1.1 Continentality of ASEAN-China Relations: Development, Connectivity and Border
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Panel Details SEASIA 2017
1.1 Continentality of ASEAN-China Relations: Development, Connectivity and Border
Convenor and Chair: Yoshihiro Nakanishi (Kyoto University) Panelists: 1. Myanmar’s Political Transition and China-Myanmar Relations since 2011 Yoshihiro Nakanishi (Kyoto University) and Lwin Cho Latt (University of Yangon) 2. An Analysis of the Constraining Factors on the Greater Mekong Sub-regional Cooperation—A Case Study of Kunming-Bangkok Channel Shulan Zhao (Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences) 3. Capitalizing the Borderlands: Thailand Policy toward Land Using Along Thailand-Myanmar Border since the 1990s Nattapon Tantrakoonsab (Chulalongkorn University) 4. The Role of China in Cambodia’s Coast Vinissa Ujjin (Chulalongkorn University) Discussant: Ukrist Pathmanand (Chulalongkorn University)
1.2 The Shifting Boundaries of Social Imaginaries in Southeast Asia: Schooling, History, and Politics in an Era of Regionalization
Convenor: Will Brehm (Waseda University) Chair: Rattana Lao (Independent Scholar) Panelists: 1. The Trauma of Remembering: Politics and National Identity in Post-Khmer Rouge Cambodia Will Brehm (Waseda University) 2. Whose Kingdoms and Whose Settlements? Heritage, Race and Nation in Thai History Vong-on Phuaphansawat (Chulalongkorn University) 3. The Making of Socialism through Capitalism in Lao PDR Thongdeuane Nanthanavone (Independent Researcher) 4. Insights, Lessons, and Realizations in Southeast Asian Society Class: The Case of Philippine Normal University Students Ma. Arsenia C. Gomez (Philippine Normal University) 5. Remembering Martial law: Human Rights, Collective Memory and the Ethics of Remembering JPaul Manzanilla (National University of Singapore) Discussant: Rattana Lao (Independent Scholar)
1.3 ASEAN Economic Community in the Context of Asia-wide Regional Integration
Convenor and Chair: Bruno Jetin (Universiti of Brunei Darussalam) Panelists: 1. Absolute Poverty, Increase of Relative Poverty and Growing Inequalities in ASEAN Bruno Jetin (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) 2. Some Aspects of Policy Coordination in ASEAN Mia Mikic (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) 3. Economic Development with Improved Conditions of Employment and Reduced Inequality: What Choices Does ASEAN Have in the Medium and Long-term? Francis Cripps (Alphametrics Co., Ltd.) 4. Trade Implications of the ASEAN+ Agreements for Other Asian Countries Pasuk Phongpaichit (Chulalongkorn University) 5. ASEAN-EU: Common Challenges and Main Fields of Cooperation for the Next Two Decades 1 Pascal Petit (Université Paris 13) 6. East Asian Monetary Regimes: A Stock Flow Consistent Approach and Comparison with the European Case Jacques Mazier (Université Paris 13) 7. The EU Regional Cohesion Policies and the ASEAN Approach to Regional Disparities Enrico Wolleb (Ismeri Europa)
1.4 The Other Side of Integration: Public Questions and Issues beyond AEC 2015
Convenors: Hansley A. Juliano (Ateneo de Manila University) Chair: Hansley A. Juliano (Ateneo de Manila University) Panelists: 1. ASEAN Economic Integration and BIMP-EAGA: Challenges and Opportunities Diana J. Mendoza (Ateneo de Manila University) 2. Whose Idea Is It? Effects and ASEAN Integration on Philippine Education Reform Anne Lan K. Candelaria (Ateneo de Manila University) 3. Understanding the Dynamics of ASEAN’s Free Labor Mobility Project Katrina S. Navallo (Kyoto University) 4. Towards A New ASEAN? A Critical Assessment and Policy Review of ASEAN Political Security Amidst the Evolution of Terrorism in Southeast Asia Erick Nielson C. Javier (Armed Forces of the Philippines) 5. New Trends in Southeast Asia’s Race-Based Conflicts Post-Regional Integration Hansley Juliano (Ateneo de Manila University)
2.1 Philippine Perspectives of the “International”
Convenor and Chair: Frances Antoinette Cruz (University of the Philippines, Diliman) Panelists: 1. Fear of Scope: Gatekeeping and Cultures of IR Pedagogy Frances Antoinette Cruz (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. Religion, International Relations, and “Philippine IR” Nassef Manabilang Adiong (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 3. Chinese Diaspora and Philippine International Relations Janina Clare Tan (University of the Philippines, Diliman)
2.2 Southeast Asian Transformation under the Japanese Occupation (Panel 1)
Convenor and Chair: Frank Dhont (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) Panelists: 1. Crime and Law in Southeast Asia in the Japanese Time Robert Cribb (Australian National University) 2. Governing Shonan: Communal Leaders and the Japanese Occupation State in Wartime Singapore Clay Eaton (Columbia University) 3. Order and Chaos: Japanese Policies in Java, Indonesia and the Implementations for Local Power Frank Dhont (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) 4. Collaboration, Opportunism, or Resistance: Indonesian Physicians during the Japanese Occupation Johannes Pols (University of Sydney)
2 2.3 Southeast Asian Transformation under the Japanese Occupation (Panel 2)
Convenor and Chair: Frank Dhont (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) Panelists: 1. Sexual Violence in Cebu Towns and Its Place in Historical Memory Taihei Okada (University of Tokyo) 2. Japanese Occupation in the Official History of Laos and Laotian Memories Yoko Kikuchi (Higashi) (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) 3. Japanese War Shrine from the Viewpoints of ASEAN 10: From Bilateral to Regional and International Issue Shinzo Hayase (Waseda University) 4. Commemorating the War: Australian and Bruneian Memories of the End of the Japanese Occupation of Brunei Janet Marles (James Cook University) and Frank Dhont (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
2.4 Identity Narrative and Interpretation: New Perspectives on Southeast Asia’s Past
