Lafayette Parish School Board s3
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 5:30 P. M., Board Room
Hunter Beasley, Ph.D., President, Presiding
The School Board of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at its meeting place, the Lafayette Parish School Board Administrative Building, Board Room, Lafayette, Louisiana, on Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 5:30 P.M. pursuant to notice given in writing to every member.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Hunter Beasley, Ph.D., President; Tommy Angelle, Vice-President; Mark Babineaux, Kermit Bouillion, Tehmi Chassion, Shelton J. Cobb, and Rae Trahan, Board Members; Dr. Pat Cooper, Secretary-Treasurer/Superintendent
MEMBERS ABSENT: Gregory Awbrey and Mark Cockerham
I. MEETING OPENINGS The meeting was called to order by Beasley and opened with a prayer by Angelle. Bouillion led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
OPENING COMMENTS Angelle asked that Health and Wellness be added to the next budget meeting.
Superintendent Cooper asked that Item #3 under Information Items be pulled from the agenda.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion (Bouillion, Cobb) That the Board approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. Awbrey, Babineaux, Chassion and Cockerham were absent.
II. RECOGNITIONS/PRESENTATIONS 1. Recognition of Molly Chiasson, David Thibodaux STEM Magnet Academy, for being selected to represent Louisiana in the American Air Museum Summer Residency Program in Duxford, England Ryan Martin, Social Studies Academic Specialist, informed the Board that Ms. Chassion will be taking part in the summer residency program from July 31st through August 14, 2014. The program brings together teachers from the USA and UK to share ideas and practice while immersed in the setting of IWM Duxford’s historic Second World War airfield.
Babineaux and Chassion entered the meeting.
IV. FINANCIAL INFORMATION/REPORTS A. APPROVAL OF BILLS 1. Ratification of Bills for May 2014 Motion (Cobb, Angelle) that the Board approve the Ratification of Bills report for the month of May 2014. Motion carried. Awbrey and Cockerham were absent.
B. OTHER FINANCIAL REPORTS 1. Summary of Grant Funding and Activity Motion (Chassion, Bouillion) that the Board receive the Summary of Grant Funding and Activity Report. Motion carried. Awbrey and Cockerham were absent.
2. Ratification of Purchases for June, 2014 Motion (Cobb, Angelle) that the Board accept the Ratification of Purchases report for the month of June, 2014. Motion carried. Awbrey and Cockerham were absent.
3. Budget-to-Actual Status Report Motion (Chassion, Cobb) that the Board receive the Budget-to-Actual Report. Motion carried. Awbrey and Cockerham were absent.
V. REPORTS/INFORMATION/INTRODUCTION ITEMS A. INFORMATION REPORT 1. Status Report for Construction Fund 2012 Limited Tax Bond Fund Kyle Bordelon, Director of Planning and Facilities responded to Board member concerns, such as: being diligent in making certain that the work being done is quality work at Youngsville Middle School; that L. J. Alleman bids were $900,000 more; and once Lafayette High bids are received, that they be brought to the Board.
2. Personnel Changes for July 16, 2014
New Employees Fun Name Location Position Eff. Date d Note Arceneaux, Alkeia VCC Secretary I 07/01/14 01 Replacing Betty Bourque L. J. Alleman Replacing Donavon Chargois Bruno, Pauline MS/Woodvale ES Custodian (Itinerant) 07/07/14 01 & Latoya Faulk Frank, Genevia Live Oak ES Custodian (Part-Time) 07/07/14 01 Replacing Rita Spencer Gale, Nichole Northside HS Custodian 07/01/14 01 Replacing Phyllis Vanderbilt Miller, Tina Budget & Accounting Account Clerk 1 07/08/14 01 Replacing Jolie Shields Child Care Resource and Referral Trainer/Technical Mouton, Emmy VCC Assistant 07/10/14 60 New Position 2 Portlock, Florence Broadmoor ES Custodian 07/01/14 01 Replacing Beverly Clennon Syrie, Jr., Neville J. W. James ES Custodian (Part-Time) 07/07/14 01 Replacing Rita Spencer Williams, Linda Carencro HS Custodian 07/01/14 01 Replacing Daynelle Charlot Child Care Resource and Referral Trainer/Technical Wood, Barbara VCC Assistant 07/10/14 60 New Position
