United Citizens Bank & Trust Company P.O. Box 500, Carrollton, Ky 41008 (502) 73206669



1. Recipient must be a resident of Carroll County and graduating seniors planning a post secondary education.

2. The scholarship award must be used within a twelve (12) month) period from the date received.

3. There will be one (1) $500 nonrenewable scholarship awarded each year.

4. The check for the scholarship will be issued jointly in the name of the recipient and the educational institution and presented by a bank official at the Carroll County High School Academic Banquet.

5. All applicants should anticipate meeting with the scholarship committee if requested.

6. Students of United Citizen Bank employees are not eligible for this scholarship.


1. The written entry must be typed or in black ink and include the following information:

A. Recipient must have a 3.0 or greater cumulative GPA and have completed at least on high school business course. Please attach a transcript.

B. The application must be completed by the applicant.

C. Explanation of no more than one page from the applicant outlining why he/she is interested in obtaining a higher education and stating their goals upon receiving a further education.

D. A reference letter from a community leader or pastor concerning your demonstration of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.

E.A support letter from your counselor or teacher regarding your qualifications. F. Letter of acceptance from the college, university, or trade school. Entries will be judged based on professionalism, qualifications, commitment to careers, letters of recommendation and need.


Applications shall be held in strict confidence and must be submitted to the Carroll County High School Guidance Office by March 23. This is a non-renewable $500 scholarship. Personal Information

Name:______Last First Middle

Date Completed:______Address:______

Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______

Social Security Number:______Birth date:______M______F______

Cumulative High School GPA______(Please attached your transcript)

Test Scores SAT:______ACT:______

Extracurricular activities:______

Honors and Awards: ______

Community Activities:

Name of post-secondary school you will be attending:

Have you been accepted? Y_____ N____ (Please attach documentation)

What will be your major area of study?______

Estimated cost per year: $______

Sources of Financial Support

Parent/Guardian’s combined income, please check one (1) category: Under $25,000______$25,000 – $40,000______$40,000 - $60,000______

$60,000 - $80,000______$80,000 – 100,000______Above $100,000______Name all other scholarships for which you have applied:

Have you been awarded any of the above? ______

If so, which one(s) and how much? ______

Are you eligible for and other federal financial aid? ______If yes, which one and how much?

I hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Applicant’s Signature:______Date:______Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______