Minutes of Community Meeting, November 17, 2010 NSCC Conference Room B2311

Directors Present: Jerry Owens, Kay Mesirow, and Tom Meyer.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (Liaison to North Precinct), and Kathleen Braden (List Serve).

Visitors: Mark Mitsui (President of North Seattle Community College), Bruce Kieser (Facilities and Plant Operations Director for North Seattle Community College), Jean Wirch, and John Mark.

Vice President Jerry Owens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and made a motion to approve the minutes of the October, 2010 meeting. This motion passed.


Northwest District Council. The Mayor’s budget will impact the Department of Neighborhoods. Layoffs are projected. Also, the Greenwood Community Center will be closed. The City will not renew the lease on the space. With the 2011-2012 reduction of the budget to $2.14 million, ten positions will have to be cut.

Storm Water Detention Facility. The storm water detention facility on Midvale, just south of the golf course, is projected to be a “go.”

Sound Transit. Ellen Blair, community outreach person for Sound Transit, sent Liz Kearns a letter about several sites in the north end. Sound Transit would like to extend its newsletter to a broader audience, including the Licton Springs neighborhood.

Tom Meyer reminded those present that Ellen Blair had also sent notice that could be sent over our List Serve, and there was an e-mail exchange among LSCC members about whether to allow access to our List Serve. A decision was reached to invite her to come and have the option to receive Sound Transit notices. Once there is a definitive date, an announcement can be sent to the List Serve. We would need to secure a larger space for the meeting she is invited to attend (perhaps the February meeting).

Tom noted the November issue of the Daily Journal of Commerce had an article about light rail and transit-oriented development (“TOD”). To justify the rail corridors, there is a necessity to garner support, and development seems to be a big part of it, including at Northgate. The Puget Sound Regional Council is one of the driving forces and has received a grant from H.U.D.

Kathleen Braden asked about whether the plans for the transit center overlap with neighborhood boundaries. Bruce Kieser said what he has seen of the TOD, it is consistent with urban development planning. The Northgate TOD node would end at Northgate, on the east side of I-5, and be linked to the University of Washington Station.

Sound Transit has impacted the revisiting of neighborhood plans. South Seattle is an example. Kay Mesirow voiced concern about the loss of single family homes, in particular if land values increase. Tom will work on identifying the best contacts at Sound Transit.

North Seattle Community College President Mark Mitsui. Bruce presented Mark Mitsui, who talked about NSCC. Mark thanked Bruce for representing NSCC on our Council. He told us that Liz Kearns had represented LSCC in the leader’s breakfast meeting held recently. Mark reviewed the current process of strategic planning and the accreditation process for NSCC, identifying community interest as important. Mark will create a President’s Advisory Council to provide input for the campus. NSCC does expect demographic shifts to have an impact on the College’s strategic plan.

Bruce said the new building will be ready for May 1 occupancy. Plans for another new building are under way, but completing this building is dependent on the state budget.

A Northwest Hospital Citizens Group has a December 9th meeting and will go ahead with their new building for cancer treatment.

Mark threw out an early idea of having the Northgate Festival hosted on the NSCC campus and perhaps involving LSCC in the event, along with the Chamber of Commerce and other registered groups.

NSCC is also dealing with budget reductions despite having high enrollments. Approximately 16,000 students are served throughout the year. Approximately 6,700 2 attended the non-credit option community education programs – and this number is growing.

North Precinct. Ken Thompson reported the legal representative at the Precinct is moving to a judge position, and a successor will be chosen. The Mayor’s Office has promised a visit to see how over capacity the Precinct is. The group discussed North Precinct Advisory Council meetings and distribution of the minutes. Tom mentioned the availability of neighborhood watch talks, but this function will soon end due to budget cuts.

List Serve. Kathleen will give a headcount to LSCC, along with a few questions about managing the hot mail account. The group discussed feasibility of Facebook, too.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 19, 2011.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Owens for Ellen M. Beck, Secretary