Confirmation Class 2016-17
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Confirmation Class 2016-17
Teachers: Dolores Quinata, Melissa Camacho, Clarissa Camacho, Vernon Kamiaz Aides: Renee Finona, Vince
Cost: 60 Dollars for the Class – Fees pay for Teacher’s workbook, DVD series, Student’s Workbook, and supplies for class. Also pays for ties and veils for Confirmation. Additional Cost: 75 Dollars for the Confirmation Retreat – Organized Fundraisers will pay for it
1) Ascension Press “Chosen” a. Student Workbook 2) Class on selecting a Sponsor and Saint Name 3) Spiritual Gifts Workshop – Via Fr. Marvin b. Students learn about their Charisms 4) Confirmation Retreat
1) Copy of Baptism and First Communion Certificates. Before you attend the first class you must turn this in. If you were baptized and received first communion at Our lady of the Blessed Sacrament and you do not possess any copies, you must fill out a request form at the parish office.
2) Attendance:
Attend all Confirmation Classes. Due to the concentration of information packed into the Confirmation preparation classes, candidates must attend all classes. They are expected to be on time for meetings and prepared for the class with their workbooks. Leaving a class early is not permitted. If the student cannot attend a meeting due to illness or a family emergency, a parent/guardian must notify the candidate’s catechist that the student will be absent. [Sports events/practices, trips, weekends away, homework, and all other reasons are not acceptable for being absent.]
Only allowed two absences for the whole year. After two they must go through a meeting with the pastor and also make up classes. If you consistently miss classes after the meeting with Fr. Marvin, you will be postponed to receiving the sacrament of confirmation till the following year.
3) Selecting Sponsor and Essay - due October 30th. (See attachment)
4) Saint Name and Essay - See Attachment - Saint Essays are due at the end of the last class in November. 5) Confirmation Weekend Retreat Students are required to attend a three-day retreat that is focused on preparing them for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The retreat will take place at the retreat center in Malojloj. The retreat dates and times will be announced as soon as we get the date of our confirmation from the chancery office.
6) Community Service (outside of the required service) Community service is an important aspect of the Confirmation class. Each student must do at least 20 hours of community service outside of the existing required service projects.
7) Attend First Friday Adoration. Students are required to attend the adoration on the first Friday of each month starting at 5:00pm to 5:45pm. Attendance will be taken. If you miss this you will need to make it up by attending a holy hour in the adoration chapel.
8) Mass Attendance Confirmation students are required to attend mass every Sunday. Each student will be given monthly mass cards. Each card must be signed/initialed by the pastor, or teachers.
9) Holy Triduum Confirmation students are required to attend the Chrism Mass, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Masses. (attendance will be taken on Holy Thursday and Good Friday).
10) Closing exam/ Interview with Father Towards the end of their confirmation year, students will have to take an exam going over all that they learned. Furthermore, each student must go through a final interview with Fr. Marvin. Students must call the parish office and make an appointment.
Required Service for the Church: (Dates to be announced later) 1) Help with organization of canned Goods and counting of money from Love Loaves 2) set-up/Clean up for the Fiesta 3) pulling the Statue/passing out of holy cards/medals for Fiesta 4) Santo Nino around the village (proceeds go to youth ministry/confirmation Retreat) 5) Help with necessary Fundraisers (Bake Sale and Car Wash) for Confirmation Retreat and for Confirmation T-shirts 6) Walk for Life (Basilica) 7) Dec. 8 Our lady of Kamalen Procession (Basilica) 7) Pro-life Rally – Chain for Life (Tamuning) 8) World Youth Day Rally on Palm Sunday WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE PARENTS?
“The initiation of children into the sacramental life is for the most part the responsibility and concern of Christian parents. They are to form and gradually develop a spirit of faith in their children, and with the help of the catechetical institutions, prepare them for the fruitful reception of the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist. The responsibility of parents is also shown by their active participation in the celebration of the sacraments.” (Rite of Confirmation, No. 3)
"A candidate for confirmation who has attained the age of reason must profess the faith, be in the state of grace, have the intention of receiving the sacrament, and be prepared to assume the role of disciple and witness to Christ, both within the ecclesial community and in temporal affairs." Catechism of the Catholic Church #1319
Parents help their son/daughter by: 1) Sharing their faith stories and sharing Scripture/prayer... 2) Talking about church, morality, authority, and commitment as a family... 3) Setting an example by their service, participation, and prayer within the local Christian Catholic Community...Demonstrate the importance of the Sacraments in your own life. Attend Mass weekly. 4) Discussing with your teen the progress of the Confirmation preparation... 5) Allow your youth to freely choose the Sacrament of Confirmation...
The decision to receive Confirmation is the decision of the candidate, not the parent. It is the responsibility of the parents to help and support their son/daughter in making this decision. This decision deserves the same kind of support and care as decisions about other future directions in life.
Understanding that this is just the beginning of being a full member of the Catholic community is very important to remember during this process. Candidates need to be reminded of this by their parents. This is a very essential part of your son or daughter's faith journey.
Parents can be involved in the program by: Making sure candidates attend all classes, service projects, retreat and Life Teen... Assist your teen in selecting service experiences... Sharing in the choosing of a sponsor...Supporting the sponsor and staying in touch with them... Driving to and from Confirmation events... Getting involved in the Youth Ministry programs... Praying for all the candidates that are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation... Participating in all parent meetings and activities. Choosing a Sponsor
What does the word “sponsor” mean? The word “sponsor” comes from the Latin word sponder, which means to "give assurance, promise solemnly"
By definition “sponsor” means: 1) one who presents a candidate for baptism or confirmation and undertakes responsibility for the person's religious education or spiritual welfare 2) one who assumes responsibility for some other person or thing. The word “sponsor” also comes from the same root word as the word “responsible.”
Basic Church requirements to be considered as a sponsor:
To be qualified and be chosen as a Confirmation sponsor an individual must:
1) Have been initiated in the Catholic Church through the three sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. 2) Display a visible commitment to living out the Catholic faith and have the ability and intention to carry out his/her responsibility as a spiritual guide in your life. They must attend Sunday mass on a regular basis and possess an active prayer life. (Be in good standing with the Church) 3) If Sponsors are married, they must have received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. They cannot be civilly married, living in cohabitation, in a “common law” marriage, or same-sex relationship. 4) Their age must be 18+.
Other considerations when selecting a Confirmation sponsor: 1) A sponsor CANNOT be a parent of the one to be confirmed. 2) Each Confirmation candidate may only choose ONE sponsor. 3) Because the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation are so closely connected, Church teaching states that it is “desirable that the godparent at Baptism also be the sponsor at Confirmation”, however the selection of a special sponsor is also permitted. 4) The choice of who should be your sponsor is YOUR decision!
Things to think about before you ask someone to be your sponsor: 1) Your sponsor should be willing and able to participate in your formation for Confirmation. They should be willing and able to attend certain Confirmation sessions. 2) The person you choose as your sponsor should be someone that you admire and respect and who actively lives out the beliefs of our Catholic faith. 3) Your sponsor should be someone that you trust and feel comfortable turning to for help, advice and guidance, especially in regard to your spiritual life. 4) Your sponsor should be someone who, through his/her example, shows you what it means to be Catholic and who will take an active role in your preparation for Confirmation. 5) After you receive the Sacrament of Confirmation your relationship with your sponsor DOES NOT END! You both are called to lead each other closer to God, to continue to grow in knowledge of your faith, and to challenge one another to lead lives of holiness and service. 10) PRAY! Spend some time asking God for guidance on whom to choose as your sponsor. Directions for your SPONSOR ESSAY are on the bottom of the back of this page. The person I have chosen for my Confirmation Sponsor:
Directions for “My Confirmation Sponsor” Essay
Once you have asked the person you have chosen to be your sponsor and he/she accepts this role in your life, please write a one-page essay on WHY you have chosen this person to be your Confirmation sponsor. As you write this essay, please answer the following questions:
1) What about this person shows you what it means to be Catholic? 2) What qualities or characteristics of this person do you admire? 3) How does this person challenge you to grow in your faith and live a life of service? 4) Why do you feel this person is the best choice to help you become the man or woman God is calling you to be?
