Reply to the Letter Received from Northern Regional Office, Moef, Chandigarh W.R.T. Institution

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Reply to the Letter Received from Northern Regional Office, Moef, Chandigarh W.R.T. Institution

Reply to the letter received from Northern Regional Office, MoEF, Chandigarh w.r.t. Institution Campus and Residential Township Project at Village JAsaur Kheri and Kheri Jasaur District Jhajjar, Haryana by Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership(GCNEP) Ref: File No. 4-1524/2014-RO (NZ)/ 6938 Dated 25-11-2014

Sl. No. Information needed Reply

1. As per the condition No. (iv) of Part B We have submitted the compliance (General Conditions) of EC, it is mandatory report for June 2015, as per the to submit six monthly progress reports condition No. (iv) of Part B indicating the status of compliance of the (General Conditions) of EC Letter. stipulated EC conditions including results of Receiving for the same is attached monitored data (both in hard as well as soft as Annexure I. copies) to this office in 1st week of June and December every year. 2. The revised budget estimates of the project, The total estimated cost for project item wise expenditure on civil constructions 147 Crore. Being a government along with item wise expenditure on organisation, budget sanctioned Environment Management Plan. note showing the cost of the project is enclosed as Annexure- II.

The item wise estimated Environment Management Plan cost is being worked out. 3. Component wise construction status till date Construction work has been started along with percentage of work done with at site, including one floor photographs and remaining construction construction in one building and work. pillars in other building. Site Photographs are attached as Annexure III.

4. The date of starting the project and the Construction has been started in proposed completion schedule Nov 2014 and will be completed in March 2020 5. The design details of Sewage Treatment Plant Design details of STP are enclosed and the construction status as Annexure-IV. Construction of STP has not been started yet. 6. The status of diversion of forest land under Not Applicable as no forest land is the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, if the involved. forest land is involved in the approach road to the Project site. 7. The copies of the records that Provident Fund Record of Provident fund of is being deposited to the provident Fund labourer is attached as Annexure commissioner in respect of the laborers V. 8. Confirm whether a First Aid Room has been First Aid room has been provided provided at the project site or not at the Project Site. Photograph showing the same is attached as Annexure VI. 9. Number of workers employed for 80-100 labourers have been construction work and the drinking water and employed at the construction site. sanitary facilities provided to them. Appropriate drinking water and sanitary facilities is being provided to them. Photograph showing same is attached as Annexure VII. 10. The quantity of muck excavated so far from Quantity of soil excavated is the construction sites and the sites of around 5815 CuM. The excavated disposal. It may be confirmed whether the soil will be used for plinth filling / sites have been restored or not back filling works. simultaneously 11. No. of DG sets, their capacities, the height of During construction, one DG set of stacks attached to them and whether they are capacity 125 kVA is provided provided with acoustic enclosure or not. along with stack height of 4.00 meters. 12. Submit copies of valid “Pollution under Copy of Pollution Under check check certificates” (PUC) in respect of the Certificates (PUC) attached as trucks and other vehicles employed for the Annexure VIII. transport of construction material. 13. Details about quantity of diesel kept in store Quantity of diesel storage is very at the construction site and the approval from less. However, it is being stored competent authority in this regard safely Photograph showing same is enclosed as Annexure IX. 14. Schedule for completing rain water Rain water harvesting stage has harvesting measures and forward a copy of not arrived yet as construction has the design details of the same. just started. It will be constructed in future. 15. Details of the area covered, number and This stage is not arrived yet. species of plants planted and the expenditure incurred on the plantation 16. Details of quantity of fly ash and fly ash Fly ash bricks is being used during bricks used in the project construction till construction. date. 17. Inform the Number of bore wells being Not applicable. operated at the project site and the status of permission from Central Ground Water Authority/ Haryana Jal Board. A copy of the permission may be submitted to this office immediately to avoid any violation. 18. Submit copy of the “Consent to Establish”/ NOC from HSPCB is enclosed as NOC issued by the Haryana Pollution Annexure-X. Control Committee under the Air and Water Acts. 19. A report on energy conservation measures Agreed: A report on energy incorporating details of building material and conservation measures technology alongwith R&U value upto 06- incorporating details of building 02-2015. Action taken with regard to energy material & technology along with conservation measures taken in the Buildings R & U will be submitted. may be submitted.

20. Submit copies of approvals from the Chief NOC from Haryana Fire Service is Controller of Explosives, Fire Safety enclosed as Annexure- XI. Department and Civil Aviation Department etc. 21. It may be confirmed that UV system will be The stage has not been arrived yet provided with STP. but UV system will be provided to the modular type STP system. 22. It may be confirmed that Dual plumbing line Dual plumbing line will be is being provided to use treated water for provided to use treated water for flushing of toilets and grey and black water is flushing of toilets and grey and being separated. black water will be separated. 23. Dully filled up data sheet Dully filled data sheet is enclosed as Annexure-XII.

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