Biology Keystone Packet

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Biology Keystone Packet


Biology Keystone Packet

Contents: Basic Biologic Principles: 2-19 Chemistry: 19-23 Cells: 23-26 Bioenergetics: 26- 34 Cell Transport: 34-37 Cell Reproduction: 37-47 DNA: 47-52 Genetics and Biotechnology: 52-58 Evolution: 58-70 Cell Signaling and Homeostasis: 70-79 Ecology: 79-103

Compiled by Michelle Glaid for Ringgold High School 2

Basic Biologic Principles

68. Why do scientists consider any hypothesis valuable? (1) A hypothesis requires no further investigation. (2) A hypothesis may lead to further investigation even if it is disproved by the experiment. (3)A hypothesis requires no further investigation if it is proved by the experiment. (4)A hypothesis can be used to explain a conclusion even if it is disproved by the experiment.

51. To determine which colors of light are best used by plants for photosynthesis, three types of underwater green plants of similar mass were subjected to the same intensity of light of different colors for the same amount of time. All other environmental conditions were kept the same. After 15 minutes, a video camera was used to record the number of bubbles of gas each plant gave off in a 30-second period of time. Each type of plant was tested six times. The average of the data for each plant type is shown in the table below.

Which statement is a valid inference based on the data? (1) Each plant carried on photosynthesis best in a different color of light. (2) Red light is better for photosynthesis than blue light. (3) These types of plants make food at the fastest rates with red and blue light. (4)Water must filter out red and green light.

73.On a television talk show, a guest claims that people who exercise vigorously for 15 minutes or more every day are able to solve math problems more rapidly than people who have no vigorous exercise in their daily routine. Describe a controlled experiment that could be conducted to test this claim. In your description be sure to: * state the purpose of the experiment [1] * state why the sample to be used should be large [1] * describe how the experimental group will be treated and how the control group will be treated [2] * state the specific data to be collected during the experiment [1] * state one way to determine if the results support the claim [1]

74. A student measures his pulse rate while he is watching television and records it. Next, he walks to a friend’s house nearby and when he arrives, measures and records his pulse rate again. 3

He and his friend then decide to run to the mall a few blocks away. On arriving at the mall, the student measures and records his pulse rate once again. Finally, after sitting and talking for a half hour, the student measures and records his pulse rate for the last time. Which graph below best illustrates the expected changes in his pulse rate according to the activities described above?

(1) (3)

(2) (4) 82. Which statement best describes the term theory as used in the gene-chromosome theory? (1) A theory is never revised as new scientific evidence is presented. (2) A theory is an assumption made by scientists and implies a lack of certainty. (3) A theory refers to a scientific explanation that is strongly supported by a variety of experimental data. (4) A theory is a hypothesis that has been sup- ported by one experiment performed by two or more scientists. 88. A biologist reported success in breeding a tiger with a lion, producing healthy offspring. Other biologists will accept this report as fact only if 4

(1) research shows that other animals can be crossbred (2) the offspring are given a scientific name (3)the biologist included a control in the experiment (4)other researchers can replicate the experiment

15. Blood can be tested to determine the presence of the virus associated with the development of AIDS. This blood test is used directly for (1) cure (2) treatment (3) diagnosis (4) prevention

19. In Texas, researchers gave a cholesterol-reducing drug to 2,335 people and an inactive substitute (placebo) to 2,081. Most of the volunteers were men who had normal cholesterol levels and no history of heart disease. After 5 years, 97 people getting the placebo had suffered heart attacks compared to only 57 people who had received the actual drug. The researchers are recommending that to help prevent heart attacks, all people (even those without high cholesterol) take these cholesterol-reducing drugs. In addition to the information above, what is another piece of information that the researchers must have before support for the recommendation can be justified? (1) Were the eating habits of the two groups similar? (2) How does a heart attack affect cholesterol levels? (3) Did the heart attacks result in deaths? (4) What chemical is in the placebo?

40. In an experiment to test the effect of light on plant growth, a student used two marigold plants of the same age. The plants were grown in separate pots. One pot was exposed to sunlight, the other to artificial light. All other conditions were kept the same. The height of each plant was measured at the start and at the end of the experiment. The student’s data are shown in the table below.

The student concluded that all plants grow more rapidly in sunlight than in artificial light. Discuss whether this conclusion is valid. Your answer must include at least: * the significance of the difference in the results shown in the data table [1] * the significance of the number of individual plants used in the experiment [1] * the significance of the number of species of plants used in the experiment [1] * 43. State two safety procedures that should be followed when conducting an experiment that involves heating protein in a test tube containing water, an acid, and a digestive 5

enzyme. [2] * Workspace

46. The analysis of data gathered during a particular experiment is necessary in order to (1) formulate a hypothesis for that experiment (2) develop a research plan for that experiment (3) design a control for that experiment (4) draw a valid conclusion for that experiment

47. A student could best demonstrate knowledge of how energy flows throughout an ecosystem by (1) drawing a food web using specific organisms living in a pond (2) conducting an experiment that demonstrates the process of photosynthesis (3) labeling a diagram that illustrates ecological succession (4) making a chart to show the role of bacteria in the environment

74. Which phrase would be appropriate for area A in the chart below?

 (1)produces radioactive waste  (2)results in greater biodiversity  (3)provides light from radioactive substances  (4)reduces dependence on fossil fuels

81. After switching from the high-power to the low-power objective lens of a compound light microscope, the area of the low-power field will appear  (1)larger and brighter  (2)smaller and brighter  (3)larger and darker  (4)smaller and darker

82. The diagram below shows a portion of a graduated cylinder.

What is the volume of the liquid in this cylinder?  (1)22 mL 6

 (2)24 mL  (3)25 mL  (4)26 mL

87. In an investigation to determine a factor that affects the growth of rats, a student exposed 100 rats of the same age and species to identical conditions, except for the amount of living space and the amount of food each rat received. Each day the student measured and recorded the weight of each rat. State one major error that the student made in performing this investigation. [1]

5.Plants respond to their environment in many different ways. Design a controlled experiment to test the effect of one environmental factor (such as light, acidity of precipitation, etc.) on some aspect of plant growth. In your experimental design be sure to: * state the hypothesis [1] * list the steps of the procedure [2] * identify the control setup for the experiment [1] * include an appropriate data table with column headings for the collection of data [1] * identify the independent variable in the experiment [1]

Base your answers to questions 58 through 62 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. In an investigation, plants of the same species and the same initial height were exposed to a constant number of hours of light each day. The number of hours per day was different for each plant, but all other environmental factors were the same. At the conclusion of the investigation, the final height of each plant was measured. The following data were recorded: 8 hours, 25 cm; 4 hours, 12 cm; 2 hours, 5 cm; 14 hours, 35 cm; 12 hours, 35 cm; 10 hours, 34 cm; 6 hours, 18 cm

11. Organize the data by completing both columns in the data table provided, so that the hours of daily light exposure increase from the top to the bottom of the table. [1] Workspace

12. State one possible reason that the plant exposed to 2 hours of light per day was the shortest. [1]

13. If another plant of the same species had been used in the investigation and exposed to 16 hours of light per day, what would the final height of the plant probably have been? Support your answer. [1] 7

Base your answers to questions 31 through 34 on the passage below and on your knowledge of biology. . . . Some of the most common and deadly bacteria do their mischief by forming a sticky scum called biofilm. Individually, the microbes are easy to control, but when they organize themselves into biofilms they can become deadly, said Dr. Barbara Iglewski of the University of Rochester. . . . Biofilms are actually intricately organized colonies of billions of microbes, all working in a coordinated way to defend against attack and to pump out a toxin that can be deadly. Once they are organized, the bacteria are highly resistant to antibiotics and even strong detergents often cannot wash them away or kill them. Iglewski and colleagues from Montana State University and the University of Iowa report in Science that they discovered how the microbes in the colonies communicate and found that once this conversation is interrupted, the deadly bugs can be easily washed away. Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a common bacteria that is a major infection hazard in hospitals and among cystic fibrosis patients, the researchers isolated a gene that the bacteria uses to make a communications molecule. The molecule helps the microbes organize themselves into a biofilm — a complex structure that includes tubes to carry in nutrients and carry out wastes, including deadly toxins. In their study, the researchers showed that if the gene that makes the communications molecule was blocked, the Pseudomonas aeruginosa could form only wimpy [weak], unorganized colonies that could be washed away with just a soap that has no effect on a healthy colony. . . . Adapted from: Paul Recer, “Researchers find new means to disrupt attack by microbes,” The Daily Gazette, April 26, 1998.

33. What is one characteristic of a biofilm? (1) presence of tubes to transport materials into and out of the colony (2) presence of a nervous system for communication within the colony (3) ease with which colonies can be broken down by detergents (4) lack of resistance of the bacterial colony to antibiotics

34. Which statement best describes Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria? (1) They cause mutations in humans. (2) They are easy to control. (3)They cause major infection problems in hospitals. (4)They are deadly only to people with cystic fibrosis.

35. The tubes in biofilms function much like the human (1) muscular and nervous systems (2) circulatory and excretory systems (3) digestive and endocrine systems (4) reproductive and respiratory systems 8

36. Bacteria that form biofilms may be controlled most effectively by (1) antibiotics (2) detergents (3)cutting the tubes through which the bacteria communicate (4)blocking the expression of a gene that helps the colonies to organize

Base your answers to questions 43 through 46 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. Three students each added equal volumes of pond water to four beakers and placed each beaker in a different water bath. Each student maintained the water baths at temperatures shown in the data table. The students then added an equal number of water fleas to each of their four beakers. After one hour, the students used microscopes to determine the average heart rate of the water fleas. The procedure was repeated for a total of three trials at each temperature. The results of the investigation are summarized in the data

table. 40. Mark an appropriate scale on each labeled axis. [1] Workspace

41. Plot the data for the average heart rate on the grid. Surround each point with a small circle and connect the points. [1]

Workspace 9

42. The independent variable in this investigation is the (1) number of trials (2) number of water fleas (3) temperature of the water (4) average heart rate

43. State the relationship between temperature and heart rate in water fleas. [1]

Base your answers to the following questions on the information, diagram, and data table below and on your knowledge of biology. A student conducted an investigation to determine the effect of various environmental factors on the rate of transpiration (water loss through the leaves) in plants. The student prepared 4 groups of plants. Each group contained 10 plants of the same species and leaf area. Each group was exposed to different environmental factors. The apparatus shown in the diagram was constructed to measure water loss by the plants over time in 10-minute intervals for 30 minutes. The results are shown in the data table. 10

77. Directions: Using the information in the data table, construct a line graph on the grid, following the directions below. The data for fan and mist conditions have been plotted for you.

 Mark an appropriate scale on the axis labeled “Time (min).” [1] 11

 Plot the data for the classroom conditions from the data table. Surround each point with a small circle and connect the points. [1]

 Plot the data for classroom conditions + floodlight from the data table. Surround each point with a small triangle and connect the points. [1]

 Identify the environmental factor that resulted in the lowest rate of transpiration. [1]

 Identify the control group of plants in this experiment. [1]

A science class was studying various human physical characteristics in an investiga- tion for a report on human genetics. As part of the investigation, the students measured the arm span of the class members. The data table below summarizes the class results.

Using the information in the data table, construct a bar graph on the grid provided, following the directions below  Mark an appropriate scale on the axis labeled “Number of Students.” [1]  Construct vertical bars to represent the data. Shade in each bar. [1] 12

78. What should be done to provide additional support for the generalization that human arm span is a characteristic that falls within a range of lengths, with most lengths falling in the middle ranges? [1]

3. The graph below shows the different concentrations of female reproductive hormones A, B, C, and D over a 28- day cycle.

Although the data used to make this graph was originally entered in a data table, most scientists prefer to see the information in the form of a graph because (1) the information in a graph is more accurate than the information in a data table (2) it is easier to see relationships between variables in a graph than in a data table (3) it is possible to put more information in a graph than in a data table (4) only graphs can be used to predict future trends

11. What is the volume of the liquid in the graduated cylinder shown below? 13

(1) 23 mL (2) 26 mL (3) 27 mL (4) 28 mL

13. A student performed an experiment to determine if treating 500 tomato plants with an auxin (a plant growth hormone) will make them grow faster. The results are shown in the table below.

Explain why the student can not draw a valid conclusion from these results. [1]

Base your answers to questions 39 through 42 on the information and data table below and on your knowledge of biology. A student grew two separate cultures of single-celled organisms. One culture contained Paramecium caudatum and the other contained Paramecium aurelia. The cultures were grown under the same conditions and the number of paramecia (per drop) in each culture was estimated every 2 days for a period of 16 days. The results are shown in data table 1 below 14

16. * Mark a scale on each labeled axis appropriate for the data for Paramecium caudatum that has already been plotted on the grid. [1] * Plot the data for Paramecium aurelia on the grid. Surround each point with a small triangle and connect the points. [1]


17. Describe the change in the two populations between days 0 and 8. [1]

18. State one possible reason for the difference in the rates of change in the two populations of paramecia between days 0 and 8. [1]

54. A student squeezed a clothespin as many times as possible in a 30-second time period. The student repeated this procedure nine more times in quick succession. The data obtained are in the chart below.

State one hypothesis that this data would support concerning the relationship between number of trials and number of squeezes in 30 seconds. [1]

15.Which laboratory procedure is represented in the diagram below? 16

(1) placing a coverslip over a specimen (2) removing a coverslip from a slide (3)adding stain to a slide without removing the coverslip (4)reducing the size of air bubbles under a coverslip

17. The development of an experimental research plan should not include a (1) list of safety precautions for the experiment (2)list of equipment needed for conducting the experiment (3)procedure for the use of technologies needed for the experiment (4)conclusion based on data expected to be collected in the experiment

Base your answers to questions 43 through 47 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. Each year, a New York State power agency provides its customers with information about some of the fuel sources used in generating electricity. The table below applies to the period of 2002–2003.

