Escalante City Council Meeting s2
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Mayor Jerry A. Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Escalante City Council Chambers.
Present at said meeting were Mayor Taylor, Council members Marlene Stowe, Guy Graham, Melanie Torgersen, Louise Barnes, Greg Allen, City Attorney Barry Huntington and City Recorder Stephanie Steed.
Also present were Ray Christian, Bob Hartman, Terence Tontlewicz, Lawrence Barnes, Margie Weppner, Bill Weppner, Terry Olsen, Monica Taylor, Geraldine Liston, Elaine Lott, Emilee L. Woolsey, Tom Mansell, Drew Parkin, Garfield County Sheriff Danny Perkins, Leslie Venuti, Steve Westhoff, Mitchell Westhoff, Mark Austin, Toni Wassenberg, Audre Yazdi, Deputy Ray Gardner, John Meisenbach, Peggy Meisenbach, Camille Shakespear, Marcie Hoffman, Dan Reeder and Blaine Porter.
Mayor Taylor led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PERSONAL COMMENTS LESLIE VENUTI Ms. Venuti said Byron Ellis and Sheridan Wilder called to have their power turned on and when Garkane went to turn it on it had been tampered with. Ms. Venuti said she went to check on the property and found water running out from under the house. Ms. Venuti said when Mr. Ellis and Ms. Wilder got their water bill it was around $4,500.00. Ms. Venuti is asking the City to look at this as an act of vandalism and not make Mr. Ellis and Ms. Wilder liable for the water that ran through the meter.
BILL WEPPNER Mr. Weppner thanked Blaine and Daryl for working on his meter. Mr. Weppner said they handled it like professionals and he is very happy with their work.
STEVE WESTHOFF Mr. Westhoff explained a month ago he stopped by and told the Council he was purchasing the property by the forest service. Mr. Westhoff said he contacted UDOT about access onto Main Street and they told him there was no access because of the turning lane. Mr. Westhoff is asking the City to help him get access. Mr. Westhoff gave the Council photos (attached). Mr. Westhoff said there is a road going through this property that belongs to the City and he would like to ask the City to quick claim it to him.
Council member Torgersen made a motion to adopt the agenda as written. Council member Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Graham, Stowe, Allen, Torgersen and Barnes voting aye.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF THE MARCH 15, 2016 MEETING Council member Stowe made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 15, 2016 meeting as written. Council member Barnes seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Allen, Torgersen, Barnes, Stowe and Graham voting aye.
PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS PLANNING AND ZONING UPDATES DANIEL REEDER - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - 110 SOUTH 500 WEST Council member Stowe explained this Conditional Use Permit. Planning and Zoning has approved this Conditional Use Permit and it meets all requirements. Council member Stowe made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Mr. Reeder. Council members Torgersen seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Barnes, Stowe, Torgersen, Graham and Allen voting aye.
DANIEL REEDER - BUSINESS LICENSE - 110 SOUTH 500 WEST Council member Stowe explained this Business License and Planning and Zoning has approved it. City Recorder Steed said Mr. Reeder is working on getting his Sales Tax License. Council member Stowe made a motion to approve the Business License for Mr. Reeder with the condition he gets his Sales Tax License. Council member Barnes seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Barnes, Stowe, Torgersen, Graham and Allen voting aye.
ESCALANTE BED & BREAKFAST - FENCE AND GAZEBO - 120 EAST MAIN STREET. Council member Stowe explained the Municipal Project Approval Form for the Escalante Bed and Breakfast. This item meets all requirements and Planning and Zoning has approved it. Tom Mansell stated this is not the Escalante Bed and Breakfast it is the Canyons Bed and Breakfast. Council member Stowe made a motion to approve the Municipal Project Approval Form for Canyons Bed and Breakfast. Council member Allen seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Graham, Barnes, Stowe, Torgersen and Allen voting aye.
DORPET LLC Council member Stowe explained the Municipal Project Approval Form for Dorpet LLC. Council member Stowe made a motion to approve the Municipal Project Approval Form for Dorpet LLC. Council member Torgersen seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Stowe, Torgersen, Graham, Barnes and Allen voting aye.
