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Department of Building Construction Bishop/Favrao Hall (0156) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 College of Architecture and Urban Studies Phone: (540) 231-5017 Fax: (540) 231-7339
Graduate Student Progress/Performance Review □ FALL 20___ □SPRING 20____
Part 1.
Student Name ______VT ID ______Date ______Printed (last, first)
Current degree program: □ MS in BCSM □ PhD in EDP- Construction □ MS (other) ______
Part 2. (All Graduate Students)
Report of Graduate Student Progress: The Graduate School requires that the progress to degree of each graduate student be reviewed and a determination made whether satisfactory progress has been made in the past. This review will be conducted both fall and spring semesters. Formal review notifications of inadequate progress are needed before a student can be dismissed from the program. The review must be completed by the student’s major advisor.
Progress Date Planned / Completed Entered MS/PhD Program MS/PhD Plan of Study (required by completion of 15 cr hrs) MS Proposal PhD Prelims / Proposal MS/PhD Pre-defense Presentation MS/PhD Final Defense
Overall Progress: □ Excellent □ Good □Needs Improvement □Unsatisfactory
Comments/Recommendations (attach additional sheet if needed): ______
______Advisor Signature Student Signature Date
Invent the Future
V I R G I N I A P O L Y T E C H N I C I N S T I T U T E A N D S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y A n e q ua l o p p o r t u n i t y , a f f i r ma t i v e a c t i o n i n s t i t u t i o n Part 3. (This section should only be completed if you are a BC Department GA/GRA/GTA.)
□GA □GRA □GTA # of hours of assistantship ______If GTA, date student attended GTA workshop: ______
Graduate Assistantship Performance Review: The Department of Building Construction requires that the performance of each graduate student on an assistantship be reviewed during each semester of the assistantship to assure adequate communication between the student and the faculty member they are working for as well as to assure that the student’s performance meets the faculty member’s expectations.
The above named student’s performance at this review cycle has been: □ Satisfactory □ Unsatisfactory
Comments (Required): ______
______Course Advisor Signature Student Signature Date
V I R G I N I A P O L Y T E C H N I C I N S T I T U T E A N D S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y A n e q ua l o p p o r t u n i t y , a f f i r ma t i v e a c t i o n i n s t i t u t i o n