Ardoch Agricultural Society
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Qualifier for the TSR Scottish Rider Championships
Secretary: Mrs Rebecca Mackie, Ashfield, The Ross, Madderty, Crieff, PH7 3PQ ARDOCH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Ltd Tel: 07889 070 972 - Email: [email protected] Show Regulations SCHEDULE AND PRIZE LIST Exhibitors must make themselves conversant with the Show Regulations, and Exhibitors/Competitors will be assumed to be fully aware if the contents thereof.
1. All owners of livestock and handler/riders of horses must be Members of Ardoch Agricultural Society to compete, FOR and also must pay a £2 contribution towards Medial Cover at the show. All membership and entries must be paid when entries are lodged but children (under 17 years) of members do not require to pay membership fees and are liable only for the entry fees. Membership of the Society admits Member to the Show. Membership fees are non- refundable and the committee reserve the right to retain all or part of entry fees following a cancelation due to weather or any unforeseen circumstance. 2. The Committee reserves the right to amalgamate Classes in any Section, should BRACO SHOW the number of entries not justify separate classes and alternatively, will allow classes to be divided should the judge deem it necessary, in either case.3. Stock to be on the ground by 9a.m. and must remain until 3pm or until the Committee gives leave for removal. 4. Classes will not be held up to accommodate competitors entered in more than one Class. The committee reserve LODGE PARK, BRACO, PERTHSHIRE the right change judging times if so required. 5. No person shall be allowed within the Ring while the Judges are (BY COURTESY OF MR. N. MUIR, DUNDUFF, BRACO.) making their awards (attending members exempted.) 6. Stock (except Riding Horses & Ponies) exhibited in one Class will not be allowed to compete in any other Class except in the special prize list.7. Only 1st Prize winners may compete for Championship - 2nd Prize winners in class of Champion may compete for Reserve Championship. 8. All stock to be exhibitor's bona fide property.9. The age of all stock to count from 1st January except where otherwise th stated. One year old cattle to show no broad teeth. 10. No member shall be allowed to bring stock on the Showground SATURDAY 25 July 2015 who has had a “Notifiable Disease” in his stock for at least 3 months prior to the Show. 11. Any exhibitor showing contrary to the Regulations will forfeit the respective premiums for which they were shown and will be liable to a penalty of £10 to the Society.12. All prize animals must be paraded when requested by the Committee. Any competitors failing to comply with this rule render themselves liable to forfeiture of prizes.13. Any protest should be lodged in writing with the Secretary before 2pm on the day of the Show along with a deposit of £100 which will be Main Sponsors: returned if the protest is upheld.14. All disputes of every kind that may arise in connection with the Show, as to the interpretation of the Rules, and as to the gaining or awarding of prizes shall be submitted to the Show Committee and Stewarts Building Services & MAM Contracting their decisions shall be final. All exhibitors, by entering, bind themselves to accept the decisions of the committee in all matters regarding the Show, as final.15. The Show committee reserves the right to disqualify horses and ponies trespassing in restricted areas.16. Alternative Car Parking facilities will be available. Only Stock carrying vehicles will be admitted to the Showground. Stock Passes to Showground forwarded on receipt of entries. Three passes per entry form will be given for livestock and heavy horses. Light horse entries will receive one vehicle pass per form and occupants will be admitted free, in order to speed up entry to the site. Admission charges will be payable by anyone Full Catering available on the Showground from Threapmuir Beef & Lamb not in possession of an Exhibitors Pass. This will be refunded at the Secretary's Office on production of proof of Entry. Allanbank Hotel, Greenloaning – Bar Only horseboxes/trailers will be admitted to the horse field. Any accompanying cars MUST park in the car park.17. Show arrangements to be subject to any order that may be issued by Government or Local Authorities.18. Prize Money will be paid under voucher system, redeemable at Secretary’s Tent between 1pm and 5pm on Show day.19. Raffle with many fantastic Prizes Trophies will be engraved by the winner at their own cost and must be returned to the section convenor or the show secretary no later than one month prior to the next annual show.20. No substitution / transfer or nomination entries will Pipe Band, Industrial Tent, Children’s Entertainments, Highland Dancing, be permitted.21. If necessary the Committee reserves the right to change judges should unforeseen circumstances require, without prior notification to competitors.22. The Committee and all Show Officials disclaim liability in the Arena Displays, Dog Show and Pet Fancy Dress, following terms: In this clause the term Exhibitor shall include persons taking part in any competition or display Grand Parade, Vintage Tractor Show arranged by the Show Committee and the owner of any animal, plant, machinery or other thing involved in any such competition or display or otherwise exhibited on the Showground. Save for death or personal injury caused to any Exhibitor or to his/her servant or agent or to any animal, article, plant, machinery or thing of whatever nature brought to the Showground by the said Exhibitor from whatever cause death, injury, disease, damage or loss arises. (Save for th the aforesaid), the Exhibitor shall indemnify the Committee against all claims, damages and expenses whatsoever in ENTRIES TO BE LODGED WITH SECRETARY BY MONDAY 29 JUNE any way arising out of the presence of the Exhibitor, his servants, agents, exhibits, vehicles or equipment on the Paper entries accompanied by full payment. Entries will be taken on the day on the horse field at Showground and shall assume full responsibility