Knaresborough Town Council (Ktc) s1

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Knaresborough Town Council (Ktc) s1


N. Smith Knaresborough House Clerk of the Council Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0HW Tel: (01423) 864080

E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

17 November 2015

To: The Town Mayor and Members of Knaresborough Town Council

Dear Councillors:

I hereby summon you to the following meeting of KNARESBOROUGH TOWN COUNCIL to be held at Knaresborough House, Knaresborough on:

MONDAY 23 November 2015

7:30pm in the Council Chamber

Please see the Agenda for the meeting below:

Yours faithfully

N Smith Clerk of the Council

Note: Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests to declare on any item on this agenda. Queries should be addressed to the Monitoring Officer Ms Jennifer Norton 01423 556036 Harrogate Borough Council. COUNCIL AGENDA – Monday 23 November 2015

1. To receive Apologies for inability to attend the meeting

2. To request any disclosure of an interest in relation to any matter under consideration at this meeting (financial or otherwise) and to consider any written requests for dispensation

3. KTC Public Speaking Session – none to date

4. To consider, and if thought fit, approve as a correct record, the Minutes of the Council (Planning Matters) Meeting on:

4.1 Monday 9 November 2015 (ca or emailed 18 November)

5. Business remaining

None for this meeting

6. To consider the following Planning Applications relating to Knaresborough and make such observations as may be appropriate:

Ref No: Applicant: Details of Application: Erection of two storey extension and porch extension, 6.100.375.D.FUL Mr and Mrs demolition of conservatory and garage, and alterations to 15/04857/FUL* Howard fenestration. The Shealing, Forest Moor Drive, HG5 8JT.

6.100.1387.AA.FUL Erection of a single storey extension. 19 Appleby Gate, Mr and Mrs White 15/04813/FUL* HG5 9LY. Formation of new hard standing vehicular access, car 6.100.1669.D.FUL Mr and Mrs parking, entrance wall, gates and dropped kerb. 13 15/04783/FUL* Canard Boroughbridge Road, HG5 0LX.

6.100.2890.B.TPO Felling of 2 NO. Prunas trees within G14 of Tree Mr M Porter 15/03975/TPO* Preservation Order 5/2008. 4 Appleby Walk, HG5 9LT.

6.100.2966.FUL Mr and Mrs Erection of single storey side and rear extension. 15/04901/FUL* Northing Sherborne, 1 Princess Close, HG5 0AQ.

6.100.2967.FUL Retention of boundary fence Mr J Bailey 15/04517/FUL 2 Barbondale Grove, HG5 0DX Outline application for the erection of three dwellings with associated car parking, installation of package treatment 15/04778/OUT Mr L Bailey plant with access and layout considered. Victoria Cottage, Thistle Hill, HG5 8LS

*Item to be determined by HBC Chief Planner **Item to be determined by HBC’s Planning Committee

7. Planning Correspondence – 7.1 Planning enforcements - None

7.2 Notice of Withdrawal

7.2.1 To note the withdrawn planning application 6.100.2933.A.FUL Erection of first storey and single storey extension (Revised Scheme) Applicant: Mr M Dougherty, 17 Aspin Drive HG5 8HH

8. To determine representation from KTC: HBC Planning Committee Meeting Tuesday, 24 November 2015, at 2.00pm

No applications for Knaresborough

9. To consider the following correspondence:

9.1 The following correspondence is for discussion:

9.1.1 Grant application from Live Local Initiative.

10. Reports from the Clerk

10.1 To approve the Schedule of Accounts (to be handed out at the meeting)

10.2 Finance figures October – to receive and note the finance figures for October 2015. (ca)

11. Documents Received: (these do not need to be discussed – they are receive and note only)

11.1 White Rose Update - 13 November 2015 (ca or by email 18 November)

12. Information Exchange Note: Members of the public and press are invited to attend the meeting as observers. Only Town Councillors are entitled to vote at the meetings. A list of Councillors is available on the Council’s website, and notice board at Knaresborough House. The Agenda papers may be examined and purchased at the Town Clerk’s office, Knaresborough House, Knaresborough (Monday – Friday 9am – 12.30pm)

A copy of the agenda in larger print is available on request.

Please contact the Clerk’s office during office hours (Monday–Friday 9am–12.30pm) if you have any queries or need further information on this agenda (details above)

Following the Local Government Audit and Accountability Act 2014 the right to record, film and to broadcast meetings of the Council, Committees and Sub Committees is established but anyone wishing to do so, should advise the Clerk or Chair of the Council to ensure compliance with KTC's adopted policy to effectively and lawfully manage this activity.

Emergency Procedures for Meetings – Fire Details on fire evacuation procedures are displayed in the Council Chamber. Members and visitors are requested to familiarise themselves with these procedures and the location of fire exits, throughout the building.

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