OC_AIAA Council Meeting Minutes March 05, 2013

Venue: Boeing Building No.28, Huntington Beach, CA Attendees: Jim Martin Jann Koepke Dino Roman Mark Huebner Phil Ridout Ronald Freeman Don Black (guest) Jerry Huang Joseph Justin John Rose Kamal Shweyk Bob Welge Tiffany Nyugen

Meeting started at 6:15pm.

Officer Reports:

Acting Chair (Justin): - May want to promote AIAA_OC events at Science Café. Brian Hart, former AIAA member, earned a PhD and founded the Science Café a few years ago. He’s now in the military. Mark Raymond of JPL now works with the Science Café and would make a good speaker choice for one of AIAA_OC events. Science Café functions as an interface of OCEC and AIAA. Could place Science Café on the mailing list and have them post the upcoming ASAT. Phil mentioned checking with OCEC to post ASAT. ASAT flyers have been sent out to the nine AIAA sections of California. - Regional Leadership Conference is scheduled for August, 2013, in Los Angeles. Agreed to send Tiffany Nyugen. - RAC is scheduled for May 18, 2013, at the Microcosm, Inc. Bob Welge to attend. - Introducing Don Black of IEEE and Gaming Special Interest Group. Guest Speaker (Don Black): - Discussed two programs being developed for the near future needs volunteers to assist: o Virtual Business Incubator (VBI) The goal is identify in the community the next Elon Musk. There are about 3-6 incubators in Orange County that mentor entrepreneurs and provide supporting services, facility, equipment, and networking opportunities to help develop start-ups. VBI will organize mentoring or networking meetings (at coffeehouses), seek research or university labs for entrepreneurs’ use, on an estimated budget of about $10- 20,000. The last IEEE’s Entrepreneur Network meeting was held about 6 months ago. o Innovation Conference - Justin recommended that the programs be promoted at the ASAT. Suggested that Don work with Career and Workforce Vice-Chairperson Jerry Huang to schedule promotion for dinner meeting. Also, Don should coordinate program events with Jim Martin, Programs Vice-Chairperson to put on the AIAA_OC’s master program calendar. In fact, there should be some coordination and mutual promotion of all meetings, events and activities on a common master calendar developed by all professional organizations in Orange County, including ASME, IEEE, AIAA, and Sigma Psi. - Ron Freeman and John Rose volunteered or suggest a colleague knowledgeable in incubators and innovation to work with Don in his endeavors. - The virtual incubator program will be ideal for UCI students considering entrepreneurship opportunities. However, UCI lacks a real aerospace program. UCI’s Bog Liebeck advises the student Design, Build, and Fly group. Career and Workforce (Huang): - Looking or potential speakers on career development. IEEE has scheduled a November career program. Consider a joint AIAA-IEEE career program. Chairperson-Elect (vacant): Secretary (Freeman): - Motion made and passed to approve the minutes for Council meetings of January, 2013. Motion made and passed to approve submission of Bob Welge’s memo notes of February 2013’s AIAA_OC meeting. Treasurer (Ridout): - February, 2013 AIAA_OC Financial Report reviewed and approved. - Note in the February Financial Report receipt of CAT 1 rebate of $3,994 for FY2011-12. - According to Vice-Chairperson of Communications Jody Hart, the PayPal Account is frozen. Need a 501(3)c letter, an AIAA_OC Missions Statement, and a voided check or a bank statement. Suggested that relevant information needed includes bank’s routing and account numbers, which can be provided on a document with AIAA_OC letterhead. Dino has the login and password for PayPal and will forward them to Jody. May have to require cash on-site registration. - Motion made and passed to approved to open a checking account and to use the checking account as stand-alone to restore the PayPal account. - Need two judges for Orange county Science Fair on March 19, 2013. - Next Saturday, 12-5pm, JPL Mars’ Rover display and slide-show presentation will be held at Brandman University, Irvine CA. Mark Huebner, Jann and Sjoen to volunteer and set up a AIAA_OC promotion table. Technical (Dino): - Consider the ASAT as a net profit-making venture. Registration cost per attendee is $65 for members, $75 non-members, and $20 for high school students having lunch. Will have about 40 papers for both morning and afternoon sessions, and keynote speakers. Lock in the ASAT date for May 04, 2013. Bob Zimmerman, author of Predicting Space Travel Based on the Past is the third keynote speaker, named. In lieu of keynote gift, Zimmerman prefers to opportunity to sell his books and have the Section to purchase some books. Student posters will also be on exhibit. Jody to update the website to name the keynote speakers. - Will give presents with AIAA logos for keynote speakers. Don Black will be able to promote IEEE calendar and the Innovation Conference during poster/ session breakout. - The papers will be available on CD. Call for papers were first sent out in January, 2013. The deadline to receive abstracts is March 29, 2013. Jody sent out call for papers 4 times. Papers include those from Nino Polizzi (RST), John Rose (Knowledge Engineering), Don Black (Space Tourism), Bob and JannKoepke (TARC), Kamal Shweyk and Ron Freeman (NASA Milestones for New Space Companies). - Need audio visual equipment for ASAT, including four projectors and four laptops. John, Jan and dino volunteered. Honors and Awards (vacant): - Gene Justin’ Report. Nominations for AIAA Fellows and Associate Fellows have an open season during April 15-May 15, 2013 for an on-line submission. Nominations need to include three references. AIAA members can update to senior Member status after 8 years as a member. - AIAA_OC Section Awards for Engineer of the Year, Young Professional of the Year, Student of the Year, and Leadership need nominations. John Rose nominated Darrell Pelc of Boeing Builbing 17 for Leadership Award. Call for nominations have already been sent out. - Note national AIAA elections forthcoming. Programs (Martin, absent): Directors at Large ( John Rose; Bob Koepke and Toby Holtz, absent): - In case, CVD expenses are not sufficiently covered, requests that AIAA-OC match Region VI travel subsidy of $250. Motion made and passed to approve out of pocket expenses for CVD and CA Aerospace Day activities up to $250. Membership (Welge): - As of February 16, 2013, membership included 516 professional and 84 student. There are 5 members about to drop. Note the drops can be identified within 30 days of the member expiration date. Young Professionals (Nyugen): - No report. Education (J. Koepke): - Attended Education STEM Workshop at the AIAA Conference in Texas, January 2013. Public Policy (Shweyk): - Congressional Visit Day scheduled for March 19-20. Public Policy colloquium well attended with out-of-town guests, March 02nd, in El Segundo. -Need to provide photos of California Aerospace Day in Sacramento. -Will set up CVD appointment for Congressman meeting by the end of the week. Communications (Hart, absent):

The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 03rd at 6pm. Jann Koepke volunteered to bring dinner.