Chair: Sunait Chutintaranond (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Exploring Manuscripts: Concept of the Past in Pre-colonial Cambodia Theara Thun (National University of Singapore) 2. Creating the Mons as Subject of History Patrick McCormick (Institute Français de Birmanie) 3. Thailand and Vietnamese Patriotic Movement in the Mid-20th Century Thanyathip Sripana (Chulalongkorn University) 4. Re-conceptualizing Chineseness through Collective Identification: Comparison of Peranakans, Tsinoys and Ryukyu Chinese Yoko Asato (Doshisha University) 5. Re-interpreting a Spectacle of Empire: Historiographies of the Igorot Presence at the 1904 St. Louis Fair Maria Nela Bascos Florendo (University of the Philippines) 6. Democratic Transformations and Nation Building in Southeast Asia—Some Reflections on the Role of Intellectuals Michael S. H. Heng (Chiang Mai University)
2.5 Minorities at the Edge: Battles, Mobility and Identity
Chair: Jakkrit Sangkhamanee (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Ceasefire: A Double-edged Sword in Myanmar? Orathai Soparat (Chulalongkorn University) 2. Local Politics in National Border-Crossing between Southern Vietnam and Cambodia: Mobility in the Mekong Delta after the Cold War Hisashi Shimojo (Kyoto University) 3. Between Two Cultures: Civil Service Reform in Thailand and Indonesia Prijono Tjiptoherijanto (Indonesian Civil Service Commission) 4. Civil Service and Oligarchy: American Colonial Principles in Practice Lance David Collins (Hawaii Institute for Philippines Studies)
3 2.6 Rethinking Late Ayutthaya, 250 Years after the Fall
Convenor: Chris Baker (Independent Scholar) Chair: Sunait Chutintaranood (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. An English Captain at the Siege of Ayutthaya: Powney in Context Dhiravat na Pombejra (Independent Scholar) 2. 60 Years before the Fall: Ayutthaya’s Court Politics Bhawan Ruangsilp (Chulalongkorn University) 3. “A Society Looking at Itself”: The Origin of the Mural in Late Ayutthaya Chris Baker (Independent Scholar) 4. A Visit to Ayutthaya Palace in 1628 Barend J. Terwiel (University of Hamburg)
3.1 Contested Colonial Histories
Convenor and Chair: Frank Dhont (Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam) Panelists: 1. Japanese Settlement in Hoi An and Ayutthaya: A Comparison Study Hoang Thi My Nhi (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) 2. British Presence in the Malay Peninsula and the Introduction and Institutionalization of Football during the Late Eighteenth and Early Twentieth Century, 1786-1941 Peng Han Lim (University of Malaya) 3. The Specter of "Chineseness" in the Cold War - Zhang Gui Xing’s Elephant Herd, Revolutionary Communism and Settler Colonialism in the Borneo Space Zhou Hau Liew (Joe Liew) (University of Pennsylvania)
3.2 Population Movements in Southeast Asia
Chair: Supang Chantavanich(Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Anticipation and Unease with Homecoming: Issues with Karen Refugees at the Thai-Myanmar Border Yu Szu-Tu (National Sun Yat-sen University) 2. Cooperation of Rakhine Migrant Workers in Thailand Kokaew Wongphan (Independent Researcher) 3. High Modernity Project and “Home-Village-Women-Leaving-For-Work-Far-Away-From-Home”: A Case Study on Rural Migrant Women in Home Village of East Java Lee Mei-Hsien (National Chi Nan University) 4. Under the Guise of Social Transformation: The Life Stories of Migrant Sex Workers in Surabaya, Indonesia Wooi Han Lee (Macquarie University) 5. Spaces and Traces: An Attempt to Understand the Relationship of Port City and Globalization and Its Relevance in Area Studies Irene Bel Rosquillo Ploteña (University of the Philippines, Diliman)
3.3 Circulation of Texts and Knowledge: Past and Present
Convenor and Chair: Kathrina Mohd Daud (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) Panelists:
4 1. Maritime Southeast Asia’s Earliest Islamic Influences, as Revealed in Six of Its Earliest Surviving Indigenous Islamic Texts Alexander David Robert Wain (International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies, Malaysia) 2. Tracing the Roots of South Sulawesi’s Islamic Diversity Stephen Druce (Academy of Brunei Studies) 3. Shariah Compliance and Contestations in Southeast Asian Muslim Fiction Kathrina Mohd Daud (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) 4. Curatorial Practice and the Pursuit of Reciprocity in Indonesia Changkyu Lee (State University of New York at Binghamton) 5. Circulating Specimens, Exchanging Knowledge: Museums, Herbaria and the Natural History Network in Southeast Asia Ruel Vacio Pagunsan (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 6. Have you been Ducked?: The Hijab as a Contested Symbol of Faith Khairunnisa Haji Ibrahim (Universiti of Brunei Darussalam)
Discussant: Onanong Tippomol (Thammasat University)
3.4. Contested Chineseness
Chair: Hoon Chang Yao (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) Panelists: 1. Ambivalent Repetitions: The Commonsensical and Performative Nature of Chineseness among Young Chinese Filipinos in Contemporary Metropolitan Manila Hannah Lim Go (Ateneo de Manila University) 2. The Mosaic of ASEAN Identities: Issues, Challenges and Prospects in the Formation of ASEAN Identity among Ethnic Chinese in Insular Southeast Asia Lermie Shayne S. Garcia (Ateneo de Manila University) 3. The Transformation of Indonesian Chinese Business Groups?: Wrestling with the Globalization and Democratization Trissia Wijaya (Ritsumeikan University)
3.5 Singapore Society in Transition: Past and Present
Convenor and Chair: Chee Kiong Tong (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) Panelists: 1. Modernization and Ritual Transformation of Chinese Religion in Southeast Asia Chee Kiong Tong (Universiti of Brunei Darussalam) 2. Transformation and Modernization: Chinese Clan Associations in Singapore, 1980-2010 Cheuk Yin Lee (National University of Singapore) 3. Chinese Social Units and Communitarian Ideology in Singapore Ying-kit Chan (Princeton University)