27. Mark an appropriate scale on the axis labeled “Percentage of Electricity Generated.” [1]

28. Construct vertical bars to represent the data. Shade in each bar. [1]

30. Identify one fuel source in the table that is classified as a renewable resource. [1] 17

31. State one specific environmental problem that can result from burning coal to generate electricity. [1]

46.You have been assigned to design an experiment to determine the effects of light on the growth of tomato plants. In your experimental design be sure to: * state one hypothesis to be tested [1] * identify the independent variable in the experiment [1] * describe the type of data to be collected [1]

26. When the colors yellow and blue are combined, they produce a green color. Which statement most likely describes the relative sizes of the yellow and blue food-coloring molecules in the diagram?

 (1)The yellow food-coloring molecules are small, while the blue food-coloring molecules are large.  (2)The yellow food-coloring molecules are large, while the blue food-coloring molecules are small.  (3)Both the yellow food-coloring molecules and the blue food-coloring molecules are large.  (4)Both the yellow food-coloring molecules and the blue food-coloring molecules are small 30. Paper chromatography is a laboratory technique that is used to

 (1)separate different molecules from one another  (2)stain cell organelles  (3)indicate the pH of a substance  (4)compare relative cell sizes

40. A plant cell in a microscopic field of view is represented below.

The width (w) of this plant cell is closest to  (1)200   (2)800   (3)1200   (4)1600  18

Base your answers to the following questions on the information and data table below and on your knowledge of biology.

Birds colliding with aircraft either on the ground or in the air create problems for the Air Force. An organization known as BASH (Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard) studied the impact of birds colliding with aircraft. In 2001, there were 3854 bird collisions reported at a total cost to the Air Force of over 31 million dollars in damage - approximately eight thousand dollars per collision. August, September, and October were the busiest months with 1442 collisions. Nearly 50% of all these collisions occurred in the airfield environment, an environment that can most easily be controlled. The top five species of birds involved in these collisions are listed in the data table below.

42. Using the information in the data table, construct a bar graph on the grid, following the directions below.

Mark an appropriate scale on the axis labeled "Number of Collisions." [1] 19

43. Is the problem with birds and aircraft limited to birds living on or near airport grounds? Support your answer using information from the passage. [1]

44. State one possible reason that the greatest number of bird collisions occurs during August, September, and October. [1]

45. Using the information in the data table, construct a bar graph on the grid, following the directions below.

Construct vertical bars to represent the data. Shade in each bar. [1] Workspace 20

Chemistry and Biochemistry 6.Enzyme molecules are affected by changes in conditions within organisms. Explain how a prolonged, excessively high body temperature during an illness could be fatal to humans. Your answer must include: * the role of enzymes in a human [1] * the effect of this high body temperature on enzyme activity [1] * the reason this high body temperature can result in death [1]

8. The diagram below represents one metabolic activity of a human.

Letters A and B are best represented by which row in the chart?






50. Enzymes are used in moving sections of DNA that code for insulin from the pancreas cells of humans into a certain type of bacterial cell. This bacterial cell will reproduce, giving rise to offspring that are able to form (1) human insulin (2) antibodies against insulin (3) enzymes that digest insulin (4) a new type of insulin

52. An incomplete graph is shown below.

What label could appropriately be used to replace letter Z on the axis? [1]

63. The diagram below represents a beaker containing a solution of various molecules involved in digestion. 22

Which structures represent products of digestion? (1) A and D (2) B and C (3) B and E (4) D and E

32.Which words best complete the lettered blanks in the two sentences below? Organic compounds, such as proteins and starches, are too A to diffuse into cells. Proteins are digested into B and starches are digested into C . (1) A—large, B—simplesugars, C—aminoacids (2) A—small, B—simple sugars, C—aminoacids (3) A—large, B—aminoacids, C—simplesugars (4) A—small, B—aminoacids, C—simplesugars

37. An enzyme and four different molecules are shown in the diagram below.

The enzyme would most likely affect reactions involving (1) molecule A, only (2) molecule C, only (3) molecules B and D (4) molecules A and C

50. Which statement concerning simple sugars and amino acids is correct? 23

(1) They are both wastes resulting from protein synthesis. (2) They are both building blocks of starch. (3)They are both needed for the synthesis of larger molecules. (4) They are both stored as fat molecules in the liver.

71. What substance could be represented by the letter X in the diagram below?

 (1)carbohydrates  (2)ozone  (3)carbon dioxide  (4)water

31. The graph below shows the effect of temperature on the relative rate of action of enzyme X on a protein.

Which change would not affect the relative rate of action of enzyme X? (1) the addition of cold water when the reaction is at 50°C (2) an increase in temperature from 70°C to 80°C (3) the removal of the protein when the reaction is at 30°C (4) a decrease in temperature from 40°C to 10°C

72. The diagram below represents the synthesis of a portion of a complex molecule in an organism.

Which row in the chart could be used to identify the building blocks and product in the diagram? 24





Base your answers to questions 76 and 77 on the experimental setup shown below.

37. On the diagram below, draw in the expected locations of the molecules after a period of one hour.

38. When starch indicator is used, what observation would indicate the presence of starch? [1]

39. State one reason why some molecules can pass through a certain membrane, but other molecules can not. [1] Cells

7. A student observes that an organism is green. A valid conclusion that can be drawn from this observation is that (1) the organism must be a plant (2) the organism cannot be single celled (3) the organism must be an animal (4) not enough information is given to determine whether the organism is a plant or an animal

28. Certain microbes, foreign tissues, and some cancerous cells can cause immune responses in 25 the human body because all three contain (1) antigens (2) enzymes (3) fats (4) cytoplasm

35. Dodder is a creeping vine that is parasitic on other plants. Which characteristic does dodder share with all other heterotrophs? (1) It produces nutrients by photosynthesis. (2) It must grow in bright locations. (3) It consumes preformed organic molecules. (4) It remains in one place for its entire life.

31. Which structure is best observed using a compound light microscope? (1) a cell (2) a virus (3) a DNA sequence (4) the inner surface of a mitochondrion

36. Identify a specific structure in a single-celled organism. State how that structure is involved in the survival of the organism. [2]

69. Leaves of green plants contain openings known as stomates, which are opened and closed by specialized cells allowing for gas exchange between the leaf and the outside environment. Which phrase best represents the net flow of gases involved in photosynthesis into and out of the leaf through these openings on a sunny day?  (1)carbon dioxide moves in; oxygen moves out  (2)carbon dioxide and oxygen move in; ozone moves out  (3)oxygen moves in; nitrogen moves out  (4)water and ozone move in; carbon dioxide moves out

92. Which sequence of terms represents a decrease from the greatest number of structures to the least number of structures present in a cell?  (1)nucleus →gene →chromosome  (2)gene →nucleus →chromosome  (3)gene →chromosome →nucleus  (4)chromosome →gene →nucleus 26

95. Some human body cells are shown in the diagrams below.

These groups of cells represent different  (1)tissues in which similar cells function together  (2)organs that help to carry out a specific life activity  (3)systems that are responsible for a specific life activity  (4)organelles that carry out different functions

Base your answers to questions 43 through 45 on the diagrams below of two cells, X and Y, and on your knowledge of biology.

34. Select one lettered organelle and write the letter of that organelle in the space below. Identify the organelle you selected. [1]

35. State one function of the organelle that you identified in question 43. [1]

36. Identify one process that is carried out in cell Y that is not carried out in cell X. [1]

67. Humans require organ systems to carry out life processes. Single-celled organisms do not have organ systems and yet they are able to carry out life processes. This is because (1) human organ systems lack the organelles found in single-celled organisms (2) a human cell is more efficient than the cellof a single-celled organism (3) it is not necessary for single-celled organisms to maintain homeostasis (4) organelles present in single-celled organisms act in a manner similar to organ systems

73. Which diagram best represents the relative locations of the structures in the list below? A–chromosome B–nucleus C–cell 27


(1) (3)

(2) (4)

20. The diagram below represents two cells, X and Y.

Which statement is correct concerning the structure labeled A? (1) It aids in the removal of metabolic wastes in both cell X and cell Y. (2) It is involved in cell communication in cell X, but not in cell Y. (3) It prevents the absorption of CO2 in cell X and O2 in cell Y. (4) It represents the cell wall in cell X and the cell membrane in cell Y.

10.In some land plants, guard cells are found only on the lower surfaces of the leaves. In some water plants, guard cells are found only on the upper surfaces of the leaves. Explain how guard cells in both land and water plants help maintain homeostasis. In your answer be sure to:

 identify one function regulated by the guard cells in leaves [1]  explain how guard cells carry out this function [1]  give one possible evolutionary advantage of the position of the guard cells on the leaves of land plants [1]

11. Which sequence represents the correct order of levels of organization found in a complex organism? (1) cells →organelles →organs →organ systems →tissues (2) tissues →organs →organ systems →organelles →cells (3) organelles →cells →tissues →organs →organ systems 28

(4) organs →organ systems →cells →tissues →organelles

Bioenergetics 1. The diagram below represents the chemical pathway of a process in a human liver cell.

A particular liver cell is unable to make substance C. One possible explanation for the inability of this cell to make substance C is that (1) excess energy for step 2 prevented the conversion of substance B to substance C (2) an excess of enzyme X was present, resulting in a decrease in the production of substance B (3) nuclear DNA was altered resulting in the cell being unable to make enzyme Y (4) a mutation occurred causing a change in the ability of the cell to use substance C

15. In heterotrophs, energy for the life processes comes from the chemical energy stored in the bonds of (1) water molecules (2) oxygen molecules (3) organic compounds (4) inorganic compounds

37. Studies of fat cells and thyroid cells show that fat cells have fewer mitochondria than thyroid cells. A biologist would most likely infer that fat tissue (1) does not require energy (2) has energy requirements equal to those of thyroid tissue (3) requires less energy than thyroid tissue (4) requires more energy than thyroid tissue

42. Which process usually uses carbon dioxide molecules? (1) cellular respiration (2) asexual reproduction (3) active transport (4) autotrophic nutrition

66. Arrows A, B, and C in the diagram below represent the processes necessary to make the energy stored in food available for muscle activity.

The correct sequence of processes represented by A, B, and C is 29

(1) diffusion →synthesis →active transport (2) digestion →diffusion →cellular respiration (3) digestion →excretion →cellular respiration (4) synthesis →active transport →excretion

78. Which two systems are most directly involved in providing molecules needed for the synthesis of fats in human cells? (1) digestive and circulatory (2) excretory and digestive (3) immune and muscular (4) reproductive and circulatory

85. The arrows in the diagram below indicate the movement of materials into and out of a single- celled organism.

The movements indicated by all the arrows are directly involved in (1) the maintenance of homeostasis (2) photosynthesis, only (3) excretion, only (4) the digestion of minerals

7. The diagram below represents events involved as energy is ultimately released from food.

Which row in the table below best represents the chain of Xs and letters A and B in the diagram?

(1) 30




16. The equation below represents a summary of a biological process.

carbon dioxide + water →glucose + water + oxygen This process is completed in (1) mitochondria (2) ribosomes (3) cell membranes (4) chloroplasts

20. What is represented by the sequence below?

(1) a feedback mechanism in multicellular organisms (2) an immune response by cells of the pancreas (3) differentiation of organic molecules (4) the disruption of cellular communication

30. As the depth of the ocean increases, the amount of light that penetrates to that depth decreases. At about 200 meters, little, if any, light is present. The graph below illustrates the population size of four different species at different water depths. 31

Which species most likely performs photosynthesis? (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

45. The flow of energy through an ecosystem involves many energy transfers. The diagram below summarizes the transfer of energy that eventually powers muscle activity.

The process of cellular respiration is represented by (1) arrow A, only (2) arrow B, only (3) arrow C, only (4) arrows A, B, and C

72. Information concerning a metabolic activity is shown below.

Substance X is most likely

 (1)DNA  (2)oxygen  (3)ATP 32

 (4)chlorophyll

Base your answers to questions 71 through 73 on the information and diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram represents a system in a space station that includes a tank containing algae. An astronaut from a spaceship boards the space station.

70. Identify one process being controlled in the setup shown in the diagram. [1]

71. State two changes in the chemical composition of the space station atmosphere as a result of the astronaut coming on board the space station. [2]

72. State two changes in the chemical composition of the space station atmosphere that would result from turning on more lights. [2]

89. The graph below shows the results of an experiment in which a container of oxygen-using bacteria and strands of a green alga were exposed to light of different colors.

Which statement best explains the results of this experiment?  (1)The rate of photosynthesis is affected by variations in the light.  (2)In all environments light is a vital resource.  (3)The activities of bacteria and algae are not related.  (4)Uneven numbers and types of species can upset ecosystem stability.


94. Which two organ systems provide materials required for the human body to produce ATP?  (1)reproductive and excretory  (2)digestive and respiratory  (3)respiratory and immune  (4)digestive and reproductive

27. The graphs below show the changes in the relative concentrations of two gases in the air surrounding a group of mice.

Which process in the mice most likely accounts for the changes shown? (1) active transport (2) evaporation (3) respiration (4) photosynthesis

28. Plants in areas with short growing seasons often have more chloroplasts in their cells than plants in areas with longer growing seasons. Compared to plants in areas with longer growing seasons, plants in areas with shorter growing seasons most likely (1) make and store food more quickly (2) have a higher rate of protein metabolism (3) grow taller (4) have a different method of respiration

32. When organisms break the bonds of organic compounds, the organisms can (1) use the smaller molecules to plug the gaps in the cell membrane to slow diffusion (2) use the energy obtained to digest molecules produced by respiration that uses oxygen (3)obtain energy or reassemble the resulting materials to form different compounds (4)excrete smaller amounts of solid waste materials during vigorous exercise

Base your answers to questions 46 and 47 on the information and diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. Two test tubes, A and B, were set up as shown in the diagram below. Bromthymol blue, which turns from blue to yellow in the presence of carbon dioxide, was added to the water at the bottom of each tube before the tubes were sealed. The tubes were maintained at the temperatures shown for six days. (Average room temperature is 20°C.) 34

37. Identify the life process responsible for the change in tube A. [1]

38. Explain how the temperature difference could lead to the different results in tubes A and B after six days. [1]

39. An increase in heart rate will most likely result in (1) a decrease in metabolic rate (2) an increase in pulse rate (3) an increase in cell division (4) a decrease in body temperature 47. Organ systems of the human body interact to maintain a balanced internal environ- ment. As blood flows through certain organs of the body, the composition of the blood changes because of interactions with those organs. State one change in the composi- tion of the blood as it flows through the digestive system. [1]

56.The energy demands of a cell or an organism are met as a result of interactions between several life functions. * Identify two life functions involved in meeting the energy demands of a cell or an organism. [2] * Explain how these two life functions interact to make energy available. [2]

68. Certain poisons are toxic to organisms because they interfere with the function of enzymes in mitochondria. This results directly in the inability of the cell to (1) store information (2) build proteins (3) release energy from nutrients (4) dispose of metabolic wastes

78. In what way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar? (1) They both occur in chloroplasts. 35

(2) They both require sunlight. (3)They both involve organic and inorganic molecules. (4)They both require oxygen and produce carbon dioxide.

4. Which substance is the most direct source of the energy that an animal cell uses for the synthesis of materials? (1) ATP (2) glucose (3) DNA (4) starch

18. A student performed an experiment to demonstrate that a plant needs chlorophyll for photosynthesis. He used plants that had green leaves with white areas. After exposing the plants to sunlight, he removed a leaf from each plant and processed the leaves to remove the chlorophyll. He then tested each leaf for the presence of starch. Starch was found in the area of the leaf that was green, and no starch was found in the area of the leaf that was white. He concluded that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis.

Which statement represents an assumption the student had to make in order to draw this conclusion? (1) Starch is synthesized from the glucose produced in the green areas of the leaf. (2) Starch is converted to chlorophyll in the green areas of the leaf. (3) The white areas of the leaf do not have cells. (4) The green areas of the leaf are heterotrophic.

31. A marathon runner frequently experiences muscle cramps while running. If he stops running and rests, the cramps eventually go away. The cramping in the muscles most likely results from

 (1)lack of adequate oxygen supply to the muscle  (2)the runner running too slowly  (3)the runner warming up before running  (4)increased glucose production in the muscle

Cell Transport

19. Which letter indicates a cell structure that directly controls the movement of molecules into and out of the cell? 36

(2) B (3) C (4) D

(1) A

22. A single-celled organism is represented in the diagram below. An activity is indicated by the arrow.

If this activity requires the use of energy, which substance would be the source of this energy? (1) DNA (2) ATP (3) a hormone (4) an antibody

23. Which activity would stimulate the human immune system to provide protection against an invasion by a microbe? (1) receiving antibiotic injections after surgery (2)choosing a well-balanced diet and following it throughout life (3) being vaccinated against chicken pox (4)receiving hormones contained in mother’s milk while nursing

75. An investigation was set up to study the movement of water through a membrane. The results are shown in the diagram below. 37

Based on these results, which statement correctly predicts what will happen to red blood cells when they are placed in a beaker containing a water solution in which the salt concentration is much higher than the salt concentration in the red blood cells? (1) The red blood cells will absorb water and increase in size. (2) The red blood cells will lose water and decrease in size. (3) The red blood cells will first absorb water, then lose water and maintain their normal size. (4) The red blood cells will first lose water, then absorb water, and finally double in size.

8. In the diagram below, the dark dots indicate small molecules. These molecules are moving out of the cells, as indicated by the arrows. The number of dots inside and outside of the two cells represents the relative concentrations of the molecules inside and outside of the cells.

ATP is being used to move the molecules out of the cell by (1) cell A, only (2) cell B, only (3) both cell A and cell B (4) neither cell A nor cell B

Base your answers to questions 55 and 56 on the diagram below, which represents a unicellular organism in a watery environment. The ▲▲ represent molecules of a specific substance. 38

9. Arrow A represents active transport. State two ways that active transport is different from diffusion. [2]

91. The graph below shows the relative concentrations of different ions inside and outside of an animal cell.

Which process is directly responsible for the net movement of K+ and Mg++ into the animal cell?  (1)electrophoresis  (2)diffusion  (3)active transport  (4)circulation

7. The diagram below represents an event that occurs in the blood.

Which statement best describes this event? (1) Cell A is a white blood cell releasing antigens to destroy bacteria. (2) Cell A is a cancer cell produced by the immune system and it is helping to prevent disease. (3) Cell A is a white blood cell engulfing disease-causing organisms. 39

(4) Cell A is protecting bacteria so they can reproduce without being destroyed by predators. 28. Cell A shown below is a typical red onion cell in water on a slide viewed with a compound light microscope.

Draw a diagram of how cell A would most likely look after salt water has been added to the slide and label the cell membrane in your diagram. [2]

41. The diagram below represents a plant cell in tap water as seen with a compound light microscope.

Which diagram best represents the appearance of the cell after it has been placed in a 15% salt solution for two minutes?  (1)  (3)

   (2)  (4)

  

 Cell Reproduction  3. When DNA separates into two strands, the DNA would most likely be directly involved in (1) replication 40

(2) fertilization (3) differentiation (4) evolution  16. The diagram below shows a process that can occur during meiosis.

The most likely result of this process is (1) a new combination of inheritable traits that can appear in the offspring (2) an inability to pass either of these chromosomes on to offspring (3) a loss of genetic information that will produce a genetic disorder in the offspring (4) an increase in the chromosome number of the organism in which this process occurs   17. The sequence of diagrams below represents some events in a reproductive process.

To regulate similar events in human reproduction, what adaptations are required? (1) the presence of genes and chemicals in each cell in stages 1 to 7 (2) an increase in the number of genes in each cell in stages 3 to 5 (3) the removal of all enzymes from the cells in stage 7 (4) the elimination of mutations from cells after stage 5   18.In animals, the normal development of an embryo is dependent on (1) fertilization of a mature egg by many sperm cells (2) production of new cells having twice the number of chromosomes as the zygote (3) production of body cells having half the number of chromosomes as the zygote (4) mitosis and the differentiation of cells after fertilization has occurred   21. Individual cells can be isolated from a mature plant and grown with special mixtures of growth hormones to produce a number of genetically identical plants. This process is known as (1) cloning (2) meiotic division (3) recombinant DNA technology (4) selective breeding   40. The diagram below represents reproduction of single-celled organism A, which has a normal chromosome number of 8. 41

 In the circles representing offspring 1 and offspring 2, write the number of chromosomes that result from the normal asexual reproduction of organism A. [1] . Workspace   70.A human is a complex organism that develops from a zygote. Briefly explain some of the steps in this developmental process. In your answer be sure to: * explain how a zygote is formed [1] * compare the genetic content of the zygote to that of a body cell of the parents [1] * identify one developmental process involved in the change from a zygote into an embryo [1] * identify the structure in which fetal development usually occurs [1] * identify two factors that can affect fetal development and explain how each factor affects fetal development [2]

  76. Structures in a human female are represented in the diagram below.

 A heavy dose of radiation would have the greatest impact on genetic information in future offspring if it reached gametes developing within structure (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

 79. Which statements best describe the relationship between the terms chromosomes, genes, and nuclei? (1) Chromosomes are found on genes. Genes are found in nuclei. (2) Chromosomes are found in nuclei. Nuclei are found in genes. 42

(3) Genes are found on chromosomes. Chromosomes are found in nuclei. (4) Genes are found in nuclei. Nuclei are found in chromosomes.

 3. A sudden change in the DNA of a chromosome can usually be passed on to future generations if the change occurs in a (1) skin cell (2) liver cell (3) sex cell (4) brain cell   12. During meiosis, crossing-over (gene exchange between chromosomes) may occur. Crossing-over usually results in (1) overproduction of gametes (2) fertilization and development (3) the formation of identical offspring (4) variation within the species

 14. The diagram below represents some stages of early embryonic development.

Which process is represented by the arrows in the diagram? (1) meiosis (2) fertilization (3) mitosis (4) evolution    17. The diagram below represents a developing bird egg.

What is the primary function of this egg? (1) food supply for predators to preserve predator populations (2) adaptation to allow maximum freedom for parent birds (3) continuation of the species through reproduction (4) preservation of the exact genetic code of the parent birds

 29. The diagram below represents part of the human female reproductive system. 43

 Fertilization and development normally occur in structures (1) 1 and 5 (2) 2 and 4 (3) 3 and 1 (4) 4 and 5

 35. Although paramecia (single-celled organisms) usually reproduce asexually, some have developed a method by which they exchange genetic material with each other in a simple form of sexual reproduction. State one advantage this simple form of sexual reproduction would provide over asexual reproduction for the survival of these single- celled organisms. [1]   38. The temperature of the environment in which alligator embryos develop influences the sex of the embryos. At higher temperatures, more embryos develop into males while at lower temperatures, more develop into females. What effect might global warming have on the ability of these alligators to survive as a species? [1]

 44. The reproductive system of the human male produces gametes and (1) transfers gametes to the female for internal fertilization (2) produces enzymes that prevent fertilization (3)releases hormones involved in external fertilization (4) provides an area for fertilization

 62. Which phrase best describes a process represented in the diagram below?

 (1)a zygote dividing by mitosis  (2)a zygote dividing by meiosis  (3)a gamete dividing by mitosis  (4)a gamete dividing by meiosis

 66. Human egg cells are most similar to human sperm cells in their  (1)degree of motility 44

 (2)amount of stored food  (3)chromosome number  (4)shape and size

 68. The diagram below represents the reproductive system of a mammal.

 The hormone produced in structure A most directly brings about a change in  (1)blood sugar concentration  (2)physical characteristics  (3)the rate of digestion  (4)the ability to carry out respiration

 90.Arrange the following structures from largest to smallest. [1]  a chromosome a nucleus a gene

 6. Compare asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction. In your comparison, be sure to include: * which type of reproduction results in offspring that are usually genetically identical to the previous generation and explain why this occurs [2] * one other way these methods of reproduction differ [1]

 The diagrams below represent organs of two individuals. The diagrams are followed by a list of sentences. For each phrase in questions 47 through 49, select the sentence from the list below that best applies to that phrase. Then record its number in the space provided. 45

   26. Contains organs that produce gametes [1] 

 27. Contains organs involved in internal fertilization [1]   28. Contains a structure in which a zygote divides by mitosis [1]

 Base your answers to questions 46 and 47 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology.

  73. State why Process 2 is necessary in sexual reproduction.   74. State one difference between the cells produced by Process 1 and the cells produced by Process 3. [1]

 4. Part of embryonic development in a species is illustrated in the diagram below.

 46

 Which set of factors plays the most direct role in controlling the events shown in the diagram? (1) genes, hormones, and cell location (2) antibodies, insulin, and starch (3) ATP, amino acids, and inorganic compounds (4) abiotic resources, homeostasis, and selective breeding

 Base your answers to questions 31 and 32 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.  In a class, each student made three models of the small intestine using three artificial membrane tubes. They filled each of the three tubes with equal amounts of water, starch, protein, and vitamin C. They added starch-digesting enzyme to tube 1. They added protein-digesting enzyme to tube 2. No enzyme was added to tube 3. The ends of the membrane tubes were sealed and the tubes were soaked for 24 hours in beakers of pure water. The beakers were numbered 1, 2, and 3, corresponding to the number of the tube they contained. At the end of the experiment, the students removed the tubes and tested the water in the beakers for the presence of nutrients.  8. Sugar would most likely be present in the water in (1) beaker 1, only (2) beaker 2, only (3) beakers 1 and 3, only (4) beakers 1, 2, and 3   9. Which statement would be a valid inference if vitamin C had been present in the water in each beaker? (1) The water synthesized vitamin C. (2) Vitamin C is a small molecule. (3) The membrane tube produced vitamin C. (4)The concentration of vitamin C is higher in the beaker than in the membrane tube.

 19. Strawberries can reproduce by means of runners, which are stems that grow horizontally along the ground. At the region of the runner that touches the ground, a new plant develops. The new plant is genetically identical to the parent because (1) it was produced sexually (2)nuclei traveled to the new plant through the runner to fertilize it (3) it was produced asexually (4)there were no other strawberry plants in the area to provide fertilization   21. Research has shown that certain body cells, known as stem cells, can develop into a variety of specialized cells. Various factors can cause stem cells to develop into different types of mature cells. These different types of mature cells result from (1) different antibodies and mitotic cell division (2) identical genetic codes and meiotic cell division (3)different environments of the cells and the functioning of different parts of the genetic code (4)similar steps in the development of the cells and a reduction in the number of chromosomes in each cell  47

 24. Which statement is true of both mitosis and meiosis? (1) Both are involved in asexual reproduction. (2) Both occur only in reproductive cells. (3)The number of chromosomes is reduced by half. (4)DNA replication occurs before the division of the nucleus.   25. A cell resulting from the fertilization of an egg begins to divide. Two cells are formed that normally remain attached and could develop into a new individual. If the two cells become separated, which statement describes what would most likely occur? (1) The cells would each have all of the needed genetic information, and both could survive. (2)The cells would each have only one-half of the needed genetic information, so both would die. (3)One cell would have all of the needed genetic information and would survive, but the other would have none of the needed genetic information and would die. (4) Each cell would have some of the needed genetic information, but would be unable to share it, so both would die.   51. Define fertilization and describe the resulting development of a human embryo. In your answer, be sure to include a definition of fertilization and the functions of the ovary, uterus, and placenta. Circle the terms fertilization, ovary, uterus, and placenta in your description. [4] 

 66. Although all of the cells of a human develop from one fertilized egg, the human is born with many different types of cells. Which statement best explains this observation? (1) Developing cells may express different parts of their identical genetic instructions. (2) Mutations occur during development as a result of environmental conditions. (3) All cells have different genetic material. (4) Some cells develop before other cells.   70. Asexually reproducing organisms pass on hereditary information as (1) sequences of A, T, C, and G (2) chains of complex amino acids (3) folded protein molecules (4) simple inorganic sugars   74. Which nuclear process is represented below?

(1) recombination (2) fertilization (3) replication (4) mutation 48

  1. Which process will increase variations that could be inherited? (1) mitotic cell division (2) active transport (3) recombination of genes (4) synthesis of proteins   2. Some cells involved in the process of reproduction are represented in the diagram below.

The process of meiosis formed (1) cell 1, only (2) cells 1 and 2 (3) cell 3, only (4) cells 2 and 3    5. The diagram below represents the cloning of a carrot plant.

Compared to each cell of the original carrot plant, each cell of the new plant will have (1) the same number of chromosomes and the same types of genes (2) the same number of chromosomes, but different types of genes (3) half the number of chromosomes and the same types of genes (4) half the number of chromosomes, but different types of genes   6. The development of an embryo is represented in the diagram below. 49

These changes in the form of the embryo are a direct result of (1) uncontrolled cell division and mutations (2) differentiation and growth (3)antibodies and antigens inherited from the father (4) meiosis and fertilization 

34.Individuals of some species, such as earthworms, have both male and female sex organs. In many cases, however, these individuals do not fertilize their own eggs.  State one genetic advantage of an earthworm mating with another earthworm for the production of offspring. [1]

  56. If mitotic cell division is the only way a particular species of single-celled organism can reproduce, it is most likely that (1) mutations can not occur in this species (2)the rate of evolution in this species is slower than in one that reproduces sexually (3)the number of organisms of this species in an area will remain constant (4) this species belongs to the animal kingdom   60. In sexually reproducing species, the number of chromosomes in each body cell remains the same from one generation to the next as a direct result of (1) meiosis and fertilization (2) mitosis and mutation (3) differentiation and aging (4) homeostasis and dynamic equilibrium   62. Some body structures of a human male are represented in the diagram below.  50

 An obstruction in the structures labeled X would directly interfere with the (1) transfer of sperm to a female (2) production of sperm (3) production of urine (4) transfer of urine to the external environment   60. In sexually reproducing species, the number of chromosomes in each body cell remains the same from one generation to the next as a direct result of (1) meiosis and fertilization (2) mitosis and mutation (3) differentiation and aging (4) homeostasis and dynamic equilibrium   DNA   13. The instructions for the traits of an organism are coded in the arrangement of (1) glucose units in carbohydrate molecules (2) bases in DNA in the nucleus (3) fat molecules in the cell membrane (4) energy-rich bonds in starch molecules   14. Which statement is true regarding an alteration or change in DNA? (1) It is always known as a mutation. (2) It is always advantageous to an individual. (3) It is always passed on to offspring. (4) It is always detected by the process of chromatography.   39. Two different types of cells from an organism are shown below.

 Explain how these two different types of cells can function differently in the same 51

organism even though they both contain the same genetic instructions. [1]  54. The diagram below represents a section of a molecule that carries genetic information.

The pattern of numbers represents (1) a sequence of paired bases (2) the order of proteins in a gene (3) folds of an amino acid (4) positions of gene mutations

55. In the human pancreas, acinar cells produce digestive enzymes and beta cells produce insulin. The best explanation for this is that (1) a mutation occurs in the beta cells to pro- duce insulin when the sugar level increases in the blood (2) different parts of an individual’s DNA are used to direct the synthesis of different proteins in different types of cells (3) lowered sugar levels cause the production of insulin in acinar cells to help maintain homeostasis (4) the genes in acinar cells came from one parent while the genes in beta cells came from the other parent

 84. In a cell, information that controls the production of proteins must pass from the nucleus to the (1) cell membrane (2) chloroplasts (3) mitochondria (4) ribosomes   86. The chart below shows relationships between genes, the environment, and coloration of tomato plants.

  Which statement best explains the final appearance of these tomato plants? (1) The expression of gene A is not affected by light. (2) The expression of gene B varies with the presence of light. (3) The expression of gene A varies with the environment. (4) Gene B is expressed only in darkness. 52

 4. A change in the order of DNA bases that code for a respiratory protein will most likely cause (1) the production of a starch that has a similar function (2) the digestion of the altered gene by enzymes (3)a change in the sequence of amino acids determined by the gene (4)the release of antibodies by certain cells to correct the error

 52. The sequence of subunits in a protein is most directly dependent on the  (1)region in the cell where enzymes are produced  (2)DNA in the chromosomes in a cell  (3)type of cell in which starch is found  (4)kinds of materials in the cell membrane

 54. The genetic code of a DNA molecule is determined by a specific sequence of  (1)ATP molecules  (2)sugar molecules  (3)chemical bonds  (4)molecular bases   56. The cells that make up the skin of an individual have some functions different from the cells that make up the liver because  (1)all cells have a common ancestor  (2)different cells have different genetic material  (3)environment and past history have no influence on cell function  (4)different parts of genetic instructions are used in different types of cells   83. A mutation occurs in a cell. Which sequence best represents the correct order of the events involved for this mutation to affect the traits expressed by this cell?  (1)a change in the sequence of DNA bases →joining amino acids in sequence →appearance of characteristic  (2)joining amino acids in sequence →a change in the sequence of DNA bases →appearance of characteristic  (3)appearance of characteristic →joining amino acids in sequence →a change in the sequence of DNA bases  (4)a change in the sequence of DNA bases →appearance of characteristic →joining amino acids in sequence   84. Recently, scientists noted that stained chromosomes from rapidly dividing cells, such as human cancer cells, contain numerous dark, dotlike structures. Chromosomes from older human cells that have stopped dividing have very few, if any, dotlike structures. The best generalization regarding these dotlike structures is that they  (1)will always be present in cells that are dividing  (2)may increase the rate of mitosis in human cells  (3)definitely affect the rate of division in all cells  (4)can cure all genetic disorders  53

 Base your answers to questions 50 through 52 on the information and chart below and on your knowledge of biology.  In DNA, a sequence of three bases is a code for the placement of a certain amino acid in a protein chain. The table below shows some amino acids with their abbreviations and DNA codes.

 47. Which amino acid chain would be produced by the DNA base sequence below? C-A-A-G-T-T-A-A-A-T-T-A-T-T-G-T-G-A




(4)   48. Identify one environmental factor that could cause a base sequence in DNA to be changed to a different base sequence. [1]   49. Describe how a protein would be changed if a base sequence mutates from GGA to TGA. [1]

 Base your answers to questions 59 through 61 on the passage below and on your knowledge of biology.The number in the parenthesis ( ) at the end of a sentence is used to identify that sentence.

 They Sure Do Look Like Dinosaurs  When making movies about dinosaurs, film producers often use ordinary lizards and enlarge their images thousands of times (1). We all know, however, that while they look like dinosaurs and are related to dinosaurs, lizards are not actually dinosaurs (2). Recently, some scientists have developed a hypothesis that challenges this view (3). These scientists believe that some dinosaurs were actually the same species as 54

some modern lizards that had grown to unbelievable sizes (4). They think that such growth might be due to a special type of DNA called repetitive DNA, often referred to as “junk” DNA because scientists do not understand its functions (5).These scientists studied pumpkins that can reach sizes of nearly 1,000 pounds and found them to contain large amounts of repetitive DNA (6). Other pumpkins that grow to only a few ounces in weight have very little of this kind of DNA (7). In addition, cells that reproduce uncontrollably have almost always been found to contain large amounts of this type of DNA (8).  65. State one reason why scientists formerly thought of repetitive DNA as “junk.” [1]   66. Which kind of cells would most likely contain large amounts of repetitive DNA?  (1)red blood cells  (2)cancer cells  (3)nerve cells  (4)cells that are unable to reproduce   67. Write the number of a sentence that provides evidence that supports the hypothesis that increasing amounts of repetitive DNA are responsible for increased sizes of organisms. [1]

 90. Which statement best describes the relationship between cells, DNA, and proteins?  (1)Cells contain DNA that controls the production of proteins.  (2)DNA is composed of proteins that carry coded information for how cells function.  (3)Proteins are used to produce cells that link amino acids together into DNA.  (4) Cells are linked together by proteins to make different kinds of DNA molecules.   20. Genes involved in the production of abnormal red blood cells have an abnormal sequence of (1) ATP molecules (2) amino acids (3) sugars (4) bases   Base your answers to the following questions on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.  Mutations are often referred to as the “raw materials” of evolution.  48. State one reason that mutations are often referred to as the “raw materials” of evolution. [1]   49. Use appropriate letters to write a 9-base DNA sequence that could represent a portion of a gene. [1]   50. Show one example of what could happen to the 9-base DNA sequence you wrote in question 57 if a mutation occurred in that gene. [1] 55

 69. At warm temperatures, a certain bread mold can often be seen growing on bread as a dark-colored mass. The same bread mold growing on bread in a cooler environment is red in color. Which statement most accurately describes why this change in the color of the bread mold occurs? (1) Gene expression can be modified by interactions with the environment. (2) Every organism has a different set of coded instructions. (3) The DNA was altered in response to an environmental condition. (4) There is no replication of genetic material in the cooler environment.   22. The diagram below shows some of the steps in protein synthesis.

The section of DNA being used to make the strand of mRNA is known as a (1) carbohydrate (2) gene (3) ribosome (4) chromosome  Genetics and Biotechnology

 12. Scientific studies show that identical twins who were separated at birth and raised in different homes may vary in height, weight, and intelligence. The most probable explanation for these differences is that (1) original genes of each twin increased in number as they developed (2) one twin received genes only from the mother while the other twin received genes only from the father (3) environments in which they were raised were different enough to affect the expression of their genes (4) environments in which they were raised were different enough to change the genetic makeup of both individuals   34. In an experiment, DNA from dead pathogenic bacteria was transferred into living bacteria that do not cause disease. These altered bacteria were then injected into healthy mice. These mice died of the same disease caused by the original pathogens. Based on this information, which statement would be a valid conclusion? (1) DNA is present only in living organisms. (2) DNA functions only in the original organism of which it was a part. (3) DNA changes the organism receiving the injection into the original organism. (4) DNA from a dead organism can become active in another organism. 56

 67. Which statement best describes what will most likely happen when an individual receives a vaccination containing a weakened pathogen? (1) The ability to fight disease will increase due to antibodies received from the pathogen. (2) The ability to fight disease caused by the pathogen will increase due to antibody production. (3) The ability to produce antibodies will decrease after the vaccination. (4) The ability to resist most types of diseases will increase.

 69. A great deal of information can now be obtained about the future health of people by examining the genetic makeup of their cells. There are concerns that this information could be used to deny an individual health insurance or employment. These concerns best illustrate that (1) scientific explanations depend upon evidence collected from a single source (2) scientific inquiry involves the collection of information from a large number of sources (3) acquiring too much knowledge in human genetics will discourage future research in that area (4) while science provides knowledge, values are essential to making ethical decisions using this knowledge

 77. Which statement best describes human insulin that is produced by genetically engineered bacteria? (1) This insulin will not function normally in humans because it is produced by bacteria. (2) This insulin is produced as a result of human insulin being inserted into bacteria cells. (3)This insulin is produced as a result of exposing bacteria cells to radiation, which produces a mutation. (4)This insulin may have fewer side effects than the insulin previously extracted from the pancreas of other animals.

 81. Cloning an individual usually produces organisms that (1) contain dangerous mutations (2) contain identical genes (3) are identical in appearance and behavior (4) produce enzymes different from the parent   2. Certain bacteria produce a chemical that makes them resistant to penicillin. Since these bacteria reproduce asexually, they usually produce offspring that (1) can be destroyed by penicillin (2) mutate into another species (3) are genetically different from their parents (4) survive exposure to penicillin   5. Many vaccinations stimulate the immune system by exposing it to (1) antibodies (2) enzymes (3) mutated genes (4) weakened microbes   9. The diagrams below represent some steps in a procedure used in biotechnology. 57

Letters X and Y represent the (1) hormones that stimulate the replication of bacterial DNA (2) biochemical catalysts involved in the insertion of genes into other organisms (3) hormones that trigger rapid mutation of genetic information (4) gases needed to produce the energy required for gene manipulation   33. The photographs below show some physical similarities between John Lennon and his son Julian

 . Which conclusion can be drawn regarding these similarities? (1) The DNA present in their body cells is identical. (2) The percentage of their proteins with the same molecular composition is high. (3) The base sequences of their genes are identical. (4) The mutation rate is the same in their body cells.   42.Biological research has generated knowledge used to diagnose genetic disorders in humans. Explain how a specific genetic disorder can be diagnosed. Your answer must include at least: * the name of a genetic disorder that can be diagnosed [1] * the name or description of a technique used to diagnose the disorder [1] * a description of one characteristic of the disorder [1]  53. Fruit flies with the curly-wing trait will develop straight wings if kept at a temperature of 16°C during development and curly wings if kept at 25°C. The best explanation for this change in the shape of wings is that the  (1)genes for curly wings and genes for straight wings are found on different chromosomes  (2)type of genes present in the fruit fly is dependent on environmental temperature  (3)environment affects the expression of the genes for this trait  (4)higher temperature produces a gene mutation 58

 55. To produce large tomatoes that are resistant to cracking and splitting, some seed companies use the pollen from one variety of tomato plant to fertilize a different variety of tomato plant. This process is an example of  (1)selective breeding  (2)DNA sequencing  (3)direct harvesting  (4)cloning   57. The production of certain human hormones by genetically engineered bacteria results from  (1)inserting a specific group of amino acids into the bacteria  (2)combining a portion of human DNA with bacterial DNA and inserting this into bacteria  (3)crossing two different species of bacteria  (4)deleting a specific amino acid from human DNA and inserting it into bacterial DNA   65. Which phrase does not describe cells cloned from a carrot?  (1)they are genetically identical  (2)they are produced sexually  (3)they have the same DNA codes  (4)they have identical chromosomes   73. A part of the Hepatitis B virus is synthesized in the laboratory. This viral particle can be identified by the immune system as a foreign material but the viral particle is not capable of causing disease. Immediately after this viral particle is injected into a human it  (1)stimulates the production of enzymes that are able to digest the Hepatitis B virus  (2)triggers the formation of antibodies that protect against the Hepatitis B virus  (3)synthesizes specific hormones that provide immunity against the Hepatitis B virus  (4)breaks down key receptor molecules so that the Hepatitis B virus can enter body cells 

 Base your answers to questions 69 through 71 on the quotation below and on your knowledge of biology.  “Today I planted something new in my vegetable garden — something very new, as a matter of fact. It’s a potato called the New Leaf Superior, which has been genetically engineered — by Monsanto, the chemical giant recently turned “life sciences” giant — to produce its own insecticide. This it can do in every cell of every leaf, stem, flower, root, and (here’s the creepy part) spud [the potato].”  Source: New York Times Sunday Magazine, Michael Pollan, 10/25/98  19. State two reasons that a gardener might choose to grow this new variety of plant. [2] . Workspace   20. State one possible disadvantage of the synthesis of an insecticide by potatoes. [1]  59

 21. Explain why every cell in the New Leaf Superior potato plant is able to produce its own insecticide. [1]    Base your answers to questions 61 through 64 on the information and diagram below and on your knowledge of biology.  The diagram below shows the results of a test that was done using DNA samples from three bears of different species. Each DNA sample was cut into fragments using a specific enzyme and placed in the wells as indicated below. The DNA fragments were then separated using gel electrophoresis.

 53. Which two bears are most closely related? Support your answer with data from the test results. [2]    54. Identify one additional way to determine the evolutionary relationship of these bears. [1]   55. Gel electrophoresis is used to separate DNA fragments on the basis of their (1) size (2) color (3) functions (4) chromosomes   56. Identify one procedure, other than electrophoresis, that is used in the laboratory to separate the different types of molecules in a liquid mixture. [1]    26. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in the body cells of humans. This extra chromosome occurs in a gamete as a result of (1) an error in the process of cloning (2) an error in meiotic cell division 60

(3) a gene mutation (4)replication of a single chromosome during mitosis    16. In the United States, there has been relatively little experimentation involving the insertion of genes from other species into human DNA. One reason for the lack of these experiments is that (1) the subunits of human DNA are different from the DNA subunits of other species (2)there are many ethical questions to be answered before inserting foreign genes into human DNA (3)inserting foreign DNA into human DNA would require using techniques completely different from those used to insert foreign DNA into the DNA of other mammals (4) human DNA always promotes human survival, so there is no need to alter it    Base your answers to questions 65 through 67 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram shows the results of a technique used to analyze DNA.

  20. This technique used to analyze DNA directly results in

 (1)synthesizing large fragments of DNA  (2)separating DNA fragments on the basis of size  (3)producing genetically engineered DNA molecules  (4)removing the larger DNA fragments from the samples    21. This laboratory technique is known as

 (1)gel electrophoresis 61

 (2)DNA replication  (3)protein synthesis  (4)genetic recombination   22. State one specific way the results of this laboratory technique could be used. [1]

 29. In preparation for an electrophoresis procedure, enzymes are added to DNA in order to

 (1)convert the DNA into gel  (2)cut the DNA into fragments  (3)change the color of the DNA  (4)produce longer sections of DNA   Evolution  5. Which population of organisms would be in greatest danger of becoming extinct? (1) A population of organisms having few variations living in a stable environment. (2) A population of organisms having few varia- tions living in an unstable environment. (3) A population of organisms having many varia- tions living in a stable environment. (4) A population of organisms having many varia- tions living in an unstable environment. . Workspace  57. In order for new species to develop, there must be a change in the (1) temperature of the environment (2) migration patterns within a population (3) genetic makeup of a population (4) rate of succession in the environment   58. Which statement is not part of the concept of natural selection? (1) Individuals that possess the most favorable variations will have the best chance of reproducing. (2) Variation occurs among individuals in a population. (3) More individuals are produced than will survive. (4) Genes of an individual adapt to a changing environment.   59. The diagram below shows the evolution of some different species of flowers.

 Which statement about the species is correct? 62

(1) Species A, B, C, and D came from different ancestors. (2) Species C evolved from species B. (3)Species A, B, and C can interbreed successfully. (4) Species A became extinct.   64. Base your answer to question 19 on the chart below and on your knowledge of biology.

According to most scientists, which sequence best represents the order of biological evolution on Earth? (1) A→B→C (2) B→C→A (3) B→A→C (4) C→A→B   87. The relationship of some mammals is indicated in the diagram below.

 Which statement about the African elephant is correct? (1) It is more closely related to the mammoth than it is to the West African manatee. (2) It is more closely related to the West Indian manatee than it is to the mastodon. (3) It is not related to the Brazilian manatee or the mammoth. (4) It is the ancestor of Steller’s sea cow.   10. According to some scientists, patterns of evolution can be illustrated by the diagrams below. 63

Which statement best explains the patterns seen in these diagrams? (1) The organisms at the end of each branch can be found in the environment today. (2)The organisms that are living today have all evolved at the same rate and have undergone the same kinds of changes. (3)Evolution involves changes that give rise to a variety of organisms, some of which continue to change through time while others die out. (4) These patterns cannot be used to illustrate the evolution of extinct organisms.   11. Which statement best illustrates a rapid biological adaptation that has actually occurred? (1) Pesticide-resistant insects have developed in certain environments. (2) Scientific evidence indicates that dinosaurs once lived on land. (3) Paving large areas of land has decreased habitats for certain organisms. (4) The characteristics of sharks have remained unchanged over a long period of time.   13. The diagram below illustrates the change that occurred in the physical appearance of a rabbit population over a 10-year period.

Which condition would explain this change over time? (1) a decrease in the mutation rate of the rabbits with black fur (2) a decrease in the advantage of having white fur (3) an increase in the advantage of having white fur (4) an increase in the chromosome number of the rabbits with black fur   58. Which statement best describes a current understanding of natural selection?  (1)Natural selection influences the frequency of an adaptation in a population.  (2)Natural selection has been discarded as an important concept in evolution. 64

 (3)Changes in gene frequencies due to natural selection have little effect on the evolution of species.  (4)New mutations of genetic material are due to natural selection.   63. Which species is most likely to survive changing environmental conditions?  (1)a species that has few variations  (2)a species that reproduces sexually  (3)a species that competes with similar species  (4)a species that has a limited life span  59. The bones in the forelimbs of three mammals are shown below.

 For these mammals, the number, position, and shape of the bones most likely indicates that they may have  (1) developed in a common environment  (2) developed from the same earlier species  (3)identical genetic makeup (4)identical methods of obtaining food

  Base your answers to questions 43 and 44 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. Letters A through J represent different species of organisms. The vertical distances between the dotted lines represent long periods of time in which major environmental changes occurred.

 24. Which species was the first to become extinct? (1) E (2) J (3) C (4) D   25. Which species appears to have been most successful in surviving changes in the 65

environment over time? (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) H

Base your answers to questions 69 and 70 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.  Over the last 30 years, a part of the Hudson River known as Foundry Cove has been the site for many factories that have dumped toxic chemicals into the river. Some of these pollutants have accumulated in the mud at the bottom of the river. The polluted cove water contains many single-celled organisms and simple multi-cellular animals. Curiously, when the same species from nearby regions with nonpolluted sediments are moved to the polluted cove water, they die.  Scientists hypothesized that the organisms living in the cove have evolved so that they are able to survive in polluted water. To test this hypothesis, biologists tried to duplicate the history of the cove in the laboratory. They took a large number of one species of simple animal from a cove with unpolluted mud and placed them in a flask that contained polluted mud from Foundry Cove (diagram 1). Most of the animals died, but a few survived (diagram 2). The scientists then bred the survivors with each other for several generations producing offspring that were descendants of the survivors. When placed in Foundry Cove, most of these descendants survived. The diagrams below represent the steps in this investigation.

 68. On the diagram of the flask below, sketch the animals that would be present in flask 3 after several generations of breeding in the laboratory. [1]

  66

 69.Explain how the simple animals of Foundry Cove adapted to the polluted water. Your answer must include an explanation of the role of three of the following in this process. [3]  environment  genetic variation  selection  reproduction  survival of the fittest   Base your answers to questions 46 through 50 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. Color in peppered moths is controlled by genes. A light-colored variety and a dark- colored variety of a peppered moth species exist in nature. The moths often rest on tree trunks, and several different species of birds are predators of this moth. Before industrialization in England, the light-colored variety was much more abundant than the dark-colored variety and evidence indicates that many tree trunks at that time were covered with light-colored lichens. Later, industrialization developed and brought pollution which killed the lichens leaving the tree trunks covered with dark-colored soot. The results of a study made in England are shown below.

 79. State one possible reason that a larger number of the dark-colored variety were present in the polluted environment. [1]  80. State one possible reason that the light-colored variety was not completely eliminated from the polluted environment. [1]   81. During the past few decades, air pollution control laws in many areas of England greatly limited the soot and other air pollutants coming from the burning of coal. State one way the decrease in soot and other air pollutants will most likely influence the survival of the light-colored variety of peppered moth. [1]   82. The percentage of light-colored moths in the polluted environment was closest to  (1) 16  (2) 24  (3) 42 67

 (4) 76   83. Which conclusion can best be drawn from the information given?  (1)The trait for dark coloration better suits the peppered moth for survival in non-polluted environments.  (2)The trait for light coloration better suits the peppered moth for survival in polluted environments.  (3)The variation of color in the peppered moth has no influence on survival of the moth.  (4)A given trait may be a favorable adaptation in one environment, but not in another environment.   96. Which process is least likely to add to the variety of traits in a population?  (1)deletion of bases from DNA  (2)genetic engineering  (3)accurate replication of DNA  (4)exchange of segments between chromosomes   49. A peppered moth and part of a metric ruler are represented in the diagram below.

 Which row in the chart below best represents the ratio of body length to wingspan of the peppered moth?




(4) 68

  10. Base your answer to the next question on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.

The dodo bird inhabited the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, where it lived undisturbed for years. It lost its ability to fly and it lived and nested on the ground where it ate fruits that had fallen from trees. There were no mammals living on the island. In 1505, the first humans set foot on Mauritius. The island quickly became a stopover for ships engaged in the spice trade. The dodo was a welcome source of fresh meat for the sailors and large numbers of dodos were killed for food. In time, pigs, monkeys, and rats brought to the island ate the dodo eggs in the ground nests.

Which statement describes what most likely happened to the dodo bird within 100 years of the arrival of humans on Mauritius?

(1) Dodo birds developed the ability to fly in order to escape predation and their popula- tion increased. (2) The dodo bird population increased after the birds learned to build their nests in trees. (3) Human exploitation and introduced species significantly reduced dodo bird populations. (4) The dodo bird population became smaller because they preyed upon the introduced species.   15. The chart below contains a number of characteristics for three different organisms. The characteristics can be used in classifying these organisms.

  Which two organisms would be expected to have the most similar genetic material? Support your answer using information from the chart. [2]   22. Which statement describing a cause of extinction includes the other three? (1) Members of the extinct species were unable to compete for food. (2) Members of the extinct species were unable to conceal their presence by camouflage. (3)Members of the extinct species lacked adaptations essential for survival. (4)Members of the extinct species were too slow to escape from predators.   23. Scientists compared fossil remains of a species that lived 5,000 years ago with members of the same species living today. Scientists concluded that this species had changed very little over the entire time period. Which statement best accounts for this lack of change? (1) The environment changed significantly and those offspring without favorable characteristics died. 69

(2) The environment changed significantly, but the species had no natural enemies for a long period of time. (3) The environment did not change significantly and those offspring expressing new characteristics survived their natural enemies. (4) The environment did not change significantly and those offspring expressing new characteristics did not survive.   55. Beak structures differ between individuals of one species of bird. These differences most likely indicate (1) the presence of a variety of food sources (2) a reduced rate of reproduction (3) a large supply of one kind of food (4) an abundance of predators   Base your answers to the following questions on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.  Gaurs, which are large oxlike animals found in South Asia, have been hunted for sport for many generations. Most recently, as human populations have increased, the gaur’s habitats of forests, bamboo jungles, and grasslands have dwindled. The gaur is now considered an endangered species. Scientists have succeeded in preserving endangered species by cloning. Recently, a gaur was cloned and the resulting embryo was placed inside a domestic cow, which then gave birth to a baby gaur.   57. Describe how gaurs produced through normal means are different from gaurs produced by cloning. [1]   58. State one biological benefit of preserving endangered species. [1]   59. State one way, other than cloning, that gaurs might be saved from extinction. [1]   Base your answers to questions 66 through 68 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.  Based on their analysis of the differences in amino acid sequences of one kind of protein, scientists prepared the evolutionary tree shown below.  70

 60. According to this diagram, the DNA of which pair of organisms would show the greatest similarity? (1) penguin and turtle (2) horse and donkey (3) snake and tuna (4) turtle and rabbit   61. Older systems of classification always placed penguins, chickens, ducks, and pigeons in the bird group and turtles and snakes in the reptile group. Does this diagram support the older system of classification? Explain your answer. [1]  62. According to this diagram, is the pig more closely related to the dog or the kangaroo? Justify your answer. [1]   63.A hawk has a genetic trait that gives it much better eyesight than other hawks of the same species in the same area. Explain how this could lead to evolutionary change within this species of hawk over a long period of time. In your answer, be sure to include an explanation of: * competition within the hawk population [1] * survival of various individuals in the population [1] * how the frequency of the better-eyesight trait would be expected to change over time within the population [1] * what would most likely happen to the hawks having the better-eyesight trait if they also had unusually weak wing muscles [1]   71. Species of bacteria can evolve more quickly than species of mammals because bacteria have (1) less competition (2) more chromosomes (3) lower mutation rates (4) higher rates of reproduction  71

 75. For centuries, certain animals have been crossed to produce offspring that have desirable qualities. Dogs have been mated to produce Labradors, beagles, and poodles. All of these dogs look and behave very differently from one another. This technique of producing organisms with specific qualities is known as (1) gene replication (2) natural selection (3) random mutation (4) selective breeding   76. Certain insects resemble the bark of the trees on which they live. Which statement provides a possible biological explanation for this resemblance? (1) The insects needed camouflage so they developed protective coloration. (2) Natural selection played a role in the development of this protective coloration. (3) The lack of mutations resulted in the protective coloration. (4) The trees caused mutations in the insects that resulted in protective coloration.   77. When is extinction of a species most likely to occur? (1) when environmental conditions remain the same and the proportion of individuals within the species that lack adaptive traits increases (2) when environmental conditions remain the same and the proportion of individuals within the species that possess adaptive traits increases (3) when environmental conditions change and the adaptive traits of the species favor the survival and reproduction of some of its members (4) when environmental conditions change and the members of the species lack adaptive traits to survive and reproduce   24. The diagram below represents four different species of bacteria

 .  Which statement is correct concerning the chances of survival for these species if there is a change in the environment? (1) Species A has the best chance of survival because it has the most genetic diversity. (2) Species C has the best chance of survival because it has no gene mutations. (3) Neither species B nor species D will survive because they compete for the same resources. (4) None of the species will survive because bacteria reproduce asexually.   25. The diagram below represents possible evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms. 72

 Which statement is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from the diagram? (1) Snails appeared on Earth before corals. (2) Sponges were the last new species to appear on Earth. (3) Earthworms and sea stars have a common ancestor.  (4) Insects are more complex than mammals.

 Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram represents six insect species. 73

 14. A dichotomous key to these six species is shown below. Complete the missing information for sections 5.a. and 5.b. so that the key is complete for all six species. [1]

 15. Use the key to identify the drawings of species A, B, C, and D. Place the letter of each species on the line located below the drawing of the species. [1]

 Base your answers to questions 69 and 70 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.  Evolutionary changes have been observed in beak size in a population of medium ground finches in the Galapagos Islands. Given a choice of small and large seeds, the medium ground finch eats mostly small seeds, which are easier to crush. However, during dry years, all seeds are in short supply. Small seeds are quickly consumed, so the birds are left with a diet of large seeds. Studies have shown that this change in diet may be related to an increase in the average size of the beak of the medium ground finch.  24. The most likely explanation for the increase in average beak size of the medium ground finch is that the

 (1)trait is inherited and birds with larger beaks have greater reproductive success  (2)birds acquired larger beaks due to the added exercise of feeding on large seeds  (3)birds interbred with a larger-beaked species and passed on the trait  (4)lack of small seeds caused a mutation which resulted in a larger beak 74

  25. In exceptionally dry years, what most likely happens in a population of medium ground finches?

 (1)There is increased cooperation between the birds.  (2)Birds with large beaks prey on birds with small beaks.  (3)The finches develop parasitic relationships with mammals.  (4)There is increased competition for a limited number of small seeds.  Base your answers to questions 71 through 73 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.  A series of investigations was performed on four different plant species. The results of these investigations are recorded in the data table below.

 32. Based on these data, which two plant species appear to be most closely related? Support your answer. [1]

 Plant species ______and ______ 33. What additional information could be gathered to support your answer to question 71? [1]

 34. State one reason why scientists might want to know if two plant species are closely related.   Cell Signalling and Homeostasis   20. Which process normally occurs at the placenta? (1) Oxygen diffuses from fetal blood to maternal blood. (2) Materials are exchanged between fetal and maternal blood. (3) Maternal blood is converted into fetal blood. (4)Digestive enzymes pass from maternal blood to fetal blood.  4.Diagram A below represents a microscopic view of the lower surface of a leaf. Diagram B represents a portion of the human body. 75

a Choose one diagram and record its letter, A or B, in the space provided.  b Identify the structure labeled X in the diagram you chose. [1]

  c State one problem for the organism that would result from a malfunction of the structure you identified. [1]  . Workspace  Diagram:______

  9. When a person does strenuous exercise, small blood vessels (capillaries) near the surface of the skin increase in diameter. This change allows the body to be cooled. These statements best illustrate (1) synthesis (2) homeostasis (3) excretion (4) locomotion

 25. The most immediate response to a high level of blood sugar in a human is an increase in the (1) muscle activity in the arms (2) blood flow to the digestive tract (3) activity of all cell organelles (4) release of insulin   41. When a certain plant is without water for an extended period of time, guard cells close openings in the leaves of the plant. This activity conserves water and illustrates (1) cellular communication involving the action of nerve cells and receptor sites (2) an increase in rate of growth due to a low concentration of water (3) maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium through detection and response to stimuli  (4) a response to one biotic factor in the environment    61. One function of the placenta in a human is to 76

(1) surround the embryo and protect it from shock (2)allow for mixing of maternal blood with fetal blood (3)act as the heart of the fetus, pumping blood until the fetus is born (4)permit passage of nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus   65. The diagram below represents what can happen when homeostasis in an organism is threatened.

Which statement provides a possible explanation for these events? (1) Antibiotics break down harmful substances by the process of digestion. (2) Some specialized cells mark and other cells engulf microbes during immune reactions. (3) Embryonic development of essential organs occurs during pregnancy. (4) Cloning removes abnormal cells produced during differentiation.    71. AIDS is an infectious disease that has reached epidemic proportions. Describe the nature of this disease and identify two ways to prevent or control the spread of infectious diseases, such as AIDS. In your response be sure to include: * the type of pathogen that causes AIDS [1] * the system of the body that is attacked by that pathogen [1] * the effect on the body when this system is weakened by AIDS [1] * two ways to prevent or control the spread of infectious diseases, such as AIDS [2]   1. Nerve cells are essential to an animal because they directly provide (1) communication between cells (2) transport of nutrients to various organs (3)regulation of reproductive rates within other cells (4) an exchange of gases within the body   6. The data in the graph below show evidence of disease in the human body. 77

A disruption in dynamic equilibrium is indicated by the temperature change between points (1) A and B (2) B and C (3) C and D (4) E and F   41.Select one human body system from the list below.  Body Systems  Digestive Circulatory Respiratory Excretory Nervous  Describe a malfunction that can occur in the system chosen. Your answer must include at least: * the name of the system and a malfunction that can occur in this system [1] * a description of a possible cause of the malfunction identified [1] * an effect this malfunction may have on any other body system [1]   49. Hormones and secretions of the nervous system are chemical messengers that (1) store genetic information (2) carry out the circulation of materials (3) extract energy from nutrients (4) coordinate system interactions

 51. The diagram below represents two single-celled organisms.

 These organisms carry out the activities needed to maintain homeostasis by using specialized internal 78

 (1)tissues  (3)systems  (2)organelles  (4)organs  75. Which situation is not an example of the maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium in an organism?  (1)Guard cells contribute to the regulation of water content in a geranium plant.  (2)Water passes into an animal cell causing it to swell.  (3)The release of insulin lowers the blood sugar level in a human after eating a big meal.  (4)A runner perspires while running a race on a hot summer day.  88. Humans require multiple systems for various life functions. Two vital systems are the circulatory system and the respiratory system. Select one of these systems, write its name in the chart below, then identify two structures that are part of that system, and state how each structure you identified functions as part of the system. [2]

  10. In cells of multicellular organisms, structure B often contains molecules involved in cell communication. What specific term is used to identify these molecules? [1]  Base your answers to questions 37 and 38 on the graph below and on your knowledge of biology. The graph illustrates a single species of bacteria grown at various pH levels.

 22. The most likely reason there are no colonies in cultures of this species at pH 4 and at pH 10 is that (1) these bacteria could successfully compete with other species of bacteria at these pH values (2) there are more predators feeding on these bacteria at pH 4 and pH 10 than at other pH levels (3) at pH 4 and pH 10 the environment is too acidic or too basic for the bacteria to grow 79

(4) fertilization cannot occur in these bacteria at pH 4 or pH 10  23. Which statement is supported by data from this graph? (1) All species of bacteria can grow well at pH 7. (2) This type of bacterium would grow well at pH 7.5. (3) This type of bacterium would grow well at pH 2. (4) Other types of bacteria can grow well at pH 4.   Base your answers to questions 53 and 54 on the structures in the diagram of human blood below that help to maintain homeostasis in humans.

 31. Identify the cell labeled X. [1]   32. State one way a cell such as cell X helps to maintain homeostasis. [1] 

 Base your answers to questions 35 through 37 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology.

 37. The process represented in the diagram best illustrates (1) cellular communication (2) muscle contraction (3) extraction of energy from nutrients (4) waste disposal   38. Which statement best describes the diagram? (1) Nerve cell X is releasing receptor molecules. (2) Nerve cell Y is signaling nerve cell X. (3) Nerve cell X is attaching to nerve cell Y. (4)Nerve cell Y contains receptor molecules for substance A.   39. A drug is developed that, due to its molecular shape, blocks the action of substance A. Which shape would the drug molecule most likely resemble?

(1) (2) 80

(3) (4) Base your answers to questions 48 and 49 on the diagram of a slide of normal human blood below and on your knowledge of biology.

75. An increase in the production of the cells labeled A is a response to an internal environmental change. State a change that might cause this response. [1] 76. Describe one possible immune response, other than an increase in number, that one of the cells labeled A would carry out. [1]

Base your answers to questions 58 and 59 on the diagram below which illustrates a role of hormones.

84. Letter B indicates  (1)ribosomes  (2)receptor molecules  (3)tissues  (4)inorganic substances 85. Explain why cell A is a nontarget cell for the hormone illustrated in the diagram. [1]

Base your answers to questions 60 through 62 on the diagram below of activities in the human body. 81

86. This diagram illustrates part of  (1)a feedback mechanism  (2)an enzyme pathway  (3)a digestive mechanism  (4)a pattern of learned behavior

87. Describe the action represented by the arrow labeled X in the diagram and state one reason that this action is important. [2]

88. Identify one hormone involved in another biological relationship and an organ that is directly affected by the hormone you identified. [2]

30. Which activity is not a function of white blood cells in response to an invasion of the body by bacteria? (1) engulfing these bacteria (2)producing antibodies to act against this type of bacteria (3)preparing for future invasions of this type of bacteria (4)speeding transmissions of nerve impulses to detect these bacteria

Base your answers to the following questions on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. The reproductive cycle in a human female is not functioning properly. An imbalance of hormones is diagnosed as the cause.

52. Identify one hormone directly involved in the human female reproductive system that could cause this problem. [1]

53. Explain why some cells in a female’s body respond to reproductive hormones while other cells do not. [1]

64. The photos below show two red onion cells viewed with the high power of a compound light microscope. Describe the steps that could be used to make cell A resemble cell B using a piece of paper towel and an eyedropper or a pipette without removing the coverslip. [3] 82

3. Kangaroos are mammals that lack a placenta. Therefore, they must have an alternate way of supplying the developing embryo with (1) nutrients (2) carbon dioxide (3) enzymes (4) genetic information

19. The diagram below represents an interaction between parts of an organism.

The term chemicals in this diagram represents (1) starch molecules (2) DNA molecules (3) hormone molecules (4) receptor molecules

21. The graph below provides information about the reproductive rates of four species of bacteria, A, B, C, and D, at different temperatures. 83

Which statement is a valid conclusion based on the information in the graph? (1) Changes in temperature cause bacteria to adapt to form new species. (2) Increasing temperatures speed up bacterial reproduction. (3) Bacteria can survive only at temperatures between 0°C and 100°C. (4) Individual species reproduce within a specific range of temperatures.

Base your answers to the following questions on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. Proteins on the surface of a human cell and on a bird influenza virus are represented by the diagram below.

35. In the space below, draw a change in the bird influenza virus that would allow it to infect this human cell. [1] Workspace

36. Explain how this change in the virus could come about. [1]

37. Identify the relationship that exists between a virus and a human when the virus infects the human. [1]

Base your answers to the following questions on the information provided below and on your knowledge of biology. Insulin is a hormone that has an important role in the maintenance of homeostasis in humans. 38. Identify the structure in the human body that is the usual source of insulin. [1]

39. Identify a substance in the blood, other than insulin, that could change in concentration and indicate a person is not secreting insulin in normal amounts. [1] Workspace 84

Ecology 10. Which ecological term includes everything represented in the illustration below?

(1) ecosystem (2) community (3) population (4) species

24. In an ecosystem, the presence of many different species is critical for the survival of some forms of life when (1) ecosystems remain stable over long periods of time (2) significant changes occur in the ecosystem (3) natural selection does not occur (4) the finite resources of Earth increase

26. Which ecological term best describes the polar bears in the cartoon below? 85

27. A new island formed by volcanic action may eventually become populated with biotic communities as a result of (1) a decrease in the amount of organic material present (2) decreased levels of carbon dioxide in the area (3) the lack of abiotic factors in the area (4) the process of ecological succession

29. Decomposers are important in the environment because they (1) convert large molecules into simpler molecules that can then be recycled (2) release heat from large molecules so that the heat can be recycled through the ecosystem (3) can take in carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen (4) convert molecules of dead organisms into permanent biotic parts of an ecosystem

30. An environment can support only as many organisms as the available energy, minerals, and oxygen will allow. Which term is best described by this statement? (1) biological feedback (2) carrying capacity (3) homeostatic control (4) biological diversity

31. Communities have attempted to control the size of mosquito populations to prevent the spread of certain diseases such as malaria and encephalitis. Which control method is most likely to cause the least ecological damage? (1) draining the swamps where mosquitoes breed (2) spraying swamps with chemical pesticides to kill mosquitoes 86

(3) spraying oil over swamps to suffocate mosquito larvae (4) increasing populations of native fish that feed on mosquito larvae in the swamps

32. Which animal has modified ecosystems more than any other animal and has had the greatest negative impact on world ecosystems? (1) gypsy moth (2) zebra mussel (3) human (4) shark

36. In a forest community, a shelf fungus and a slug live on the side of a decaying tree trunk. The fungus digests and absorbs materials from the tree, while the slug eats algae growing on the outside of the trunk. These organisms do not compete with one another because they occupy (1) the same habitat, but different niches (2) the same niche, but different habitats (3) the same niche and the same habitat (4) different habitats and different niches

33. The map below shows the movement of some air pollution across part of the United States.

Which statement is a correct inference that can be drawn from this information? (1) Illinois produces more air pollution than the other states shown. (2) The air pollution problem in Baltimore is increased by the addition of pollution from other areas. (3) There are no air pollution problems in southern states. (4) The air pollution problems in Virginia clear up quickly as the air moves toward the sea.

38. The graph below shows the growth of two populations of paramecia grown in the same culture dish for 14 days. 87

Which ecological concept is best represented by the graph? (1) recycling (2) equilibrium (3) competition (4) decomposition 43. A particular species of unicellular organism inhabits the intestines of termites, where the unicellular organisms are protected from predators. Wood that is ingested by the termites is digested by the unicellular organisms, forming food for the termites. The relationship between these two species can be described as (1) harmful to both species (2) parasite/host (3) beneficial to both species (4) predator/prey

44. A population of chipmunks migrated to an environment where they had little competition. Their population quickly increased but eventually stabilized as shown in the graph.

Which statement best explains why the population stabilized? (1) Interbreeding between members of the population increased the mutation rate. (2) The population size became limited due to factors such as availability of food. (3) An increase in the chipmunk population caused an increase in the producer population. (4) A predator species came to the area and occupied the same niche as the chipmunks.

45. Which factor is a major cause of global warming? 88

(1) increased burning of fuels (2) increased number of green plants (3) decreased mineral availability (4) decreased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

46. If humans remove carnivorous predators such as wolves and coyotes from an ecosystem, what will probably be the first observable result? (1) The natural prey will die off. (2) Certain plant populations will increase. (3)Certain herbivores will exceed carrying capacity. (4) The decomposers will fill the predator niche.

47. Which situation has had the most negative effect on the ecosystems of Earth? (1) use of air pollution controls (2) use of natural predators to control insect pests (3) recycling glass, plastic, and metals (4) increasing human population 48. Stage D in the diagram below is located on land that was once a bare field.

The sequence of stages leading from bare field to stage D best illustrates the process known as (1) replication (2) recycling (3) feedback (4) succession

53. A farmer has been growing only corn in his fields for several years. Each year the corn stalks were cut off near the ground and processed to be used as food for cattle. The farmer observed that with each passing year, corn production in his fields decreased. Explain why removing the dead corn stalks reduced corn production in these fields. [1]

72.Human activities continue to place strains on the environment. One of these strains on the environment is the loss of biodiversity. Explain what this problem is and describe some ways humans are involved in both the problem and the possible solutions. In your answer be sure to: * state the meaning of the term biodiversity [1] * state one negative effect on humans if biodiversity continues to be lost [1] * suggest one practice that could be used to preserve biodiversity in New York State [1]

80.Select one of the following ecological problems. Ecological Problems 89

Acid rain Increased amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous in a lake Loss of biodiversity For the ecological problem that you selected, briefly describe the problem and state one way to reduce it. In your answer be sure to: * state the ecological problem you selected * state how humans have caused the problem you selected [1] * describe one specific effect that the problem you selected will have on the ecosystem [1] * state one specific action humans could take to reduce the problem you selected [1]

83. Organisms from a particular ecosystem are shown below.

Which statement concerning an organism in this ecosystem is correct? (1) Organism 2 is heterotrophic. (2) Organism 3 helps recycle materials. (3)Organism 4 obtains all of its nutrients from an abiotic source. (4)Organism 5 must obtain its energy from organism 1.

89. The diagram below represents a pyramid of energy in an ecosystem.

Which level in the pyramid would most likely contain members of the plant kingdom? (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

90. Which condition would cause an ecosystem to become unstable? (1) only heterotrophic organisms remain after a change in the environment (2) a slight increase in the number of heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms occurs 90

(3) a variety of nonliving factors are used by the living factors (4) biotic and abiotic resources interact

18. The presence of parasites in an animal will usually result in (1) an increase in meiotic activity within structures of the host (2) the inability of the host to maintain homeostasis (3) the death of the host organism within twenty four hours (4) an increase in genetic mutation rate in the host organism

21. In an ecosystem, which component is not recycled? (1) water (3) oxygen (2) energy (4) carbon 22. Vultures, which are classified as scavengers, are an important part of an ecosystem because they (1) hunt herbivores, limiting their populations in an ecosystem (2) feed on dead animals, which aids in the recycling of environmental materials (3) cause the decay of dead organisms, which releases usable energy to herbivores and carnivores (4) are the first level in food webs and make energy available to all the other organisms in the web

23.“Natural ecosystems provide an array of basic processes that affect humans.” Which statement does not support this quotation? (1) Bacteria of decay help recycle materials. (2) Trees add to the amount of atmospheric oxygen. (3)Treated sewage is less damaging to the environment than untreated sewage. (4)Lichens and mosses living on rocks help to break the rocks down, forming soil.

24.The carrying capacity of a given environment is least dependent upon (1) recycling of materials (2) the available energy (3) the availability of food and water (4) daily temperature fluctuations 25. Increased efforts to conserve areas such as rain forests are necessary in order to (1) protect biodiversity (2) promote extinction of species (3) exploit finite resources (4) increase industrialization

26. Which practice would most likely deplete a non-renewable natural resource? (1) harvesting trees on a tree farm (2)burning coal to generate electricity in a power plant (3)restricting water usage during a period of water shortage (4)building a dam and a power plant to use water to generate electricity

27. Changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere that may produce acid rain are most 91 closely associated with (1) insects that excrete acids (2) runoff from acidic soils (3) industrial smoke stack emissions (4) flocks of migrating birds

28. One way to help provide suitable environments for future generations is to urge individuals to (1) apply ecological principles when making decisions that will have an environmental impact (2) control all aspects of natural environments (3)agree that population controls have no impact on environmental matters (4) work toward increasing global warming 34. In a stable, long-existing community, the establishment of a single species per niche is most directly the result of (1) parasitism (2) interbreeding (3) competition (4) overproduction

39. The diagram below shows changes that might occur over time after a fire in a forest area.

Which statement is most closely related to the events shown in the diagram? (1) The lack of animals in an altered ecosystem speeds natural succession. (2) Abrupt changes in an ecosystem only result from human activities. (3) Stable ecosystems never become established after a natural disaster. (4) An abrupt environmental change can cause a long-term gradual change in an ecosystem.

48. In most habitats, the removal of predators will have the most immediate impact on a population of (1) producers (2) decomposers (3) herbivores (4) microbes

64. Organisms that have the ability to use an atmospheric gas to produce an organic nutrient are known as (1)herbivores 92

(2)decomposers (3)carnivores (4)autotrophs

67. One arctic food chain consists of polar bears, fish, seaweed, and seals. Which sequence demonstrates the correct flow of energy between these organisms?  (1)seals →seaweed →fish →polar bears  (2)fish →seaweed →polar bears →seals  (3)seaweed →fish →seals →polar bears  (4)polar bears →fish →seals →seaweed 70. A food web is represented in the diagram below.

Which organisms are correctly paired with their roles in this food web? (1)mountain lions, bark beetles - producers hawks, mice - heterotrophs (2)snakes, grasshoppers - consumers mushrooms, rabbits - autotrophs (3)all birds, deer - consumers grasses, trees - producers (4)seeds, bacteria - decomposers mice, grasses - heterotrophs

76. Which statement best describes what happens to energy and molecules in a stable ecosystem? (1)Both energy and molecules are recycled in an ecosystem. (2)Neither energy nor molecules are recycled in an ecosystem. (3)Energy is recycled and molecules are continuously added to the ecosystem. (4)Energy is continuously added to the ecosystem and molecules are recycled.


77. Methods used to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions from smokestacks are an attempt by humans to (1)lessen the amount of insecticides in the environment (2)eliminate diversity in wildlife (3)lessen the environmental impact of acid rain (4)use nonchemical controls on pest species

78. Deforestation will most directly result in an immediate increase in (1)atmospheric carbon dioxide (2)atmospheric ozone (3)wildlife populations (4)renewable resources 79. Which statement concerning ecosystems is correct? (1)Stable ecosystems that are changed by natural disaster will slowly recover and may again become stable if left alone for a long period of time. (2)Competition does not influence the number of organisms that live in ecosystems. (3)Climatic change is the principal cause of habitat destruction in ecosystems in the last fifty years. (4)Stable ecosystems, once changed by natural disaster, will never recover and become stable again, even if left alone for a long period of time.

80. Which human activity would be least likely to disrupt the stability of an ecosystem? (1)disposing of wastes in the ocean (2)using fossil fuels (3)increasing the human population (4)recycling bottles and cans

89. What is the role of bacteria and fungi in an ecosystem? [1]

1. Identify one abiotic factor that would directly affect the survival of organism A shown in the diagram below. [1]

2. Explain why most ecologists would agree with the statement “A forest ecosystem is more stable than a cornfield.” [1] 94

7.Zebra mussels have caused several major changes in the ecosystem in the Hudson River. Native to Eurasia, zebra mussels were accidentally imported to the Great Lakes in ships during the late 1980s and first appeared in the Hudson in 1990. In regions of the Hudson north of West Point, zebra mussels have depleted the levels of dissolved oxygen to the point where many native organisms either die or move to other waters. In addition, large amounts of phytoplankton (small photosynthetic organisms) are consumed by the zebra mussels. Before the introduction of zebra mussels, one typical food chain in this part of the Hudson was: phytoplankton →freshwater clams →other consumers Describe some long-term changes in the Hudson River ecosystem that could be caused by zebra mussels. In your answer be sure to: * state one likely change in the population of each of two different species (other than the zebra mussels) found in the Hudson [2] * identify one gas in this ecosystem and state how a change in its concentration due to the effects of zebra mussels would affect organisms other than the zebra mussels [1] * state how the death of many of the native organisms could affect the rate of decay and how this would affect the amount of material being recycled [2] * explain why the size of the zebra mussel population would decrease after an initial increase [1]

8.A tropical rain forest in the country of Belize contains over 100 kinds of trees as well as thousands of species of mammals, birds, and insects. Dozens of species living there have not yet been classified and studied. The rain forest could be a commercial source of food as well as a source of medicinal and household products. However, most of this forested area is not accessible because of a lack of roads and therefore, little commercial use has been made of this region. The building of paved highways into and through this rain forest has been proposed. Discuss some aspects of carrying out this proposal to build paved highways. In your answer be sure to: * state one possible impact on biodiversity and one reason for this impact [2] * state one possible reason for an increase in the number of some producers as a result of road building [1] * identify one type of consumer whose population would most likely increase as a * direct result of an increase in a producer population [1] * state one possible action the road builders could take to minimize human impact on the ecology of this region [1]

Base your answers to questions 63 through 65 on the article below which was written in response to an article entitled “Let all predators become extinct.” Predators Contribute to a Stable Ecosystem In nature, energy flows in only one direction. Transfer of energy must occur in an ecosystem because all life needs energy to live, and only certain organisms can change solar energy into 95 chemical energy. Producers are eaten by consumers that are, in turn, eaten by other consumers. Stable ecosystems must contain predators to help control the populations of consumers. Since ecosystems contain many predators, exterminating predators would require a massive effort that would wipe out predatory species from barnacles to blue whales. Without the population control provided by predators, some organisms would soon overpopulate. 14. Draw an energy pyramid in the space below that illustrates the information underlined in the second paragraph. Include three different, specific organisms in the energy pyramid. [1] Workspace

15.Explain the phrase “only certain organisms can change solar energy into chemical energy,” in the underlined portion of the first paragraph. In your answer be sure to identify: * the type of nutrition carried out by these organisms [1] * the process being carried out in this type of nutrition [1] * the organelles present in the cells of these organisms that are directly involved in changing solar energy into chemical energy [1]

16. Explain why an ecosystem with a variety of predator species might be more stable over a long period of time than an ecosystem with only one predator species. [1]

Base your answers to questions 66 and 67 on the information and data table below and on your knowledge of biology. Trout and black bass are freshwater fish that normally require at least 8 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved oxygen (O2) in the water for survival. Other freshwater fish, such as carp, may be able to live in water that has an O2 level of 5 ppm. No freshwater fish are able to survive when the O2 level in water is 2 ppm or less. Some factories or power plants are built along rivers so that they can use the water to cool their equipment. They then release the water (sometimes as much as 8°C warmer) back into the same river. The Rocky River presently has an average summer temperature of about 25°C and contains populations of trout, bass, and carp. A proposal has been made to build a new power plant on the banks of the Rocky River. Some people are concerned that this will affect the river ecosystem in a negative way. The data table below shows the amount of oxygen that will dissolve in fresh water at different temperatures. The amount of oxygen is expressed in parts per million (ppm). 96

17. State one effect of temperature change on the oxygen content of fresh water. Support your answer using specific information from the data table. [2]

18.Explain how a new power plant built on the banks of the Rocky River could have an environmental impact on the Rocky River ecosystem downstream from the plant. Your explanation must include the effects of the power plant on: * water temperature [1] * dissolved oxygen [1] * fish species [1]

Base your answers to questions 50 and 51 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. Amphibians have long been considered an indicator of the health of life on Earth. Scientists are concerned because amphibian populations have been declining worldwide since the 1980s. In fact, in the past decade, twenty species of amphibians have become extinct and many others are endangered. Scientists have linked this decline in amphibians to global climatic changes. Warmer weather during the last three decades has resulted in the destruction of many of the eggs produced by the Western toad. Warmer weather has also led to a decrease in rain and snow in the Cascade Mountain Range in Oregon, reducing the water level in lakes and ponds that serve as the reproductive sites for the Western toad. As a result, the eggs are exposed to more ultraviolet light. This makes the eggs more susceptible to water mold that kills the embryos by the hundreds of thousands.

29. The term used to identify the worldwide climatic changes referred to in the passage is (1) global warming (2) deforestation (3) mineral depletion (4) industrialization

30. State two ways the decline in amphibian populations could disrupt the stability of the ecosystems they inhabit. [2] Workspace 97

Base your answers to questions 47 through 49 on the food web and graph below and on your knowledge of biology. The graph represents the interaction of two different populations, A and B, in the food web.

44. Population A is made up of living animals. The members of population B feed on these living animals. The members of population B are most likely (1) scavengers (2) autotrophs (3) predators (4) parasites

45. Identify one heterotroph from the food web that could be a member of population A. [1]

46. An energy pyramid is shown below.

Identify one organism shown in the food web that would be found at level X. [1]

Base your answers to questions 55 through 57 on the information and graph below. Reducing toxic chemicals released into the environment often requires laws. When making decisions about whether or not to support the passing of such laws, individuals must weigh the benefits against the potential risks if the law is not passed. The amounts of toxic chemicals released into the environment of New York State over a ten-year period are shown in the graph below. 98

50. State one possible negative effect of passing a law to reduce the release of toxic chemicals. [1]

51. State one possible explanation for why the amount of toxic chemicals released remained relatively constant between 1995 and 1997. [1]

52. State one other type of environmental problem that has been reduced by passing laws. [1]

Base your answers to questions 40 through 43 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. A decade after the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spilled millions of gallons of crude [oil] off Prince William Sound in Alaska, most of the fish and wildlife species that were injured have not fully recovered. Only two out of the 28 species, the river otter and the bald eagle, listed as being injured from the 1989 spill are considered to be recovered said a new report, which was released by a coalition of federal and Alaska agencies working to help restore the oil spill region. Eight species are considered to have made little or no progress toward recovery since the spill, including killer whales, harbor seals, and common loons [a type of bird]. Several other species, including sea otters and Pacific herring, have made significant progress toward recovery, but are still not at levels seen before the accident the report said. More than 10.8 million gallons of crude oil spilled into the water when the tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground 25 miles south of Valdez on March 24, 1989. The spill killed an estimated 250,000 seabirds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles, and up to 22 killer whales. Billions of salmon and herring eggs, as well as tidal plants and animals, were also smothered in oil. Reuters 57. Identify two species that appear to have been least affected by the oil spill. [1] Workspace

58. The oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez tanker is an example of a  (1)nonrenewable resource and is a source of energy  (2)renewable resource and is a source of ATP 99

 (3)nonrenewable resource and synthesizes ATP  (4)renewable resource and is a fossil fuel

59. The impact that the oil spill made on the environment is still being experienced. State information from the reading passage that supports this statement. [1]

60. Which autotrophic organisms were negatively affected by the oil spill? [1]

Base your answers to questions 50 through 53 on the diagram of a food web below and on your knowledge of biology.

61. If the population of mice is reduced by disease, which change will most likely occur in the food web? (1) The cricket population will increase. (2)The snake population will increase. (3)The grasses will decrease. (4)The deer population will decrease.

62. What is the original source of energy for this food web? (1)chemical bonds in sugar molecules (2)enzymatic reactions (3)the Sun (4)chemical reactions of bacteria

63. Which organisms are not shown in this diagram but are essential to a balanced ecosystem? (1)heterotrophs (2)autotrophs (3)producers (4)decomposers

64. State one example of a predator-prey relationship found in the food web. Indicate which organism is the predator and which is the prey. [1]


93. An established ecosystem may remain stable over hundreds of years because (1)species interdependence is absent (2)there is a lack of variety in the species (3)no competition exists between the species (4)there are natural checks on species

1. Some organizations are buying up sections of forest land. Once purchased, these sections of forest will never be cut down. The main reason for protecting these sections of forest is to (1) cause the extinction of undesirable animal species (2) prevent these trees from reproducing too fast (3)maintain the diversity of the living environment (4) provide more land for agricultural purposes

2. The rapid destruction of tropical rain forests may be harmful because (1) removing trees will prevent scientists from studying ecological succession (2) genetic material that may be useful for future medical discoveries will be lost (3) energy cycling in the environment will stop (4)the removal of trees will limit th econstruction of factories that will pollute the environment

5. Which of the stages in the diagram below consists of plant species that modify the environment, eventually making it more suitable for another community?

(1) grass stage, only (2) grass, shrub, and pine forest stages (3) shrub, pine forest, and hardwood forest stages (4) hardwood forest stage, only

6. Increased production of goods makes our lives more comfortable, but causes an increase in the demand for energy and other resources. One negative impact of this situation on ecosystems is an increase in (1) living space for wildlife (2) renewable resources (3) the diversity of plant species (4) pollution levels in the atmosphere

7. Humans are responsible for some of the negative changes that occur in nature because they (1) have encouraged the development of wildlife refuges and parks 101

(2) have passed laws to preserve the environment (3) are able to preserve scarce resources (4)are able to modify habitats more than any other species

14. The diagram below represents a food web.

The arrows only point away from “Grasses, shrubs” and not toward them. State one biological reason that this is so. [1]

29. The reason that organisms can not produce populations of unlimited size is that (1) the resources of Earth are finite (2) there is no carrying capacity on Earth (3) species rarely compete with one another (4)interactions between organisms are unchanging

33. Which statement about the pyramid of energy shown below is correct?

(1) The amount of energy needed to sustain the pyramid enters at level D. (2) The total amount of energy decreases with each successive feeding level from D to A. (3) The amount of energy is identical in each level of the pyramid. (4) The total amount of energy at level D is less than the total amount of energy at level B.

Base your answers to the following questions on the passage below and on your knowledge of biology. Great Effects on the Great Lakes due to Global Warming

Trees such as the jack pine, yellow birch, red pine, and white pine may no longer be able to grow in the Great Lakes region because summers are becoming warmer. However, other trees such as black walnut and black cherry may 102 grow in the area, given enough time. The change in weather would favor these new tree species.

The Great Lakes region is the only place in the world where the endangered Kirtland’s Warbler breeds. This bird species nests in young jack pine trees (5 to 23 years old). The vegetation must have specific characteristics or the birds will not nest. A specific area of Michigan is one of the few preferred areas. If the jack pines can no longer grow in this area, the consequences for the Kirtland’s Warbler could be devastating.

Recent research findings also suggest that algae production in Lake Ontario and several other Great Lakes will be affected as warmer weather leads to warmer lake water. An increase in water temperature reduces the ability of water to hold dissolved oxygen. These changes have implications for the entire Great Lakes food web. Changes in deep-water oxygen levels and other habitat changes may prevent the more sensitive cold-water fish from occupying their preferred niches in a warmer climate.

All other factors being equal, climatic changes may not have a negative effect on every species in the Great Lakes region. This is because the length of the growing season would be increased. Some temperaturesensitive fish could move to cooler, deeper water when the surface water temperatures become too high. The total impact of global warming is difficult to predict. 40. Explain how the habitat of the Kirtland’s Warbler may be changed as a result of global warming. [1]

41. Identify one producer found in the water of Lake Ontario. [1]

Base your answers to the following questions on the lake ecosystem represented below and on your knowledge of biology.

43. Identify one organism represented in the diagram that provides the vital link for the transfer of energy from the Sun to the other organisms in the ecosystem. [1]

44. Identify one predator/prey relationship that may occur in this ecosystem. [1]

45. State one piece of evidence from the diagram that indicates that light penetrates to the bottom of the lake. [1]

46. Identify the type of organism that is not visible in the diagram but must be present in this 103 ecosystem to recycle the remains of dead organisms. [1]

65. A stable pond ecosystem would not contain (1) materials being cycled (2) oxygen (3) decomposers (4) more consumers than producers 8. In an ecosystem, the growth and survival of organisms are dependent on the availability of the energy from the Sun. This energy is available to organisms in the ecosystem because (1) producers have the ability to store energy from light in organic molecules (2) consumers have the ability to transfer chemical energy stored in bonds to plants (3) all organisms in a food web have the ability to use light energy (4) all organisms in a food web feed on autotrophs

9. Which factor has the greatest influence on the type of ecosystem that will form in a particular geographic area? (1) genetic variations in the animals (2) climate conditions (3) number of carnivores (4) percentage of nitrogen gas in the atmosphere

10. Farming reduces the natural biodiversity of an area, yet farms are necessary to feed the world’s human population. This situation is an example of (1) poor land use (2) a trade-off (3) conservation (4) a technological fix

11. A food chain is represented below.

This food chain contains (1) 4 consumers and no producers (2) 1 predator, 1 parasite, and 2 producers (3) 2 carnivores and 2 herbivores (4) 2 predators, 1 herbivore, and 1 producer

12. A volcanic eruption destroyed a forest, covering the soil with volcanic ash. For many years, only small plants could grow. Slowly, soil formed in which shrubs and trees could grow. These changes are an example of (1) manipulation of genes (2) evolution of a species (3) ecological succession (4) equilibrium

13. A major reason that humans can have such a significant impact on an ecological community 104 is that humans (1) can modify their environment through technology (2) reproduce faster than most other species (3)are able to increase the amount of finite resources available (4)remove large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air

14. Rabbits are herbivores that are not native to Australia. Their numbers have increased steadily since being introduced into Australia by European settlers. One likely reason the rabbit population was able to grow so large is that the rabbits (1) were able to prey on native herbivores (2)reproduced more slowly than the native animals (3)successfully competed with native herbivores for food (4) could interbreed with the native animals

23. An energy pyramid is shown below.

Which graph best represents the relative energy content of the levels of this pyramid? (1

) (3)

(2) (4)

26. On which day did the population represented in the graph below reach the carrying capacity of the ecosystem? 105

(1) day 11 (2) day 8 (3) day 3 (4) day 5

Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below that shows interactions between several organisms located in a meadow environment and on your knowledge of biology.

32. A rapid decrease in the frog population results in a change in the hawk population. State how the hawk population may change. Support your answer. [1]

33. Identify one cell structure found in a producer in this meadow ecosystem that is not found in the carnivores. [1]

Base your answers to questions 58 and 59 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. The hedgehog, a small mammal native to Africa and Europe, has been introduced to the United States as an exotic pet species. Scientists have found that hedgehogs can transfer pathogens to humans and domestic animals. Foot-and-mouth viruses, Salmonella, and certain fungi are known pathogens carried by hedgehogs. As more and more of these exotic animals are brought into this country, the risk of infection increases in the human population. 40. State one negative effect of importing exotic species to the United States. [1] 106

41. State one way the human immune system might respond to an invading pathogen associated with handling a hedgehog. [1]

Base your answers to questions 60 through 62 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. The last known wolf native to the Adirondack Mountains of New York State was killed over a century ago. Several environmental groups have recently proposed reintroducing the wolf to the Adirondacks. These groups claim there is sufficient prey to support a wolf population in this area. These prey include beaver, deer, and moose. Opponents of this proposal state that the Adirondacks already have a dominant predator, the Eastern coyote. 42. State one effect the reintroduction of the wolf may have on the coyote population within the Adirondacks. Explain why it would have this effect. [1]

43. Explain why the coyote is considered a limiting factor in the Adirondack Mountains. [

44. State one ecological reason why some individuals might support the reintroduction of wolves to the Adirondacks. [1]

Base your answers to questions 65 and 66 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. Scientists are increasingly concerned about the possible effects of damage to the ozone layer.

11. Damage to the ozone layer has resulted in mutations in skin cells that lead to cancer. Will the mutations that caused the skin cancers be passed on to offspring? Support your answer. [1]

12. State two specific ways in which an ocean ecosystem will change (other than fewer photosynthetic organisms) if populations of photosynthetic organisms die off as a result of damage to the ozone layer. [2]

13. Lawn wastes, such as grass clippings and leaves, were once collected with household trash and dumped into landfills. Identify one way that this practice was harmful to the environment. [1]

17. Which organism carries out autotrophic nutrition?

(1)hawk (2)cricket (3)grass (4)deer 107

18. State what would most likely happen to the cricket population if all of the grasses were removed. [1]

Base your answers to questions 74 and 75 on the data table below and on your knowledge of biology.

35. Based on its preferred food, species B would be classified as a

(1)decomposer (2)producer (3)carnivore (4)parasite

36. Which two species would most likely be able to live in the same habitat without competing with each other for food?

(1)A and C (2)B and C (3)B and D (4)C and E

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