COURSE TITLE: World History GRADE: 7Th

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COURSE TITLE: World History GRADE: 7Th


COURSE TITLE: World History GRADE: 7th

Unit Title and Objectives List CLTs for Each Objective Brief Description of End-of-Unit Benchmark or Formative Assessment(s) Performance Assessment Unit: Geography This objective is taught as part of the WEEK 1-2 Locate rivers, cities, and oceans using absolute continuous process locating and Or exact locations with longitude, latitude, and the compass rose describing geographic places in the CONTINUOUS-OBJECTIVE United States and the world. Locate and describe geographic Locate rivers, cities, and oceans, using relative Instruction and assessments will be places in the United States and the directions which refers to the position of a varied and repeated throughout the world using absolute and relative place in relation to other places. year. location Unit: 1 Early Civilizations Explain information about the religion, Students will create a flyer comparing End of Unit Benchmark Assessment WEEK 3-4 —OBJECTIVES leaders, and the accomplishments of the contributions of the ancient river civilizations. leaders in Ancient Mesopotamians Identify languages and or writing discovered Complete graphic organizers for important Describe the cultures of and identify and explain their contributions or inventions information from the textbook. the contributions made to our world of the Mesopotamia civilization by the Mesopotamia River Valley Explain the social history of the Mesopotamia civilizations civilization Unit: 1 Early Civilizations Explain information about the religion, Create a fact sheet interpreting section End of Unit Benchmark Assessment WEEK 5-6—OBJECTIVES leaders, and the accomplishments of the readings for Ancient Egypt leaders in Ancient Egypt Identify their language and or writing Design a poster displaying the Social history Describe the cultures of and identify discovered and explain their contributions or for Ancient Egypt the contributions made to our world inventions of the early Egypt civilization by the Egypt river valley civilizations. Explain the Social history of ancient Egypt Complete True/False quiz over the Ancient Egypt civilization. Unit 1: Early Civilizations Explain information about the religion, Create a story map from section reading of the End of Unit Benchmark Assessment WEEK 7-9—OBJECTIVES leaders, and the accomplishments of the Early Israelites. leaders of the First Israelites Identify their language and/or writing Create a newsletter explaining section Describe the cultures of and identify discovered readings over Early Israelites. the contributions made to our world Explain their contributions or inventions of the by the Ancient Israelites civilizations Early Israelites Explain the Social History of the Early Israelites


Unit Title and Objectives List CLTs for Each Objective Brief Description of End-of-Unit Benchmark or Formative Assessment(s) Performance Assessment Unit: 2 The Ancient World Explain information about the religion, the Create a power point about the information End of Unit Benchmark Assessment leaders, and the accomplishments of the from section 1 information in the textbook leaders in Ancient Greeks over ancient Greeks WEEK 10-11—OBJECTIVES Identify the language and or writing discovered by Ancient Greece Describe the culture of and identify Identify contributions and inventions of the the contributions made to the world Early Greeks Complete reading organizer from section by the Ancient Greeks Explain the Social history of the Ancient information in the textbook Greeks

Unit: 2 The Ancient World Explain information about the religion, the Complete section review questions for reading End of Unit Benchmark Assessment leaders, and the accomplishments of the in the textbook leaders in Ancient India. WEEK 12-13—OBJECTIVES Identify the contributions and inventions of Complete a quiz over information in the Ancient India. textbook Describe the culture of and identify Explain the Social history of Ancient India. the contributions made to the world by the Ancient India Unit: 3 New Empires and New Faiths Explain information about the religion, leaders Create a circle plot diagram for factual End of Unit Benchmark Assessment and accomplishments of Ancient Rome information about Ancient Rome WEEK 14-15—OBJECTIVES Identify the language and or writing discovered by Early Rome Explain and demonstrate examples of Complete Brain pop quizzes over Ancient roman culture and the contributions Explain the social history of Early Rome Rome made to our world by the Romans Unit 3: New Empires and New Faiths Explain information about the religion, leaders Create a foldable organizing Christian beliefs End of Unit Benchmark Assessment and accomplishments of the First Christians. Complete a graphic organizer showing the WEEK S 16-18 —OBJECTIVES Identify the language and or writing invented by the Early Christians. reasons for the growth of Christianity

Explain and demonstrate the Rise of Explain the contributions and inventions by Complete section questions for reading in the Christianity the First Christians. textbook

Explain the social history of Early Christians. CURRICULUM UNIT MAP 3rd QUARTER

COURSE TITLE: World History GRADE: 7th

Unit Title and Objectives List CLTs for Each Objective Brief Description of End-of-Unit Benchmark or Formative Assessment(s) Performance Assessment Unit 4: The Middle Ages Explain information about religion leaders, Create a free form map of Ancient China End of Unit Benchmark Assessment and the accomplishments of the leaders in Ancient China Create a flyer using factual information for WEEK 19-21—OBJECTIVES Identify the language and or writing Ancient China discovered by Ancient China Explain and demonstrate examples of Early China culture and the Explain the contributions and or inventions by contributions made to our world by Ancient China early China Unit: 4 The Middle Ages Explain information about the religion, Create a web map of important factual End of Unit Benchmark Assessment leaders, and accomplishments in Medieval information Japan WEEK 22-24—OBJECTIVES Identify the language and or writing Create a foldable for the different eras in discovered in Medieval Japan Japan history Explain the feudal society of Japan Explain the social history of Medieval Japan Complete graphic organizers for textbook reading

Unit: 4 The Middle Ages Explain information about the religion, Create a foldable organizing data about End of Unit Benchmark Assessment leaders, and accomplishments in Medieval events in medieval Europe Europe WEEK 25-27—OBJECTIVES Identify the language and or writing Complete an exit slip comparing the feudal discovered in Medieval Europe system of Europe and Japan Discover and explain the medieval feudal society of Europe Explain the social history of Medieval Europe CURRICULUM UNIT MAP 4th QUARTER

COURSE TITLE: World History GRADE: 7th

Unit Title and Objectives List CLTs for Each Objective Brief Description of End-of-Unit Benchmark or Formative Assessment(s) Performance Assessment (Place after last objective in unit that is assessed) Unit 5: A Changing World Explain information about the religion, Create a scrapbook page for information over End of Unit Benchmark Assessment leaders, and the accomplishments of the First Early Americans Americans. WEEK 28-30—OBJECTIVES Identify the language and or writing of the Complete Brain pop quizzes for Early First Americans Americans Explain and demonstrate the culture Explain the Social history of the First of the First Americans Americans Complete section questions in the textbook for The First Americans Unit 5: A Changing World Explain the definitions of and describe key Create a document of the influential people of End of Unit Benchmark Assessment terms for the Renaissance period the Renaissance period WEEK 31-33—OBJECTIVES Identify the language and or writing discovered during the Renaissance Explain contributions or inventions of the Explain how the Renaissance began Renaissance period Complete Brain pop quizzes for the Renaissance period and its impact on France, Germany, Explain the Social history and influential Spain and England individuals of the Renaissance

Unit: 5 Enlightenment and Explain the age of exploration Create a newspaper column about the End of Unit Benchmark Assessment Revolution voyages of exploration Complete graphic organizers interpreting WEEK 36-39—OBJECTIVES Summarize the scientific revolution information from textbook reading

Summarize how the voyages of Research explorers that were important to the exploration and scientific discoveries Age of exploration Explain the enlightenment affected people in different parts of the world

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