4.1 Exploring the Future of Rural Livelihoods in Southeast Asia: A Discussion from Cambodia
Convenor and Chair: Satoru Kobayashi (Kyoto University) Panelists: 1. Diversity and vulnerability: Do recent changes cause a loss of resilience of rural livelihoods? Satoru Kobayashi (Kyoto University) 2. Loss and Damage of Drought Disaster in Cambodia: An Application of AHP Rido Thath (Meiji Gakuin University)
5 3. Effects of Labor Migration on Poverty: Evidence from Cambodia-Thailand Cross-Border Labor Migration Heng Molyaneth (Royal University of Phnom Penh) 4. Chinese Agricultural Investment in Cambodia: Opportunities and Challenges for Poverty Reduction Sok Serey (Royal University of Phnom Penh)
4.2 Political Ecology of Insecure Living World in Northeast Thailand Convenor and Chair: Wataru Fujita (Osaka Prefecture University) Panelists: 1. Social Adaptation to Rubber Boom: Attitudes of Government, NGOs and Farmers in Northeast Thailand Wataru Fujita (Osaka Prefecture University) 2. Contradictive Rubber Policies and State-Farmers Conflicts over Lands in Northeast Thailand Chainarong Sretthachau (Mahasarakham University) 3. A Political Frontier of Rubber Plantation in Northeastern Thailand Viengrat Nethipo (Chulalongkorn University) 4. Transforming Rubber Industry in Post-Crisis Thailand: Opportunities, Adaptation and Challenges Motoko Kawano (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) 5. Building Resilience of the Poor to Climate Change in Thailand's Secondary Cities: Case Studies from Khon Khaen and Mukdahan Danny Marks (City University of Hong Kong)
4.3 Multidisciplinary Studies of Environmental Issues in Southeast Asia (Panel 1)
Convenor and Chair: Yulianto Mohsin (Northwestern University in Qatar) Panelists: 1. “Muddy” Disaster: The Lusi Mudflow and the Murkiness of an Environmental Accident Yulianto Mohsin (Northwestern University in Qatar) 2. The Future of Sustainable Energy in Southeast Asia: Toward a Structured Decision Making Framework Laurence Delina (Harvard University; Boston University) 3. Communicating Youth Civic Engagement: The Study of Space for Young People in Local Government’s Disaster Management, the Case of the City of Malolos, Philippines Charles Erize Pascual Ladia (University of the Philippines, Diliman) Discussant: Kowit Nambunmee (Mae Fah Luang University)
4.4 Multidisciplinary Studies of Environmental Issues in Southeast Asia (Panel 2)
Convenor and Chair: Yulianto Mohsin (Northwestern University in Qatar) Panelists: 1. Identifying Comprehensive Solutions to Electronic Waste Recycling Kowit Nambunmee (Mae Fah Luang University) and Nirawan Sanphoti (Kasetsart University) 2. The Changes in the Land Use Patterns in Marikina: Effects to the Marikina River (1946-2009) Nomer Guiller V. Angeles (University of Santo Tomas) 3. Monitoring of Greenhouse Gasses and Particulate Matters and Assessment of Health Impact of Haze Pollutants caused by Peatland Fires in Indonesia Osamu Kozan (Kyoto University) 4. Local Community Driven to Mitigate Forest Fire: the Development of “Fire Alert Village” in Ketapang, Indonesia Joni Jupestra (Sinar Mas Agro Resource and Technology Corporation)
6 Discussant: Laurence Delina (Harvard University; Boston University)
4.5 EcoHealth and the Challenges of the Changing Regional Landscape: The Neo-ASEAN Community in the Anthropocene Era
Convenor and Chair: Van Joe Ibay (The University of Canberra) Panelists: 1. The Impact of Environmental Change in the ASEAN Region; One Health and EcoHealth Looking at the Equity Lens Van Joe Ibay (The University of Canberra) 2. ASEAN Reclamation Projects: A Social Development Outlook Severo C. Madrona, Jr. (De La Salle University) 3. Space Congestion and Health Issues Associated Effects of the Built Environment: Modelling the Problematic State of Philippine Jails Verneranda C. Pancho (University of the Philippines-National College of Public Administration and Governance) 4. Protecting Children’s Right to Health in the Age of the Annual Transboundary Haze Society Siti Munafiah Walker (Monash University) Discussant: Shim Lester G. De Pio (University of the Philippines, Diliman)
4.6 Climate Change: Mitigating the Impact through Governance
Convenor and Chair: Van Joe Ibay (The University of Canberra) Panelists: 1. Solidarity Micro-economy and Environmental Protectionism: The Case of Philippines’ Gawad Kalinga Enchanted Farm Shim Lester G. De Pio (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: A Comparative Analysis of the Provinces of Albay and Pangasinan Madlyn D. Tingco (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 3. Typhoon Haiyan Devastation: The Untold Reina C. Aguilar-Afos (University of the Philippines, Diliman) Discussant: Severo C. Mandrona, Jr. (De La Salle University)
4.7 Industrializing Agriculture in Southeast Asia
Chair: Yasuyuki Kono (Kyoto University) Panelists: 1. The Environmental Consequences of the Green Revolution in the Philippines Bao Maohong (Peking University) 2. The Process and Trend of Cash Crop Expansion in the China-Myanmar Borderland: A Case Study in Yunnan, China Xiaobo Hua (Kyoto University) 3. Industrial Tree Plantations, Political Power, and Uneven Development in Laos Miles Richard Kenney-Lazer (Kyoto University)
4.8 Spatial Planning, Heritage Care and Ecological Knowledge in Southeast Asia
Chair: Shimizu Hiromu (Kyoto University)
7 Panelists: 1. Harmonizing Spatial Planning Regulation in Contiguous Area: Special Region of Yogyakarta’s Experience Dian Agung Wicaksono (Universitas Gadjah Mada) 2. The Materiality of Artisanal Production as a Path to Heritage Care Carmita E. Icasiano (State University of New York at Binghamton) 3. Rethinking Traditional Ecological Knowledge Preservation in the Context of Economic Development: A Case Study of Chuon Fishery Village, Phu An Commune, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam Hoang Hao Tra My (PhotoTEK) Discussant: Mochamad Indrawan (Universitas Indonesia)
