Upcoming Dates to Remember
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Greeting Guilford Families,
All is well at Guilford Elementary! Our students have been engaging in the MAP assessment and are well on their way to accessing grade level curriculum. There are many ways our students have been engaged in leadership opportunities within the building. We have safety patrols back on post, Tutors, rest room monitors, news anchors, and much more! It is delightful having our students lead. Our safety patrols will be engaging in an installation ceremony on October 7th. More information will be forthcoming. Thank you for your continued support in emphasizing responsibility and respect. It is appreciated. Genée Varlack, Principal Connie Stahler, Assistant Principal
HOMECOMING PARADE Guilford Elementary School’s Safety Patrols have received permission to march in the Hammond High School Homecoming Day Parade!!!!! We are excited! ! Here are the details: When: Saturday, October 18, 2014; 9:00 AM Parade Start Where: Kings Contrivance Village Center, in front of the Amherst House Would you join us on that day to celebrate the HHS Golden Bears and our GES Tigers who are marching? The festivities planned promise to be fun for all.
PARTNERSHIPS: Guilford Elementary is pleased to recognize the following community businesses as partners:
• Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Tau Pi Chapter - An On-going partnership for the past 15 years dedicated to fostering male leadership
A-OK Mentoring/Tutoring – An ongoing partnership for the past 3 years, dedicated to fostering safe, nurturing relationships and connectivity with GES student Howard Community College: Society of Women Engineers - A new partnership with HCC students dedicated to fostering female leadership in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Howard Community College: STEMS Initiative- A new partnership with HCC students focused on working with our students in grade 4 on innovative science fair projects Columbia Community Center Seventh Day Adventists (CCCSDA) -A new partnership focused on aligning with the school to provide high impact parent information sessions, health practices, and access to Adult Basic Education for our parent body. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Columbia, Maryland Alumnae Chapter - A new partnership dedicated to fostering interest and involvement in STEM initiatives.Asbury Jessup United Methodist Church - A new partnership dedicated to aligning with the school to impact the parent and student community via workshops, career day involvement, family fun nights, etc.
ARMY FIELD BAND - In our 4th year for GES Band recruitment, the US Army Field Band (a HCPSS partner) sent professional musicians on Sept. 3 to Guilford to briefly discuss and demonstrate each instrument in the band. They played a short song together before they departed. Band is part of HCPSS Instrumental Music Programs and is offered to 4th and 5th graders. The recruitment assembly was successful, exciting, and caught on film. Please follow the link ( http://youtu.be/qjJDtA0Jx_Y) to see the assembly in action. To date, we have 109 students currently enrolled in the Band/Strings program. That is 1/5th of our school enrollment! What a success!
HCPSS and the African-American Community Roundtable of Howard County, will present a joint community forum on engagement and achievement for African-American students on Sept. 29 at Wilde Lake High School at 7 p.m.
University of Maryland Baltimore County president and renowned educational scholar Freeman Hrabowski will be the keynote speaker for the free public forum, which will broach topics of parental involvement and collaborative strategies for schools and communities in support of student success.
1 Mission Statement: Guilford Elementary will ensure excellence in teaching and learning so that each student will participate responsibly in our diverse and changing world. Mark you calendar for October 11th!
The Fort Meade Alliance is hosting a free event to give local elementary and middle school students and their parents a chance to experience the amazing world of science, technology, engineering and math! Check out cutting edge equipment, technology and STEM ideas being used right in your backyard! See the attached flyer for more information.
JOIN THE PTA! The number one reason to join the PTA is to benefit your child. Decades of research shows that when parents are involved, students perform better in school, receive higher grades, exhibit increased motivation, and better self- esteem. In helping your child, you’ll also help your school. If you don’t have a lot of time to volunteer, at least become a member. Every member increases the PTA’s voice. September is PTA month, so please send in your membership now, and GET CONNECTED! PTA dues are $10/individual; $15/family.
MARATHON KIDS NEWS Guilford Elementary School was fortunate to receive 502 scholarships to participate in the Marathon Kids program. This evidence - based program is designed to help students stay active and make healthy food choices in order to promote healthier and happier lifestyles. We began this journey with a kick-off assembly on Friday, September 19th. This assembly featured some guest speakers and a kick-off lap while being cheered on by staff, guest speakers, and our community. The goal of this program is to have our students complete a marathon, (26.2 miles of walking or running), during recess and P.E. All students who complete this task will receive a free T- shirt. Here are three photos of the kick-off event:
The Family Portal The Family Portal can be found on the Howard County Public School System’s homepage, www.hcpss.org. Parents who activated their Family Portal account last school year will use the same log-in and password. New and returning families that have not activated their parent account(s) are urged to do so as soon as possible. For assistance you may call the main office, 410-880-5930.
Emergency Card Online To complete or revise your child’s emergency information, please log-on to Emergency Card Online at https://epstudentinfo.hcpss.org. Parents will use the same log-in and password used for the Family Portal. Student emergency information should have been completed by Monday, September 1st. To date, with the 186 students of the 501 students have been registered. Many of our parents have registered concerns and frustration regarding the portal being used. Please persevere and continue to try and register your child. In the case of an emergency, we will KNOW how to contact you. Please call the main office for assistance, 410-880-5930.
HCPSS NEWS Already signed up? Receiving regular news from the school and the county? This is great! Thank you for partnering with us and staying current with school news! If you have not UPDATED your child’s grade in HCPSS NEWS, you may however be missing out on grade level information, sent only to that particular grade. Please take a moment, follow the link below and ensure that your child’s information is up to date. https://www.hcpssnews.com/user/userdefault.aspx
Emergency Notifications As we enter the school year, make sure you know where to find emergency closing information. A complete list of places can be found on the HCPSS website. Please note, new this year, we no longer will use NotifyMeHoward for 2 notifications.
SCHOOL HOURS Grades K– 5 9:25a.m. – 3:55p.m. Preschool AM - 9:25 – 11:55a.m./ PM – 1:15 -3:55p.m. Students may enter the building at 9:05am, when the bell chimes. LATE ARRIVALS Students who arrive at school after 9:25a.m. MUST be accompanied by a parent to the Main Office to be signed in before reporting to class. EARLY DISMISSAL Teachers may not dismiss students to parents/guardians. Parents/guardians must come to the Main Office, with identification, to sign out students and the office will request that the teacher send the student to the office. This procedure is for the safety of all our students. ABSENCE POLICY A parent note explaining a student’s absence is required when a student is absent for any portion of the school day. Please include date(s) of absence(s). When a student in absent 3 or more consecutive days a doctor’s note is requested upon the student’s return to school. BUSES Children are assigned to buses by the Pupil Transportation Office based on where they live. Lists of students who ride a particular bus are kept on record in the office. Children are not permitted to ride on another bus. If an emergency arises, please call the main office 410-880-5930. WALKERS The Crossing Guard will be on post from 8:55-9:20a.m. Please do not send your children before this time. Students will not be permitted in the building until 9:05a.m.
