1. Which of the Following Best Defines the Printing Press?

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1. Which of the Following Best Defines the Printing Press?


Gutenberg’s Printing Press

Directions: Answer the following questions using your knowledge of social studies and notes.

1. Which of the following best defines the printing press?

A. A theory that was developed by a scientist, which explains how to write different types of books such as novels, biographies, and science fiction.

B. A machine that was developed by an engineer, which uses movable type in order to print and copy massive quantities of books very quickly.

C. A machine that allows writers to type their words onto a screen, and then create copies of words to glue onto pieces of paper inside of books.

D. An invention that allows written pages of literature to be pressed tightly together and binded so that the pages do not fall out of order.

2. Which of the following famous individuals had the brilliant idea to invent the printing press?

A. Leonardo Da Vinci C. Johannes Goldbloom

B. Ludvig Bethoven D. Johannes Gutenberg

3. Which of the following people was Johannes Gutenberg most similar to?

A. Michelangelo B. Aristotle C. Leonardo Da Vinci D. Marco Polo

- Explain how you know your answer to #3 is correct.

4. Which of the following was an effect of the Printing Press?

A. Books and literature were not available for most Europeans because the costs of published books increased.

B. Europeans began losing faith in their religious beliefs, and instead chose to believe in science over God.

C. The influence of the Catholic Church declined because people throughout Europe had access to new information from printed literature that was not distributed by the church.

D. The power and influence of kings increased because the majority of citizens were not intelligent enough to fight for their natural rights and equality within the government system.

5. Which of the following was not an effect of the printing press? [Type text]

A. People of all social classes began to learn how to read and write.

B. People stopped believing in Christianity, and transferred their beliefs to science and the arts.

C. Scientists were able to read the works and discoveries of other scientists, which helped them improve upon the knowledge that was learned by scholars before them.

D. Books became more affordable because they were no longer written by hand, and they could be published faster with less human work.

6. Which of the following most likely was able to occur because of the printing press?

A. The first newspaper was published in London, England.

B. Historians learned much more about the Renaissance than earlier time periods because there were more primary sources and documents for them to analyze.

C. Christianity was able to spread into new parts of the world because thousands of bibles were published and sold to people from all social classes.

D. All of the above.

7. Which of the following statements proves that humans during the Renaissance still valued their religious beliefs?

A. The first printed book that was made after the printing press was the bible.

B. People began to question the actions of the Pope and the Catholic Church.

C. Renaissance scientists began to publish literature about their advances in anatomy, physics, and biology.

D. None of the above.

8. Which of the following modern day inventions is most similar to the printing press from the Renaissance?

A. Computer/internet B. Cell phone C. Automobile D. Electricity

- Explain how you know your answer to #8 is correct.

9. What percentage of Europe’s population was able to read in 1400 CE?

10. Literacy rates in Europe ______from 1400 CE to 1500 CE. CLASS COPY: DO NOT WRITE ON THIS!

A. Plummeted B. Escalated C. Remained steady D. Fell drastically

- Explain how the invention of the printing press made this happen.

Directions: Answer the following questions using your knowledge of social studies and the statements below. Use evidence from the texts to support your answers.

Statement # 1

Thinking about the innovation of the printing press, how do you think this new invention impacted the education of people within Europe’s society?

For thousands of years the majority of society was illiterate and uneducated. History shows that during the Classical Period it was really only the wealthy and upper class citizens that learned how to read and write. For example, there were very few plebeians in Rome that knew how to read and write, but most of the patricians were taught how to read and write while they were growing up as children.

During the times of the Middle Ages, historians have learned that the Catholic Church was the only reliable place for education. Monks knew how to read and write. They copied hundreds of books. However, the serfs and peasants of Medieval Europe were extremely uneducated. Serfs never learned how to read or write while they were growing up because their purpose in society was to work, and they didn’t have access to books or literature.

11. What do you think happened to the education level of European citizens after the invention of the printing press? Do you think that only rich and wealthy members of the upper class were still the only people that learned how to read and write? Why or why not…?

Write a detailed explanation of 5-6 sentences.

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