5.1 Southeast Asian Military Resurgence: What and How?
Convenor and Chair: Ukrist Pathmanand (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Military Wealth in Thailand: How and How Much? Ukrist Pathmanand (Chulalongkorn University) 2. Back to People’s Army?: Reforms of Myanmar’s Armed Forces after 2011 Yoshihiro Nakanishi and Win Myat Aung (Kyoto University) 3. The Ideological Return of the Military in Indonesia Masaaki Okamoto (Kyoto University) 4. A Return of the Military to the State? An Assessment of the Contemporary Civil-Military Relations in Indonesia Maria Nikka Garriga (University of the Philippines, Diliman)
5.2 Reconsidering Post-2011 Myanmar Politics from Marginalized Perspectives: Women, Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities
Convenor and Chair: Chaw Chaw Sein (University of Yangon) Panelists: 1. Women’s Role in Myanmar Politics Chaw Chaw Sein and Yin Myo Thu (University of Yangon) 2. The Ambivalence of Return and Cross-Border Activities of the Shan across the Thailand-Myanmar Border Amporn Jirattikorn (Chiang Mai University) 3. Land Grabbing and Migration in Kachin State, Myanmar Dan Hkung Awng Nbyen (Kachinland School of Arts & Sciences) Discussant: Decha Tangseefa (Thammasat University)
5.3 Social Forces amidst Political Transitions
Chair: Alhamuddin (Universitas Islam Bandung) Panelists: 1. A Stone’s Throw Away: from Wasteland to the Promise Land Salvaging the Lumpen-Proletariat (The Case of Philippines) Christian Lemuel Magaling (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. Opportunities and Dilemmas of a Middle Class-Led Philippine Left Movement Teresa E. Tadem (University of the Philippines, Diliman)
8 3. Politics of Islamic Education in Curriculum Development Policy in Indonesia from 1947 to 2013: An Historical Study Alhamuddin (Universitas Islam Bandung) 4. Negotiating Tradition, Religion, Modernization, and Revolution in Sarekat Islam and the Lapiang Sakdalista Dominic Paul Chow Sy (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 5. When a Military Organization Becomes a Military Institution: Role of the Tatmadaw in Myanmar P.S Ramya (South Asian University) 6. The Butterfly Effect of Thai Coup 2014: What Should We Do After Military Step Off the Light? Tossapon Tassanakunlapan (Chiang Mai University)
5.4 Options for Democracy at Different Levels of Governance
Chair: Montri Kunphoommarl (Naresuan University) Panelists: 1. Strange Bedfellows, Adversaries, or Partners? Assessing Civil Society’s Engagement in ASEAN Community Building (2000-2015) Aries Arugay (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. Deliberative Democracy Practices in Southeast Asian Countries: Lessons from Thailand and the Philippines Montri Kunphoommarl and Sirinapa Kanphoommarl (Naresuan University) 3. Tweeted Democracies: Unpacking the Impact of Information Technology and Social Media on Shaping Political Discourse in Southeast Asia Emy Ruth Gianan (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 4. Policy Implication of a Collaborative Governance Framework in Decentralization: Case of the Philippines Eufracio Primer C. Pagunuran (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 5. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and Its Political Challenges: A Study of Local Election in Aceh and Papua Sri Nuryanti (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) Discussant: Meredith L. Weiss (State University of New York at Albany)
5.5 National Interest, Foreign Policy, and Regionalism
Chair: Erwan Lannon (Ghent University; College of Europe) Panelists: 1. The Integration of Myanmar/Burma into the EU-ASEAN Framework for Cooperation Erwan Lannon (Ghent University; College of Europe) 2. Vietnam’s Perspective on Dealing with Non-traditional Security Issues in the Process of Regional Integration Nghiem Tuan Hung (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) 3. Jokowi’s Populism and the Future of Indonesia Foreign Policy on ASEAN Taradhinta Suryandari (Universitas Gadjah Mada) 4. Identity in the Indonesia-East Timor Border: Between ‘Hope’ and ‘Reality’ Gris Berlian and Firstyarinda Indraswari (Universitas Brawijaya)
5.6 Institutionalism, Legal Frameworks, and Specific Constituencies
Chair: Michael K. Connors (University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus) Panelists: 1. Indigenous Rights and the Politics of Recognition in the Philippines
9 Jeffry Ocay (University of San Agustin) 2. Transitional Justice in Cambodia: Whose Goals to Achieve? Chum Chandarin (National University of Public Service, Hungary) 3. When Old Squeaky Wheels do not Need Grease: An Empirical Revaluation of Particularistic Legislation and Electoral Success in the Philippine House of Representatives Rogelio Alicor L. Panao (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 4. Sovereignty Wars: Pattern of Constituent Power in Thailand Michael K. Connors (University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus)
6.1 Rethinking Philanthropy: Influence and Social Impact of Philanthropy and Transnational Knowledge Transfer in Southeast Asia
Convenor and Chair: Kei Koga (Nanyang Technological University) Panelists: 1. The Role of Philanthropic Platform in Promoting Knowledge Exchange Among Asian Philanthropists: Evidence from Asia Philanthropy Circle Stacey Choe (Asia Philanthropy Circle) 2. Towards a Model for Analyzing Transnational Transfer of Philanthropic Knowledge in Southeast Asia Tingyan Wang (Nanyang Centre for Public Administration) 3. Forging an Eco-system to Nurture Young Generation Philanthropists: A Case Study of Thai Young Philanthropist Network Ada Chirapaisarnkul (Thai Young Philanthropist Network) 4. Research Institutes’ Role in Introducing and Indigenizing Innovative Models of Philanthropy: Evidence from Thailand Boonwara Sumano (Thailand Development Research Institute)
