Unit 7: Silly Silverstein

題型:字彙 1. ______D______ping the sense of responsibility (責任感) is very important for children. 答案:Developing 2. ______Andy has read many works of l______e, such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (湯姆歷險記) and The Old Man and the Sea. 答案:literature 3. ______Tommy stepped into a big hole and s______ned his ankle. 答案:sprained 4. ______It is great of Christopher to remain so calm (冷靜) in such a dangerous s______n. 答案:situation 5. ______I can understand the explanation easily because it is s______d. 答案:straightforward 6. ______Ian has no sense of h______r. He always looks serious and never smiles. 答案:humor 7. ______In this play, Romeo and Juliet are two of the main c______rs. 答案:characters 8. ______My elder brother always t______es me about my round face. 答案:teases 9. ______Cherry c______es others all the time. She always complains about the people around her. 答案:criticizes 10. ______Ted b______ped his head on the table and got hurt. 答案:bumped 11. ______The child c______ed to death on a small plastic toy. 答案:choked 12. ______Your sweater may s______k if you put it into a dryer (烘衣機). 答案:shrink

題型:引導式翻譯 1. Lisa 很難過,因為她爸爸昨天去世了。 Lisa was very sad because her father ______yesterday. 答案:passed; away 2. 教堂的屋頂因為地震而塌陷了。 Because of the earthquake, the roof of the church ______. 答案:caved, in 3. 一些學生總是嘲笑 Chris,因為他很胖。 Some students always ______Chris because he is very fat. 答案:make; fun; of 4. Sally 很渴,所以她裝了滿滿一杯水。 Sally was so thirsty that she ______the glass with water. 答案:filled; up 5. 雖然我已經從國中畢業很久了,那些日子仍然存活在我的記憶中。 Although I have graduated from junior high school for a long time, the days still ______in my memory. 答案:live; on 6. 這個治療的副作用是病人的頭髮會逐漸掉落。 The side effect of the treatment is that patients’ hair will gradually ______. 答案:fall; out

題型:合併句子 1. Vivian is going to get married next Sunday./That is terrific. (以 It + be (not) + Adj + that-clause 句型合併) ______答案:It is terrific that Vivian is going to get married next Sunday. 2. The girl whom I like invited me to her party./That was wonderful. (以 It + be (not) + Adj + that-clause 句型合併) ______答案:It was wonderful that the girl whom I like invited me to her party. 3. The man stole my money and watch./That was clear. (以 It + be (not) + Adj + that-clause 句型合併) ______答案:It was clear that the man stole my money and watch. 4. I slipped and fell into a lake./That was embarrassing. (以 It + be (not) + Adj + that-clause 句型合併) ______答案:It was embarrassing that I slipped and fell into a lake.

題型:回答問題 1. How many years have you graduated from junior high school? (it/be/two years) (以 S + have/has + Vpp... + since + S + was/were/V-ed....句型回答) ______答案:It has been two years since I graduated from junior high school. 2. When did Bryan start to play piano? (he/be/three years old) (以 S + have/has + Vpp... + since + S + was/were/V-ed....句型回答) ______答案:He has played piano since he was three years old. 3. When did Charles and Vicky become good friends? (they/meet/three years ago) (以 S + have/has + Vpp... + since + S + was/were/V-ed....句型回答) ______答案:They have become good friends since they met three years ago. 4. How many times has Fred read Harry Potter after buying it? (he/read/five times) (以 S + have/has + Vpp... + since + S + was/were/V-ed....句型回答) ______答案: He has read Harry Potter for five times since he bought it.

題型:改寫句子 1. Jon was mad when he found his girlfriend lied to him. (go) (以 go/turn/grow + Adj 句型改寫) ______答案:Jon went mad when he found his girlfriend lied to him. 2. The leaves will be yellow in autumn. (turn) (以 go/turn/grow + Adj 句型改寫) ______答案:The leaves will turn yellow in autumn. 3. When Gary returned from Italy, he gained some weight. (grow) (以 go/turn/grow + Adj 句型改寫) ______答案:When Gary returned from Italy, he grew fat/heavy. 4. It is exciting for Willy to know his father will take him to the zoo this Sunday. (Willy/go/excite/when) (以 go/turn/grow + Adj 句型改寫) ______答案:Willy goes excited when he knows his father will take him to the zoo this Sunday.

