

SUISSE Prof Bischof-Delaloye A. SWITZERLANDChef du Service de Médecine Nucléaire Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois CH – 1011 Lausanne

Tél :+41-21-3144346 Fax : +41-21-3144349 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

SLOVENIE Dr Milcinski M. SLOVENIA Nuclear Medicine Department University Medical Centre Zaloska 7 SL-1525 Ljubljana

Tél : 386/15431487 Fax : 386/14327272 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

ALLEMAGNE Prof. H.J. Reulen : Schwojer Str. 19 GERMANY Neurosurgical Department c/o Ilona Anders Klinikum Großhadern Marchioninistr. 15 D - 81377 Munich

Tél : ++49 89 7095 6556 Fax : ++49 89 7095 6554 E-mail: [email protected]

Secretary Section

IRLANDE Dr Pidgeon C.N. IRELAND Private Clinic Beaumont Hospital Dept. Of Neurosurgery Beaumont Road IRL – Dublin

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

IRLANDE Prof Keogh B. IRELAND AMNCH Hospital Tallaght IRL - Dublin 24

Tél : 353/4536555 Fax : 353/4542182 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board ROYAUME Dr Junor Brian UNITED Renal Unit-Western Infirmary Dumbarton Road UK- Glasgow G11 6NT

Tél : 44/1412112521 Fax : 44/141/3346432 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board IRLANDE Dr Galvin Roderik J. IRELAND Cons. Neurologist Cork University Hospital IRL- Wilton Cork

Tél : +353-21-4546400 Fax : +353-21-391078 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

AUTRICHE Prof Grisold Wolfang AUSTRIA KFJ-Spital/Neurologie Kundratstrasse 3 A – 1100 Wien

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]


President Section

ROYAUME Dr MacDonald E. UNITED Department of Occupational Medicine 2, Lilybank Gardens UK- Glasgow G12 8RZ

Tél : 44/1413398855 Fax : 44/141/3305018 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

AUTRICHE Dr Jager R. AUSTRIA AMD Linz Kaplanhofstrasse 1 A - 4020 Linz

Tél : 43/7327815600 Fax : 43/732784594 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

PAYS-BAS Dr Jansonius Diederik THE Rozebotteltuin 15 NL – 7433 CW Schalkhaar

Tél : 31/570646666 Fax : 31/570620719 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

BELGIQUE Dr Dernouchamps Jean Paul BELGIUM av. Xavier Henrard 20 B-1150 Bruxelles

Tél : 32/2/7700684 Fax : 32/27700684 E-mail [email protected]

President Board

FINLANDE Dr Kivela Tero FINLAND Department of Ophthalmology Helsinki University Central Hospital Haartmainikatu 4 C, PL 220 FI-00029 HUS, Helsinki

Tél : +358 9 47173110 Fax : +358 9 4717 5100 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Board PAYS-BAS Prof. Ringens Peter J. , MD, FEBO THE VU University Medical Center P.O. Box 7057 1007 MB Amsterdam

Tél : + 31 20 444 4795 Fax : + 31 20 444 4745 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

FINLANDE Prof Grenman Reidar FINLAND TUCS / Öronkliniken FIN-20520 Abo

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

ROYAUME Dr Maw R. UNITED Litfield House Medical Centre Clifton UK - Bristols BS8 3LS

Tél : 44/1179731323 Fax : 44/1179733303 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

SUEDE Dr Wallensten R. SWEDEN Ortopediska kliniken Karolinska sjukhuset S - 171 76 Stockolm

Tél : +46-8-51774234 Fax : +41-8-51776446 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

SUEDE Dr Hedin H. SWEDEN Ortopediska Kliniken Lasarettet S - 791 82 Falun

Tél : +46/2382000 Fax : +46/2382093 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

GRECEDr Papadopoulou-Couloumbis Z. GREECE Agiou Polykarpou 18 GR-17123 Nea Smyrmi Athens

Tél : 30/651097546 Fax : 30/651097032 E-mail [email protected]

President Board

ROYAUME Dr Hall D. UNITED Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health 50 Hallam Street UK- London W1N 6DE

Tél : 44/2073075600 Fax : 4/2073075601 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board BELGIQUE Pr Ramet J. BELGIUM AZ - VUB - PICU Laarbeeklaan 101 B – 1090 Bruxelles

Tél : 32/24775172 Fax : 32/24775179 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

ROYAUME Prof Hill Peter UNITED Dpt of Psychological Medicine Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street UK - London WC1N 3JH

Tél : Fax : 44/2078298657 E-mail [email protected]

President Board

ALLEMAGNE Prof Rothenberger Ari GERMANY Univ. of Goettingen -Dpt Child Psychiat. von-Siebold-Strasse 5 D – 37075 Gottingen

Tél : 49/551396727 Fax : 49/551398120 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

AUTRICHE Prof Spiel G. AUSTRIA LKH Klagenfurt Dept of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry St. Veiter Str. 47 A – 9020 Klagenfurt

