1. the Alkali Metals Are in ______On the Periodic Table

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1. the Alkali Metals Are in ______On the Periodic Table

Chapter 24 Study Guide

Name ______Date ______Class ______

24.1 1. The alkali metals are in ______on the periodic table.

2. Is the following sentence true or false? Alkali metal salts are very soluble in water.______

3. How are alkali metals found in nature?

4. What happens when an alkali metal reacts with cold water?

5. Alkali metals are usually stored under ______.

6. List five general characteristics of alkali metals. ______

7. Is the following sentence true or false? Potassium is the only alkali metal manufactured on a large scale. ______

8. Metallic sodium is generally produced by the ______of molten sodium chloride.

9. The alkaline earth metals are the elements of ______.

10. Is the following sentence true or false? Alkaline earth metal salts are more soluble in water than are the corresponding alkali metal salts. ______

11. What do the alkaline earth metals produce when they react with water?

12. Color and label the location of the alkaline earth metals in the figure below.

13. Although the alkaline earth metals are not found uncombined in nature, they are ______reactive than the alkali metals in Group 1A.

14. Which are the two most important alkaline earth metals?

15. What is the common name for calcium oxide?

24.2 1. How does boron occur naturally?

. 2. What is the chemical sodium tetraborate decahydrate (Na2 B4O7 10H2O)?

3. Pure boron is black, lustrous, and extremely hard but brittle. It is also a metalloid, or ______.

4. The compound boron carbide is used to make machine tools because it is almost as hard as ______.

5. ______is the most abundant metal in Earth’s crust. 6. Name the metal elements in Group 3A. ______

7. Complete the sentence with the letter of the correct term(s). Cut forms of corundum (impure aluminum oxide) with trace amounts of other elements are the gemstones ______. a. diamond b. ruby c. emerald d. sapphire e. citrine

8. Look at Figure 24.9 on page 713. Aluminum is used in aircraft production because it is______, ______, and resists ______.

9. Is the following sentence true or false? The Group 3A elements, other than boron and aluminum, are quite rare. ______

10. Which elements in Group 4A are two of the most important elements on Earth?

11. The three allotropes of carbon are ______, ______, and ______.

12. Which two elements in Group 4A are semiconductors?

13. Match the element with its use. ______silicon a. electrodes in storage batteries ______tin b. computer chips ______lead c. alloys such as bronze and solder

14. Why is lead no longer used in plumbing and in gasoline?

15. Which elements in Group 5A are nonmetals?

16. Is the following sentence true or false? Nitrogen is used by the human body in its elemental form.______

17. Plants use fixed nitrogen compounds to synthesize ______and other biologically important nitrogen-containing compounds.

18. The most important industrial uses of atmospheric nitrogen are in the manufacture of ______and ______.

19. Which Group 5A element other than nitrogen is essential to living organisms? ______

20. Which elements in Group 6A are nonmetals?

21. ______is Earth’s most abundant element.

22. Circle the letter of locations where ozone (O3 ) is produced. a. in silicate rocks c. near high-voltage generators b. Earth’s upper atmosphere d. in liquified air

23. Where do you find sulfur in the elemental state? ______

24. Circle the letter of the number of sulfur atoms in each molecule of crystalline sulfur. a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8

25. Is the following sentence true or false? The halogens exist in nature in the uncombined state. ______26. Which elements in Group 7A are gases at room temperature?______

27. Halide ions are abundant in ______water and in ______formed by the evaporation of salt water.

28. Which halogen is the most chemically reactive of all the nonmetals? ______

29. Describe two important uses for chlorine. a. b.

24.3 1. What are minerals used for the commercial production of metals called?

2. ______is the use of various procedures to separate metals from their ores.

3. Complete the list of basic steps used to separate metals from their ores. a. ______the ore b. chemically ______the ore to the metal c. refining and ______the metal

4. Is the following sentence true or false? As atomic number increases among the transition metals, there is an increase in the number of electrons in the second-to-highest energy level. ______

5. Look at Table 24.4 on page 725. Match the transition metal with its use. ______cobalt a. filaments for light bulbs ______tungsten b. electrical wiring ______platinum c. treatment of cancer ______copper d. as a catalyst

6. Match the element with its use(s). ______titanium a. brass d. in dry cell batteries ______zinc b. sunscreen e. stainless steel ______chromium c. galvanized steel f. aircraft engines

7. What are the most common oxidation states of chromium?

8. List the metals iron, cobalt, and nickel in order from least to most magnetic.

9. There are two types of steels. ______steels contain no ______other than iron. ______steels contain other ______in small amounts.

10. Monel metal is a strong, corrosion-resistant alloy of ______and ______.

11. Do copper, silver, and gold occur in the free state naturally or are they combined with nonmetals? What is the collective name for these metals?

12. Brass is an alloy of copper with ______; bronze is an alloy of copper with ______.

13. Is the following sentence true or false? Both gold and silver resist corrosion.______

14. What property of silver makes it useful as a coating for mirrors?

15. Explain why gold alloys are used in jewelry. 16. The lanthanides and actinides are called the ______because their seven inner 4f and 5f orbitals, respectively, are being filled.

17. Why is it difficult to separate individual lanthanides from their ores?

18. What are elements with atomic numbers greater than 92 called?

24.4 1. What is the most abundant hydrogen-containing compound on Earth?

2. Name the three naturally occurring isotopes of hydrogen.

3. Where does hydrogen usually appear in the periodic table?

4. Is the following sentence true or false? Hydrogen loses its single electron with great difficulty. ______

5. What is the major industrial use of hydrogen?

6. The name of the process that converts vegetable oils into solid fats is______.

7. What is the name of the process that is used to prepare hydrogen commercially from water? ______

8. Is the following sentence true or false? The Group 0 gases tend to exist as separate atoms rather than in combination with other atoms because they are extremely unreactive. ______

9. Scientists have prepared compounds for which three noble gases?

Match each Group 0, Group IIIVA gas with its uses. ______10. helium a. inert atmospheres ______11. neon b. artificial atmospheres ______12. argon c. weather balloons ______13. krypton d. neon signs ______14. xenon

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