Employee Transfers Name From/To Eff. Date Fund Note Gear Up Project Director to Schools of Choice Replacing Randall Aucoin, Traci Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator 07/28/14 01 Domingue Plantation ES (Custodian) to Duson ES Duhon, Bryan (Custodian) 07/01/14 01 Replacing Larry Benoit VCC (Early Childhood Resource Coordinator) to VCC (Child Care Resource and Referral Granger, Paula Supervisor) 07/01/14 60 New Position Live Oak ES(Custodian) to S. J. Montgomery ES White, Brent (Custodian) 08/01/14 01 Replacing James Pleasant
Appointments & Reappointments Name Location Position Contract Term Note NONE
Other Action Name Location Position Eff. Date Fund Note Transportation Suspension Without Begnaud, Bobby Dept. Bus Driver - Contract 04/27/14 - 05/30/14 01 Pay (20 Days Only) Resignation not Theriot, Alisa Ernest Gallet ES SFS Technician 10/31/13 70 Service Retirement
Exiting Employees Name Location Position Eff. Date Fund Note Abendroth, Kathleen Alice Boucher ES Speech Pathologist 05/30/14 01 Resignation Allen, Telisha Westside ES Teacher – 3rd 06/30/14 01 Resignation Bailey, Patrice J. W. Faulk ES Teacher – 2nd 05/30/14 01 Resignation Berg, Daniel Northside HS Teacher - Business 06/01/14 01 Resignation Broussard, Joseph Lafayette HS Custodian 06/30/14 01 Service Retirement Cormier-Zenon, Delores Live Oak ES Teacher – 5th 06/30/14 01 Resignation Dufrene, Caroline Acadiana HS Teacher – Social Studies 05/30/14 01 Resignation Dugas, Lester Maintenance Dept. Custodian 03/31/14 01 Service Retirement Duhon, Lynn K. Drexel ES Teacher – 1st 05/30/14 01 Resignation Dyson, George Lafayette MS Teacher - Math 05/30/14 01 Resignation Para-Educator – Communication Gary, Gwendolyn S. J. Montgomery ES Facilitator 05/30/14 01 Service Retirement Gros, Heather Youngsville MS Teacher – 7th/8th 05/30/14 01 Resignation Gutierrez, Jennifer Alice Boucher ES Counselor 07/02/14 01 Resignation Non-Renewal of James, Michelle Acadian MS Teacher - SPED 06/24/14 01 Contract Johnson, Marcus Transportation Dept. Bus Driver 08/03/14 01 Resignation Judice, Casey Ridge ES Teacher – 3rd 07/08/14 01 Resignation 3 Kennerson, Karen Prairie ES Paraeducator – SPED 05/30/14 01 Service Retirement Non-Renewal of Pratt, Jill J. W. Faulk ES Librarian 06/27/14 01 Contract Reeves, Jessica J. W. Faulk ES Teacher – Kindergarten 05/30/14 01 Resignation Truman Early Risher, Claire Childhood Teacher – Pre-K 05/30/14 01 Resignation Silvetti, Christina E. A. Martin MS Secretary I 05/30/14 01 Termination Thibodeaux, Heather Comeaux HS Teacher – Math 05/30/14 01 Resignation Disability Thibodeaux, Sandy S. J. Montgomery ES Clerical Assistant 04/28/14 01 Retirement Thomas, Charise Alice Boucher ES Teacher – SPED 05/30/14 01 Resignation Truman Early Vincent, Eva Childhood Counselor (Part-Time) 07/06/14 01 Service Retirement *RETIREE RETURNING TO WORK
Number of Full-Time, Active Employees by Funding Source as Last Meeting One Year Ago of: (07/10/14) (07/02/14) (06/19/13) General Fund (01) 3,528.5 3,569.5 3,573.5 2002 Sales Tax (15) 50 50 77 Special Revenues (20) 18.5 18.5 18.5 Other Grants (25) 20 20 19 Consolidated Adult Education (30) 9 9 9 Consolidated Other Federal Programs (35) 5 5 5 Special Education (40) 137 137 132 Self-Funded Construction (45) 2 2 2 IASA Title I (50) 169 170 149 Consolidated Other State (55) 7 7 6 GEARUP/Magnet Grant (57) 16 16 16 Child Development & Head Start (60) 66 63 57 IASA Titles II/III/IV/VI (65) 25 25 28 Child Nutrition (70) 268 269 259 Group Insurance Fund (85) 2 2 2 TOTAL 4,317 4,357 4,343
3. U.S. Department of Education Development Grant-PULLED FROM AGENDA
4. Superintendent Investigation Cobb said he was interested in the process of how the investigation is supposed to go, and whether a report is to be expected from Mr. Blunt, the attorney hired to investigate the Superintendent. Mr. Cobb also asked if Board members are allowed to contact the Board attorney without authorization from the Board President or Superintendent.
Board President Beasley said when he receives a report from the investigating attorney, he will send it to all Board members via email. Dr. Beasley said in regards to Mr. Cobb’s question on Board members contacting the Board attorney, he would get information on the phone calls that were made; but he thought they were probably client/attorney privilege.
Board attorney Hammonds reported that the invoices have a list of phone calls that are made, and it is a matter of public record.
