Park East Community First Panel
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Park East Community First Panel
Minutes of the meeting held at 6.00pm on Wednesday 11 July 2012 at St Columba’s / Clifton Centre
Present: Cllr Paul Harman (Chair), Colin Rispin, Rev. Sheilagh Williamson
Apology: Samantha Eason, Cllr Joe Lyonette, Cllr Cyndi Hughes, Joyce Standing, Diane Woodcock (Panel Partner)
Minutes of the Meeting of 6 June were approved.
No matters arising
1) Update on Projects for funding: The decision to support a proposal from the Talkabout group taken by email discussion was approved.
It was noted that the project proposal from Friends of South Park does not in its present form meet our criteria for a scheme designed to engage volunteers and of significant benefit to the community. We recommend that FOSP approach Park East Community Partnership to discuss further development of the proposal.
Action point: PH was asked to contact the organisation processing the funding application to find out when cash would be released to the Talkabout group
2) Discussion of future funding areas.
Members present were concerned about the approaching cuts to welfare benefits of all kinds and the impact these would have on the daily life of the most vulnerable people in Park East.
It was noted that, as Government proposes that in future all benefits be applied for by individuals on-line, those unable to use or unfamiliar with computers would have particular difficulties.
It was recommended that a number of approaches to supporting people to become ‘computer literate’ be explored and that funding proposals be invited on this topic.
Agreed that computer literacy projects be a main topic for discussion at next meeting.
Meeting closed at 6.45 pm
Date of Next Meeting: 6.00pm Wednesday 12 September Park East Community First Panel
Minutes of the meeting held at 6.00pm on Wednesday 12 September 2012 at St Columba’s / Clifton Centre
Present: Cllr Paul Harman (Chair), Colin Rispin, Rev. Sheilagh Williamson, Cllr Cyndi Hughes
Apology: Samantha Eason, Cllr Joe Lyonette, Joyce Standing, Diane Woodcock (Panel Partner)
Minutes of the Meeting of 11 July were approved.
Matters arising. Talkabout group. Members were concerned that despite the best efforts of all concerned no payment had yet been received. The activity planned for summer holidays could not therefore be delivered.
The long delay between submission, receipt of approval and then receipt of funds is very frustrating. The panel need to allow a long lead time and make applicants aware of this.
1) Consideration of new project areas. a) The Food Bank proposal from St Columba’s had been circulated and was approved for submission. The programme will start on 14 September. Cooking lessons and advice from the Credit Union will be available every Friday. b) A proposal to offer basic computer literacy classes at the Community Centre was approved in principle. It was agreed that the Park East Community Partnership be asked to host this project. A detailed proposal will be requested and circulated to all members for consideration as soon as it is ready.
2) Membership
Joyce Standing and Samantha Eason have resigned. After discussion it was agreed to invite David Tripp to join the panel. He has already indicated his willingness to serve.
3) There was no other business
Meeting closed at 6.45 pm
Date of Next Meeting: 6.00pm Wednesday 21 November Park East Community First Panel
Minutes of the meeting held at 6.00pm on Wednesday 21 November 2012 at St Columba’s / Clifton Centre
Present: Cllr Paul Harman (Chair), Colin Rispin, Rev. Sheilagh Williamson, Cllr Cyndi Hughes, David Tripp
Apology: Cllr Joe Lyonette, Diane Woodcock (Panel Partner)
In Attendance: Ian Dodds (Cabinet Office)
Minutes of the Meeting of 12 September were approved.
Matters arising. Noted that the response time to applications had improved markedly in recent weeks. The Food Bank is up and running with some 20 people attending on average.
1) Review of Membership.
David Tripp was welcomed to the Panel.
It was noted that currently Cllr Lyonette is indisposed, Sam Eason has resigned because of work pressure and Joyce Standing has sadly passed away.
After discussion it was agreed that additional members should not be invited now from among people currently known to members. A wider promotional exercise to attract interest in the programme should be undertaken. Once interest has been gained, both new projects and new Panel members may come forward.
The Chair and other Panel members explained the situation in Park East. For many years residents have been encouraged to rely upon the Council to provide services. In addition, the Skerne Park Community Centre, a key resource, now needs some reinvigoration. There are very few self-managing community groups currently able to put forward project proposals suitable for Community First funding.
There is a group of 10-12 people active within the Community Partnership, the Residents’ Association, Tenants Board and the management committee of the Community Centre. Within the wider Park East Ward there is also a large number of residents with, for example, professional and managerial backgrounds. Capacity to manage resources is therefore available if the right approaches are made and the right opportunities can be offered.
Finally it was agreed to make a promotional drive using Councillors’ Newsletters, Hot News and Darlington Together to attract more projects and new Panel members. 2) Projects. No new projects had been proposed. Panel members, in their role as members of local organisations, suggested a number of potential project themes and ideas.
Ian Dodds pointed out that the aim of Community First is to encourage new groups to form and then put forward project ideas.
Members expressed the view that in order to create wider interest in community activity and participation, some projects need to be delivered successfully. The Skerne Green play area was cited as an example of a resource, created by residents in partnership with the Council, which could in future both attract and benefit from wider community engagement and volunteer participation.
Ian Dodds gave examples of action by CF groups from around the region and offered advice on sources of future support.