Guidelines for Sponsor Essay: 1) Essay should be typed (no larger than 12 pt), double-spaced OR very neatly handwritten. 2) On the top right corner of the page, please type/write your first and last name and directly beneath your name type/write “My Confirmation Sponsor” 3) Essays are due on October 30, 2016. You can drop turn it in to class or or e-mail it to Mrs. K. [email protected] CONFIRMATION SAINT NAME FORM
At Confirmation, you deepen your commitment to the Church and to your faith. Choosing a saint name for Confirmation is a very important step in your Sacramental Preparation. It is an acknowledgement that the Holy Spirit will change you through the grace of this Sacrament. In Scripture, Jesus changed the name of some of his disciples to signify that their role had been changed and that they were becoming, in a sense, a new person with a new identity. Just like you on the day of Confirmation. For example, Abram became Abraham (Genesis 17:5), Sarai became Sarah (Genesis 17:15), and Simon became Peter (Matthew 16:18). So, as a symbol of this change, you get to choose a new name. You see, at Baptism, your parents chose your Baptismal name, which became your new Christian identity in the Church through the waters of Baptism. Now, you get to choose your Confirmation Name. When the Bishop asks you what your Saint name is, he will be recalling your baptismal name as a sign of your new identity.
Confirmation names should either be an approved Catholic Saint or the candidate’s baptismal name, assuming it is a Catholic Saint Name. When choosing a saint name, you should choose someone who exemplifies a quality, characteristic or special quality of holiness that you wish to have, somebody whose life you want to emulate, or somebody you have something in common with. Choose a saint that inspires you, a spiritual role model that can help guide you throughout your faith journey and one you wish to emulate. By researching saint names, you will come to realize that they failed and succeeded, struggled as we all do, had faults and gifts like us, but they strived to live a virtuous and holy life and were faithful disciples with an extraordinary faith in God. Ask yourself what kind of person you want to become, then pray about your decision, research a saint name, and ask your parents and priests for help. REMEMBER IT MUST BE A CATHOLIC SAINT’S NAME. If you aren’t sure, then please ask. Websites that might be helpful to you are:
After you choose you Saint name, please fill out this form and hand it in with your essay on THE 1ST CLASS IN January. Write a one-page essay and include a picture if you wish, be creative and have fun. Questions to discuss would be: Why did you choose this saint’s names for Confirmation? When and where was your saint born? What did your saint do for a living and why were they considered to be a saint? What struggles did they go through and what made them special? How does their life inspire you to grow in your spiritual life and relationship with God.
INSTRUCTORS: ROLAND MANGLONA, ROSE NICDAO AIDS: ROOM: SOCIAL HALL CLASS HOURS: MONDAY 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (ATTEND 6:00 PM MASS) *Door will be locked at 6:40 PM, if you are not in the Social Hall at this time, it is considered an unexcused absence. SCHOOL YEAR: 2016-2017 COURSE TITLE: PRE-CONFIRMATION
CURRICULUM: ASCENSION PRESS 1.) “Altaration” 5-8 part lesson on the Mass a.) Required Workbook-Students will be provided with a binder with the copy of the Workbook. b.) DVD Series c.) Teacher’s Guide 2.) “You” Life, Love, and Theology of the Body - 10 part lesson plan a.) Required Workbook-Students will be provided with a binder with the copy of the Workbook. b.) DVD Series c.) Teacher’s Guide
1. Fee of $40 a. This fee will cover the following supplies/materials: 1 ½ inch binder, 2 reams of paper (copies for “Altaration” and “Theology of the Body”), and the cost of the Day of Recollection fees. 2. Copy of Baptismal and First Communion Certificates a. Before you attend the first class you must turn these in. If you were baptized and received first communion at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and you do not possess any copies, you must fill out a request form at the parish office. 3. Attendance a. Attend all Pre-Confirmation Classes. Due to the concentration of information packed into the Pre-Confirmation preparation classes, candidates must attend all classes. You are expected to come to class on time and prepared with your binder. Leaving a class early is not permitted. If the student cannot attend a meeting due to illness or a family emergency, a parent/guardian must notify the candidate’s catechist (teacher) that the student will be absent. [Sports events/practices, trips, weekends away, homework, and all other reasons are not acceptable for being absent.] b. Only allowed three excused absences for the whole year. After two (absence) will require a conference with Father, Parents, and the student. If you consistently