A Meeting of Canwick Parish Council Was Held on Monday 21St March 2011 at the Village Hall
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DRAFT – For Approval July 24th 2017
A meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 19th June 2017 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick. County Councillor Miss L. Cawrey, District Councillor R. Oxby and the Clerk were also present.
Present: Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman Councillor I.D. Carrington – Vice-Chairman and District Councillor Councillor H.L. Dowson Councillor M.T. Hales Councillor R.Narborough Councillor L. O’Melia
1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest: Apologies had been received from District Cllr Herring. There were no Declarations of Interest
Police Report: A report had been received stating that during the period 15/05/17 – 19/06/17 there had been one recorded crime for criminal damage at the allotments. It was noted the police now have a key to the allotments and are carrying out checks as and when they can.
2. Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting on 15th May 2017: The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member. The Chairman proposed the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.
3. Matters Arising:
3a. Information Packs for New Residents: Cllr Narborough informed members that packs had been revised with new Councillor details and that he had recently delivered a pack to new residents at ‘March Hares’. Cllr Hales stated there were new residents in ‘Brindles’, ‘The Post Office’ and ‘Grange End’. Cllr Narborough to issue packs accordingly.
3b. Website: No update.
3c. Village Hall Waste Disposal Review: Cllr Carrington explained to members that this issue was more complicated than was originally thought and was directed at Halls which are running large businesses and so produce a considerable amount of waste for collection. It was noted the aim of the review was to create a common front across Lincolnshire and it is to be considered at a meeting later in the summer. The Chairman stated any changes will not be implemented until April 2018 and he will communicate the information to Mike Brown who is acting on behalf of the Social Club.
4. Planning:
4a. 16/1564/OUT – Canwick Heath Development: No update
4b. 17/0756/TPO – Mill Lodge, Branston Road: Members viewed the application on-line. All agreed there were no objections. The Clerk to reply accordingly.
4c. Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda: 17/0774/HOUS – Erection of New Detached Garage to Front – March Hares, 2 Montagu Road - Members considered the application. Cllr O’Melia enquired if it would affect the neighbouring property to which Cllr Hales replied there was a lot of shrubbery between the properties so it should not be a problem. It was agreed we had no objections but would wait until later in the month before replying to see if there were any other local objections.
5. Environment:
1 Canwick Parish Council Minutes June 2017 © Canwick Parish Council DRAFT – For Approval July 24th 2017
5a. Highways Issues: Cllr Hales stated the building plot on Grange Lane had grass overhanging the footpath. Cllr Narborough stated the banks on School Lane need cutting. It was noted the cyclepath on the B1188 towards Branston was also very overgrown. A parishioner had complained about the length of the grass on the verge outside Mill Lodge. The Clerk to contact Highways about all issues.
5b. Highways Grass Cutting: An e-mail had been received from LCC clarifying the position on grass cutting. Noted.
5c. Roadworks – Canwick Hill/Hall Drive: It was noted there had been a lack of communication to residents about the roadworks but eventually notification was given. After discussion it was agreed that the works were not up to the standard expected. The main problems appeared to be repairs not being sealed, not finished to the appropriate standard and appearing to be incomplete in certain areas. The Clerk to e-mail LCC Highways and invite them to inspect the works. Cllr Carrington and Cllr O’Melia both declared a non-pecuniary interest as they live on Hall Drive. It was also noted there had been no 2-way traffic lights as notified but there had been 3-way traffic lights further up the hill the previous weekend.
6. Correspondence:
6a. What’s On June 2017: This had been e-mailed to members and a hard copy put on the Notice Board..
6b. Lincoln Eastern Bypass Open Weekend: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman stated the event had been well received and was a credit to the village.
6c. Private Pumping Stations: This had been e-mailed to members. After discussion the Chairman confirmed we knew of no private pumping stations in the village.
6d. AON Insurance: The Chairman stated confirmation had been received that the policy had been renewed. Noted.
6e. Seafarers UK: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman stated he thought the focus would be on the Bomber Command Memorial. The Clerk to e-mail to Parochial Church Council and Village Hall Committee.
6f. Churchyard Grant: This had been e-mailed to members. Noted.
6g. NKDC – Walking Festival: This had been e-mailed to members. Noted. Attached poster to be displayed in Village Hall.
6h. Mobile Library Changes: This had been e-mailed to members. It was noted the library would visit on the same day but at a different time. 6i. Items received since Publication of Agenda:
The Chairman read members an e-mail received from the Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council asking for consideration to be given to changes of the designated area for their Neighbourhood Plan. The proposal was felt to be unacceptable. Members understood their duty to cooperate with a neighbouring parish but the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Plan could not make determinations covering areas outside Bracebridge Heath’s Parish boundary. The Chairman read members an e-mail received from NKDC reference the Service Level Agreement. The Chairman asked members if they knew of anyone who wished to litter pick to let himself or the Clerk know.
7. Four Parishes Cluster Group:
7a. Update: No update.
8. Parish Plan Action Plan: 2 Canwick Parish Council Minutes June 2017 © Canwick Parish Council DRAFT – For Approval July 24th 2017
8a. Defibrillator: The Chairman stated if we went ahead and purchased one a small electrical cost would have to be provided for.
9. Finance:
9a. Bank Account Update: The Chairman stated that on 31st May 2017 the balance on the deposit account was £10643.76 and the current account balance was £344.30. There was an outstanding cheque for £100.00 and a payment of £224.49 due for the Public Works Loan on 2nd June leaving an up to date balance of £19.81.
9b. Clerk’s Salary April-June: The Clerk’s salary for the period April-June 2017 which totalled £334.77 was due for payment. All agreed.
9c. Payments due in June: A payment of £67.98 was due to Glendale for grass cutting week ending 12th May 2017. All agreed.
9d. Transfer of Funds: The Chairman proposed transferring £400 from the deposit account to the current account to cover the payments due. All agreed.
9e. Bank Account: The Chairman stated that with our present current account we are unable to view transactions or transfer money between accounts online. He suggested to members transferring to more up to date accounts with these facilities. Members were asked if they were content to proceed with this. All agreed.
9f. Public Works Loan: The Chairman confirmed a payment of £224.49 had been made on 2nd June 2017.
9g. Annual Audit: The Chairman stated the paperwork was with the Internal Auditor and asked members if they were content to submit to Grant Thornton once returned provided no issues were raised. All agreed.
10. Urgent Items for Information: Cllr Oxby informed members that the Village Hall at Heighington had now closed and there were still a few items left for disposal eg. cutlery and crockery. Cllr O’Melia suggested sending anything not sold to St. Barnabas Hospice. The Chairman stated an e-mail had been forwarded to members from a firm of solicitors requesting information on Canwick Post Office. Cllr Hales had supplied the information and the Clerk had replied accordingly. The Chairman informed members there had been another meeting of the Canwick Playing Field Pavilion Discussion Group. It had still not been decided what to build on the Playing Field although various suggestions had been made and the pros and cons discussed. There had also been some suggestion that the present Village Hall would be sold for development. Cllr Carrington stated they would be required to prove the need for a new Village Hall. He questioned whether the current site would be suitable for development. He also stated there tends to be security problems with halls in isolated places. The Chairman stated the quantifiable need for a grant also needs to be proved along with a timescale and plan, It was noted another meeting is planned for the Autumn.
11. Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for Monday July 24th 2017 starting at 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.37pm.
Signed (Chairman) Date:
3 Canwick Parish Council Minutes June 2017 © Canwick Parish Council DRAFT – For Approval July 24th 2017
4 Canwick Parish Council Minutes June 2017 © Canwick Parish Council