3) There was no other business
Meeting closed at 7.15 pm
Date of Next Meeting: 6.00pm Wednesday 23 January 2013 Park East Community First Panel
Minutes of the meeting held at 6.00pm on Wednesday 23 January 2013 at St Columba’s / Clifton Centre
Present: Cllr Paul Harman (Chair), Colin Rispin, Rev. Sheilagh Williamson, Cllr Cyndi Hughes, David Tripp
Apology: Cllr Joe Lyonette,
In Attendance: Diane Woodcock (Panel Partner)
Minutes of the Meeting of 21 November 2012 were approved.
Matters arising.
A recent Councillor Newsletter had explained the role of CF and invited participation in the Panel and in submitting applications and proposals. No response had resulted.
1) Projects. No new projects had been proposed.
David Tripp and Colin Rispin offered an update on the future of the Community Centre in Skerne Park. It is not possible to commit to new activity, which might encourage greater community activity, until the fate of the Centre. This is in part a funding issue but also involves the updating of the constitution.
DT advised that the formation of a Friends of Skerne Green was a future possibility, when works on the new play area have been completed.
CH also observed that the Computing for Beginners open access sessions could not begin until management issues at the Centre had been settled
CH reported that a new skateboard park was being built at Faverdale and as many young people in Park East will wish to use it, that some form of transport support might be the basis for another community activity.
DW believed that the Nursery run by the Community Enterprise Association might be a future candidate.
PH agreed to explore whether parents of children attending the new Ryedale Academy, formerly Dodmire School, living in the Clifton Road area of the Ward, might be encouraged to set up a group to support out of school activity.
3) There was no other business
Meeting closed at 6.45 pm
Date of Next Meeting: 6.00pm Wednesday 6 March 2013 (Changed to 10 April 2013) Park East Community First Panel
Minutes of the meeting held at 6.00pm on 10 April 2013 at St Columba’s / Clifton Centre
Present: Cllr Paul Harman (Chair), Rev. Sheilagh Williamson, Cllr Cyndi Hughes, David Tripp
Apology: Cllr Joe Lyonette, Colin Rispin, Diane Woodcock (Panel Partner)
Minutes of the Meeting of Wednesday 23 January 2013 were approved.
Matters arising.
Activities planned for Skerne Park Youth and Community Centre are on hold pending adoption of a new constitution and installation of a new management committee.
1) Projects. No new projects had been proposed.
A positive report on play activities at the Coleridge Centre led by the Talkabout Group was received. Agreed: to welcome a new application from the Talkabout Group, which would be supported by Diane Woodcock
A report from the Clifton Centre Food Bank and healthy eating project indicates that while the cooking lessons element had not attracted interest, the associated credit union session has had a good take-up with new regular savers and is administered by local volunteers. The food bank activities are now also being run and administered by volunteers, themselves ‘clients’ of the project.
Numbers are: 5/6 volunteers per week. 15/20 bags of food distributed weekly.
Agreed: to secure a computer for use by visitors to Clifton Centre to access online welfare information and forms.
Agreed that CH maintain contact with users of the skateboard/bike park facility in South Park and support the setting up of an active group of volunteers to manage and develop such facilities.
3) New members. Agreed: to invite Stephen Twist of South Terrace residents’ group and Sarah Oatley of Clifton Road to join the Panel.
Meeting closed at 6.45 pm
Date of Next Meeting: 6.00pm Wednesday 15 May 2013 Park East Community First Panel
Minutes of the meeting held at 6.00pm on 15 May 2013 at St Columba’s / Clifton Centre
Present: Cllr Paul Harman (Chair), Rev. Sheilagh Williamson, Diane Woodcock (Panel Partner), David Tripp, Stephen Twist, Sarah Oatley
Apologies: Cllr Joe Lyonette, Colin Rispin, Cllr Cyndi Hughes,
The Chairman welcomed new members Stephen Twist of South Terrace and Sarah Oatley of Clifton Road.
Minutes of the Meeting of Wednesday 10 April were approved.
Matters arising.
DT will source a suitable computer for Clifton Centre to use for online benefit claims.
1) Projects. Several new projects fitting the CF criteria are in preparation. Diane Woodcock had kindly prepared CF application forms for the guidance of members. a) Talkabout Group. Diane Woodcock reported a new Parental Engagement Officer Rebecca Baker is the contact at Coleridge Centre. No proposal ready but likely to be circa £500 as before. b) Friends of Snipe Pond. Newly formed group will present an application at next meeting c) Friends of Skerne Green. Once a new management team for the Skerne Park Youth and Community Centre is in place, a group will be formed to maintain the new play area. d) Back Greenwell St vacant area. There is currently no community organisation in this part of the Ward, which is very run down and neglected.
Agreed: that the Panel would welcome the formation of a new group to explore better use of this derelict land, recently damaged by Northumbria Water vehicles, and frequently fly- tipped.
Agreed: that a suitable small project, perhaps related to gardening or allotments, would be very beneficial in providing a catalyst for community engagement and cohesion.
Sarah Oatley and Stephen Twist are to explore the matter further. PH will check ownership with Estates Department.
Meeting closed at 7.15pm
Date of Next Meeting: 6.00pm Wednesday 26 June 2013