6.2 Education Challenges in Knowledge Production in the Philippines
Convenor and Chair: Ma. Socorro Q. Perez (Ateneo de Manila University) Panelists: 1. Examining Three Challenges in the Creation of a 21st Century Literature Textbook Alona U. Guevarra (Ateneo de Manila University) 2. Hybird Imaginaries, Global Contexts: Literature in the 21st Century Mayel P. Martin (Ateneo de Manila University) 3. The Best of Times, the Worst of Times: Critical Thinking in the Time of Facebook, the ASEAN Integration, and Duterte Francis C. Sollano (Ateneo de Manila University) 4. To Shape China and Pacify Thailand: The Production and Circulation of Knowledge on Chinese Overseas in Thailand in the Late Cold War Sittithep Eaksittipong (Chiang Mai University) 5. Breaking the Negative Stereotypes: Strategy of Women Leadership Education in Primary School Principals in Indonesia Reni Juwitasari (Mahasarakham University) Discussant: Ma. Socorro Q. Perez (Ateneo de Manila University)
6.3 Power of Organizations and Advanced Methods in Promoting Social Innovation and Transformation
Chair: Narut Charoensri (Chiang Mai University) Panelists:
10 1. Integrated by Knowledge: The Power of ERIA in Regional Economic Integration in East Asia Narut Charoensri (Chiang Mai University) 2. Communicating Disaster Management and Environmental Stewardship in the ASEAN Community Rosa Bella Quindoza (Polytechnic University of the Philippines) 3. Rediscovering Mutya as an Innovative Symbol for Human Development and Social Transformation in Philippine Setting Grace Odal Devora (University of the Philippines, Manila) 4. The Contemporary Dynamism of Globalization in the Philippines: Focusing on the Call Center Industry Yumeno Tagawa (Hiroshima University) 5. Collaborative Reflexive Photography Research in Sembalun, Indonesia Halie Jean Cousineau (Independent Scholar)
7.1 Haunting Femininity and Postcolonial Imaginations
Convenor and Chair: Wasana Wongsurawat (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Questioning the Family in an Aging Authoritarian Society: HRH Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Translations of 6 Chinese Feminist Authors, 2013-2016 Wasana Wongsurawat (Chulalongkorn University) 2. In the Mood for Colonial Revivals: Chinese Feminity and Colonial Modernity in Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Shanghai Arnika Fuhrmann (Cornell University) 3. Demonizing Loose Women: Gender Roles and Ghost Panic in Contemporary Northeast Thailand Kanya Wattanagun (Chulalongkorn University)
7.2 Cases of Cultural Conflicts-Negotiations: Experiences from/in Some Southern Asian Countries
Convenor and Chair: Kerby C. Alvarez (University of the Philippines, Diliman) Panelists: 1. A Tale of Two Marias: Cultural Negotiations between the La Inmaculada Concepcion and La Purisima Concepcion in Malabon, Philippines Kerby C. Alvarez (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. The Theater Stage as a Contact Zone: A Reconstruction of the History of the Mater Dei Auditorium of St. Joseph’s College (Quezon City, Philippines) after 1972 Angelo Christiane D.M. Arriola (Ritsumeikan University) 3. Constructing Men and Masculinities in Cambodia and Vietnam: Space, Modernity and the Postcolonial State Kevin A. Madrilla (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 4. Cambodia and Thailand’s Tangible Conflict on Intangible Heritage: Dissecting the “Ownership” Dispute over a Hand Gesture and the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Alleson II D. Villota (University of Tokyo)
7.3 Transforming Identities and Nationalisms: Visual Media, Social Media and the Politics of Identity in Asia
Chair: Visisya Pinthongvijayakul (Chandrakasem Rajabhat University) Panelists: 1. Hybridity: The Transitioning Identifications of Filipinoness Daphne-Tatiana T. Canlas (University of the Philippines, Diliman)
11 2. The Global Rise of New Cinemas in Southeast Asia: Transnationalism and Cosmopolitanism Anchalee Chaiworaporn (Chiang Mai University) 3. Comic Geographies: Humor and the Transgressive Configuration of Asian Communities in Filipino and Malaysian Comic Strips Maria Rhodora Ancheta (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 4. Tales of the Kuntilanak: The Monstrous-Feminine in Contemporary Indonesian Films Mary Roseanne A. Ramirez (University of the Philippines, Diliman)
7.4 Films and Cinema in Southeast Asia
Chair: Oradol Kaewprasert (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Of Purpose Meanderings, Happy Accidents, and Dead-Ends: Encounters with a Nascent “Southeast Asian Cinema” Emerald O. Flaviano (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. Undue Process: Filipino Action Films, The Problem of Justice, and the Failure of Philippine Politics Janus Isaac V. Nolasco (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 3. “Independent” Cinema as SEA Regional Cinema Patrick Flores Campos (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 4. Serving Southeast Asian Cinema on a Platter: Managing Film Festivals in Southeast Asia Edward Paciano Cabagnot (University of the Philippines, Diliman; De La Salle University)
7.5 Body, Gender Identity in Films and Literature
