Nomination Form

Young Chef’s Name…….……………………………………………….


Restaurant Name…………………………………………………………..




Tel no.………………………….…………..………………………………


 Please give your reasons as to why you/your Young Chef should be a finalist in Wirral Young Chef of the Year. Highlight his/her career so far, ambitions within the industry, style of cooking, their passion for food, their food heroes etc. whatever makes this young chef worthy of the title ‘Wirral Young Chef of the Year 2014’

The judges will select the finalists from this written nomination after all references to the Chef or Restaurant are removed, so you cannot rely on the reputation of the Chef or Restaurant to assist in the selection process.  Your young chef must now enclose a three course menu, that showcases quality seasonal, local/regional produce, that he/she would recommend to a group of four professional golfers, following a day competing in The Open Golf Championship in July next year. (This exercise is merely for the purposes of judging the nominations).

 Nominations close at 12noon on Friday 31st August, 2012

Please return your nomination to:

Chris Higgins, Wirral Council, Destination Marketing Office, Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral. CH44 8ED. Or e-mail [email protected]