4th May 2017

Dear Parent / Carers,

Newsletter 1 – Summer Term 1

We look forward as ever to working with you this term in order to achieve the very best for all our pupils. Reading.

We understand reading is the key to success in school and constantly look at ways to promote the enjoyment reading in school. Pupils can choose from a range of reading materials - coloured book bands, school library, class books - please encourage your child to read anything and everything at home. The most important thing is they are reading something they enjoy! Parents reading to pupils is also a fantastic support as is asking questions and talking about books. Please find attached a leaflet with suggestions for questions to ask your child. Come along to the fortnightly Friday Morning Breakfast club sessions in the school hall. Come along from 8.00 to swap or buy books. The next session is tomorrow Friday 5 th May and donations of pre loved books would be very welcome.

Toys in school.

Please can we ask pupils to leave toys including fidget spinners at home, we are wasting valuable learning time sorting out difficulties with ownership of items - thankyou in anticipation of your support.

Dinner Money and Nursery Fee’s.

We would like to remind Parent / Carers that dinner money should be paid in advance on Monday for the week ahead or on the day at the school office. You may receive a letter asking you to provide your child with a packed lunch if there is an amount outstanding. In addition, nursery fees should be paid for in advance of the session. These items are also available for you to pay on Parentpay, the school office can help you set this up if required.

Sporting heroes!

Huge congratulations to our Y3/4 pupils who came 2nd in the recent Academy football competition they also displayed fantastic behaviour, attitude and teamwork at the Mini Olympics as did our Y1/2 pupils. Very well done to all!

Inset Days 2017/18.

Dates for important staff training days next year are 4th 5th September, 22nd December 2017, 23rd,24th July 2018.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Clarke Headteacher