Title of the Contribution in Bold Times New Roman 14

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Title of the Contribution in Bold Times New Roman 14

Author Guidelines for Proceedings of a VŠM conference

Title of the Contribution in Bold Times New Roman 14

First Author (name and family name, no degrees or titles, Times 12) Institution (Times 12)

Second Author (name and family name, no degrees or titles, Times 12) Institution (Times 12)

Abstract: Use Times New Roman, 10 points; align the text on both sides. It is brief, condensed information on the issues discussed by the author, with emphasis on main ideas, which are the focus of the text (goal/intention/objective of the paper). The abstract is usually written in the mother tongue. The recommended size is 10 lines at maximum. Keywords: follow the abstract. These are terms and phrases that are dominant in the text (regarding the content). The recommended number of keywords is up to 10. Keywords end with a full stop. Terms and phrases are typed in lower-case letters and separated by commas, or with the first capital letters and separated by periods. Keywords, as well as annotations, are a mandatory part of all professional texts.

Note: If the contribution is written in the Slovak language, it is necessary to type the title, abstract and keywords in both Slovak and English. Leave out two lines and start with the actual text.

These instructions specify formal requirements for all contributions to conferences organized by Vysoká škola manažmentu in Trenčín. Their aim is to guarantee a unified layout of all contributions in order to speed up and simplify the publication process. The contribution must be written in one of the official languages of the conference specified by its organizing committee, using the obligatory Times New Roman font, 12 points. Spacing 1.0. Text aligned on both sides; only the list of Literature is not aligned on the right side. The typing process is simple. Save the typed document as a Word file. In the name of the file, include your last name and a shortened conference title. Submit the complete contribution electronically to the address [email protected]. I n cas e o f se nd i n g se v era l c on tri bu ti on s t o t h e sa m e c on fere n ce, please add t h ei r o r d e r numb er s to avoid their loss, misplacement, or unintended deletion. The maximum allowed size of the contribution is 20 pages.

If you want to add a subtitle, use the font Times New Roman 12 (bold). Structure of the Contribution In scientific and professional papers in our region, we follow the composition model IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) originating in Anglo-American professional literature. It consists of: a) current state of the discussed issue in the home country and abroad = theoretical background (introduction); b) objective of the paper and hypotheses; c) research methodology (methods); d) results of the research (results) and discussion. Naturally, every author selects the structure of the contribution according to the contribution’s objective. The described structure serves only as recommendation. The size and typ of the font are specified for each part, so it is only necessary to rewrited the text or copy its layout. Th e following subchapters describe the most common text components which the author can encounter.

Illustrations A table or figure should be accompanied by its lable/title and source (if available). L abelling of an illustration is typed above the figure; not followed by a period; the source is typed below the table; on the left vertical line; not centered. Your own notes, calculations or explanatory notes should be written down below the table or figure. Place illustration material, that is figures and tables, in the same place in the text where you refer to them. Small shifts caused by the page end are allowed. Do not split tables between two pages.

Listing in the text In professional and scientific papers, lists are introduced by a sentence which ends with a colon, sometimes by a period (full stop). Various listing symbols can be used; individual items in a list can be marked by alphabet letters, numbers, dashes, other symbols (e.g. dots, arrows, squares). Use not more than 3 types of symbols in your paper. If the listing starts with lower-case letters, individual items in the list end with a comma or semicolon; the last one ends with a period. If items in the list start with upper-case letters, there is a period after each sentence/item.

Citations and references When citing literature sources in the text (in-text citation), use the so-called Harvard system, which is using the first data and a date. Do not write the full first name, only the initial, e.g. J. Hudec. Do not use addresses like Mr./Ms., work positions, academic degrees, or scientific titles.

Page numbering Do not number the pages of your contribution. Final page numbers will be added by the publisher (if needed).

At the end of the text, include the name(s) and last name(s) of the author(s), scientific titles and academic degrees, the full title and complete address of the workplace, and the e-mail address.

Example: Denisa Hackett, PhD., MBA Vysoká škola manažmentu v Trenčíne/City University of Seattle Bezručova 64, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected]

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in strict following of these guidelines when writing your paper. We wish you enjoyable work on your contribution. We are looking forward to meeting you.

We will accept only contributions that meet requirements for an academic paper and the author guidelines.


Compile the list of used sources according to the used citation method (the first data and a date). List the items in the alphabetical order according to the author’s last name or according to the title. The first data should be followed by the year of publication. Do not number the items (references). Every item in the reference list should be on a separate line. Type it on the left vertical line and align the text only on the left; for every following line of the item (if the reference exceeds one line), use an indentation.

Examples of referencing according to document types:

Reference to a book/monograph: KELEMEN, J. 2010. Myslenie a stroj. Bratislava : Kalligram, 2010. 379 s. ISBN 978-80-8101- 243-3.

Reference to a journal article: STEINEROVÁ, J. 2000. Princípy formovania vzdelania v informačnej vede. In Pedagogická revue. 2000, ro . 2, . 3, s. 8-16. ISSN 1335-1982.

TAJTÁKOVÁ, M., OLEJÁROVÁ, M. 2012. Culture and its role in the volatile environment of knowledge and creative age in view of crisis. In American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ). 2012. Vol. 4, No. 5, p. 71-78. ISSN 2162- 321x.

Reference to a conference contribution or a monograph contribution: PALENČÁROVÁ, J. 2007. Prvky mediálnej výchovy vo vyu ovanií materinského jazyka (od diskriminácie k demytologizácii). In Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi:Komunikace jako klí k dětem a mládeži. Red. R. Novák. Ostrava: Pedagogická fakulta Ostravské univerzity, Katedra českého jazyka a literatury s didaktikou, 2007, s. 5-9. ISBN 978-80-7368-4912-1.

Reference to electronic documents - monographs: TKÁČIKOVÁ, D. 1999. Když se řekne digitální knihovna [online]. 2. vyd. Ústí nad Labem : Ikaros, 1999. 86 s. Dostupné na: h tt p ://i k ar o s.ff.c un i.cz/i k ar o s/ 1999 /c 08 / u sti u sti _ t k aci kov a. h t m l [cit. 2000-06-10].

Reference to articles in electronic journals and other contributions: HOGGAN, D. 2002. Challenges, Strategies, and Tools for Research Scientists. In Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship [online]. 2002, vol. 3, no. 3. Dostupné na: h tt p ://s ou t h er n li b raria n s h i p .icaa p . o r g /c on te n t/ v03n03 / Hogg a n_d01 . h t m l [cit. 2003-01-10].

Reference to text taken from a website: ÚRAD VLÁDY SR. s.a. ERM II [online]. Dostupné na: h tt p :// www .e u r o . v la d a. gov .s k /i nd e x . php?ID=1044 [cit. 2008-03-12].

Reference to a conference contribution on a CD-ROM: MAŤOVČÍKOVÁ, D. 2010. How adults cope with the conversion to the Euro in the Slovak Republic. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Adults Learning Mathematics – A Research Forum (ALM) incorporating the LLU+ 7th National Numeracy Conference [CD-ROM]. London : South Bank University, 2009, p. 169-177. ISBN 978-1-872972-12-1.

Reference to scientific-qualification work: KROČITÝ, P. 2015. Štatistické prieskumy ako informačný zdroj znalostného manažmentu v oblasti akademickej etiky : dizertačná práca. Bratislava : VŠM, 2015. 147 s.

Reference to a research report: ČABRUNGMAYEROVÁ, P. et al. 1996. Problematika výskytu rasizmu, fašizmu a xenofóbie na Slovensku : výskumná správa. Nitra: UKF, 2000. 178 s.

In case of questions, consult the document: PALENČÁROVÁ, J., KROČITÝ, P. 2015. Akademická príručka na tvorbu odborných textov [online]. 3. vyd. Trenčín : Vysoká škola manažmentu v Trenčíne, 2015. Dostupné na: http://www.vsm.sk/files/sh/prirucka_2015.pdf

…or contact: [email protected] (0918/23 45 73)

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