DANIEL REEDER - GREENHOUSE -110 SOUTH 500 WEST P a g e | 3 Council member Stowe explained this project. Mr. Reeder’s project meets all requirements and Planning and Zoning has approved it. Council member Torgersen made a motion to approve the Municipal Project Approval Form for Mr. Reeder. Council member Allen seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Allen, Barnes, Torgersen, Graham and Stowe voting aye.
BYRON ELLIS & SHERIDAN WILDER Council member Stowe explained this project. Council member Stowe explained to the Council that this lot is smaller than the required lot, but was legally created. Council member Stowe said the Planning and Zoning referenced chapter 4.2 of the Planning and Zoning Ordinances for the lot size. Mr. Ellis and Ms. Wilder’s project meets all requirements and Planning and Zoning has approved it. Council member Stowe made a motion to approve the Municipal Project Approval Form for Mr. Ellis and Ms. Wilder. Council member Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Torgersen, Graham, Stowe, Allen and Barnes voting aye.
SCHEDULED ITEMS GARFIELD COUNTY SHERIFF DANNY PERKINS - UPDATE Sheriff Perkins gave an update on the Deputies in Escalante. Sheriff Perkins said the Deputies are doing a good job and they have one Deputy scheduled every day in Escalante. Sheriff Perkins told the Council if there is a problem to please let him know so he can fix it.
Sheriff Perkins said he met with the BLM yesterday and they reported higher than normal visitors so far this year. Sheriff Perkins said last year Bryce Canyon had 1.7 million visitors, if it stays this busy, they will see over 2 million visitors. Due to the increase of visitors the Sheriff Department is extremely busy with not only the visitors, but with seasonal employees. Mayor Taylor said at the Visitor Center to date they average four to five hundred visitors and have already had seven hundred. Council member Barnes said Escalante made the top fifteen list of the friendliest small towns in Utah.
ELAINE LOTT - NIGHTLY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RENTAL PROPERTIES AND SERVICES Ms. Lott said it is time for the Council and the Community to be informed. Ms. Lott said when you build a Hotel, Motel, Bed and Breakfast or an Inn you have to go through the ADA codes. Ms. Lott said it takes more time and money to have a Hotel, Motel, Bed and Breakfast or an Inn than a Vacation Holiday Rental. Ms. Lott said as a Motel owner, she has to have a Business License and a Sales Tax License. Ms. Lott said they also have to pay commercial water, sewer, internet, cable, telephone and power. Ms. Lott said Vacation Nightly Rentals are doing commercial business, but they only pay residential rates. Ms. Lott said she and other business owners are upset and feel that this is not fair. Ms. Lott said this is not only a City issue, but a County and State Concern. Ms. Lott said here is the problem, now we are looking to the Council for a solution. Ms. Lott said we are not saying no Vacation Holiday Rentals, we are just asking the City to regulate them. Ms. Lott said those who are not compliant need to become compliant. Mayor Taylor said he agrees with Ms. Lott. Mayor Taylor said he has been talking to Mayor Brinkerhoff from Tropic and they have the same problem right now, dealing with P a g e | 4 Vacation Homes and Holiday Rentals. Mayor Taylor said a year ago the County went after businesses who did not have Business Licenses and were not paying any of their taxes. Mayor Taylor said Vacation Homes and Holiday Homes need a Business License and need to comply with the regulations. Mayor Taylor told the Council they need to determine what the regulations are and how we can make everyone comply. Council member Allen asked for his clarification. Electrical is Garkane, phone, internet and cable is through South Central, but licensing, taxes, water and sewer is the Cities concern. Ms. Lott said yes. This item was discussed at length and Mayor Taylor will contact David Church for direction.
MELANI TORGERSEN - REPAIR OLD FIREHOUSE WALL AT THE CITY PARK Council member Torgersen said she is asking for $400.00 to repair the holes in the wall at the old Firehouse. Council member Torgersen said she would also like to look at getting a stage and Sheriff Perkins said the County might be able to help. Council member Torgersen made a motion to repair the old Firehouse wall at the City Park up to $400.00. Council member Barnes seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Graham, Stowe, Barnes, Allen and Torgersen voting aye.
MELANI TORGERSEN - REPAIR LIGHTS AT THE RODEO GROUNDS Terry Olsen said we need to replace old lights, the wire that is deteriorating and the meter base at the Rodeo Grounds. Mr. Olsen said this is a safety issue and Lenza Wilson will donate his time to install the meter base and wire. Council member Torgersen said she is asking for $1,500.00 for this project. City Recorder Steed said the funds are in the budget. Council member Torgersen made a motion to repair the lights, wire and meter base at the Rodeo Grounds up to $1,500.00. Council member Stowe seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Stowe, Barnes, Allen, Graham and Torgersen voting aye.