Chair: Suradech Chotiudompant (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Visualising the Female Body in Contemporary Thai Cinema Made by Non-Thai Filmmakers Jiratorn Sakulwattana (University of London) 2. The Vietnamese Women’s Representation in War Films: A Comparison in Gender Stereotypes from American and Vietnamese Perspectives Thi Nga Hoang (Hanoi Pedagogical University No. 2) 3. Sexing the Burmese Text: The Location of Smile as They Bow and the Negotiated Gender Identity Rogelio B. Braga (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 4. Buddhism and Female Sexuality in the Art of Kampolan Chotavitchai Victoria Hurr (Chulalongkorn University)
7.6 Ethnicity, Multimodernities in Literature and Art
Chair: Ranwarat Poonsri (Kasetsart University) Panelists: 1. Performing Trauma: Chinese Indonesian Artists and Collective Memory in Post-Suharto Indonesia Charlotte Setijadi (Yusof Ishak Institute) 2. Similar Cultural Relations within the Diversity in the Area: Traditions of Ethnic Groups in Kyaing Tong Maw Aye (Kyaing Tong University) 3. Thailand in Cold War Popular Fiction: Between Anna and Emmanuelle Adam Joel Knee (University of Nottingham Ningbo) 4. Politics on Stage: The Transformation of Satire Comedy in the Post-New Order Era Geradi Yudhistira (Universitas Islam Indonesia) and Ratu Ayu Asih Kusuma Putri (Bina Nusantara University)
12 7.7 Space, Heritage and Literature
Chair: Pasoot Lasuka (Chiang Mai University) Panelists: 1. Queer Crossroad: Contours of Internalized Homophobia in the Physical and Imagined Space of Orosa-Nakpil (Malate, Manila City) Juan Miguel Leandro Lim Quizon (De La Salle University) 2. Navigating Negros: The Spatiality of History in Selected Works of Vicente Garcia Groyon and Rosario-Cruz Lucero Jean Aaron Doria De Borja (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 3. The Walls Have Ears: Spaces of Transience in Peque Gallaga’s Scorpio Nights (1985) Tito Quiling, Jr. (University of Santo Tomas)
8.1 Southeast Asia: Linguistic Perspective
Chair: Pittayawat Pittayaporn (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Southeast Asia: Linguistic Perspectives Vong Meng (Royal Academy of Cambodia) 2. Mutual Understanding between Myanmar and ASEAN Countries based on a System of Pali- Sanskrit Loan Words in Myanmar Ko Lay (Busan University of Foreign Studies) 3. Revisiting English in Southeast Asia: The Case of the Philippines and Thailand Jayson de Guzman Petras (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 4. Effective Use of Communication Strategies in the Dispute Settlement of the Barangay Justice System Jomar Morena (Far Eastern University)
8.2 Language: Then and Now
Chair: Pittayawat Pittayaporn (Chulalongkorn University)
Panelists: 1. The Disposal Structure Marker in Thai Wenze Bo (Peking University) 2. A Study of Language Choice and Use among Young Siamese in Malaysia Arathai Din Eak (Wawasan Open University) 3. Priestly Breath: An Acoustic Study of VOT in Hindi Speakers in Bangkok Chatchawan Janadisornchai (Chulalongkorn University) 4. Illogically Intuitive: Behind The Peculiar “Khaaw Raat Kaeng” Structure in Thai Ponrawee Prasertsom (Chulalongkorn University)
9.1 Orality and Literacy in Southeast Asian Religions
Convenor and Chair: Tatsuki Kataoka (Kyoto University) Panelists: 1. Literacy as Charisma “The Lost Book” and Prayer of the Lahu in Thailand and Burma Tatsuki Kataoka (Kyoto University)
13 2. Lay Buddhist Recitation of the Shan in Northern Thailand Tadayoshi Murakami (Osaka University) 3. Lay Experts in Reciting Buddhist Texts in Contemporary Myanmar Takahiro Kojima (Tsuda College) 4. Vernacular Literacy, Protestantism, and Ethnicity: History of the Jinghpaw Orthography and Media Masao Imamura (Yamagata University) Discussant: Peter Jackson (Australia National University)
9.2 Catholicism in Southeast Asia: Building Religious Elites beyond the Colonial Encounter
Convenor: Bernardo Brown (National University of Singapore) Chair: Julius Bautista (Kyoto University) Panelists: 1. The Role of the Paris Foreign Missions Society in the Rise of the Ethnic Minority Catholic Elite in Malaysia Shanthini Pillai (National University of Malaysia) 2. The Question of Higher Education amongst the Vietnamese Catholic Hierarchy: The Building of a Catholic Elite and International Networks (1920-1960) Claire Thi Lien Tran (Institut de Recherche sur l'Asie du Sud-Est) 3. The Catholic Iberian Networks in Cambodia Helene Nut (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris) 4. A New Church for Singapore: Bidding for Worship in Punggol Bernardo Brown (National University of Singapore)
9.3 Astrology and Magic in Thai Buddhism
Convenor and Chair: Bill Mak (Kyoto University) Panelists: 1. The “Science” of Astrology in Thai Buddhism: Past and Present Bill Mak (Kyoto University) 2. Rishis in Northeastern Thailand: Brahmanistic Religious Practices under Buddhism Fumihiko Tsumura (Meijo University) 3. From Nang Kwak to Miss Well-Come: A Reflection on How a Thai Amulet Fits Itself to Popular Culture Arthid Sheravanichkul (Chulalongkorn University) 4. Navagraha Worship Rites in Thai Society Prasirt Runra (Thammasat University) Discussant: Barend J. Terwiel (Hamburg University)
9.4 Transforming Society of Minority through Protestant Evangelism: Cases from the Karen Missions in Burma and Thailand
Convenor and Chair: Ikuko Tazaki (Ichikawa) (Otani University) Panelists: 1. Changing Karen’s Idea of Reciprocity and Involution of Community Development: Under the Influence of Protestantism and Cash Cropping in Thailand Ikuko Tazaki (Ichikawa) (Otani University) 2. Being Baptists, Broadening “Karen-ness” Hitomi Fujimura (Sophia University) 3. Living in Harmony: Karen Community in Insein Township
