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Chapter 3 & 4 Quiz History of Islam 50 points Two points each:

1. The cities of the Arabian peninsula (such as Mecca) were located a. where trade routes met b. where Bedouins grazed their herds c. in the Rub al-Khali region d. away from oases used by camel caravans

2. What is monotheism? a. a journey to a sacred place b. belief in one God c. belief in many gods d. worship at the Ka’aba

3. What is the Qur’an? a. Muhammad’s words and actions b. peace found through submission to God c. the holy book of Islam d. five duties all Muslims must perform

4. What characteristic do Islam, Christianity, and Judaism have in common? a. the same holy book b. belief that Abraham was a prophet of God c. consider Muhammad the last prophet d. are forbidden to eat pork

5. Which group fought the Umayyads and believed that only a descendant of Muhammad and Ali had the right to rule Muslim territories? a. Caliphs b. Umayyads c. Sunnis d. Shi’a 6. The founder of Islam: a. Ali b. Abu Bakr c. Jesus d. Muhammad

7. The name for Muhammad’s words and deeds; Islamic guide for proper living: a. Sunnah b. Qur’an c. Hijrah d. caliph

8. A Muslim house of worship: a. Church b. Ka’aba c. Mosque d. Temple

9. Who do Muslims refer to as “People of the Book?” a. Jews b. Christians c. Librarians d. Both a & b

10. The art of fine handwriting: a. cursive b. calligraphy c. arabesque d. fonts

11. The only member of the Umayyad family to survive the Abbasid ambush: a. Abd al-Rahman b. Al-Zahrawi c. Abu Bakr d. Muhammad Ali 12. These Muslims accepted elected caliphs and did not resist the Umayyads: a. Sunni b. Shi’a c. caliphs d. clans

13. What is the capital of al-Andalus? a. Baghdad b. Medina c. Yathrib d. Cordoba

14. On what landform is al-Andalus (now Spain) located? a. Arabian Peninsula b. Iberian Peninsula c. Byzantine Empire d. Muslim Empire

15. People who follow Islam are called ______.

16. The Arabic word for God is ______

17. A place in the desert that contains water: ______

18. A journey to a sacred place: ______

19. Religion based on the teachings of Muhammad: ______

Six points:

20. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? (Put in the correct order for full points!) a. ______b. ______c. ______d. ______e. ______Three points: 21. Compare the split in Islam between the Sunni and Shi’a to the split in Christianity between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Name one way it was similar, and one way it was different.

Three points: 22. Name three specific advances made during the Abbasid’s rule (one point per advancement):

Bonus: (one point): Name the doctor who wrote a 30-volume medical encyclopedia: