The Mayor and Burgesses Of

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The Mayor and Burgesses Of

DATED: 08 May 2018





Plot of land Numbered Plot On the Plan of the Allotments In the LONDON BOROUGH OF CAMDEN

Director of Law and Admin Town Hall Euston Road LONDON NW1

1 THE AGREEMENT is made the 2nd January Two Thousand and Eight BETWEEN THE MAYOR AND BURGESSES OF THE LONDON BOROUGH OF CAMDEN of Town Hall, Euston Road in the County of London (hereinafter called “the Corporation”) Borough Solicitor duly authorised in that behalf of the one part and xxx of the borough aforesaid (hereinafter called “the Tenants”) of the other part.

1. THE Corporation agree to let and the Tenant agrees to take ALL THAT plot of land (hereinafter called “the Allotment Garden) situated on the Corporation’s XXXXXX Allotment Ground (hereinafter called “the Allotment Ground”) which Allotment Garden is for the purpose of identification only delineated and numbered X on the plan of the allotment ground deposited at the offices of the Director of Leisure and Community Services, Crowndale Centre, 218 Eversholt Street, London NW1, in the country aforesaid from the 1st day of April 2004 until the first day of April then next following and thereafter from year to year determinable as hereinafter mentioned at the yearly rent set out in the schedule hereto payable annually in advance the first of such payments to be made on the signing of hereof.

2. THE Tenant hereby agrees with the Corporation to comply with the following conditions:-

(a) Not to assign underlet or otherwise part with the possession of the Allotment Garden or any part thereof.

(b) Not to hold or suffer to be held any sale or auction on the Allotment Garden.

(c) Not to keep or allow to remain on the Allotment Garden any animals or poultry except in accordance with the provisions of Section 12 of the Allotments Act 1950 or any regulation or enactment to the like effect and then only with the prior consent of the Corporation in writing and subject to complying with any requirement of the Corporation.

(d) To comply with any directions of the Corporation from time to time as to the use of any accommodation provided by the Corporation on the Allotment Ground for the storage of tools, equipment and materials provided in clause 3(c) hereof not to erect on any part of the Allotment Garden any building hut or other structure without the previous approval in writing of the Corporation through their Authorised Officer and if any such building hut or structure is so erected without such previous consent being given the Corporation may forthwith pull down the same and sell or dispose of the materials thereof and after reimbursing themselves for the cost of so doing apply the net proceeds in discharging any rent due or to become due from the tenant under the agreement. If any building hut or structure is lawfully erected upon the Allotment Garden by the Tenant then upon the determination of this tenancy the Corporation shall not be bound to take over the same or to pay any compensation therefor but the Tenant shall be at liberty before expiration of this tenancy to remove the said building hut or structure and if the tenant fails to do so the Corporation may retain or pull down the same and sell or dispose of the materials and retain the proceeds thereof or otherwise make use of such materials as they think fit.

2 (e) To cultivate the Allotment Garden wholly or mainly for the production of vegetables or fruit and crops for consumption by him/herself or his/her family.

(f) To keep the Allotment Garden clean and in a good state of cultivation and fertility and in a good condition free from weeds and upon the determination of this tenancy hereby granted to quietly deliver up possession of the Allotment Garden to the Corporation in a clean and tidy condition clear of all refuse and rubbish.

(g) To keep any path around the Allotment Garden free from obstacles refuse and rubbish and not to dig up the said path.

(h) Not to plant vegetables or any trees or bushes so as to overshadow the neighbouring Allotment Gardens on the Allotment Ground.

(i) Not without prior written consent of the Corporation to cut or prune any timber or other trees on the Allotment Ground nor to take or sell or carry away there from any mineral gravel, sand or clay.

(j) Not to erect a barbed wire fence adjoining any path set out by the Corporation for the uses of the cultivators of the Allotment Garden on the Allotment Ground.

(k) Not to cause any nuisance or annoyance to the cultivators of the other Allotment Gardens on the Allotment Ground nor to obstruct any path set out by the Corporation for the use of said cultivators.

(l) To repair any damage done by him/her to any fences and gates on the Allotment Ground.

(m) To use his/her best endeavours:

(i) To protect the Allotment Ground its fixtures and fittings and the property common to his/herself and the other cultivators of the Allotment Gardens on the Allotment Ground and any crops or the said cultivators.

(ii) To discover and bring to justice all pilferers and trespassers on the Allotment Ground.

(n) To perform observe any additional conditions which the Corporation from time to time consider necessary for the protection of their interests and the interests of the other tenants of the Allotment Ground and of which notice is given to him in accordance with the provisions hereinafter contained.

3. THE Corporation hereby agrees with the Tenant that the Tenant paying the rent and observing the conditions herein contained on the Tenant’s part to be observed and performed may quietly hold and enjoy the Allotment Garden without interruption by the Corporation or any person rightfully claiming under the Corporation.

3 4. THE tenancy hereby granted may be determined as follows:

(i) by twelve calendar months notice in writing given by either party expiring on or before the Sixth day of April or on or after the Twenty-ninth day of September in any year provided that the Corporation may be in their absolute discretion agree to accept from the Tenant a shorter notice of determination; or

(ii) by the Corporation re-entering in pursuance for the provisions of Sub- Section (1)of Section (1)of the Allotments Act 1922 (as amended by Section 1 of the Allotment Act 1950).

5. It is hereby declared and agreed that the Corporation shall have the powers of re-entry referred to in the said Sub-Section (1) of the Allotments Act 1922 as amended as aforesaid and that the Corporation shall be entitled to enforce their right of re-entry under Sub-Section 1 (e) of the said Section 1 whenever the rent hereby reserved shall be in arrears for fourteen days (whether or not legally demanded).

6. ANY notice served under this Agreement on the Tenant may be served on him/her either personally or by leaving it at his/her last known place of abode or by recorded delivery letter addressed to him/her there or by fixing the same in some conspicuous manner to the Allotment Garden.

7. THE rent payable hereunder shall be considered as accruing from the day to day during the continuance of this Agreement and shall be apportionable accordingly.

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