4 Angelle said he thinks the Board President can let the Board members contact the Board attorney.
5. Traffic Issues at Ridge Elementary Bouillion presented a power point presentation to the Board regarding the traffic problems at Ridge Elementary. Mr. Bouillion reported that he thought the current speed limit in front of the school was too high and that traffic is backed up as parents bring their children to and from school.
Sandra Billeaudeau, Assistant Superintendent reported that she had met with the Academic Officer and others, and are working on a solution. She reported that the speed limit posting is usually ten miles less than what the speed limit is.
Chassion recommended that the Department of Transportation or City-Parish Council be contacted for lowering the speed limit in front of the school.
B. INTRODUCTION ITEMS 1. Approve RFP Recommendation: Garbage Collection & Recycling Services. Action to be taken at a subsequent meeting.
2. Revisions to Policy JDIA - Cellular Phone Use For Students. To be reintroduced at a later date.
3. Move Item(s) to Action Agenda - NONE
C. Other Reports 1. None
VI. APPROVAL OF ACTION ITEMS All Action Items were pulled and moved to Items Pulled from Action
ITEMS PULLED FROM ACTION 1. Bids for L.J. Alleman Middle New Cafetorium & Renovations Motion (Trahan, Angelle) that the Board authorize staff to award the project to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with Louisiana Public Bid law. After some discussion on the cost being over budget, length of construction time, and the specifications that were drawn, Trahan and Angelle withdrew their motion.
Trahan asked that the plans for the L.J. Alleman Middle New Cafetorium & Renovations be provided to the Board.
2. Revisions to Policy JCE--Student/Parent Grievance Procedures 3. Elimination of Policy JAA-R: Grievance Procedures for Filing, Processing, and Resolving Alleged Discrimination Complaints (Students and Employees) 5 4. Elimination of Policy GBRAA--Communical Disease AIDS—Employees 5. Approval of the 2014 - 2015 Salary Schedule Booklet Motion ( Trahan, Babineaux) that the Board postpone items 2, 3, 4, and 5 until the next Regular Board Meeting.
Voting for were Angelle, Babineaux, Beasley, Chassion and Trahan. Voting against was Bouillion and Cobb. Motion carried. Awbrey and Cockerham were absent.
6. Ratification of Resignations, Retirements, and Terminations Exiting Employees in Non-Tenurable Positions July 16, 2014
Name Location Position Effective Note Date Abendroth, Kathleen Alice Boucher ES Speech 05/30/14 Resignation Pathologist Broussard, Joseph Lafayette HS Custodian 06/30/14 Service Retirement Dugas, Lester Maintenance Dept. Custodian 03/31/14 Service Retirement Gary, Gwendolyn S. J. Montgomery Paraeducator- 05/30/14 Service ES Communication Retirement Facilitator Gutierrez, Jennifer Alice Boucher ES Counselor 07/02/14 Resignation Johnson, Marcus Transportation Bus Driver 08/30/14 Resignation Dept. Kennerson, Karen Prairie ES Paraeducator- 05/30/14 Service SPED Retirement Silvetti, Christina E.A. Martin MS Secretary I 05/30/14 Termination Thibodeaux, Sandy S. J. Montgomery Clerical Assistant 04/28/14 Disability ES Retirement Vincent, Eva Truman Early Counselor (Part- 07/06/14 Service Childhood Time) Retirement
Motion (Cobb, Bouillion) that the Board ratify the resignations, retirements, and terminations of July 16, 2014.
Voting for were Beasley, Bouillion and Cobb. Voting against were Angelle, Babineaux, and Trahan. Chassion abstained. Motion failed. Awbrey and Cockerham were absent.
Discussion was held on whether abstaining was considered a Yes or No vote. Board attorney Hammonds said that in the Board’s policy BCBG Voting Methods at Board Meetings it is as follows: In accordance with the opinion of the attorney general, a member of the Board may abstain from voting, but his vote, although not cast, shall be counted as a vote “for” the proposition.
6 Chassion asked that Policy File: BCBG Voting Methods at Board Meetings be brought back to the Board as an Information or Introduction Item, and that his vote is a NO vote.
Therefore, the vote became 3 for and 4 against. Motion failed. Awbrey and Cockerham were absent.
VII. REPORTS A. Public Comments None
B. Closing Comments Angelle said he had looked at the Hinds County report and it showed the pupil/teacher ratio at J. W. Faulk Elementary was 20 to 1.
Board President Beasley asked the Board members to send their suggested cuts that they want done in the 1400 series that are not listed on the line items as a recommended cut, to him or Mr. Guidry by Tuesday, July 22. Dr. Beasley said the cuts would then be placed on the agenda, and staff would have an opportunity to respond.
IX. ADJOURN There being no further business, it was moved by Angelle, seconded by Bouillion and carried that the meeting adjourn.
/s/ Hunter Beasley /s/ Pat Cooper
Hunter Beasley, Ph.D., President Dr. Pat Cooper, Secretary-Treasurer LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD mgp