School-Wide Training Readiness Checklist

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School-Wide Training Readiness Checklist


Documents/Evidence Complete? Items to Complete Prior to PBIS Tier 1 Training

1. A Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Leadership Team is formed with broad representation including a building administrator, general education teachers with grade level representation, a special education teacher, an enrichment or special areas teacher, a school psychologist or guidance counselor (or some other person YES NO with behavioral expertise), FRYSC Director and a paraprofessional. There should be a parent on the team who is not staff. This Leadership Team commits to participate in the sequence of Tier 1PBIS training. (Attach the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Leadership Team roster to this document) Appendix A

2. The Principal or Assistant Principal, who is responsible for making decisions, is an active participant on the PBIS team and agrees to attend all levels of PBIS training across the continuum of behavior support. In addition, the administrator will attend the monthly PBIS Leadership Team meetings and facilitate the sharing of PBIS YES NO information, activities and discipline data with the staff on a monthly basis at staff meetings, through staff newsletters, or other forms of communication. Name of Principal or Assistant: ______

YES NO 3. The Principal commits to PBIS process and is aware that implementation is a 3–5 year process that requires on-going training across the continuum of behavior support and/or revisions of school’s PBIS plan.

4. The PBIS team commits to meet at least once a month to analyze school-wide behavioral and academic data and to use YES NO this data in a solution focused process.

YES NO 5. School personnel should have reviewed, Promoting Positive Behavior in Schools, a Web-based Option for the Training Required by 704 KAR 7:160, Use of Physical Restraint in Public Schools. Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline 260 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone: 502. 223. 9932 Website: Adapted from SW PBIS Readiness Checklist 1.14.05 doc – Florida’s PBS Project at USF and Illinois PBIS Network Individual School Readiness Checklist Rev. 9/2016

6. At least 80% of the faculty (certified and classified) will complete the Self- Assessment Survey (SAS) between YES NO Sessions 1 and 2. Contact area coordinator to get access to the on-line survey.

7. The school has one or two PBIS Coaches who commit to attending additional training for coaches and actively facilitating the school-wide initiative. This person(s) will fulfill the responsibilities of PBIS Coach as delineated in the Coach’s job description (Appendix B). PBIS Coach: ______Position: ______Office Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______YES NO Email: ______

PBIS Coach: ______Position: ______Office Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______Email: ______

8. The school has identified a person at the district level for guidance and consultation. In addition, the PBS District Coordinator (if applicable) or KY PBIS Network Area Coordinator, will collaborate with the school’s PBIS Coach to ensure that all system tools and data sources have been completed within timelines, shared with staff, YES NO and used in an appropriate manner. System tools include: Team Implementation Checklist, Benchmarks of Quality, and Self- Assessment Survey. Data sources include: discipline data, academic data, and educational environment data. Explanation of PBIS data tools will be provided throughout Tier 1training.

9. The school has allocated/secured funding from their district or school budget to support implementation of School-wide PBIS. YES NO Identify funding sources:______

YES NO 10. The school must understand and actively support the use of accurate data on discipline and student behavior. Implementation of PBIS with fidelity is impossible without a commitment to data-based decision making. Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline 260 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone: 502. 223. 9932 Website: Adapted from SW PBIS Readiness Checklist 1.14.05 doc – Florida’s PBS Project at USF and Illinois PBIS Network Individual School Readiness Checklist Rev. 9/2016 YES NO 11. When the school has determined it is ready, an Advanced Tier Team is formed and trained using a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) model.

YES NO 12. The school will complete a PBIS Action Plan and update as needed. The Action Plan will be reviewed and updated monthly by the PBIS Leadership Team.

If NO is circled on any of these items, area coordinator will contact you to discuss preparations for training.

Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline 260 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone: 502. 223. 9932 Website: Adapted from SW PBIS Readiness Checklist 1.14.05 doc – Florida’s PBS Project at USF and Illinois PBIS Network Individual School Readiness Checklist Rev. 9/2016 PBIS Leadership Team Roster

Kentucky PBIS Network S C H O O L - W I D E P O S I T I V E B E H A V I O R A L I N T E R V E N T I O N S A N D S U P P O R T S L E A D E R S H I P T E A M K E N T U C K Y P B I S I M P L E M E N T A T I O N

School Name: ______District: ______

Name School Position Team Role Email Principal/Asst. Principal *Parent

**FRYSC Director

PBIS Team Meeting Dates Month Meeting Date(s) Month Meeting Date(s) Month Meeting Date(s) July November March August December April September January May October February June

* The school leadership team should contain a representative who is uniquely a parent, not a staff member who also has children in the school. It is acceptable, but less beneficial if the parent is unable to attend the training but will participate on the leadership team at the school level. If the team can recruit more than one parent, the benefit for the students, families, staff and school can increase exponentially.

**If the school has a Family Resource Center or a Youth Service Center the Director of the FRYSC should be a member of the team. Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline 260 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone: 502. 223. 9932 Website: Adapted from SW PBIS Readiness Checklist 1.14.05 doc – Florida’s PBS Project at USF and Illinois PBIS Network Individual School Readiness Checklist Rev. 9/2016 PBIS Coach Job Description

Kentucky PBIS Network INTERNAL COACH JOB DESCRIPTION K E N T U C K Y P B I S I M P L E M E N T A T I O N JOB TITLE: PBIS Coach JOB GOALS: 1.) Attend and monitor PBIS Trainings with team 2.) Ensure that PBIS is implemented with integrity in their building 3.) Communicate with the CSIP committee or member of CSIP committee 4.) Knows the research and practices related to school-wide behavioral support, including applied behavior analysis, and has ability to use a variety of observational and interviewing skills QUALIFICATIONS: 1.) Works in the building or within the building as a district-level employee 2.) Completion of Tier 1 Training 3.) Promotes shared decision-making but has the authority to initiate change (i.e., works closely with administrator/decision maker) 4.) Two- to three-year commitment 5.) Flexibility to attend additional leadership workshops for coaches COORDINATE WITH TEAM MEMBERS THE FOLLOWING: 1.) Data collection in building (i.e., big five and academic data) 2.) Ensure expectations are taught, reinforced, and monitored at the school-wide level 3.) Celebrations/boosters 4.) Facilitation of monthly Tier 1 Team meetings, including creating an agenda in collaboration with the Team 5.) Communication of PBIS activities at faculty meetings 6.) Collection and analysis of PBIS specific data (i.e., Team Implementation Checklist, BoQ, SAS, Tiered Fidelity Inventory, and school data forms) 7.) Communication with parent/parent liaison/PTA/PTO 8.) Annual report shared with district team (i.e., District Leadership Team, Board of Education) 9.) Network with other PBIS coaches and KYCID Area Coordinators POSSIBLE INCENTIVES: Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline 260 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone: 502. 223. 9932 Website: Adapted from SW PBIS Readiness Checklist 1.14.05 doc – Florida’s PBS Project at USF and Illinois PBIS Network Individual School Readiness Checklist Rev. 9/2016 Stipend, No Homeroom assignment, Time in lieu of other assigned duties, Floating sub, Additional prep period ۰

Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline 260 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone: 502. 223. 9932 Website: Adapted from SW PBIS Readiness Checklist 1.14.05 doc – Florida’s PBS Project at USF and Illinois PBIS Network Individual School Readiness Checklist Rev. 9/2016

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