News SC questions centre on Judicial posts Supreme Court of India has asked the government reasons for delay in finalisation of memorandum of proce- dure for appointment of Judges to higher Judiciary.

Centre can now shift troops from Bengal: SC of India in reiterating that law and order is the responsibility of the sates stated that deployment of para military troops can be with drawn from Darjeeling.

Tokyo for Quadirlateral talks: Japan has expressed interest to include India with USA and Australia for quadrilateral talks.

India and France to boost defence ties : India and France have expressed interest to expand military ties in Indo - Pacific. Florence Parly - defence minister of France is on visit to India and discussion of procurement of Rafale Jets are also held.

Editorial The little dramas in Gujarat There is a visible unease in BJP in Gujarat. The reasons for the same are 1. Internal factions 2. Gujarat developmental mode failed to be inclusive. 3. Patidar movement and demands for reservations. 4. Slow down in economy and rise in unemployment. 5. Demonetisation and Improper implementation of GST. 6. Sense of being governed from delhi If BJP losses Gujarat, it can give a new lease of life to opposition and regional politics.

All the roads that lead to Kabul. USA New Afghan Policy is repeatedly stated as a game changer by the President Ghani. The major reason for this is it recommends for a multi dimensional condition based approach for the region. In this, India is seen as an important partner and is expected to expand its development role further and enhance its security profile in Afghanistan. It is the biggest donor of aid to Afghanistan. Indo Afghanistan air corridors, parlia- mentary building, Zara just delaram highway, Salam dam all are reflection of this. India’s strategy is 1. To build the capacities of the Afghanistan as well as of Afghan security forces, enabling them to fight their own battles more effectively. 7. India wants all peace talks in Afghanistan shall be Afghanistan led and Afghanistan controlled.

Big vision, Hazy detail Recent visit of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to India was ambitious and he spoke about a road ahead to- gether for next 100 years. Though it is grand in words but poor in specifics. He minced no words on terror safe heavens in Pakistan. He proposed for building an alternative coalition to counter china’s one belt and one road initiative, foundational agreements as well as aggressive moves in South China Sea. But, geograph- ic realities makes the cooperation between the countries difficult. While American troops are in Afghanistan, it is difficult for the USA to disengage from Pakistan. Similar for India with china. For it a maritime relationship with USA is desirable, a geographic proximity to china makes a very close alliance with USA difficult. Strategic confusion in USA adds on to this.

Paved with Big words Indian Government has announced an infrastructure project Bharatmala pariyojana with a 7lakh crore bud- get. Private participation through PPP model appears to be difficult as their revival plan given by Kelkar committee is not approved by the government.