thereof. Acceptance of the foregoing conditions shall be a condition of double fees. Entries arriving after the closing date will not be catalogued and will require to pay the entry.23. Exhibitors are advised to insure against fire and other appropriate risks not only as regards their own additional ‘on the day’ fee to collect their numbers. property, but also against any third party claim.24. Persons are admitted to the Show Car Parks at their own risk and vehicles and their accessories and contents are admitted to and left in the car parks at the owner s risk and while every endeavour is taken to ensure the safety thereof, the Committee will not (save for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Committee, its servants or agents) be responsible for personal injury (whether fatal or only one show within any one 13 day period the animal will not require to be held separate on return from the show nor otherwise), loss or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses however caused. Drivers of will the return home trigger a 13 day standstill for any other animal on the home farm. Also animals may move from all vehicles MUST comply with the directors of the Committee, its servants, agents and parking attendants.25. The show to show or may return to their usual premise of residence without triggering a 13 day standstill provided they are Committee accept no responsibility whatsoever for loss, injury or damage to any person, animal or property on the kept in separate facilities under an approved separation agreement with SGRIPD. In all cases the standstill period for Showground.26. Correctly secured British Standard Skull Caps/riding Hats Nos EN 1384, PAS 015 or PAS accredited pigs is 20 days. 4. Animals coming from England and Wales will be subject to the interim measure movement controls hats MUST be worn by riders when mounted. Every reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of which apply in these countries. Once in Scotland all will be subject to the provisions of the above legislation. 5. Sheep everybody has been taken. For these measures to be effective, everyone must assist in taking reasonable precautions and Goat Sections Maedi Visna Provision will be made for animals from MV / CAE accredited flocks and all animals to prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of all the officials and stewards. MUST be accompanied by a green SAC valid certificate of status. All females of all breeds to be entered or exhibited must be: Pregnant or have not lambed within 30 days prior to the show and are not subject to procedures which change the seasonal breeding pattern.6. Cattle Sections: All animals must be accompanied by the official BCMS Movement paperwork (CPP103, CHR3 or CPP1). All cattle entries must be accompanied by a list of named handlers attending the show.7. Bulls must be properly secured by a ring in the nose with a chain or rope attached or by a strong Proposed Timetable for Horse Field - see Back Cover halter with double ropes. 8. IBR isolation will be provided - please indicate if you are IBR free on entry form. 9. Maedi Ardoch Agricultural Society Ltd Council of Management Visna and Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Accreditation Scheme - An Attested Flock Scheme will operate for the disease Maedi Visna approved. Entries will be accepted under the following categories - Accredited and Non-Accredited. Ardoch Agricultural Society is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Company No. 263421 Copies of the current, valid green SAC certificate or Health Status Report MUST accompany entry forms where applicable and the green SAC certificate or Health Status Report MUST be given to your Steward on Show day President: Mr Nick Muir, Dunduff, Braco BEFORE animals can be unloaded. Unless stated on the entry form stock will be assumed to be non-accredited. Hon Vice Presidents: Mrs Nancy Dawson Mr Scott Dawson Mr Tom Gray Mr Sandy Haggart OVERALL SHOW CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS Mr Ian Kemp Mr William McLaren Snr JUDGE: Mr I Kemp, Braco Mr Jim Dawson Mr Charles Robertson Mr James Lawrie Mr Ian MacKinnon Champion of Champions Cattle, Champion of Champions Sheep, Champion of Goats, Champion of Mr Duncan Cameron Heavy Horse Section and Supreme In Hand Champion eligible to enter. To be judged in the Main Arena Chairman: Mr James Taylor after the relevant sections championships have been judged. Trophy and Sash to the Champion of Snr Vice-Chairman: Mr Alistair Smith Champions. Jnr Vice-Chairman: Mr James Roberts Past Chairman: Mrs Mairi Paterson SECTION 1 – BEEF CATTLE Entry Fees: £5.00, Prizes; 1st £8.00 2nd £6.00 3rd £4.00 Members of the Committee Rosettes to 4th place in all classes unless number of entries presented exceeds 6. To Retire in 2015: Mrs Jean Rattray Mrs Davina Brown Mrs Morven Campbell ABERDEEN ANGUS To Retire in 2016: Mr Scott Lambie Mr Mike Simpson Judge: Mr R Mackie, Madderty Judging to commence 9.30am. CLASS Mr Alex Watson Mrs Mandy Nisbet st 1 BULL – Born prior to 1 January 2014 Mrs Shona Stewart 2 BULL – Born on or after 1st January 2014 To Retire in 2017: Mr Ian Black Mr Fraser Mill 3 COW – In milk or in calf born before 1st January 2013 Mr Alastair Mitchell Mr David Woods 4 HEIFER – Born on or after 1st January 2010 and before 1st January 2012 Mr James Moar 5 HEIFER - Born after 1st January 2012 Co-opted Members: Ms Kirsteen Smith Mr Micheal Boxer 6 CALF, MALE or FEMALE - Born on or after 1st Jan 2015 - if more than 4 entries, males and Mr Paul Rattray Mr Alan Lambie females will be split. Classes 1 and 2 may be amalgamated if necessary. Champion: Duncan McLaren Memorial Cup & Aberdeen-Angus Mr Stewart Thompson Mr James Prentice Cattle Society's Tartan Sash. Best Aberdeen Angus of opposite sex to Champion: Muir Cup Best Aberdeen Mr Peter Keron Angus bred by exhibitor: Rosette awarded by Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society
LIMOUSIN Notice to all livestock exhibitors: Judge: Mr R Mackie, Madderty 1. Any sheep and goats moving to shows or exhibitions must be individually ear tagged/tattooed in accordance with CLASS SGRIPD guidance. The movement to and from the show has to be reported to the Scottish Animal Movements Unit, 7 BULL – Born prior to 1st January 2015 Edinburgh (tel no. 0131 244 4202) with the individual ear numbers listed as this involves a movement from one 8 COW – In milk or in calf born before 1st January 2013 premises to another. This is the responsibility of the stock owner not the show organiser. (Stock may be inspected at 9 HEIFER – Born on or after 1st January 2013 shows). 2. Cattle moving to and from shows must have their movements notified to BCMS. This is the responsibility of the 10 CALF, MALE or FEMALE - born on or after 1st January 2015 - if more than 4 entries, males stock owner not the show organiser. Cattle Passports MUST be carried with Exhibitors to the show. 3. Animals moving and females will be split. to shows for the first time will not have to be kept separate prior to moving to the show irrespective of whether any other livestock have been moved onto those premises in the 13 day period immediately before moving. If attending
2 Champion: Dalgety Cup & British Limousin Club's rosette. Reserve Champion: British Limousin Club's rosette. 30 COW - any age, in calf or in milk These classes will form part of the Scottish Limousin Cattle Breeders Exhibitor of the Year Competition 31 HEIFER - three years old and under (sponsored by United Auctions Ltd) Members will be awarded points for the judged placings at this Show. 32 HEIFER - two years old and under st CHAROLAIS 33 YEARLING HEIFER - born on or after 1 Jan 2014 and on or before 31st Dec 2014 Judge: Mr R Mackie, Madderty 34 CALF, MALE or FEMALE - born on or after 1st Jan 2014 - if more than 4 entries males and females will be split. THE NORTH EAST AND CENTREL SCOTLAND CHAROLAIS CLUB ARE DELIGHTED TO ANNOUNCE THAT 35 GROUP OF THREE - must be from separate classes BRACO SHOW WILL BE PART OF THE SHOW POINTS COMPETITION FOR 2015. For further information 36 PAIR - male and female contact Alison Gray on 07718 338 804. Please Note: Females entered in the appendix register of the Highland Cattle Society Herd Book, either Appendix B or Appendix A, are eligible for entry and are identified by the letter B or A tattooed in the ear or written in waterproof ink on an ear tag. Note: Points will be awarded for the Highland Cattle Society annual Show Fold of The Year CLASS competition. Champion: Braco Hotel Shield and Highland Cattle Society Rosette. Opposite Sex to Champion: st 11 BULL – Born prior to 1 January 2015 The Stirling Family Quaich. Reserve Champion: Special Rosette Group of Three (Class 35): Cnoc Fold Challenge 12 COW – In milk or in calf born before 1st January 2013 Quaich, presented by Mrs Janet M Montgomery 13 HEIFER – Born on or after 1st January 2013 14 CALF, MALE or FEMALE, born on or after 1st January 2015, - if more than 4 entries, males and females will be split. Champion: Livestock Marts Trophy and the Scottish and Northern Charolais Breeders Association Ltd Rosette. ANY OTHER BREED NOT PREVIOUSLY LISTED Judge: Mr R Mackie, Madderty SIMMENTAL Judge: Mr R Mackie, Madderty CLASS CLASS 37 BULL – Born prior to 1st January 2015 15 BULL – Born prior to 1st January 2015 38 COW – In milk or in calf born before 1st January 2013 16 COW – In milk or in calf born before 1st January 2013 39 HEIFER – Born on or after 1st January 2013 17 HEIFER – Born on or after 1st January 2013 40 CALF, MALE or FEMALE, born on or after 1st January 2015, - if more than 4 entries, males 18 CALF, MALE or FEMALE - born on or after 1st January 2015 - if more than 4 entries, males and females will be split. and females will be split. Classes may be amalgamated if necessary. Champion: Clydesdale Bank Perpetual Trophy and the British Simmental Cattle Society's Rosette Reserve Champion: The British Simmental Cattle Societies Rosette. Opposite sex to Champion: Desswood Spoon (kindly presented by the Henderson Family of Dunblane) Crystal Decanter: To be presented at the judge’s discretion.
COMMERCIAL CATTLE YOUNG HANDLERS Judge: Mr J McGregor, Kilsyth Judge: Mr R Mackie, Madderty CLASS
19 BULLOCK - one year old CLASS 20 HEIFER - one year old 41 Calf Any Breed of either sex. To be born after 1st January 2013. Shown by a girl or boy 21 SUCKLED STOTT CALF - born between 1st September 2014 and 31st December 2014 over 8 and under 14 years inclusive, who must be accompanied by an adult stockperson. 22 SUCKLED HEIFER CALF - born between 1st September 2014 and 31st December 2014 This class will be judged solely on the handler’s performance. Any animal not under the 23 SUCKLED CALF - born after 31st December 2014 control of the handler will be asked to leave the ring. Animal not to be shown in any other 24 COW with calf at foot - (calf must be suckling mother) class. This class is not eligible for any championship. 25 ANY ANIMAL - bred by an Aberdeen Angus sire (not eligible to be shown in Aberdeen 1st – 4th place plus special rosettes to be awarded. Young Handlers Medal Kindly Donated by Harbro Angus Section) 26 ANY ANIMAL - bred by a Simmental sire (not eligible to be shown in Simmental Section) **** CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS IN CATTLE SECTION **** 27 ANY ANIMAL - bred by a Limousin sire (not eligible to be shown in Limousin Section) To be judged by: Mr S Kennedy, Aberfeldy 28 BEST ANIMAL - from the Parishes of Ardoch, Blackford, Comrie, Dunblane, Lecropt, CHAMPION: £50 plus the Dan McIldowie Cup, RESERVE CHAMPION: £25 Madderty or Muthill. (Eligible to compete in other classes - Please state number of pens required). INTERBREED CATTLE GROUPS –Open to All Cattle Sections Champion: The Maitland Gardiner Cup. Champion Calf of any age: MSD-AGVET Ivomec Shield.. British To be judged by: Mr S Kennedy, Aberfeldy. Simmental Cattle Society Limited Rosette: Best Animal in class 26. This section only: Prizes 1st £20, 2nd £10, 3rd £5.These classes must be entered prior to the HIGHLAND CATTLE show. Judge: Mr A MacArthur, Tarbert CLASS CLASS 42 BEST GROUP OF THREE animals owned by one exhibitor. 29 BULL - any age - if more than 4 entries forward, this class will be split into senior & junior. 43 BEST PAIR OF TWO animals owned by one exhibitor.
3 67 RAM LAMB SECTION II - SHEEP & GOATS 68 EWE LAMB Entry Fees: £5.00, Prizes: 1st £8.00 2nd £6.00 3rd £4.00 Champion: The George Haggart Memorial Trophy (Kindly re-presented by Sandy Haggart) Group of 3: One male Rosettes to 4th place in all classes unless the number of entries presented exceeds 6. and two females from separate classes - Special Rosett
BLACKFACE Judge: Mr A Blackwood, Cummock . Judging to commence at 9.30am CLASS TEXEL (MV ACCREDITED ONLY) 44 AGED RAM Judge: Mr D McKerrow Jnr, Freuchie 45 TWO SHEAR RAM CLASS 46 SHEARLING RAM 69 AGED RAM 47 EWE IN MILK 70 SHEARLING RAM 48 GIMMER 71 EWE, having reared a lamb this season 49 RAM LAMB 72 GIMMER 50 EWE LAMB 73 RAM LAMB 51 PEN OF THREE WEDDER LAMBS (entry confined to hill farms which qualify for Hill Sheep 74 EWE LAMB Subsidy). Please note that the Cross Sheep Judge will judge this class. Champion: The Charles Robertson Memorial Trophy (kindly presented by the Robertson Family of Berrydyke) Best Ram Lamb: The Toxovax & Enzovax Perpetual Shield. Group of Three: one male and two females out of separate 52 SHEPHERD'S CLASS - must be property of exhibitor. Entry Fee for this class £1.50. classes - Special Rosette Champion: Monteath Perpetual Cup. Best Ewe, Gimmer and Ewe Lamb: The Connachan Quaich. Best Animal in Section, bred by exhibitor: Dan McIldowie Rosebowl. Best Blackface Female, bred by exhibitor: MacConnachie Memorial Cup. Best Animal in the Shepherd's Class: Tigh-na-Blair Shield. Group of Three: One male and two females from separate classes – Special Rosette
COMMERCIAL SHEEP Judge: Mr S Kennedy, Aberfeldy CLASS SCOTCH MULES 75 ANY EWE WITH PAIR OF LAMBS Judge: Mr Mr F Wilson, Kirkmichael. Judging to commence at 9.30am 76 THREE CROSS LAMBS by a continental sire CLASS 77 THREE CROSS LAMBS, any other cross than above classes 53 EWE, having reared a lamb this season 78 THREE CROSS BRED EWES, having reared lamb this season 54 GIMMER 78a THREE GIMMERS – any breed 55 EWE LAMB 79 THREE UNTRIMMED CROSS LAMBS - confined to flocks in Parishes of Ardoch, Blackford, 56 PEN OF THREE EWE LAMBS (not shown in above class) Comrie, Dunblane Lecropt, Madderty & Muthill. Champion: The Glassick Shield (kindly donated by the Dunn Family of Glassick Farm, Braco). Reserve Champion: Champion: The Silcock Perpetual Challenge Trophy. Single Cross Lamb: (from above classes) - Special Rosette Special Rosette BELTEX BLUE FACED LEICESTER Judge: Mr B Wylie, Kirriemuir Judge: Mr F Wilson, Kirkmichael CLASS CLASS 80 AGED RAM 57 AGED RAM 81 SHEARLING RAM 58 SHEARLING RAM 82 RAM LAMB 59 EWE, having reared a lamb this season 83 EWE, having reared a lamb this season 60 GIMMER 84 GIMMER 61 RAM LAMB 85 EWE LAMB 62 EWE LAMB Champion: The Duchally Beltex Bowl and a Special Rosette. Reserve Champion: Special Rosette Group of Three: Champion: Robert Young & Co Ltd Trophy. Opposite Sex to Champion: Elizabeth Henry Memorial Trophy. Group One Male and two females out of separate classes - Special Rosette of Three: One male and two females from separate classes - Special Rosette
BORDER LEICESTER CHEVIOT Judge: Mr W Fleming, Carluke Judge: Mr W Fleming, Carluke CLASS CLASS 63 AGED RAM 86 AGED RAM 64 SHEARLING RAM 87 SHEARLING RAM 65 EWE, having reared a lamb this season 88 EWE 66 GIMMER 89 GIMMER 4 90 RAM LAMB Ardoch Agricultural Society Trophy Champion. Ladeside Quaich Best Kid. Kingswells Cup Best Goatling. Allan 91 EWE LAMB Trophy Best Anglo Nubian. Best Pygmy Goat: Braco Show Perpetual Champion Pygmy Goat Trophy, Ardoch CHAMPION: Agricultural Society Special Rosette ANY OTHER BREED NOT PREVIOUSLY LISTED SECTION III - HEAVY HORSES – MAIN FIELD Judge: Mr K Campbell, Kippen CLASS Entry Fees – Classes 111 - 143 = £5.00 92 BEST RAM Prizes - 1st £10.00 2nd £6.00 3rd £4.00 unless otherwise stated, Rosettes to sixth place. 93 BEST RAM LAMB 94 BEST EWE, having reared a lamb this season CLYDESDALES - Affiliated to the Clydesdale Horse Society 95 BEST GIMMER Including qualifier for Blair Castle Smiths Gore Ridden Clydesdale Series 96 BEST EWE LAMB Judge: Mr A Christie, Balfron. Judging to commence at 10.00 am in Main Show Field 97 YOUNG HANDLER'S CLASS - Auchterarder Open to handler's aged under 14. Any breed CLASS sheep. Not eligible for championship. 1st – 4th place plus special rosettes to be awarded. 111 YELD MARE, three years old and over 98 YOUNG FARMER'S CLASS - . Any breed sheep not shown in any other class. Not eligible 112 GELDING, three years old and over for championship. 113 BROOD MARE with foal at foot Entries will be accepted on the day for classes 97 and 98. 114 COLT FOAL Champion: Classes 92 – 96 The Jacqueline Haggart Memorial Trophy and a Special Rosette Young Handler's 115 FILLY FOAL Medal - Kindly Donated by Harbro 116 FILLY, two years old 117 COLT OR GELDING, two years old 118 FILLY, one year old ****CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS IN THE SHEEP SECTION**** 119 COLT OR GELDING, one year old Judge: Mr J McGregor, Kilsyth 120 MARE and two of her Progeny – to be owned by the same exhibitor. CHAMPION - £50 plus the Bank of Scotland Trophy RESERVE CHAMPION - £25 121 YOUNG HANDLER'S CLASS - Handler must be 12-16 years of age on date of show. One animal per entrant. No entire colts and the animal must have been shown in a class at this INTERBREED SHEEP – Open to all Sheep Sections show. This class will be judged on the handlers’ ability and not the merits of the horse. Judge: Mr J McGregor, Kilsyth Champion: The Stirling Sentinel Trophy Reserve Champion: The Dunn Trophy. Opposite to Sex Champion: BEST GROUP OF THREE To be owned by one exhibitor – open to the winning Group of Three entries Sash Best Brood Mare and foal: (judged as a pair from classes 113, 114 & 115) - Alastair Stewart Memorial in the sections listed above. Trophy Best Animal three years and under, bred by exhibitor: Scottish Central Horse Breeding Society Trophy Best Foal: The Robert Sibbald Memorial Trophy Clydesdale Horse Society Shield: An engraved shield is presented by the Clydesdale Horse Society to the best yearling or two year old colt or filly, registered or eligible for registration with the Society, and not having won a shield before in its lifetime. The Exhibitor must be a current GOATS member of The Clydesdale Horse Society. This show is a qualifying round for the Young Handler's Competition. An engraved medal is presented by the Clydesdale Horse Society to the best young handler, aged 12 to 16 on the Judge: Mrs M Campbell, Inchture Judging to commence at 9.30am day of the show, who has not already qualified in 2015. The qualifier will then be eligible for the final at the Royal Note: Copies of the CAE certificate of accreditation MUST accompany Entry forms where applicable. Highland Show in June 2016. Entries will only be accepted when accompanied by the relevant forms so that appropriate provision for penning can be made. BLAIR CASTLE INTERNATIONAL HORSE TRIALS & COUNTRY FAIR/SMITHS GORE RIDDEN CLYDESDALE CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 CLASS Judge: Mrs H Dick, Inchinnan 99 MILKER, Coloured CLASS 100 MILKER, White 122 Blair Castle Ridden Clydesdale Series: This class is a qualifier for the Blair Castle Smiths Gore 101 MILKER, Anglo Nubian Ridden Clydesdale Series to be held at Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair on Sunday 102 MILKER, Pygmy 13th September 2015. The first two in each class to qualify. Qualification may go down to fourth place, if 103 GOATLING, Coloured horses placed 1st and 2nd have previously qualified. Registered Clydesdales and those eligible for 104 GOATLING, White registration may qualify and enter for the Championship. 