14 Naw Si Blut (SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition) Discussant: Kwanchewan Buadaeng (Chiang Mai University)
9.5 The Religious Other, Pluralism and Intolerance in Southeast Asia
Chair: Chanwit Tudkaeo (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Discipline and Punish: Promoting (In)tolerance in Christian Seminaries in Indonesia Hoon Chang Yau (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) 2. A Content Analysis of Dhamma Courses: A Solution to Intolerant Perspectives in Theravada Buddhist Deviations Sompornnuch Tansrisook (Chulalongkorn University) 3. The Dynamics of Asoka Movement during 2510 B.E.-Present Bundit Siriraksophon (Thammasat University) 4. Rooted Cosmopolitanism: A Key to Southeast Asia's “Unity in Diversity”? Siti Mazidah Haji Mohamad (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
9.6 Religious Expression, Political Communication and Secular Space
Chair: Chiara Formichi (Cornell University) Panelists: 1. The Religious Colonization of Secular Space in the Philippines: A Legal and Political Analysis of Religious Enclaves in Public Buildings of a Secular State Jose Duke Satorre Bagulaya (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. Miracles of the Black Christ Nazarene of Quiapo: Symbolism and Expression of Popular Catholicism in the Philippines Mark Inigo Macam Tallara (National University of Singapore) 3. The Role of Religious Group in Political Communication During 2014 Indonesia Presidential Election Nurul Hasfi (Diponegoro University) 4. Muslim Southeast Asia: Local Formation or Global Connections? Chiara Formichi (Cornell University) Discussant: David Malitz (Chulalongkorn University)
10.1 Roles of the Military in National Development in Asia
Convenor and Chair: Yuko Kasuya (Keio University) Panelists: 1. Civilian Military, or Communists?: Leaders of Decolonization in Southeast Asia Yuko Kasuya (Keio University) 2. Theory and Practice of Military and National Development in Asia Saya Kiba (Doshisha University) 3. Changes in Japan’s Post-Modern Military Activities Abroad? Examinations of Military Culture in the Japan Self-Defense Forces Atsushi Yasutomi (Research Institute for Peace and Security) Discussant: Napisa Waitoolkiat (Naresuan University)
10.2 The Religion, Politics and Development Nexus in Southeast Asia
Convenor: Philip Fountain (Victoria University of Wellington)
15 Chair: Suwanna Satha-anand (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Religion in the Age of Development R. Michael Feener (University of Oxford) and Philip Fountain (Victoria University of Wellington) 2. Revisiting Christian Missionaries in Colonial Singapore-Blurring the Boundaries Between Empire, Mission and Development Sandra Hudd (University of Tasmania) 3. Christian iNGOs, Development Aid and Humanitarian Relief in Indonesia Gustav Brown (National University of Singapore) 4. Going to the Other Side: Burman Conversions to Christianity Against the Ethno-Political and Developmental Backdrop of Myanmar Phoebe Yee (Independent Scholar) Discussant: Philip Fountain (Victoria University of Wellington)
10.3 Humanitarianism and Development in Southeast Asia
Chair: Gustav Brown (National University of Singapore) Panelists: 1. Safe Haven: The Virtue of “Malasakit” and the Philippines Experience with Refugees Jore-Annie Rico (Presidential Management Staff, the Philippines) 2. Tracing the Routes: Humanitarian Logistics Management in Eastern Visayas, Philippines during 2013 Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) Arlene Santiago (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 3. Community Violence and State Accountability in Southeast Asia: The Indonesian Comfort Women in Post-World War II Era Maya Dania (Mae Fah Luang University) 4. Training on Non-Violent Actions and Civil Disobedience in Environmental Protection and Preservation in Thailand: Lessons Learnt and Situation Analysis Upon Regional Context Suraporn Praditthao (Research Team for Social Development)
11.1 Poverty Reduction and Financial Inclusion in Indochina Countries
Convenor and Chair: Fumiharu Mieno (Kyoto University) Panelists: 1. Addressing Out-of-School Children in Lao PDR: Case Study in Poor Performance Provinces Chansathith Chaleunsinh (National Economic Research Institute, Laos) 2. Financial Inclusion in Myanmar: What Factors Determine Access to Saving and Credit Kanittha Tambunlertcha (Chulalongkorn University) 3. The Effects and Pattern of Foreign Bank Entry in the Thai Domestic Banking Sector from 1999 to 2014 Wanxue Lu (Kyoto University) Discussant: Sukanda Lewis (Chulalongkorn University)
11.2 Migration in the Mekong Sub-Region and Regional Development
Convenor and Chair: Kenjiro Yagura (Hannan University) Panelists: 1. Myanmar Workers of Thai Garment Factories: Their Perception of Human Resource Management Practices and Its Effect on Motivation to Develop Skills and Difficulties in Teamwork Kenjiro Yagura (Hannan University)
16 2. Production Migration to Labor-sending Countries, and Upgrading of the Thai Garment Industry Atsuko Mizuno (Kyushu University) 3. Migrant Workers in Special Economic Zones in the Mekong Region: A Gender Analysis Kyoko Kusakabe (Asian Institute of Technology) 4. Cultural Factor of Labor Mobility between Thailand and Neighboring Countries Premjai Vungsiriphisal (Chulalongkorn University) Discussant: Naomi Hatsukano (Japan External Trade Organization)
11.3 Interrogating Southeast Asia in Transition
