Rubrics for Enhancing Professional Practice

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Rubrics for Enhancing Professional Practice

1 SPECIAL EDUCATION Rubrics for Enhancing Professional Practice SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST DOMAINS: #1 Evaluation and Assessment

ELEMENT UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED 1a: Individual Collects limited information to Collects information to identify Collects information to identify Systemically collects Assessment, Data-Based identify problems. Has a and define problems (review and define problems (review information to identify and Decision Making and narrow understanding of of prior data, interview of prior data, interview define problems (review of Accountability models and methods of information, integrate information, integrate prior data, interview assessment. Assessment observational data, relate test observational data, relate test information, integrate instruments are not results). Has limited results), utilizing a problem observational data, relate test administered and scored in a knowledge of varied models solving model/approach. Has results), utilizing a problem standardized fashion. and methods of assessment. knowledge of varied models solving model/approach. Reports do not link data Assessment instruments and methods of assessment Demonstrates knowledge of collection to recommendation administered and scored in a that yield information useful in varied models and methods of and reflect Washington standardized fashion. identifying strengths and assessment that yield Administrative Code Reports link data collection to needs, in understanding information useful in identifying requirements. recommendation and reflect problems, and in measuring strengths and needs, in Washington Administrative progress and understanding problems, and Code requirements. accomplishments. in measuring progress and Assessment instruments accomplishments. administered and scored in a Assessment instruments standardized fashion. administered and scored in a Reports link data collection to standardized fashion. Reports recommendation and reflect link data collection to Washington Administrative recommendation and reflect Code requirements. Washington Administrative Code requirements and state essential learning requirements.

SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST 2 1b: Evaluation Does not formulate and write Is able to formulate and write Has shown the ability to Consistently demonstrates the Development evaluation evaluation formulate and ability to and Style reports that reports utilizing write evaluation formulate and allow others to pertinent reports utilizing write evaluation make decisions information in a pertinent reports utilizing based upon the manner that information in a all available results of the allow others to manner that pertinent assessment. make decisions allows the information in a based upon the reader manner that results of the (student, family allows the assessment. member, and reader (student, Evaluation educators) to family member, reports are understand and and educators) complete and act upon the to interpret, written results of the understand, and according to assessment. act accordingly district, state, Evaluation based upon the and national reports are results of the standards. completed assessment. within Evaluation established reports are timelines and completed written within according to established district, state, timelines and and national written standards. according to Recommendati district, state, ons within the and national evaluation standards. reports are Recommendatio aligned with ns within the district adopted evaluation curriculum and reports are best practices. aligned with district adopted curriculum and best practices.

SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST 3 1c: Research and Does not show evidence of Exhibits limited understanding Has knowledge of research, Demonstrates knowledge of program research, statistics, and of research, statistics, and statistics, and evaluation research, evaluation evaluation methods. evaluation methods. methods in sufficient depth to statistics, and plan and conduct evaluation investigations and program methods and evaluations for improvement collaborates of services. with building staff in sufficient depth to plan and conduct investigations and program evaluations for improvement of services. Is sought for professional judgment in evaluation of research and implementation of research based practice. 1d: Prevention, Crisis Does not show evidence of Exhibits limited knowledge of Identifies factors that are Identifies factors that are Intervention and Mental factors that are obstacles to factors that are obstacles to obstacles to student learning obstacles to student learning Health student learning and student learning and and implements appropriate and implement appropriate appropriate interventions. appropriate interventions. interventions. Takes part in interventions. Facilitate the Takes part in the the development of programs development of programs that implementation of programs that promote development of promote development of the that promote development of the mental health and physical mental health and physical the mental health and physical well-being for students with well-being of students. well-being for students with special needs. Collaborates Regularly collaborates with special needs. Displays with medical/mental health medical/mental health some collaboration with professionals. Takes part in professionals. Consistently medical/mental health district/building forming/ participates in the development of district/building crisis policies and professionals. implementing crisis policies and response plans. response plans.

DOMAINS: #2 Communication and Collaboration

ELEMENT UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED 2a: Interpersonal Is not available to staff, Meets with parents and Makes an effort to meet with Makes considerable effort and SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST 4 Communication, parents, students, and is students, but has a limited parents and students, and is shows flexibility in toward Collaboration and unable to explain complex ability to explain complex able to explain complex meeting times to meet with Consultation issues. Fails to collaborate issues. Collaborates with issues and provides additional parents and, and is able to with others. others as a prevention tool for information to explain complex issues and students with special needs students/parents/staff about provide additional information within scope of District, State program issues. Collaborates to students/parents/staff about & Federal Regulations. with others as a prevention the issues and agencies to tool for students with special contact for more information. needs within the scope of Effectively collaborates with District, State & Federal others as a prevention tool for Regulations. Shares all students within scope of knowledge of behavioral, District, State & Federal mental health, collaborative Regulations. Shares and/or other consultation knowledge of behavioral, models with building/district mental health, collaborative staff. and/or other consultation models with building/district staff. Seeks input from supervisors and/or peers.

2b: Student Diversity in Appears unaware of cultural Treats students, professional Promotes awareness and Challenges negative attitudes Development and and individual diversity. peers and families from sensitivity to cultural diversity and practices and helps Learning diverse backgrounds with and develops interventions ensure all students are treated respect and dignity. based on individual fairly; promotes awareness differences. Demonstrates and sensitivity to cultural sensitively and skills in diversity and develops working with diverse interventions based on individuals by treating individual differences. students, professional peers Demonstrates sensitivity and and families from diverse skills in working with diverse backgrounds with respect and individuals by treating dignity. students, professional peers and families from diverse backgrounds with respect and dignity.

