People as Social Cultural Beings Dr. L. A. Carlo CS 501.N [email protected]

Syllabus Fall 2006

Course Description

This course is study of human life and interaction from a cultural and social perspective. Issues of religious diversity as they relate to the global mission of the church will be examined. Biblical principles for multicultural ministry will be identified and analyzed in order to develop a broad understanding of people in a wide range of diverse cultures and societies.


1. To understand key cultural and social concepts and their significance for more effective ministry in a pluralistic world.

2. To define and know relevant terms and theories associated with cultural anthropology and related theological principles.

3. To describe and study elements of ethnicity, politics, economy, religion, folklore, and technology of divergent cultures and societies in order to identify their commonalities and differences.

4. To effectively evaluate our immediate and global contexts in order to establish appropriate integral cross-cultural ministries in all human socio-cultural settings.

5. To appreciate persons of other worldviews and seek better ways of being faithful servants of the gospel in their reality.


People as Social Cultural Beings - CS 501.N Syllabus Fall 2006

Required Texts

1. Margaret Craven. I Heard the Owl Call My Name (Laurel, 1980). ISBN: 0440343690

2. Paul G. Hiebert. Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues (Baker Academic, 1994). ISBN: 0801043948

3. Graham Ward. Cultural Transformation and Religious Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2004). ISBN: 0521540747

4. Volker Kuster. The Many Faces of Jesus Christ: Intercultural Christology (Orbis Books, 2001). ISBN: 1570753547


1. Reading: Every book in the required text must be read including articles and select book chapters assigned in class. Date Due______

2. Book Analysis: Write a six-page critical book review on I Heard the Owl Call My Name by Margaret Craven and The Many Faces of Jesus Christ Volker Kuster. This report must include the bibliographic data, purpose for writing, development of thesis, strengths/weakenesses, and personal impressions for each book. Date Due______

3. Interview: Schedule a meeting with a person from another culture and religion other than Christianity or existing cult (e.g., Jehovah Witness, Mormon, Unification Church, etc.). This meeting should focus on, but not limited to, the person’s worldview, cultural distinctive, ethnic background, and religious orientation. The information should be descriptive and not evaluative; therefore, listen to the interviewee and write about his or her reality and world. Be sensitive, respectful, and loving toward your host. Be mindful that you are the guest. It was you who asked to enter his or her life for that period of time. Write a seven-page report of your interaction using the anthropological interview method discussed in class. Date Due______

4. Research Project: Write a twelve-page integrative paper based on class discussions, biblical principles, reading assignments, and personal interview. This paper should demonstrate the student’s understanding of people as social cultural beings and the Christian’s posture and response to issues of religious and worldview differences. Date Due______-2-

People as Social Cultural Beings - CS 501.N Syllabus Fall 2006

5. Literary Structure: All reports must be typed, double-spaced, and use 12 cpi font. A standard acceptable reference method (e.g., footnotes, endnotes, etc.) must be utilized for the research report. Include a properly documented bibliography as well.

6. Attendance and Punctuality: Everyone must comply with the attendance and punctuality guidelines found in the Student Handbook. Excessive absence and lateness will adversely affect class participation and the final grade.


Reading.………………………………………………………………………………..20% Book Reviews………………………………………………………………………….20% Interview…………...…………………………………………………………………..20% Research Report………………………………………………………………………..35% Participacion…………………………………………………………………………… 5%