UPCOMING EVENTS September 29 Hispanic Reading Night, 6:00-8:00 pm October 1 Kindergarten Math Night 6:00-8:00 pm TO BE RESCHEDULED 2 Interim Reports Issued 3 School Spirit Day – NATIONAL DENIM DAY 4 PTA Yard Sale, 8:00 am – 12:00 noon 7 Learning Party, 5:30-7:30 pm 8 First Grade Math Night, 6:00-8:00 pm 10 Family Fun Night, 6:00-10:00 pm 13 Individual Picture Day School Spirit Day – DRESS TO IMPRESS 14 Dreambox Parent Night, 6:00-7:00 pm PTA Meeting, 7:00 pm 15 Fire Safety House, Second Grade Restaurant Night – The Green Turtle, 5:00-6:00 pm Second Grade Math Night, 6:00-8:00 pm
Map Assessments – Fall September 22nd - October 22nd
GROCERY CARD SIGN-UP Don’t forget about registering your supermarket cards for Guilford. Each year, parents must register so please re- register your Giant, Harris-Teeter, and Safeway cards. GIANT - www.giantfood.com/aplus. Our school ID # is 01033. HARRIS TEETER - It's time to RE-LINK your VIC cards. We have several ways to link your VIC card: At the register in our stores At the Customer Service desk in our stores. Our website - http://www.harristeeter.com/community/together_in_education/tie.aspx . Phone - Call 1-800-432-6111 TIE Coordinators can link parent's cards using the Mass Link feature in the TIE Coordinator section of our website. Please note that you may now provide a VIC card number and/or a phone number when mass linking a card. If you do not have your login information please call 1-800-432-6111.
3 Mission Statement: Guilford Elementary will ensure excellence in teaching and learning so that each student will participate responsibly in our diverse and changing world. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION - As in past years, we will be participating in the Box Tops for Education program. There are several different and easy ways in which you can earn money for Guilford Elementary. The first way is to simply clip the Box Tops for Education coupons off the items that you are already using. Bring them into the school and drop them off in the box located in the lobby. The second way is to go to the Box Tops Marketplace at btfe.com. Simply click on the "Shop Online and Earn" tab to shop at some of your favorite stores like Target, Land's End and Staples. A percentage of the qualifying purchases are credited to Guilford. The third way is to shop at Box Tops Reading Room, which teams up Box Tops for Education and Barnes & Noble. Guilford will earn 6% on new book purchases and 3% on all other purchases.
Community Events The following events are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System.
HOWARD COUNTY 5K RACE & 1 MILE FUN RUN - The Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) is excited to host Let’s Go HoCo, its inaugural 5K race and 1 mile fun run on Sunday, October 12 in Columbia. The race is a great way to bring together students, families, staff and Howard County community members to promote health and wellness. The race will include beginners, intermediate and professional level athletes. View event information and register today at www.hcpss5k.com. BSAP SATURDAY MATH ACADEMY -The BSAP Saturday Math Academy offers mentoring and tutoring in mathematics to all students in grades 3-12 on Saturday mornings by HCPSS certified teachers. On site registration for the fall will be held Saturday, Sept. 27, 9-11 a.m. at Oakland Mills High School. Information on the Fall session is available online. Details on the Saturday Math Academy can be found on the HCPSS website. Howard Community College- Busy Parents Guide to Family Nutrition can help you revitalize your and your family’s health. Students will learn secrets and recipes to revitalize your health and life. Text included. Tues., Sept. 23-Oct. 21, 7 to 9 p.m. at Centennial High School. $119. For a full course description and registration information, visit coned.howardcc.edu/nutrition. For more information about the courses listed above, please call Rosemary Muir at 443-518-4404 or email [email protected]. ES, MS, HS Ellicott City Volunteer Fire Dept- Ellicott City Fire Dept. Open House, Oct. 4, 1-4 p.m., 4150 Montgomery Road. For further info please call 410-313-2600. ES, MS,HS Healthy Howard - Door to Healthcare, a project of Healthy Howard and we provide FREE help in choosing affordable, quality health coverage. The Door provides practical answers about new changes in health care, personal support for making the right choice and assistance with signing up for health insurance. Our certified Navigators and Assisters are available for in-person assistance and to guide you and your family through the process of becoming insured. To learn more, visit www.doortohealthcare.org or call us at 855-288-3667. ES, MS, HS Maryland Judiciary -Judiciary Contest