2c: Home, School, and Exhibits limited understanding Has a basic understanding of Has knowledge of family Demonstrates knowledge of Community Collaboration of family systems and family family systems and family systems and family influences family systems and family influences on development. influences on development. on development. Works with influences on development. Has knowledge of community families and others in the Works effectively with families services that provide for community to provide and others in the community to children and families. comprehensive services to provide comprehensive children and families. Seeks services to children and out district and community families and collaborates with SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST 5 resources for students and district and community families. resources for students and families.

SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST 6 DOMAINS: #3 Informing Student Learning

ELEMENT UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED 3a: Development of Displays little understanding Displays a basic Has knowledge of cognitive Demonstrates a solid Cognitive, Pre-Academic of cognitive skills of students understanding of cognitive skills of students, empirically understanding of cognitive and Academic Skills, and and the components of skills of students and the demonstrated components of skills of students, empirically Informing Instruction effective instruction for components of effective effective instruction and demonstrated components of students with diverse instruction for students with alternative instruction effective instruction and strengths and needs. diverse strengths and needs. methodologies for students alternative instruction Is knowledgeable of a variety with diverse strengths and methodologies for students of assessment techniques and needs and is able to with diverse strengths and instruments. implement a variety of needs and is able to assessment techniques and implement a variety of instruments. Consults with assessment techniques and building staff about individual instruments. Is actively sought students’ cognitive/academic by building and district staff for skills. consultation.

3b: Socialization and Displays little understanding Displays a basic Has knowledge of human Demonstrates a solid Development of Life of the human development understanding of human development processes, understanding of human Skills processes and the development processes, techniques to assess these development processes, development of behavior techniques to assess these processes, and direct and techniques to assess these change programs to enhance processes, and direct and indirect services applicable to processes and direct and student learning. indirect services applicable to the development of indirect services applicable to the development of behavioral, affective, adaptive the development of behavioral, behavioral, affective, adaptive and social skills, and affective, adaptive and social and social skills, and programs to facilitate school skills, and programs to programs to facilitate school transitions. Utilizes direct and facilitate school transitions. transitions. Develops indirect service delivery Utilizes direct and indirect service behavior change programs to models applicable to the delivery models applicable to the enhance student learning and development of behavioral, development of behavioral, behavior and has knowledge affective, adaptive, and social affective, adaptive, and social skills of children and adolescents. of individual and group skills of children and Consults in the development, counseling skills. adolescents. Consults in the implementation, and follow up of development of behavior behavior change programs to change programs to enhance enhance student learning and student learning and behavior. behavior. Demonstrates effective Displays a working knowledge individual and group counseling of effective individual and skills. group counseling skills.

SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST 7 DOMAINS: #4 Professional Responsibilities

ELEMENT UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED 4a: School and Systems Displays little understanding Displays a basic Knowledgeable about school Demonstrates a solid Organization of school systems. understanding of school systems and takes part in understanding of general/regular systems, but does not supporting an effective education systems and the actively engage in systems learning environment. nature of systems change. development. Facilitates practices that create safe, supportive and effective learning environments for all students.

4b: Case Management Unable to prioritize tasks and Has shown the ability to Displays a solid ability to Consistently demonstrates the responsibilities to maintain prioritize tasks and prioritize tasks and ability to prioritize tasks and and manage a case load. responsibilities in order to responsibilities in order to responsibilities in order to practice time management practice effective time practice effective time skills to maintain an agreed management skills to management skills to upon case load. Case load maintain an agreed upon successfully maintain an management may include, case load. Case load expected case load. Case load but is not limited to, meeting management may include, management may include, but is agreed upon timelines, but is not limited to, meeting not limited to, meeting agreed helping to facilitating team agreed upon timelines, upon timelines, helping to decisions when needed to helping to facilitating team facilitating team decisions when determine a course of action, decisions when needed to needed to determine a course of attending meetings related to determine a course of action, action, attending meetings students on their caseload, attending meetings related to related to students on their and requesting assistance students on their caseload, caseload, and requesting when needed. and requesting assistance assistance when needed. when needed.


4c: Professional Practice Displays little understanding Displays a basic Demonstratives a solid Practices in ways that of the Washington understanding of community understanding of community demonstrates an understanding Administrative Code relating resources and practices service models that serve of various service models and to special education services according to the Washington children and families. methods; public policy and does not pursue Administrative Code relating Practices according to development applicable to continuing professional to special education services, ethical, professional and legal services to children and families; development. and takes part in district standards, including the and ethical, professional and directed professional Washington Administrative legal standards, including the development. Practices Code. Pursues continuing Washington Administrative according to ethical, professional development. Code. Participates in continuing professional and legal professional education and standards, including the professional Washington Administrative organizations/associations. Code. 4d: Information Does not utilize the computer Utilizes district mandated Demonstrates a solid Is highly proficient with current Technology independently. record management systems understanding and utilizes technology resources for and communications. current technology. children, teachers, and psychologists. Consults with building and district staff regarding use of technology within the educational setting. Acts as a resource to others regarding assistive technology as it applies to individualized programming.


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