miss classes after the meeting with Fr. Marvin, you will be postponed to receiving the sacrament of confirmation till the following year. 4. Monthly Mass Card-Students are required to attend Mass and get the signature of the priest or their teacher to confirm that they attended mass. a. Please bring your card with you when you attend Sunday Mass (Saturday at 5pm, Sunday 7am and 9am) and Monday Mass before CCD class. b. If you are not able to attend Sunday Mass at OLBS parish, it is your responsibility to get the parish Priest’s signature you attended Sunday Mass at. 5. Day of Recollection- May 2017 6. Sponsor Selection and Essay-Announced in January and done by March 2017. a. See attachement 7. Saint Name and Essay- March 2017. a. See attachment 8. Must attend the Holy Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter) 9. Exit Essay and Interview by Teachers-End of May 2017 10. 20 hours Service Hours together with required service. a. Ministry a.i. As part of the church community you must choose a ministry during your PRECON year. a.ii. Ministry hours will only count should you fail to meet your 20 hours service requirement by the end of the CCD year. b. Required Service: Dates to be announced later b.i. Organizing canned goods from Thanksgiving and counting money from Love Loaves. b.ii. “Happy Labor”, setting up and cleaning up before, during, and after Fiesta. b.iii. Nino around the Village-several days with parent involvement. b.iv. Walk for Life b.v. Pro-Life Rally World Youth Day rally on Palm Sunday b.vii. Parish Picnic / High Mass b.viii. December 08 Procession
1. Black/blue pen or #2 pencil 2. CCD Binder a. Includes your copy of “Altaration” and filler paper colleged ruled (8 ½ x 11). b. This will be provided by the church.
1. Students must respect each other, the instructors, classroom, and environment. 2. Always come on time and prepared to learn. 3. Always do your best. 4. Listen attentively and follow instructions/directions set forth by your teachers. 5. All students must attend 6:00PM mass and head to social hall after for instructional time. 6. Dress Code: Please dress appropriately for mass. Dress like you are meeting someone important (Pope or President) or going to an important event / function. a. Students must dress in a modest and appropriate manner for all classes, parish events, and masses. Please remember that you are in the presence of the Lord. a.i. Girls a.i.1. No strapless, sleeveless, or spaghetti strap blouses, etc. a.i.2. No see through blouses a.i.3. No leggings a.i.4. Skirts must be one inch above the knee a.i.5. No stilettos a.ii. Boys a.ii.1. No vulgar images a.ii.2. No provocative images a.ii.3. No shorts, quick dries, or sweat pants a.ii.4. No zories
7. Food and Drinks: Light snacks and water are allowed during instruction time but you must clean up after yourself. 8. Cell phones: The use of cell phones is prohibited during instructional time, mass, and any parish event unless allowed by an instructor. Cell phones will be collected at the beginning of class and will be given after class ends. Should not be used during instruction time unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. Cellphones should be turned off or put on silent mode and placed in your bag / purse. NOTE: As instructors of the class, we reserve the right to make adjustments to your syllabus as needed.
I acknowledge reading the attached Pre Confirmation Syllabus and will abide by the conditions and responsibilities set forth. This syllabus will serve as a covenant between me, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish, and Instructors.
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), Please sign below acknowledging having received and read the attached syllabus.
What does the word “sponsor” mean? The word “sponsor” comes from the Latin word sponder, which means to "give assurance, promise solemnly"
By definition “sponsor” means: 1) one who presents a candidate for baptism or confirmation and undertakes responsibility for the person's religious education or spiritual welfare 2) one who assumes responsibility for some other person or thing. The word “sponsor” also comes from the same root word as the word “responsible.”
Basic Church requirements to be considered as a sponsor: To be qualified and be chosen as a Confirmation sponsor an individual must:
1) Have been initiated in the Catholic Church through the three sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. 2) Display a visible commitment to living out the Catholic faith and have the ability and intention to carry out his/her responsibility as a spiritual guide in your life. They must attend Sunday mass on a regular basis and possess an active prayer life. (Be in good standing with the Church) 3) If Sponsors are married, they must have received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. They cannot be civilly married, living in cohabitation, in a “common law” marriage, or same-sex relationship. 4) Their age must be 18+.
