The Mask I Wear

Background  We have just completed analyzing the poem, “We Wear the Mask.” It deals with metaphorical masks (that is, masks that we do not physically wear or touch, but expressions and behaviors that hide one’s true self nonetheless).  You have also written about your own metaphorical mask through a quick write.  Finally, you have analyzed physical masks from around the world, and you have noted the importance of color, facial expression, pattern, material, texture, number depicted, characters, etc. in these masks, as symbols of a culture’s beliefs, passions, and priorities.

Plan of Action  You will take all that you have learned about the importance and symbolism of masks to create your own, two-sided mask.

Requirements Your mask will have two sides: one for your “true” self, and one for the self that you project to others when you are not being yourself. If you feel as if 5 Two sides you project different “masks” depending on the circumstance, choose one pts. circumstance to focus on for this second side.

Hand-drawn Both sides must be hand-drawn, in full color, neat, and organized. 10 Full color pts. Neat Each side must include an animal that symbolizes how you feel when you are that mask. Do you feel like a turtle, because you are hiding your true self 5 Animal when you are at school? Are you a hyena that laughs a lot when you are pts. completely at ease among your friends?

Each side must use a background color that is of symbolic importance. Do you feel “blue” when you are not yourself? Conversely, do you feel “blue,” Background 5 like a breath of fresh air, when you are being yourself? As long as you can color pts. justify your color choice, you can use it.

Both sides must include a symbol of the environment that makes you feel Symbol of the that way. In which environment (including people) do you feel like your 5 environment authentic self? In which environment do you not? pts.

Add a texture or pattern to each side—one that is also symbolic of the Texture or environment and/or how you feel. You may add a quilt pattern to one side, 5 pattern because that is the side that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside! pts.

Choose a number that is important to both sides. If you feel most comfortable when around your family, and your family contains four people, 5 Number your number may be four for that side. pts.

Facial Add a facial expression around each side’s mouth. 5 expression pts. Somewhere on both sides, include a song title that perfectly describes your 5 Song emotions when you are “wearing” that particular side of the mask. pts. In a well-organized paragraph, explain each of your choices above. 10 Reflection pts.