Davis County Library Board Meeting
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Davis County Library Board Meeting Davis County Library Headquarters Staff Conference Room 133 S. Main Street, Farmington, Utah April 18, 2017, 8:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Mary Lynne Morgan, Chair Roger Woodward Connie May Mel Miles Jim Smith, Commissioner Randy Elliott, Commissioner Chris Sanford, Director Josh Johnson, Deputy Director Jil Craythorne, excused Claudette Eastman, excused
WELCOME: Mrs. Morgan welcomed the Board to the meeting.
MINUTES: Mrs. May made a motion to approve the minutes of the Library Board meeting held March 21, 2017. Mr. Miles seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously carried.
BOARD CHANGES: Mrs. Sanford told the Board that we are at the end of Roger Woodward’s second term. She thanked him for all of his work and the contributions he made to the Board. He provided wisdom, guidance, and oversight to the Farmington and Kaysville construction projects. Roger said it’s been an awesome experience to learn and grow and a lot of fun being on the Board. Mrs. Sanford also told the Board that Commissioner Smith will be leaving the Board and Commissioner Elliot will be appointed to be acting Commissioner over the Library at the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Smith said it was a joy to work with the Library and that Chris was an amazing administrator.
CONTRACT RATIFICATIONS: Mrs. Sanford told the Board that the following contracts were approved at a Commission meeting since our last Board meeting. -Blood Endowment Fund Donation for $100,000. These funds will be used for eBooks, eAudios and videos. Commissioner Smith made a motion to ratify the agreement, with Mr. Woodward seconding the motion. The motion passed unanimously. -Utah State Library Community Library Enhancement Fund (CLEF) Grant in the amount of $36,800. This grant will also be used for eBooks. Commissioner Smith made a motion to ratify the agreement and Mrs. May seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
April 18, 2017 -Creative Empire (Mango Languages database) in the amount of $11,645. Mr. Woodward made a motion to ratify the agreement, with Commissioner Smith seconding the motion. The motion passed unanimously. -Integra Information Technologies for maintenance service on the ScanPro microfilm reader/printer in the amount of $995. Mr. Miles made a motion to ratify the agreement and Mrs. May seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
SYRACUSE NORTHWEST BRANCH EXPANSION – RATIFICATION AND UPDATE: Mrs. Sanford said she requested permission to begin the expansion of the Syracuse Northwest Branch. The Commission responded with an Approval to Proceed letter. Mack McDonald and Chris Sanford will co-manage the project will begin programming the expansion. The expansion will include an auditorium and dedicated children’s space. Mr. Woodward made a motion to ratify the Approval to Proceed letter from the Commission. Mrs. May seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously carried.
HOLIDAYS – PROPOSED: Mrs. Sanford asked the Board to approve the basic holiday schedule that takes us through the end of the year. It is our long standing practice to follow the same holiday schedule that is observed by the County. What we have scheduled is: May 29, for Memorial Day; July 4, and July 24; Labor Day, September 4; Veteran’s Day, November 10; and Thanksgiving on November 23 and November 24 (in lieu of Columbus Day); and Christmas on December 25th. Any additional time for Christmas will up to the Commission and we would adjust accordingly. The Libraries will close at 5:00 p.m. on New Year’s Eve. Mr. Woodward made a motion to accept the proposed Holiday schedule. Commission Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
STAFF TRAINING DAY – PROPOSED: Mrs. Sanford told the Board that we would like to have Staff Training Day on August 11, 2017, from 8:00 am – 11:30 am. This year’s theme is “It’s the simple things.” She asked for their approval to open the library from 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm that day. Mrs. May made a motion to approve the request. Mr. Miles seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
CHILDREN’S SERVICES – UPDATE: Mrs. Sanford told the Board that Summer Reading plans are coming along. The calendar of events will soon be ready to print and be distributed the first week in May. The theme this year is “Build a Better World.”
PROGRAMMING – UPDATE: Mrs. Sanford told the Board that in their packet was a report from Kim Valeika on some adult programming we have done including an author program and photography exhibit. We have another author coming in September. Suzanne Grigsby gave a report on the Photography Reception. Mrs. Sanford said in the last Art Committee meeting it was decided that the Library would take a different approach to the Photography Reception next year. We proposed a variety of options like programs that start in January which would lead into other programs so patrons have an opportunity to learn about photography before the exhibit. She also report the Beyond Books program has really taken off.
April 18, 2017 TECHNOLOGY: -Josh Johnson told the Board that we are nearly finished installing Voice Over IP (VOIP) phone systems in all of the branches. All Library numbers will have a 451 prefix. -We will begin testing our Public Internet model soon at the North Branch Library. Internet access will be divided into two “zones”. One will be labeled “Information PCs” and another labeled “Multi-Use”. The same 3 hour limit is in place for all patrons, but “Information PCs” will be given 1-hour blocks of time. -We have purchased credit card readers and will be working with the County’s Information Systems Department to get them installed at all of the Libraries. Mrs. Sanford told the Board that Josh has done an amazing job stepping into the Deputy Director position. We are advancing into areas we haven’t had before in the technology field. She mentioned that Josh attended the COSUGI Conference last week which is sponsored by SirsiDynix.
BUDGET – UPDATE: Mrs. Sanford told the Board that we are continuing to work on projects and equipment acquisitions that are part of our 2017 budget. We are also in the beginning phase of planning for our 2018 budget. The reclassification of Page positions to Library Clerks has been very successful. We are working on changing the Library Service Assistant positions in the future and also the way we manage our substitute Library Associate positions.
STATISTICS - UPDATE: Josh Johnson went over some basic statistics we collect as a library system.
INFORMATION ITEMS: -Mrs. Sanford told the Board on July 1, 2017, Jil Craythorne will take over as Chair for the Library Board. In the June Board meeting elections will be held for Vice-Chair/Chair Elect. -In the May 16, 2017 Board meeting Neal Geddes, from the County Attorney’s Office, will do Open Meeting Law training for the Board.
RATIFICATION OF BILLS – FEBRUARY 2017: Mr. Miles made a motion to ratify the bills paid in February 2017 in the amount of $580,857.79. Mr. Woodward seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Woodward made a motion to adjourn at 9:04 a.m.
______Janet Rigby Date approved
April 18, 2017