How to Update Ignition Locations (Coordinates) in the Wildland Fire Management Information
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How to update ignition locations (coordinates) in the Wildland Fire Management Information (WFMI) Fire Reporting System.
1.) Go to the web at BLM NIFC – Fire Reporting Home Page,
From this Home page, you can view the information guide for NPS click on NPS.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 1 of 12 You will find the user’s guide on this page as well as the user access request form and rules and guidelines for use.
From the Home page you can also request an Export. Click on Export.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 2 of 12 Logging in is required for export request and download. If you don’t already have a Username and Password assigned to you, talk to your FMO for approval first, download and complete a User Access Request Form (found on NPS Users Guides and Information) and then request access through the WFMI NPS contact. You can find out who the contact is by clicking on support.
The NPS Contact can be found by scrolling down to the bottom of the page.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 3 of 12 2.) For updated (editing) a fire report, click on Select Fire Report.
You will be asked to log on. If you don’t already have a Username and Password assigned to you, talk to your FMO for approval first, download and complete a User Access Request Form (found on NPS Users Guides and Information) and then request access through the WFMI NPS contact. You can find out who the contact is by clicking on support.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 4 of 12 After you log on, your logon information will be displayed as well as your access rights. If you need different or additional access rights, contact the NPS WFMI representative to request. You will need FMO approval for all access rights. Click Continue
3.) After clicking Continue, the Select Fire Report page will open up. Click on Change Search Criteria.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 5 of 12 Under Custom Search for Fire Reports, Choose the region and reporting unit, fire cause, fire report status, and date range.
Leave the fields below Date Range blank but scroll down to Fire Type/Protection Type and click on Select All Fire Types/Protection Types (except false alarms).
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 6 of 12 Then scroll down to Type 3 and uncheck the box for 37) NPS-Support actions by NPS resources. These fires are not in or around the park so locations are not required. Click Search.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 7 of 12 4.) Fires matching your search criteria will be listed. Click the radio button before the fire report you need to edit. Click on Edit Selected Fire.
Verify that the correct fire was selected. Click on Edit Fire Report.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 8 of 12 6.) Scroll down to Agency Data Section. Choose Datum from the dropdown list. Choose coordinate type. For UTM, enter Zone and make sure Easting is 6 digits and Northing is 7 digits.
Scroll down and click Update Fire Report.
A message box will pop up that warns you that any changes made to a fire report require FMO approval. You should have only changed items on the fire report that you had approval for, in this case, ignition coordinates. The message also says to print the edited report and include with original Fire Report on file at the park. Click Yes to create a print display.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 9 of 12 7.) You will need to click on the browser’s print button to print and review.
If you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen, you will see that a Fire Report Modification History is listed. Your name will be displayed along with the date and time of modification. Be prepared to explain your modification if asked.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 10 of 12 After printing, click Return to Edit Fire Report.
Now you can either go back and edit the report again (if you saw an error on the print out) by clicking Edit Fire Report, or you can click on View Fire Report to print again, or you can click on Return to Select Fire Report to go back to your search criteria list. You can choose the next record you need to edit and follow the same steps above.
Created on 3/29/2007 12:10:00 AM DRAFT Page 11 of 12 When you are finished making edits, click on Logoff at the top of the page.
Make sure you send print outs of the edited records to the park. You may want to keep copies for your records as well along with the attribute table you used to make coordinate changes.
Any questions about editing in WFMI can be directed to the NPS WFMI representative, found on the Users Guide and Information Page. Any questions about this document can be directed to Kathie Hansen, MWR Fire GIS Specialist. [email protected], 608- 263-7689.
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