Other considerations when selecting a Confirmation sponsor: 1) A sponsor CANNOT be a parent of the one to be confirmed. 2) Each Confirmation candidate may only choose ONE sponsor. 3) Because the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation are so closely connected, Church teaching states that it is “desirable that the godparent at Baptism also be the sponsor at Confirmation”, however the selection of a special sponsor is also permitted. 4) The choice of who should be your sponsor is YOUR decision!
Things to think about before you ask someone to be your sponsor: 1) Your sponsor should be willing and able to participate in your formation for Confirmation. They should be willing and able to attend certain Confirmation sessions. 2) The person you choose as your sponsor should be someone that you admire and respect and who actively lives out the beliefs of our Catholic faith. 3) Your sponsor should be someone that you trust and feel comfortable turning to for help, advice and guidance, especially in regard to your spiritual life. 4) Your sponsor should be someone who, through his/her example, shows you what it means to be Catholic and who will take an active role in your preparation for Confirmation. 5) After you receive the Sacrament of Confirmation your relationship with your sponsor DOES NOT END! You both are called to lead each other closer to God, to continue to grow in knowledge of your faith, and to challenge one another to lead lives of holiness and service. 6) PRAY! Spend some time asking God for guidance on whom to choose as your sponsor. Directions for your SPONSOR ESSAY are noted below:. The person I have chosen for my Confirmation Sponsor:
Directions for “My Confirmation Sponsor” Essay
Once you have asked the person you have chosen to be your sponsor and he/she accepts this role in your life, please write a one-page essay on WHY you have chosen this person to be your Confirmation sponsor. As you write this essay, please answer the following questions:
1. What about this person shows you what it means to be Catholic? 2. What qualities or characteristics of this person do you admire? 3. How does this person challenge you to grow in your faith and live a life of service? 4. Why do you feel this person is the best choice to help you become the man or woman God is calling you to be?
Guidelines for Sponsor Essay: 1. Essay should be typed (no larger than 12 pt), double-spaced, 1 inch margin all around. 2. On the top right corner of the page, please type/write your first and last name and directly beneath your name type/write “My Confirmation Sponsor” 3. Essays are due on March 2017. You can drop turn it in to class or e-mail it to [email protected]
At Confirmation, you deepen your commitment to the Church and to your faith. Choosing a saint name for Confirmation is a very important step in your Sacramental Preparation. It is an acknowledgement that the Holy Spirit will change you through the grace of this Sacrament. In Scripture, Jesus changed the name of some of his disciples to signify that their role had been changed and that they were becoming, in a sense, a new person with a new identity. Just like you on the day of Confirmation. For example, Abram became Abraham (Genesis 17:5), Sarai became Sarah (Genesis 17:15), and Simon became Peter (Matthew 16:18). So, as a symbol of this change, you get to choose a new name. You see, at Baptism, your parents chose your Baptismal name, which became your new Christian identity in the Church through the waters of Baptism. Now, you get to choose your Confirmation Name. When the Bishop asks you what your Saint name is, he will be recalling your baptismal name as a sign of your new identity. Confirmation names should either be an approved Catholic Saint or the candidate’s baptismal name, assuming it is a Catholic Saint Name. When choosing a saint name, you should choose someone who exemplifies a quality, characteristic or special quality of holiness that you wish to have, somebody whose life you want to emulate, or somebody you have something in common with. Choose a saint that inspires you, a spiritual role model that can help guide you throughout your faith journey and one you wish to emulate. By researching saint names, you will come to realize that they failed and succeeded, struggled as we all do, had faults and gifts like us, but they strived to live a virtuous and holy life and were faithful disciples with an extraordinary faith in God. Ask yourself what kind of person you want to become, then pray about your decision, research a saint name, and ask your parents and priests for help. REMEMBER IT MUST BE A CATHOLIC SAINT’S NAME. If you aren’t sure, then please ask. Websites that might be helpful to you are:
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After you choose you Saint name, please fill out this form and hand it in with your essay on MARCH 2017. Write a one-page essay and include a picture if you wish, be creative and have fun. Questions to discuss would be: Why did you choose this saint’s names for Confirmation? When and where was your saint born? What did your saint do for a living and why were they considered to be a saint? What struggles did they go through and what made them special? How does their life inspire you to grow in your spiritual life and relationship with God.