105 GOATLING, Anglo Nubian 106 GOATLING, Pygmy HIGHLAND PONIES - IN HAND - Affiliated to the Highland Pony Society. Including 107 KID, Coloured qualifiers for NPS Scotland/ Scottish Farmer-Scottish Horse In Hand M&M Championships 108 KID, White Judge: Mr Mr C McQuattie, Forfar. 109 KID Anglo Nubian Judging will commence at 9.30am prompt in the Main Show field. Pens will be provided for Mares and 110 KID, Pygmy Foals only CLASS st ****CHAMPION IN GOAT SECTION**** 123 BROOD MARE with foal at foot or due to foal by 31 August Judge: Mrs M Campbel, Inchture 124 COLT FOAL 125 FILLY FOAL
5 126 FILLY, three years old 140 MINIATURE SHETLAND PONY, 34 inches and under, 4 yrs old and over. 127 FILLY , two years old 141 MINIATURE SHETLAND PONY, 34 inches and under, 2 & 3 yrs old. 128 FILLY, one year old 142 MINIATURE SHETLAND PONY, 34 inches and under, 1yr old 129 GELDING, two or three years old Championship: For the Alichbrae Stud Trophy 1st & 2nd in classes 140-142 qualify. Special Rosette for Best Foal to 130 COLT OR GELDING, one year old be shown with its Dam in class 139. NPS Scotland/Scottish Farmer-Scottish Horse In Hand M&M 131 YELD MARE, four years old and over Championships: The Champion & Res. Champion in all Mixed pure bred M. & M. or Breed Championships will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 11 th September 2015 132 GELDING, four years old and over rd st Champion: Whitefield Perpetual Challenge Cup Reserve Champion: The Charles Rimmer Memorial Trophy Qualification may go to 3 in the Championship( ie 1 Reserve Champion) Opposite Sex to Champion: William J Keron Memorial Trophy, Best Yearling: The Highland Pony Society Golden Jubilee Trophy – kindly donated back to the show by the Baird Family, Best Foal: Westbank Trophy Best Filly, 2 or 143 YOUNG HANDLERS CLASS Children 14 years and under. No colts or stallions. Hard hats to 3 years old, bred by exhibitor: Shielhill Trophy The Trowan Mayfair Perpetual Trophy: will be awarded to the be worn. Shetland Pony Stud book Rosette awarded to the Best Young Handler. in-hand Highland Pony gaining the most points at this show. (This trophy is presented in memory of the late Mrs. ****CHAMPION HEAVY HORSE SECTION: The John Maxton Trophy**** Mitchell Davidson) NPS Scotland/Scottish Farmer-Scottish Horse In Hand M&M Championships: The JUDGE: To be judged by a panel of the Heavy Horse judges Champion & Res. Champion in all Mixed pure bred M. & M. or Breed Championships will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 11th September 2015. Qualification may go to 3rd in the Championship( ie 1st Reserve Champion)Champion: Whitefield Perpetual Challenge Cup & Highland Pony SECTION III - HORSES & PONIES – LIGHT HORSE FIELD Society rosette. Entry Fee: All affliated classes £8 per class, £12 on the day. HIGHLAND PONY WORKING HARNESS Although every effort has been taken to avoid the clashing of classes, please note that no class will be held up at the expense of others. Times of classes may change depending on entries. Please check on the day with Secretary. JUDGE: Mr C McQuattie,Forfar (No entry fee required for this class only) RULES FOR QUALIFYING ROUNDS IN THE HORSE AND PONY SECTION CLASS PLEASE READ THESE CAREFULLY AS THEY WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. 133 HIGHLAND PONY WORKING HARNESS - Deer Saddles, Panniers etc. Not private driving harness. NPS Qualifying Rounds: These classes are judged under the Rules of the NPS. Ponies must be registered in the main body The Robert M Davidson Perpetual Trophy: for the Best Working Highland Pony in a Deer Saddle. Highland of their respective Mountain & Moorland Stud Books. Part breds are not eligible for Mountain & Moorland Classes. To compete Pony Cart Harness Trophy (kindly presented by James Martin and Ian McKinnon): Best Highland Pony in in Show Pony and Show Hunter Pony classes ponies must be registered in the NPS British Riding Pony Stud Book, Register, Working Harness Appendix, International or Sports Pony section of the BRPSB, the GSB, the AHSB, the AASB or in the main body of their respective Mountain & Moorland Stud Books. Part-Breds are not eligible unless entered in the NPS British Riding Pony Stud Book, Register, Appendix, International or Sports Pony section of the BRPSB. Qualifying rounds for most NPS competitions are open to ponies owned by NPS members and non-members but only ponies owned by adult NPS Qualifying or Life members are eligible to qualify for the final of the competition at the NPS Summer Championship Show at Malvern from 4th-6th August SHETLAND PONIES - Affiliated to the Shetland Pony Stud Book Society. Including qualifiers 2015. for NPS Scotland/Scottish Farmer-Scottish Horse In-hand M&M Championship The highest placed pony, if owned by an NPS member, in each class will qualify for the final. Qualification may pass down to Judge: Mr R Provan, Glenfarg. Judging to take place in the main show field at 9.30am third place if the first and second ponies are already qualified. NPS/Rosettes Direct Home Produced Ridden Championship - Riders of Home Produced ponies (see definition in the NPS Rules Book) can wear a white arm band in classes where this is SPSBS Affiliation rules 2015; Classes confined to Registered Ponies. Ponies must be named on the entry form and indicated. These ponies, if owned by NPS members, are then eligible to qualify for the final at the NPS Summer Championship Show. From 2015 in the catalogue. Society rosettes will only be awarded to ponies registered with the Society or eligible for registration all qualifying ponies will receive a qualification card. The Owner’s Membership cards MUST be produced in the ring when (i.e. foals). Three year old fillies with foals at foot may not be shown. All foals must be a minimum of three weeks old requested or the qualification will be forfeit. on the day of the show. No colts or entire males in Young Handlers class. Children under 14 yrs old may not show colts (excluding foals) or entire males in In-hand classes. Children under 11 yrs old may not show entire males in NPS Scotland Qualifying Rounds: Ponies may only qualify once for each NPS Scotland Competition Final. All Mountain & ridden classes. In the interests of safety, hard hats must be worn by all handlers aged 14 years and under in In-hand Moorland Ponies must be registered in the main body of their respective stud book. Part breds and X registered ponies and Eriskays are not eligible. Qualification in the M. & M In Hand Section may go to 3rd in the Championship. All others may go to classes. no lower than 6th place. A Judge is not obliged to award an NPS Scotland Finals qualification if he/she feels that the pony is not of a sufficient standard. Closing Dates for Entries Competitors qualifying at Shows held before Monday 8th June 2015 must CLASS send their qualifying cards and entries in by Friday 26th June 2015. Shows after 8th June 2015 adhere to a closing date of 26th 134 STALLION, two years old and over August 2015 and Late Entries will NOT be accepted. For Novice classes. Open to pure bred registered M&M stallions, mares st 135 MARE with foal at foot and geldings four years old or over. A pony is not eligible to compete if, before 1 January in the current year, it has done any of the following: i) Won an open NPS affiliated mixed M&M Ridden class ii) Won a direct qualifying round for HOYS, RIHS or 136 COLT OR FILLY FOAL Olympia iii) If a pony qualifies for any of the above in the current year it is immediately de-noviced and cannot enter the final 137 COLT,FILLY OR GELDING, one year old either at the NPS Summer Championships or the NPS Scotland/ Kilmannan Novice Final at NPS Scotland Championship Finals 138 FILLY OR GELDING, two or three years old (Blair) iv) Qualified for Horse of the Year Show or RIHS Ridden classes v) Qualified for the M&M Novice or Intermediate Ridden 139 YELD MARE OR GELDING, four years old and over final at the NPS Summer Championship show or the NPS Scotland/ Kilmannan Novice Final at NPS Scotland Championship st nd Finals (Blair) (N.B. Ponies can compete as novices in this competition for two consecutive years provided they do not submit an Championship: for the Transy Quaich. 1 & 2 in classes 134-139 qualify. Shetland Pony Stud Book Society entry to the final in the first year). vi) Qualified for the M&M Ridden Championship final at Olympia in previous years. Ponies Rosettes: Awarded to the Champion and Reserve, Junior Champion and Reserve, Best Foal, Best Gelding and best must be shown in a snaffle bit. Entry for the Finals can only be made by sending the official card duly signed by the Judge at Young Handler. NPS Scotland/Scottish Farmer-Scottish Horse In Hand M&M Championships: The the time of qualifying with your entry form. The OWNER must be or become a member of NPS Scotland before entering the Champion & Res. Champion in all Mixed pure bred M. & M. or Breed Championships will qualify for the Final which Finals. All ridden ponies must be shown off the lead rein except in the specified Lead Rein Qualifier Class. M&M Lead rein will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 11th September 2015 Qualification may go to 3rd ponies mares or geldings 4 yrs and over not exceeding 122cms. Dartmoor Exmoor, Shetland, New Forest, Welsh A and Welsh th st in the Championship( ie 1st Reserve Champion) B. Riders not to reached their 9 birthday by the 1 January in the current year. M&M First ridden ponies, mares or geldings 4 yrs and over not exceeding 128cms. Dartmoor Exmoor, Shetland, New Forest, Welsh A and Welsh B. Rider Riders not to reached their 12th birthday by the 1st January in the current year. Max. Height for HP is 153cm at maturity and max. height for CLASS
6 RP is 148 cm at maturity – foal classes excluded. The Final will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on 145 THE B.S.P.S. NURSERY STAKES, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding th Friday 11 September 2015. 133cms. Riders not to have attained their 13th birthday before 1st January in the current BSPS Classes: In all classes affiliated to the BSPS, the BSPS Rules take precedence. Please note that you do not have to be a member of the BSPS to compete in these classes. year. This show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society (B.S.P.S. affiliation No.0031) and all persons entering, competing, BSPS Qualifiers: 1st-3rd in class 143 and 1st & 2nd in class 144 qualify for the BSPS Summer Championships. The showing or otherwise taking part in B.S.P.S. classes, whether or not members of the B.S.P.S., are subject to the Rules of the highest placed pony in each of the classes 143 & 144 that has not qualified for HOYS 2014 in the appropriate class will B.S.P.S., including the disciplinary procedures, and shall be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the B.S.P.S. This qualify for the BSPS Challenge. If the highest placed pony has already qualified for the BSPS Challenge, the show is a qualifier for the 2015 BSPS Championships Show, the BSPS Challenge, the BSPS Premier League, the BSPS Champion qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony. 1st-4th in classes 143 & 144 qualify for the BSPS Premier League. of Champions and the BSPS Best Rider of the Year, provided the animal is registered in accordance with Rule 23 and ridden by The Best Rider in each of class 143 & 144 will be awarded a Best Rider card and qualify for the final at the BSPS a BSPS member. Ponies must be registered before the date of the show at which they qualify for the BSPS championships, Summer Championships. Mini Working Hunter Pony Championship: 1st & 2nd in classes 143 and 144 qualify for except in the case of exhibitors who have never been members before who are allowed 7 days in which to become members the Championship. Champion qualifies for BSPS Champion of Champions at the Summer Championship Show. and register their ponies, providing they have a valid JMB certificate before the date of the championship they qualify for. 146 THE B.S.P.S. NOVICE WORKING HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, Please consult the BSPS 2014 rule book for further clarification. Ponies Association UK: To Be Judged Under The Rules Of The Ponies UK This show is affiliated to the PONIES not exceeding 133 cms (13.0 hh), riders not to have attained their 14th birthday before 1st ASSOCIATION (UK) – Affiliation Number - and is a qualifying show for the Ponies (UK) Supreme Championships 2015 and January in the current year. Winter Classic 2016. Qualification: 1st, 2nd and 3rd places horses/ponies will qualify for the P(UK) Supreme Championships 147 THE B.S.P.S. NOVICE WORKING HUNTER PONY mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, 