Peer Review of Presentations

Oral presentations for each round of experiments will be peer-reviewed. The peer review panel for each presentation will consist of each of the other group leaders presenting on the same day. Each group will play the role of technical managers/consultants and will lead the student questioning as well as offer advice. A brief assessment of the presentation by each other group leader is due at the on the same day after class or within 24 hours. This assessment will be sent as the an attached MS word document consisting of the page which you received by email (a copy is attached). These will be emailed to me and to Byoungjin Kim at: [email protected] [email protected]

Rationale:  Throughout you career you will be asked to evaluate the work of others and to act in an advisory capacity for technical projects in which you may not be directly involved. In this course, you will be asked to assess the proposed experiments and to provide positive feedback to the group working in an area in which you have experience.

 This format promotes discussion during class and encourages interaction among the students in the laboratory.


The panel will be given the first opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and to offer advice. Both the presentation mechanics and technical content should be addressed. An edited evaluation will shared with the presenting group.

Questions from the instructor and other students will follow the panel’s discussion/questions in the traditional manner. Peer Review from : Group: ChE 402 Oral Report Form Student Date Experiment Group Proposal or Final I. Content 1. Introduction/Motivation [10] 2. Apparatus or procedure [10] 3. Background and theory [10] 4. Data analysis or Results including data [10] 5. Discussion [20] 6. Safety analysis or Conclusions and Recom. [10] Grade, Part 1. [70] 0

II. Presentation Mechanics 1. Organization [10] 2. Clarity of speech [10] 3. Professionalism [10] 4. Visual Aides [10] Grade, Part II [40]

IV. Peer Review Grade [ 110]

Comments/Suggestions on Technical Content:

Comments/Suggestions on Presentation Mechanics

Response to Questions: