ZNE COMMUNICATIONS & OUTREACH PLANNING INTERNAL STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Use the following form to outline how you will engage stakeholders throughout the planning process. Identify specific Staff on the lines below.

Internal Stakeholders Strategies for Engagement Actions, Timing

Leadership. Decision makers, those  Work with leadership to secure commitment  Conduct an introductory workshop with leaders that will who can provide input on priorities, to ZNE goals and identify opportunities where introduce ZNE concepts; share proposed goals and targets timelines, goals, financing, etc. they can provide ongoing support from backcasting exercise, engage discussion of short term ______ Identify opportunities and challenges that priorities and long-term vision; share gap analysis and ______need to be addressed in organizational/ recommendations for alignment ______governmental planning  Report out on the workshop with shared vision and ______ Plan for opportunities to put leadership commitments ______representatives before other stakeholders  Conduct annual meetings to verify progress ______ Regularly communicate to keep the issue top  Create a calendar with priorities for leadership input ______of mind; provide feedback/updates from  Provide quarterly progress updates and at key milestones facilities group Facilities & Operations Staff. Leader  Create a cadre of advocates who understand  Identify critical staff and bring them together for initial for planning, develops project the ZNE goals and concepts and can share with meeting that reports on outcomes of leadership workshop timelines, RFPs for special others  Identify initial inventory of resources; ask for gaps and studies/other needed consultant’s  Provide resources that advocates can tap into prioritize work plans to advance ZNE projects and goals (RFP  Hold monthly/bi-monthly internal operations planning ______guidelines, messaging, etc.) meetings with one of these each quarter including occupant ______ Facilitate communications that keep advocates champions ______up up-to-date on progress; share and learn  Provide quarterly updates to leadership on advocate ______from each other activities/progress ______

Occupants/users. Provides feedback  Educate occupants so they can understand ZNE  Identify and tap possible champions to be point of contact on schedules, comfort, aesthetics, goals and better support implementation for staff acoustics, usability, needed  Create champions within staff to act as a point  Create an introductory package of information about education of contact for occupants and work with behavior impacts on ZNE building performance and share in ______operations to provide resources and carry a staff event (perhaps over two events) ______feedback  Survey users regarding needs, comfort levels, priorities ______ Facilitate communications that keep  Provide monthly communications with champions on ______champions up up-to-date on progress; share resources, performance metrics (are we on target?) and key ______and learn from each other milestones that they can share ______ Hold quarterly meeting with champions and facilities ______advocates ZNE COMMUNICATIONS & OUTREACH PLANNING EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Use the following form to outline how you will engage stakeholders throughout the planning process. Identify specific Staff on the lines below.

External Stakeholders Strategies for Engagement Actions, Timing

A&E Consultants. Support for  Tap A&E consultants as a resource and as possible  Conduct a ZNE design charrette for projects that planning and design educators for facilities and staff includes leadership, facilities and occupant recommendations, special studies,  Create mechanisms that ensure the design teams representatives etc. vision is manifested in the building operations (i.e.,  Allow A&E consultant to attend staff event to answer ______assumptions match reality or are appropriately questions and report on charrette outcomes ______adjusted)  Publish monthly communication between project ______ Create engagement opportunities between key manager/A&E consultants and facilities/occupant ______parties throughout the design, construction and contacts on progress of design, construction and ______commissioning process commissioning ______ Create opportunities for champions/advocates to ______provide feedback External Partners/Audiences.  Ensure that targeted external partners are aware of  Identify key external audiences and categorize as Entities that can help support and the project and ZNE goals partners or general stakeholders broaden knowledge and  Connect with local utility to gain access to technical understanding of ZNE goals support and incentives as well as possible  Reach out to partners who can further support  Utilities opportunities to help communicate the project more communications efforts (utilities, nonprofits, etc.)  Other Agencies broadly  Nonprofits  Prepare a messaging platform of key ZNE messages  Identify and integrate information about the ZNE  Medias specific to your audiences (use ZNE toolkit resources) efforts into regular communications to stakeholders  General Public and distribute to all champions/advocates who can and general public; this could be direct, through speak about the entities ZNE plans and goals agencies or via media outlets Key Communication Tools ZNE Communications Tools& Resources – www.newbuildings.org/zero-energy  ZNE Action Bulletin- News, case studies, policy, research, events and trainings  Message Platform - Key target audience messages  Intro to ZNE Presentation - ZNE what, why & how  Case Studies - California project examples, including design strategies, planning, cost, and lessons learned  ZNE Companion Guide/Fact Sheets - General info, key audiences messages