Convenor and Chair: Antoinette Ribargozo Raquiza (University of the Philippines, Diliman) Panelists: 1. Consumer-led Growth and Deindustrialization: The Case of the Philippines and Indonesia Antoinette Ribargozo Raquiza (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. Health, Inequality, and Inclusive Development: Manila and Mumbai from a Comparative Perspective Maria Dulce F. Natividad (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 3. The Dynamics of Energy Relations in an Increasing Energy Insecure World: The Case of Myanmar and Iran Henelito Sevilla, Jr. (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 4. Intra-ASEAN Labor Migration and the ASEAN Economic Community: Patterns, Prospects and Conflicts Geoffrey Ducanes (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 5. Comparing Foreign Investment’s Role in Development in the Philippines and Thailand Manuel Montes (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 6. Vietnam’s State Capitalism and the Role of Corruption Wu Shu-Hsien (Cheng Chi University)
11.4 Labor Migration, Remittances, and Policies
Chair: Koji Kubo (Institute of Developing Economies) Panelists: 1. Cross Border Employment and Labor Migration Policies in ASEAN: Philippine Perspective Maria Catalina Tolentino (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. Thai-Myanmar Interconnections in Rubber Industry through Migrant Labors: Problems and Development Potentials of Myanmar Rubber Industry Koichi Fujita (Kyoto University) 3. ASEAN Migration and the Changing Intra-Country Labor Policies: Implications to the Future Direction of Women Labor Rebecca Gaddi (State University of New York at Binghamton)
11.5 Rethinking ASEAN Integration
Chair: Kitti Prasertsuk (Thammasat University) Panelists: 1. ASEAN’s Bumpy Road to Economic Integration Eduardo Climaco Tadem (University of the Philippines, Diliman) 2. Southeast Asian Diversity: An Impediment to Development? Balbir B. Bhasin (University of Arkansas Fort Smith) 3. ASEAN after 50 Years, the Road to a People-centered ASEAN
17 Ananeza Aban (Freedom from Debt Coalition, Philippines) 4. Challenges to RCI 2.0 in GMS in the Case of the Golden Quadrangle Cooperation Lei Zhuning (Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences)
11.6 ASEAN and the Rest
Chair: San Tun (Dagon University) Panelists: 1. Archaeology of Economic Interactions Between Bengal and Southeast Asia Shahnaj Husne Jahan Leena (University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh) 2. Arab Gulf - Southeast Asia Transnational Relations: Driven by Energy Export or Complex Interdependence? Susan Kurdli (Nepta, Philippines) 3. India-ASEAN Economic Relations and Connectivity Shristi Pukhrem (India Foundation)
11.7 Globalization Impact: Environment and Livelihood
Chair: Nopanun Wannathepsakul (Chulalongkorn University) Panelists: 1. Response to Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture of Several Ethnic Minorities in Mountainous Region of Northwest Vietnam (A Case Study in Lao Cai and Lai Chau Provinces) Tran Hong Hanh (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) 2. Livelihood Adaption to the Impact of Globalization: Case Study of Landless Peasants in Taunggyi, Myanmar Peng Ni-Ni (National Chi Nan University) 3. Transnational Corporation in Border Transformation Before and After GMS Pathompong Manohan (Mae Fah Luang University) 4. Why is Indonesia Allergic to Green Trade Agreement? Veeramalla Anjaiah (The Jakarta Post)
11.8 Regionalization and Globalization of ASEAN - Opportunities and Challenges
Convenor: Wisarn Pupphavesa (Thailand Development Research Institute) Chair: Narongchai Akrasanee (Former Minister of Commerce and Minister of Energy, Thailand) Panelists: 1. Mega-regionalism and ASEAN Michael G. Plummer (The Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe) 2. Mega FTAs: Which Strategy for ASEAN? Lurong Chen (ERIA, Jakarta) 3. Regionalization and Globalization of ASEAN – Opportunities and Challenges of Labor Mobility in ASEAN Chia Siow Yue (Singapore Institute of International Affairs) 4. From Effective Tariff Rate to Global Value Chains Shigeyuki Abe (Doshisha University) 5. Value Creation and the Role of Intra-industry Trade in ASEAN Santi Chaisrisawatsuk (National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand) 6. Synchronized Actions on Regulations of Pathogen Flows in Southeast Asia? Manoj Pothaporn (Chiang Mai University)
18 Discussants: Wisarn Pupphavesa (Thailand Development Research Institute) and Srawooth Paitoonpong (Thailand Development Research Institute)
The following panel convenors and members would like to thank the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Core-to-Core Program and Asia-Africa Science Platforms for their support, which enabled their participation at the SEASIA 2017 Conference:
1.1 “Continentality of ASEAN-China Relations: Development, Connectivity and Border" convened by Yoshihiro Nakanishi 4.1. “Exploring the Future of Rural Livelihoods in Southeast Asia: A Discussion from Cambodia” convened by Satoru Kobayashi 5.1 “Southeast Asian Military Resurgence: What and How?” convened by Ukrist Pathmanand 5.2 “Reconsidering Post-2011 Myanmar Politics from Marginalized Perspectives: Women, Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities” convened by Chaw Chaw Sein 9.1 “Orality and Literacy in Southeast Asian Religions” convened by Tatsuki Kataoka 9.4 “Transforming Society of Minority through Protestant Evangelism: Cases from the Karen Missions in Burma and Thailand” convened by Ikuko Tazaki 11.1 Poverty Reduction and Financial Inclusion in Indochina Countries” convened by Fumiharu Mieno “ 11.2 “Migration in the Mekong Sub-Region and Regional Development” convened Naomi Hatsukano