UTAH RETIREMENT SYSTEMS TRAINING - MAY 11, 2016 City Recorder Steed explained this is an annual training with the new laws and rates. City Recorder Steed said there are several trainings available around the state. City Recorder Steed said the closest training is in Richfield on May 11, 2016, but seats are limited. If it is not available, City Recorder Steed said she would like to attend the training on another day. Council member Barnes made a motion to send City Recorder Steed to the Utah Retirement Systems Training May 11, 2016 if that date is available or another training that is available. Council member Stowe seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Barnes, Stowe, Torgersen, Graham and Allen voting aye.
DEPARTMENT REPORTS ADMINISTRATIVE City Recorder Steed told the Council that Drew Parkin has prepared an affordable housing plan for Escalante City that is in their package. City Recorder Steed said Mr. Parkin presented the plan to the Planning and Zoning last week and they would like a work meeting with the Council to go over it. Mayor Taylor said it will have to be after the Budget hearing. P a g e | 5
City Recorder Steed said the new City website is done and looks great. City Recorder Steed said Sorenson Advertising designed the website and encouraged everyone to check it out.
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The Public Works Department had nothing to report.
FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department was not present at said meeting.
COUNCIL REPORTS MAYOR JERRY A. TAYLOR Mayor Taylor said the Tour of Utah personnel were here last week and everything is looking good. Mayor Taylor said this is a good thing for Escalante and we will be asking for donations from Businesses and Citizens. Mayor Taylor said there will be a party in the park on Monday night August 1, 2016 with games, dinner, a band and a movie to kick off the Tour of Utah. Mayor Taylor said there will also be a lot of activities on the day of the race.
Mayor Taylor presented a tentative budget for the Council to review. Mayor Taylor said we will be having budget work meetings in May.
COUNCIL MEMBER GREG ALLEN Council member Allen said he would like to meet the gentleman who is cleaning up the trash around town and at the dumpsters. Council member Allen said this man is doing a great job.
COUNCIL MEMBER MELANI TORGERSEN Council member Torgersen said she is working on the Firehouse project with the stage and getting the grass planted at the Mohr Christensen Park.
COUNCIL MEMBER GUY GRAHAM Council member Graham had nothing to report.
COUNCIL MEMBER MARLENE STOWE Council member Stowe thanked Drew Parkin for putting the affordable housing plan together.
Council member Stowe said the dumpsters are looking wonderful thanks to the gentleman who is cleaning them. Council member Stowe reminded the Citizens that non house hold items need to go the landfill. Council member Stowe said people can contact a Council member or Employee for access to the landfill.
COUNCIL MEMBER LOUISE BARNES Council member Barnes said she has been working with Kim Brinkerhoff on a new revised map of the City showing all the paved roads, dirt roads and graveled roads. P a g e | 6 Council member Barnes said with the State Loan and the Class C Road Funds, we will be able to chip seal the roads in town. Council member Barnes said she will also be asking the Council to release some of the remaining Class C Road Funds to put road base down and fix other roads in town.
Council member Barnes said we are working on sandblasting the building at the City Yard. Council member Barnes said she will be getting a bid to paint the City Yard Building. Council member Barnes said when we are done with the building, we will move the fence back.
Council member Barnes said they will be working on pot holes in town when they have time. Council member Barnes said with chip sealing the roads this fall, they will last a lot longer.
UNPAID BILLS Council member Barnes made a motion to pay the unpaid bills. Council member Stowe seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Allen, Barnes, Graham, Torgersen and Stowe voting aye.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Council member Torgersen made a motion to go into executive session at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual. Council member Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council members Allen, Graham, Torgersen, Stowe and Barnes voting aye. Present at the executive session were Mayor Taylor, Council members Barnes, Graham, Stowe, Allen, Torgersen, City Attorney Huntington and City Recorder Steed. The Council came out of executive session at 7:22 p.m.
Council member Stowe made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m. Council member Torgersen second the motion. Motion carried all in favor.
______Stephanie Steed / City Recorder
Date minutes approved: 05/03/2016