Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc
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W i s c o n s i n T r u s t A c c o u n t F o u n d a t i o n , I n c . 2 0 0 9 G R A N T E E A N N U A L R E P O R T N A R R A T I V E ( I O L T A & P I L S F F U N D I N G )
Contact & Grant Information Agency name: Contact person phone: Contact person name: Contact person email: 2009 Grantee Annual Report for the following grant(s) received during 1/1/09 through 12/31/09 reporting period. Please mark all that apply and specify amount/s received: IOLTA Category I; Grant amount $ IOLTA Category II; Grant amount $ Public Interest Legal Services Fund; Grant amount $
Narrative Report Please limit your narrative report to no more than five pages for a single grant or no more than eight pages total for multiple grants (not including demographics section). 1. Briefly describe any changes from your 2009 grant application made to your program/project in 2009. IOLTA Cat. I: IOLTA Cat. II: PILSF: 2. What management changes did you make in 2009, if any? IOLTA Cat. I: IOLTA Cat. II: PILSF: 3. List and briefly describe your program/project major accomplishments in 2009. IOLTA Cat. I: IOLTA Cat. II: PILSF: 4. Outline the outcome goals that you established for the program/project in your 2009 grant application and discuss any differences in the actual outcomes. How well do you think this program/project is meeting its mission? IOLTA Cat. I: IOLTA Cat. II: PILSF: 5. Did you find it necessary to adjust the budget contained in your 2009 grant application during 2009? Yes; Please explain any changes: No
2 0 0 9 G r a n t e e A n n u a l R e p o r t N a r r a t i v e – I O L T A & P I L S F F U N D I N G 6. Were you able to use WisTAF funding for the purposes outlined in your 2009 grant application? Yes No; Please explain any changes: 7. Do you use WisTAF funds to leverage funding from other sources? Yes No If yes, please describe 2009 leveraged funds and amounts received in the spaces provided below: Name/description of funding received: Amount: $ Name/description of funding received: Amount: $ Name/description of funding received: Amount: $ Name/description of funding received: Amount: $ Name/description of funding received: Amount: $ 8. Did you have processes, tools, and/or criteria in place to measure the quality of the services provided using IOLTA and/or PILSF funding? No. Yes. Please describe: 9. Do you currently measure unmet legal need or clients turned away? Yes No If yes, please briefly describe your process. Also, please describe what unmet legal needs were identified and/or the reasons for which clients were turned away in 2009.
10. Include any general comments you would like to make.
IMPORTANT: Please share with us a succinct example of your program’s/project’s impact on a client’s life. Each year, we use select well-written, brief examples to communicate Wisconsin’s ongoing need for civil legal services and how your services impact the lives of those in need. If you received multiple grants, please include an example for each grant received. IOLTA Cat. I: IOLTA Cat. II: PILSF:
Demographic Information Please indicate 2009 client demographic information in the spaces provided below: # Clients % Total Clients Latino, Hispanic or Spanish origin % Unknown %
# Clients % Total Clients American Indian or Alaska Native % Black or African American % Hmong % Other Asian % Pacific Islander % White % Other race % Unknown %
2 0 0 9 G r a n t e e A n n u a l R e p o r t N a r r a t i v e – I O L T A & P I L S F F U N D I N G Marital status # Clients % Total Clients Married % Single % N/A (child) % Unknown %
Age # Clients % Total Clients Under 18 years old % 18 to 61 years old % 62 years and over % Unknown %
Gender # Clients % Total Clients Female % Male % Unknown %
Annual household income # Clients % Total Clients Under $11,000 % $11,000 to $19,999 % $20,000 to $29,999 % $30,000 to $39,999 % $40,000 and over % Unknown %
Counties served # Clients % Total Clients Counties served # Clients % Total Clients Adams % Forest % Ashland % Grant % Barron % Green % Bayfield % Green Lake % Brown % Iowa % Buffalo % Iron % Burnett % Jackson % Calumet % Jefferson % Chippewa % Juneau % Clark % Kenosha % Columbia % Kewaunee % Crawford % LaCrosse % Dane % Lafayette % Dodge % Langlade % Door % Lincoln % Douglas % Manitowoc % Dunn % Marathon % Eau Claire % Marinette % Florence % Marquette % Fond du Lac % Menominee %
2 0 0 9 G r a n t e e A n n u a l R e p o r t N a r r a t i v e – I O L T A & P I L S F F U N D I N G Milwaukee % Sauk % Monroe % Sawyer % Oconto % Shawano % Oneida % Sheboygan % Outagamie % Taylor % Ozaukee % Trempealeau % Pepin % Vernon % Pierce % Vilas % Polk % Walworth % Portage % Washburn % Price % Washington % Racine % Waukesha % Richland % Waupaca % Rock % Waushara % Rusk % Winnebago % Saint Croix % Wood % Unknown % Other %
Note: If you collect demographic information that is inconsistent with the categories listed above, please provide your available demographic information in the spaces provided below: Race/ethnicity: Age: Income: Counties served:
Additional Materials Please also submit the following: a) 2009 Grantee Annual Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Microsoft Word®) and b) 2009 Grantee Annual Report FINANCIALS (Microsoft Excel®). All materials are due via email ([email protected]) to the WisTAF office no later than Friday, March 19, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.
2 0 0 9 G r a n t e e A n n u a l R e p o r t N a r r a t i v e – I O L T A & P I L S F F U N D I N G