Syllabus GPH 111: Introduction to Physical Geography Laboratory
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Syllabus GPH 111: Introduction to Physical Geography Laboratory Tuesday 8:40am-11:30am; SCOB 312
Instructor: Heather Colson Mailbox: SCOB Room 330 (Geography Office) Office: SCOB Room 314 Office Hours: Tuesday 11:30am-12:30pm or by appointment Email: [email protected] Phone: 480-965-9425 (Office Hours Only) or 480-965-7533 (Geography Office, message phone)
Required Materials: Pencil, eraser, simple calculator Required Text: Introductory Physical Geography Lab Manual, 3rd edition Geosystems by Cristopherson, R. W. 6th edition
COURSE OBJECTIVE The lab section of GPH 111 serves to compliment the lecture portion of the class by presenting the lecture material in a hands-on manner. The lab also provides an opportunity to learn basic geographic techniques and discuss material covered in lecture in a small group format.
FORMAT Twelve labs will be assigned during the course of the semester; your two lowest scores will be dropped. Thus, there will be no make-up labs. The assigned labs must be completed in class and turned in before leaving. Lab assignments will not be accepted after the scheduled class period. All ten labs are 50% of your total lab grade. Three quizzes will be given during the semester at the beginning of the scheduled class (see schedule). There will be no make-up quizzes, so be on time to class. All quizzes are not comprehensive and are worth 50% of your lab grade. No extra credit will be given on an individual basis. To summarize:
50% = 10 lab exercises 50% = 3 quizzes Lab grade = 25% of total GPH 111 class grade You must pass the lab to pass the class!
GRADING Each lab will be graded on a percentage scale; such each lab will be graded for the amount of work for the individual labs. The highest 10 lab grades will be then added together to form the lab exercise portion of the grade. The three quizzes will be graded on a percentage scale and then added together to get the quiz portion of the grade. The lab exercises and the quizzes will be then combined for the Lab grade. This grade will then become 25% of the GPH 111 class grade.
A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% E = 59% and below
COURSE POLICIES LABORATORY ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY! MORE THAN TWO ABSENCES FROM THE LAB SESSIONS RESULTS IN AUTOMATIC FAILURE OF THE LAB AND OF THE ENTIRE COURSE. Per departmental and university policy, the third unexcused laboratory absence will result in a failing grade in BOTH lab and lecture, regardless of your grade to that point. You must be physically present in the lab classroom for the entire portion of the day’s lab lecture AND activity in order to be counted as present.
Generally, quizzes cannot be made up. However, if you have a legitimate, documented absence, a make up quiz may be given at the lab instructor’s discretion.
You are encouraged to discuss and complete lab exercises in groups; however, you must formulate your own answers and the work you turn in must be your own ! Of course, for quizzes all work must be your own. Cheating will absolutely not be tolerated. Students are expected to adhere to the Arizona State Code of Academic Honesty.
TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE DATE TOPICS Aug. Introduction 22 Aug. Lab 1 &2 Essentials of Geography: Scale & Tools 29 Sept. 5 Lab 10 Arid Environments Sept. Lab 14 Tempe Butte** 12 Sept. LAB QUIZ 1 (Labs 1, 2, 10, & 14) 19 Lab 13 Biogeography Sept. Lab 11 Costal Processes 26 Oct. 3 Lab 9 Fluvial Geomorphology Oct. 10 Lab 12 Glacial Processes Oct. 17 LAB QUIZ 2 (Labs 13, 11, 9, & 12) Lab 3 Earth-Sun Relationships Oct. 24 Lab 4 Atmospheric Processes Oct. 31 Lab 5 Weather Systems Nov. 7 Lab 6 Climate Controls Nov. 14 Lab 7 Quantitative Methods** Nov. 21 LAB QUIZ 3-FINAL LAB QUIZ (Labs 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7)
** These are outdoor lab activities, so be prepared and dress appropriately. All contents of this syllabus are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.