Tél : +43-46353822510 Fax : +43-46353823019 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

ROYAUME Dr Ward Antony B. UNITED North Staffordshire Rehabilitation Centre The Haywood, High Lane, Burslem Stoke on Trent UK - Staffs ST6 7AG

Tél :(0) 1782 556 226 Fax : E-mail [email protected]

President Board

IRLANDE Dr McNamara A. IRELAND 64 Stillorgan Grove Stillorgan IRL - Co. Dublin

Tél : 353/12854777 Fax : 353/12851053 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

FRANCE Pr Delarque Alain FRANCE Dpt universitaire de réadaptation University Hospital La Timone 92 rue Auguste Blanqui F – 13005 Marseille Tél : 33/491385601 Fax : 33/491384612 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

ITALIE Prof Donner Claudio ITALY Divisione di Pneumologia Fondazione S. Maugeri, IRCCS Via per Revislate 13 I – 28010 Veruno

Tél : +39-0322-884982 Fax : +39-0322-884776 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

ROYAUME Dr Stevenson Robin D. UNITED Dept. of Respiratory Medicine Glasgow Royal Infirmary Alexandra Parade UK- Gloagow G31 2ER

Tél : 44/1412114948 Fax : 44/1412114932 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

DANEMARK Dr Lindhardt A. DENMARK Neurocentret - Psykiatrisk Klinik O H:S Rigshospitalet Blegdamsvej 9 DK-2100 Copenhagen O

Tél : +45-35456210 Fax : +45-35456105 E-mail [email protected]

President Board

ROYAUME Dr Strachan J. UNITED Royal College of Psychiatrists Royal Edinburgh Hospital Morningside Park UK - Edinburgh EH10 5HF

Tél : +44-131-5376438 Fax : +44-131-5376117 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

MALTE Dr Saliba J. MALTA Maltese Ass. Specialists in Psychiatry The Professional Centre - Sliema Road M - Gzira GZR 06

Tél : +356-415525 Fax : +356-415009 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

FRANCE Dr Silberman B. FRANCE 114 Bd Saint Germain F – 75006 Paris

Tél : 33/143260070 Fax : 33/146331876 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board PAYS-BAS Prof Pattynama P.M. THE Department of Radiology University Hospital Rotterdam P.O. Box 2040 NL – 3000 CA Rotterdam

Tél : +31-10-4634044 Fax : +31-10-4634033 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

Royaume Prof Woolf Antony D. UNITED Royal Cornwall Hospital Duke of Cornwall Department of Rheumatology Truro UK - Cornwall TR1 3LJ

Tél : +44-1872-253792 Fax : +44-1872-222857 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

ALLEMAGNE Dr Bandilla Klaus GERMANY Deutsche klinik für Diagnostik Aukammallee 33 D-65191 Wiesbaden

Tél : 49/611577215 Fax : 49/611577577 E-mail [email protected]


President Section

PAYS-BAS Prof Leer J.W.H. THE Universitair Medisch Centrum Nijmegen Afdeling Radiotherapie P.O. Box 9101 NL – 6500 HB Nijmegen

Tél : 31/715263027 Fax : 31/715266760 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

ROYAUME Dr Hunter R.D. UNITED Christie Hosp. & Hold Radium Institute Wilmslow Road Withington UK- Manchester M20 9BX

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]


President Section

SUEDE Dr Westerling R. SWEDEN Inst. för Folkhälso- och Vardvetenskap Uppsala Science Park S - 751 86 Uppsala

Tél : Fax : E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section vacant


ALLEMAGNE Dr Busch W. GERMANY Harburger Rathausstrasse 41 D-21073 Hamburg

Tél : 4940777070 Fax : 4940779606 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section

BELGIQUE Dr Mommaerts Maurice BELGIUM Division of Maxillo-Facial Surgery AZ St. Jan av Ruddershove 10 B – 8000 Brugge

Tél : +32-50-452260 Fax : +32-50-452279 E-mail [email protected]

President Board

Belgique Prof Schoenars J. BELGIUM Unit Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery UZ Leuven Kapucijnenvoer 7 B – 3000 Leuven

Tél : + 32-16-332462Fax : +32-16-332437 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Board

FINLANDE Dr Kontio R. FINLAND Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Helsinki University Hospital Kasarmikatu 11 FIN-00130 Helsinki

Tél : +358-9-47188212 Fax : +358-9-47188505 E-mail [email protected]


President Section & Board

PAYS-BAS Dr Nijman J.M. THE University Hospital Groningen Department of Urology P.O. Box 30001 NL – 9700 RB Groningen

Tél : +31-50-3612801 Fax : +31-50-3613043 E-mail [email protected]

Secretary Section & Board

IRLANDE Mr Kiely E. IRELAND Consultant Urologist Cork University Hospital Wilton Road IRL - Cork

Tél : +353-21-4922326 Fax : +353-21-4921323 E-mail [email protected]