Diversity Committee Meeting

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Diversity Committee Meeting

Diversity Committee Meeting Minutes Friday, February 20, 2009

Present: Bonita Bates, Leona Coleman, Daniel Cunningham, Kate Ferraro, Kristine Goolsby, Jackie Howlett, Mary Johnson, Stella Lambert, Mary Lawrence, Marion Melville, Scott Williams

Excused: Amy Louallen, Nancy Taylor

Old Business: Minutes: The date on the minutes for February 6, 2009 was incorrect. It was dated January 30, 2009 instead of February 6, 2009. The minutes were approved as corrected.

Session/Topic Sub-Committee Reports A. Impact of Media on Perceptions: No further action is needed at this time. B. Hateful Things: 1. Scott Williams looked at the dimensions of a truck that KVCC owns, and it appears to be close to a 14’ truck. He also checked into renting a 14’ truck from U-Haul and reported the following: Rental is $19.95 per day plus mileage. Friday/Saturday rental is $.79/mile & weekday rental is $.59/mile. Mary Lawrence reported based on her calculations of the crate sizes for the exhibit, a 17’ truck would be needed. Scott Williams will call U-Haul for rental prices on the larger size truck. 2. Mary Lawrence left a message for Dr. Pilgrim regarding lunch and let him know the Diversity Conference website was now available for him to peruse. 3. The class reservation schedule and the volunteer schedule were passed around for review. 4. Nancy Taylor sent a message stating she has one instructor who would like her students to attend the conference. However, she is unable to attend herself. If she provides the Committee with a sign-in sheet for the students in her class, along with her name and the name of the Class, it can be held at the registration table for students to sign-in. The instructor also requested extra hand-outs distributed by the Presenters, if there are any. All Committee members are asked to please pick up any hand-outs from the Presenters if available on the day of the Conference. Task Sub-Committee Reports A. Display Case: Mary Lawrence will be purchasing material to cover up the KVCC logo in the display case. She anticipates needing to purchase an entire bolt of fabric due to the size of the case. Kate Ferraro volunteered to call the Civic to see if they would be willing to loan out some material. Mary Lawrence will provide the dimensions of the display case to Kate Ferraro. B. Evaluation/Photographs: No Report C. Facilities: 1. Neal Williams reported that the Committee has two free-standing banners: Diversity Council and Diversity Conference. Discussion took place on where these banners should be placed. The tower entrance will be the main point of entry to the Conference as the Dale B. Lake auditorium will be the main venue for the event, so one banner will be placed outside of the entrance. A second banner will be placed by the Cafeteria to help direct participants to the Hateful Things exhibit. D. Jackie Howlett has requested one table for Eaton. Due to the size of the table, a second one may be requested. E. Food and Beverage: Mary Johnson reported receiving quotes from 4 different vendors. Stella Lambert’s sister quoted catering at $8/person, Tigg’s quoted $5.95/person, Rykse’s quoted $7.50/person, and Pistachio quoted $7.00/person. The Subcommittee decided to use Pistachio to cater the event. F. Publicity: 1. As of this meeting there are 154 registrations with little advertising. 2. Ads will be placed in the Sunday/Monday Gazette on March 15 & 22. 3. A mailing to 350 organizations/agencies will be sent out next week. G. Registration: 1. A question was raised whether or not registration is on target at this date. Kristine Goolsby will ask Nancy Taylor and report back to the Committee. Response from Nancy Taylor: We are on target for registrations at this time. 2. Leona Coleman distributed the agenda and the bios of the Speakers and requested Committee members to review and critique the documents. 3. The Subcommittee is looking for volunteers to help man the registration tables so that Committee members may attend the Conference. 4. A list of items to be included in the conference folders was presented. Suggestions to include promotional items from Conference sponsors and from Pistachio’s. Save the date fliers should be added as well for the 2010 Diversity Conference. Mary Johnson will contact Andy at Pistachio’s and ask if he is willing to donate coupons or punch cards to be included in the folders. Jackie Howlett will be contacting sponsors to also request items to be included in the folders. Kate Ferraro will contact the Museum to see if they have any ads for their upcoming racial discrimination exhibit that they would like to place in the folders. H. Sponsorship: Report items were previously covered in meeting. Other A. Name badges: Last call for members needing name badges went out. Any members in need of a name badge should contact Amy Louallen ASAP. B. Member’s Post-Conference Luncheon: The luncheon will be held at Gallagher’s on Stadium drive at 1:30. C. Daniel Cunningham shared information on an upcoming event put on through ISAAC. The event takes place on Wednesday, March 18 from 8:30 – 3:30. A panel discussion will be at 2:30, and he is requesting a representative of KVCC to be a panelist and to promote the Diversity Conference. This may need to go through Mike Collins, VP for Public Relations. Daniel Cunningham will present the Committee with further information about ISAAC and the upcoming event for further discussion. D. A question was brought up regarding registrations and food orders. The current reservation limit is 300. However, if we have more than 300 desiring to attend the conference, will additional food be ordered? The number of registrations will be closely monitored, and this question will be addressed if it becomes an issue. E. Stella Lambert made note that she will be absent from the February 27th meeting, so please add her to the excused list.

The next meeting will be Friday, February 27, 2009 from 11:00 – Noon, TTC 4380.

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