題型:克漏字選擇 1. Shel Silverstein, __(1)__ in Chicago in 1930, wrote many poems that have been read and enjoyed by lots of Americans. His poems, written __(2)__ an informal way, are often simple and straightforward. __(3)__, people can understand them easily. Silverstein’s writing style is very special. He mixed the serious __(4)__ the funny, describing both the common and the strange. Therefore, his poems have been widely loved __(5)__ his unique ways to write. (1) ( ) (A) was born (B) born (C) to born (D) who born (2) ( ) (A) for (B) on (C) of (D) in (3) ( ) (A) What’s more (B) As a result (C) Instead (D) At first (4) ( ) (A) and (B) in (C) with (D) to (5) ( ) (A) because of (B) due (C) because (D) that 答案:(1) B (2) D (3) B (4) C (5) A

2. __(1)__, when Silverstein first started his work, his purpose was not to write for children. His editor (編輯) said that he "kicked and screamed" before __(2)__ children’s poetry. But after he __(3)__ his smart and silly ideas in his first book, Silverstein decided to continue his work. Now, he is most commonly known __(4)__ writing children’s literature, __(5)__ The Missing Piece, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Falling Up, and The Giving Tree. (1) ( ) (A) Therefore (B) However (C) Of course (D) Fortunately (2) ( ) (A) writing (B) to write (C) to writing (D) written (3) ( ) (A) was used (B) using (C) had used (D) has used (4) ( ) (A) to (B) of (C) as (D) for (5) ( ) (A) included (B) including (C) include (D) included 答案:(1) B (2) A (3) C (4) D (5) B

題型:對話選擇 1. Nancy: You’re late again! It’s been the third time! Kelvin: Oh, I’m really so sorry. I can explain it. Nancy: OK. ______(A) You won’t have any chance to explain! (B) What kept you so long this time? (C) Why do you have so many excuses? (D) How about eating some sandwiches? 答案:(B) 2. Simon: Hi, Tracy. Do you remember to bring my DVD? Tracy: Oh, I’m so sorry! I completely forgot. Simon: That’s all right. ______(A) I won’t forgive you this time. (B) You can bring it to me next time. (C) I can hardly believe you forgot again. (D) You can lend it to me tomorrow. 答案:(B) 3. Austin: Hello, this is Austin. May I speak to Betty? Betty: Hi, Austin. What’s up? Austin: I’ve been waiting for two hours. Didn’t you promise to have a dinner with me tonight? Betty: Oh, goodness. I forgot about it. ______(A) I’ll call you back later. (B) How about making some cakes? (C) What should we eat tonight? (D) Let me make it up to you, please. 答案:(D) 4. Lance: How is your math test today? Cherry: Terrible! I didn’t sleep well last night. Lance: ______I think you should study harder. (A) Stop making excuses. (B) You should sleep more. (C) Remember to see a doctor. (D) Yeah, it’s an easy one. 答案:(A)