2015 and Winter Classic 2016. Competitors in qualifying positions, who are not current members of Ponies (UK) must become a exceeding 133 cms (13.0 hh) and not exceeding 143 cm (14.0 hh), riders not to have member before time of entry. Any competitor qualifying at a show between 1st July 2015 and 31st July 2015 must submit their membership with 48 hours after the qualifying event in order for the qualification to remain valid attained their 17th birthday before lst January in the current year. Coloured Horse and Pony Society (UK) This show is affiliated to The Coloured Horse & Pony Society (UK) Affiliation 148 THE B.S.P.S. NOVICE WORKING HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding 4 years old and over, Number 14128. Both owner and the rider/exhibitor need not be a member of CHAPS (UK) nor must the horse or pony be exceeding 143 cms (14.0 hh) and not exceeding 153 cm (15.0 hh), riders not to have registered with CHAPS (UK) to compete. The CHAPS (UK) Championship Show will be held on 28th – 30th August 2014. attained their 20th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Members to apply in writing to CHAPS (UK) for appropriate qualifier card. The following classes are CHAPS (UK) Qualifiers 209- 149 THE B.S.P.S NOVICE INTERMEDIATE WORKING HUNTER mare or gelding 4 years old 213. For full rulings and information on competition/qualification, please refer to the CHAPS (UK) Members’ Handbook; or visit All stallions entering these classes must be graded with CHAPS (UK). Stallion ID Discs to be worn in the and over, exceeding 148 cms (14.2 hh) and not exceeding 158 cm (15.2 hh), riders not to ring. have attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Blair Castle Tullibardine Contractors Working Hunter Pony Series: Ponies placed 1st-4th in the qualifying classes will BSPS Qualifiers: 1st & 2nd in classes 145-148 will qualify for the BSPS Summer Championships. qualify for the Championships held at Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair on Thursday 21 st August 2014. Qualification may go down to sixth place if higher placed ponies have previously qualified. 150 THE B.S.P.S. WORKING HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not Veteran Horse Society Scottish Veteran Horse of the Year 2014 Qualifier. The Veteran Horse Society Scottish showing series kindly sponsored by Allen & Page Quality Horse Feeds. Qualifiers are open to both Members & Non Members of the exceeding 133 cms (13.0 hh), riders not to have attained their 14th birthday before 1st Veteran Horse Society. Please note all competitors should acquaint themselves with the rules of the VHS they can be found January in the current year. at The Champion and Reserve Champion Veteran will go forward to the Supreme 151 THE B.S.P.S. WORKING HUNTER PONY mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding Final in September 2014. All competitors must be VHS Members to gain the qualifying card. No galloping or spurs are 133 cms (13.0 hh) and not exceeding 143 cm (14.0 hh), riders not to have attained their permitted in the ring. Basic walk, trot and canter. Mark system will be generally: condition and movement in relation to age and turnout. Stallion handler or rider must be over 16 years. Turnout in accordance with breed. All competitors must be 17th birthday before lst January in the current year. compliant with VHS rules and regulations. Qualification cards will be handed out in the ring at the time of presentation. The 152 THE B.S.P.S.WORKING HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding 4 years old and over, exceeding same veteran and handler / rider combination must carry qualification. No exchange of horse or rider is accepted. Second 143 cms (14.0 hh) and not exceeding 153 cm (15.0 hh), riders not to have attained their Reserve on standby. 20th birthday before 1st January in the current year. TSR Riders & Inhand Championships - This show is a qualifier for the 2015 TSR Riders/In Hand Scottish Regional 153 THE B.S.P.S OPEN INTERMEDIATE WORKING HUNTER mare or gelding 4 years old Championships to be held 3rd & 4th Oct at Grand Slam Show, Ingliston EC, Bishopton. TSR Riders Champs -1st & 2nd riders qualify and will receive a qualification card in the ring. and over, exceeding 148 cms (14.2 hh) and not exceeding 158 cm (15.2 hh), riders not to TSR In Hand Champs - The two highest placed Handlers with a TSR In Hand Card will qualify in any In Hand class. Handlers have attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year. MUST have their cards signed in the ring by the judge, cards are available FREE from the TSR website. Full details at BSPS Qualifiers: 1st & 2nd in classes 150-153 and 1st, 2nd & 3rd in class 152 qualify for the BSPS Summer Championships. The highest placed pony in each of classes 151-153 that has not qualified for HOYS 2014 qualifies for the BSPS Challenge. If the highest placed pony has already qualified for the BSPS Challenge, the qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony. 1st-4th in classes 150-153 qualify for the BSPS Premier League. The Best Rider in each of classes 150-153 will be awarded a Best Rider card and qualify for the final at the Summer Championship Show. Blair Castle Working Hunter Pony Series: Ponies placed 1st-4th in the qualifying classes will qualify for the RING 1 & 1A (Working Hunter) - Judging commences 8.30am Championships held at Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair on Thursday 10th September 2015. Qualification may go down to sixth place if higher placed ponies have previously qualified. Champion Working BSPS WORKING HUNTER PONIES Hunter Pony: for the Gascon Trophy. 1st & 2nd in classes 149-152 qualify. Champion qualifies for BSPS Champion of Including qualifiers for BSPS Summer Championships, P(UK) Colne WHP Pony Winter Champions at the Summer Championship Show. P(UK) Colne WHP Winter Classic and Supreme Championship st rd Classic and Supreme Championship including Nursery Stakes and Blair Castle Tullibardine including Nursery Stakes: 1 - 3 in classes 144-148 will qualify. Contractors Open WHP Championships Judges: Mrs J Coultart, Kilmaurs MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND NOVICE WORKING HUNTER PONIES - Judging NOT BEFORE Course Builder: Graham Barclay, Carron, Falkirk 12.00noon. CLASS Including qualifiers for NPS/Area 25 M&M Novice WHP Championship 144 THE B.S.P.S. CRADLE STAKES, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding Judges: Mrs M. Osborne, Kirriemuir and Mrs MC Nimmo, Broxburn 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 11th birthday before 1st January in the current Course Builder: Graham Barclay, Carron, Falkirk. year. CLASS 154 WHP Ponies exceeding 148cm with the exception of Dales and Welsh D cobs. Fences 75cm-85cm.
