Eidetic Imagery Process Application for Your

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Eidetic Imagery Process Application for Your

Eidetic Imagery Process Application for Your “Transformation Acceleration” Meeting

Please complete all fields so we can best serve you! Full Name Email Company Day Phone Secondary Phone Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Time Zone

Please answer the following questions as honestly and specifically as possible. 1. Do you consider yourself someone who likes to make a difference, and likes to “play big”, what we call here at EideticLifeCoach.com a Tsunami Maker™ ? If yes, (even if those Tsunami Maker™ cells are just waking up!), why do you define yourself as someone who likes to make a difference?

2. What feeling does it give YOU to make a difference?

3. What doesn’t feel quite right to you in “who you are being” or “how you are doing” in the world? (Obstacles, constrictions, places you don’t feel totally “yourself”).

4. How would you categorize or define your relationship with money?

5. How much income would you like to generate from your business in the next 12 months? And how much income have you generated from your business during the last year?

6. How do you want to FEEL as you go about in the world?

7. What would you like to see happening for yourself over the course of the next 6-12 months and beyond? (Please be specific – business, self, relationships, health, awareness, joy, expansion and more!)

8. What is attracting you to connect with Wendy Yellen and Eidetics on this Transformation Acceleration Call?

9. To what degree have you invested in yourself (business education, business and personal coaching, personal transformation work) over the last 12 months?

10. What kinds of personal transformation work have you done in the past, and what were the results for you?

11. When you really let yourself dream about what you want for yourself, and how you’d like to be in the world, tell us what those dreams are.

12. What parts of those dreams seem difficult, unattainable, or simply have eluded you so far?

13. So that we both know how this work resonates with you, please tell us a bit about your personal experience with Eidetic Imagery so far. Please write about what you saw and what you felt, and what about your experience resonated for you?

What if you haven't experienced eidetics yet? That's simple - here's what to do:

Eidetic Imagery is an unusual, extremely powerful and effective process. It is not a cognitive process at all, it doesn't ask you to "remember" to be a certain way, or to create new to-do lists so you will change. Shifts that happen are automatic and permanent once they are complete.

If you have not taken the Free Eidetic Mini-Course or been on an Introductory Tele-class, here is a link to the 90 minute Tele-Class, "How to Make an Even Bigger Difference and Still Have a Life". It's an experiential tele-class with some interesting twists and turns, which is why we are including it here. If you don't already have experiences with eidetics, please do listen to it, follow the exercise, and then let us know what happened for you.

[What we’d love to know here is what your experience has been with the eidetic imagery that you've done, whether in the Mini-Course, a past tele-class, or the tele-class above. This will help us know better how we might be able to help you with bigger breakthroughs. Of course, you'll want to know more about how this process is for you in order to feel more complete about applying for a Transformation Acceleration Meeting, yes?]

The link to this recording is at the bottom of www.MeAsIWanttoBe.com - you can download it or listen directly online.

Then, please answer this question: So that we both know how this work resonates with you, please tell us a bit about your personal experience with Eidetic Imagery so far. What did you see, and what did you feel?

14. How did you first hear about EideticLifeCoach.com and Wendy Yellen? In what ways have you already connected to Eidetics and EideticLifeCoach.com and Wendy Yellen? (Introductory Tele- classes, private sessions, ongoing group tele-classes, Eidetic Mini-Course online, Breakthroughs! Home Study Course, or some other way?)

15. So that we may serve you in the very highest and best way, what else is important for us to know?

Please complete this application for your complimentary Transformation Acceleration Meeting and email it to [email protected] or fax to 1-505-466-3975 (no cover sheet needed). Thank you SO much for your time and energy in preparing for this powerful meeting. It’s our privilege to meet you and serve you in the highest way possible!

Once we receive and review your Application for your Transformation Acceleration Meeting, my staff will contact you to schedule our meeting together. I’m SO looking forward to meeting with you!

Wendy Yellen www.EideticLifeCoach.com

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