Monday 30th October to Wednesday 1st November 2017

Dear Parents,

A three day camp has been organised for Stage 2 students from Monday 30th October to Wednesday 1st November 2017 to The Tops outdoor education centre, Stanwell Park. Travel will be by bus.

The purpose of the camp is twofold. Firstly, to provide students with the opportunity to travel to Stanwell Park and enjoy the many wonderful educational activities that The Tops facility has to offer. Secondly, the students will be developing positive relationships with their peers and teachers that will be life long, forming an important part of each child’s development.

A brief itinerary will be as follows:

Monday, 30 October 2017 Depart Cronulla Public School at 8.00am by bus Camp activities

Tuesday, 31 October 2017 Camp activities

Wednesday, 1 November 2017 Camp activities Depart Camp at 1.30pm by bus

The camp will be attended by Mr Banks and the Stage 2 teachers.

The cost of this camp is $300 which includes all travel, camp activities, two nights’ accommodation and meals.

To secure your child’s place a deposit of $100, which is non-refundable, is required by Wednesday 30 th_August 2017.

Payment can be made either in full or by instalments, adhering to the following timeline:

Deposit $100 by Wednesday 30th August 2017 Balance $200 by Wednesday 11th October 2017

Please complete the attached form and return with your payment details in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, class and ‘Stage 2 Stanwell Tops Camp’.

If your child is not attending camp please advise the office in writing. Further information regarding the camp will be issued over the following weeks.

Kind Regards, Peter Banks Principal OVERNIGHT CAMP STANWELL PARK STAGE 2

Monday 30th October to Wednesday 1st November 2017

Dear Mr Banks,

I give permission for my child ______of class ______to attend the three day camp to The Tops, Stanwell Park between Monday 30th October and Wednesday 1st November.

I understand that travel will be by bus and that this camp has the authorisation of the Principal.

Please tick:

th I understand that the cost of the camp will be due in full by Wednesday 11 October 2017 and

I will be paying by instalments or I will be paying in full

Payment of $ ______has been made as follows:

Cash Cheque POP (Via the school website)

Signed: ……………………………………………. Date: ………….. (Parent/Guardian)

(Please complete, detach and return to the school office by Wednesday 30 th August 2017)