題型:對話選填 根據句意,選出最適當的選項以完成對話。 (A) But I think she didn’t really want to break up with you. (B) Just remember relationships need hard work, too. (C) I guess I am really too busy. (D) How can I make it up to her? Sid: What’s wrong with you, Ed? You look terrible! Ed: Well, Natalie broke up with me yesterday. Sid: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. But why? You two are always so sweet. Ed: 1 She kept complaining that I often neglected her. And I kept forgetting things, like our date, her birthday, or the promise to call her. Sid: Hmmm, that’s right. 2 In fact, she might just want you to pay more attention to her, you know. Ed: Really? You really think so? I still have a chance? Sid: It’s possible. After all, she loves you so much. 3 Ed: You are right. I should spend more time with her. 4 Sid: Well, just ask her out to a nice dinner and tell her you want to spend more time with her. I think you will do it well; you do love her, don’t you? 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______答案:5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 題型:閱讀測驗 Eric Carle is a writer and artist of picture books for children. His books are full of imagination, and the pictures that Carle makes are very different from other artists. He uses the art of collage to create colorful pictures. He cuts hand-painted paper into pieces and places them on top of each other to form beautiful art. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is his best-known work. It is the story of a hungry caterpillar that grows into a butterfly. On this journey, the caterpillar teaches the readers about counting and the days of a week. The book was written in 1969 and has been translated into 30 languages and sold over 22 million copies. Another famous work is The Very Lonely Firefly. It is a book about a firefly (螢 火蟲) that looks for a place of his own. This book has lights on the last page, giving readers a happy ending with a pretty surprise. Most of Carle’s books are about nature, and they teach children in a colorful and creative way. So far, he has written and illustrated (畫插圖) over 70 books. In addition, children love his books so much that Eric Carle receives hundreds of letters a week. Many of the letters contain pictures made from collage art by his readers, which might be the surprise that Eric Carle enjoys every day. (1) ( ) What kind of books does Eric Carle write? (A) Comic books. (B) Children’s books. (C) Notebooks. (D) Textbooks. (2) ( ) What is taught in the book of The Very Hungry Caterpillar? (A) Singing. (B) Painting. (C) Counting. (D) Writing. (3) ( ) Eric Carle put lights on the last page of The Very Lonely Firefly to ______. (A) give readers a surprise for a happy ending. (B) change a firefly into a butterfly. (C) teach children about nature. (D) create more colorful pictures. (4) ( ) What does the word collage in Paragraph 1 mean? (A) Containing lots of imagination. (B) Writing and illustrating books. (C) Putting pieces of paper together. (D) Creating colorful pictures. (5) ( ) According to the article, which of the following statements is NOT true? (A) Eric Carle’s books are full of imagination. (B) Many readers send letters to Eric Carle. (C) Eric Carle has written and illustrated more than 70 books. (D) In The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a butterfly turns into a caterpillar. 答案:(1) B (2) C (3) A (4) C (5) D

題型:教學活動 How Many Rhyming Words Can You Think of? 1. 全班分成 A,B 兩組,老師準備一些(約 3~5 個)容易找出相同押韻的字,如 play、blue、cat 或 eye。 2. 老師在黑板中央寫下要比賽的字和音標,再畫一條線將黑板由中央分左右兩 半,寫上 AB 兩組。 3. 遊戲開始前各組先派一位代表到黑板前,並在遊戲進行時負責寫下自己組別 所回答之正確的單字,並不得重複使用。 4. 先由 A 組開始接龍,例如:play, A: stay, B: Monday, A: away…如此一直輪流 回答,且每組有 10 秒鐘的時間思考。最後回答出正確單字的組別獲勝。

教學建議: 1. 老師可參考學生程度選擇押韻種類,例:End Rhymes、Last Syllable Rhymes 、Double Rhymes 或 Triple Rhymes。 2. 老師可參考 http://www.rhymer.com 的 rhyming dictionary,先準備好一系列的 押韻字。 3. 比賽結束後,老師可根據黑板上的押韻,讓學生自由創作英文短詩,於下一 次上課與全班分享,並可酌予加分,學生也可將作品列入學習檔案。

習作簿解答 I. 1. cough 2. bumped 3. sneezed 4. choked 5. whispered 6. develop 7. criticized 8. stiff 9. character 10. straightforward II. 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. G 5. D III. 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A IV. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C V. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C VI. 1. in 2. with 3. as 4. on 5. with, of VII. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C VIII. 1. cave, in 2. fell, out 3. filled, up, with 4. teased, make, fun, of 5. passed, away, not, until 6. I have lived here since I was ten years old. 7. It is uncomfortable/not comfortable that both my legs are numb.