for Young Artists Helps Promote Peacemaking The Maryland Judiciary is asking young artists to help promote peacemaking in its annual Conflict Resolution Student Bookmark Art Contest. The contest, for Maryland students, grades K-8; helps celebrate Conflict Resolution Day, which is Thursday, Oct. 16. For more information contact Alecia Parker, 410-260-3540, or [email protected]. ES, MS, HS Howard Community College - Busy Parents Guide to Family Nutrition can help you revitalize your and your family’s health. Students will learn secrets and recipes to revitalize your health and life. Tues., Sept. 23- Oct. 21, 7 to 9 p.m. at Centennial High School. $119. For a full course description and registration information, visit coned.howardcc.edu/nutrition. For more information about the courses listed above, please call Rosemary Muir at 443-518-4404 or email [email protected]. ES, MS, HS Orthodox Church of St. Matthew - St. Matthew Multi-Cultural Festival on Oct. 4, 11a.m. - 8p.m. and 5,11:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., featuring hand-made international foods, free live entertainment, hand-made crafts, and an amazing themed children's area with games, prizes, moonbounce, and a dunk tank. Located in the Kings Contrivance Village Center. For more information, visit www.stmatthewfestival.org. ES, MS, HS Howard County Recreation and Parks - Looking for Teens interested in making a difference in their community. Howard County Teen Clubs begin meeting in Oct. and we are looking for teens like you that are interested in helping to plan and implement new activities and events for Teens. You can choose between the Roger Carter Community Center, the North Laurel Community Center, or the Gary J. Arthur Community Center in Glenwood. For more information, please contact Kori Jones at [email protected] or 410-313-4609. MS, HS Howard County Recreation and Parks -Jewelry Design at the North Laurel Community Center, design your own earrings using professional tools, supplies, and techniques. Class is on Sat., Oct. 4, 3:30-5:30 p.m. To register by phone, please call Recreation and Parks at 410-313- 7275. For more information, please contact Kori Jones at [email protected] or 410-313-4609. ES, MS, HS Howard County Recreation and Parks - Modeling School: Commercial Acting and Modeling at the North Laurel Community Center. This class meets on Sat., Oct. 4, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. To register by phone, please call Recreation and Parks at 410-313-7275. For more information, please contact Kori Jones at [email protected] or 410-313-4609. MS, HS Howard County Recreation and Parks -Intro to Music Production at River Hill High School, this class meets Sat., 1-2 p.m., Oct. 4. To register by phone, please call Recreation and Parks at 410-313-7275. For more information, please contact Kori Jones at [email protected] or 410-313-4609. HS Howard County Recreation and Parks -Piano at River Hill High School, Learn to play the piano in this introductory class. This class meets for eight Saturdays from 12 – 1 PM, beginning Oct 4. To register by phone, please call Recreation and Parks at 410-313-7275. For more information, please contact Kori Jones at [email protected] or 410-313-4609. HS Howard County Recreation and Parks -Rock School: Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, or Vocals, this class meets Sat., Oct 4. To register by phone, please call Recreation and Parks at 410-313-7275. For more information, please contact Kori Jones at [email protected] or 410- 313-4609. ES, MS, HS Howard Community College -Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture for students ages 11-14. Offered at HCC’s Hickory Ridge Building, Sat, Oct. 4-Nov. 15, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Listen and learn to speak basic Spanish while learning about the food, culture, customs and crafts of S. America. Offered through Howard community College Continuing Education Division. howardcc.edu/koc (look for fall, winter, spring classes) MS, HS For more information, please call Rosemary Muir at 443 518-4404 or email [email protected] Columbia Chamber Orchestra -37th season in grand style, Sat., Oct. 11, 7:30 p.m. Baltimore Symphony Concertmaster Jonathan Carney returns for the warmth and brilliance of the Brahms Violin Concerto. Then Robert Schumann leads us on a journey down the Rhine in a thrilling Romantic Symphony. First, Mary Howe's short tone poem paints a ravishing picture of a brilliant night sky. Visit www.columbiaorchestra.org/hcpss or call 410-465-8777. ES, MS, HS
4 5 Mission Statement: Guilford Elementary will ensure excellence in teaching and learning so that each student will participate responsibly in our diverse and changing world.