7 155 WHP Ponies exceeding 133cms but not exceeding 143cms fences min 65 cms max NPS/Picton M&M Novice Ridden Championship: The highest placed pony, owned by an NPS member, in each 75 cms class 159-163 goes forward to the final. Qualification may go no lower than 3rd place. 156 WHP Ponies exceeding 122cms but not exceeding 133cms, fences min 55cms max 65 NPS Scotland/Kilmannan Stud Novice Ridden M&M Championships: Open to pure bred registered M&M stallions, mares and geldings four years old or over. A pony is not eligible to compete if, before 1st January in the cms current year, it has done any of the following: i) Won an open NPS affiliated mixed M&M Ridden class ii) Won a direct 157 WHP Ponies not exceeding 122 cm, fences min 47 cms max 60cms. qualifying round for HOYS, RIHS or Olympia iii) If a pony qualifies for any of the above in the current year it is immediately de-noviced and cannot enter the final iv) Qualified for Horse of the Year Show or RIHS Ridden classes v) NPS Qualifiers: The highest placed pony, owned by an NPS member, in each class goes forward to the final. Where Qualified for the M&M Novice or Intermediate Ridden final at the NPS Summer Championship show (N.B. Ponies can this pony has previously qualified the pony standing next in line, which is owned by an NPS member and has not compete as novices in this competition for two consecutive years provided they do not submit an entry to the final in already qualified, receives the qualification. Qualification may go no lower than third place. M&M Novice WHP the first year). vi) Qualified for the M&M Ridden Championship final at Olympia in previous years Ponies must be Championship: 1st & 2nd in classes 153-155 qualify. shown in a snaffle bit. The 2 highest placed ponies, not already qualified, in each novice class will qualify for the Final which will take place MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND OPEN WORKING HUNTER PONIES at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 11th September 2015. Qualifications to go no lower than 6th Including qualifiers for NPS M&M Working Hunter Pony Championship, NPS place. This can either be mixed M&M or Breed Classes. Championship: 1st & 2nd in classes 159-163 qualify. Scotland/Kingfisher Building Products M&M Open WHP Championship, P(UK) Shearwater Champion and Reserve go forward to the NPS/The Minns M&M Ridden Silver Medal Rosette Championship – M&M WHP of the Year Winter Classic and Supreme Championship including Nursery Stakes see light horse section notes. P(UK) Confined Novice Kingsford Ridden M&M Ridden Pony of the Year Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: Champion, Reserve & Second Reserve qualify. Judges: Mrs M. Osborne, Kirriemuir and Mrs MC Nimmo, Broxburn Course Builder: Graham Barclay, Carron, Falkirk. MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND LEAD REIN AND FIRST RIDDEN Manes and tails must not be plaited. Crash Helmets/Skull Caps must be worn in the jumping phase. Spurs are not allowed. Whips may not exceed 76cm Includes qualifiers for NPS/Micor Demolition Ltd M&M Leading Rein National CLASS Championship, NPS/Micor Demolition Ltd M&M First Ridden National Championship, NPS Scotland 158 REGD. STALLION, MARE or GELDING, 5 years old and over, not exceeding 122cms. Kilgraston School M&M Lead Rein & First Ridden Championship, P(UK) Lobster Pot M&M Fences 55cms-70cms Rider any age. Lead Rein Winter Classic 2016 & Supreme Championship 2016, P(UK) Brineton M&M First 159 REGD. STALLION, MARE or GELDING, 5 years old and over, exceeding 122cms but not Ridden Supreme Championships 2015 and Winter Classic 2016 exceeding 133cms. Fences 65cms-80cms Rider any age. Judge: Mrs Sheila Brooks, Kelso 160 REGD. STALLION, MARE or GELDING, 5 years old and over, exceeding 133cms but not CLASS exceeding 143cms (excepting Welsh D & Dales, which may exceed 148cm). 75cms-90cms 167 LEAD REIN, mares and geldings not exceeding 122cms, registered in the main body of the (3ft 3in). Rider any age. following Breed Society stud books: Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, New Forest, Welsh A, 161 REGD STALLIONS, MARE or Gelding, 5 years old and over, exceeding 143cms but not Welsh B. Riders to have attained their 3rd but not their 9th birthday before lst January in the exceeding 148cms (excepting Welsh D & Dales, which may exceed 148cm) 85cms current year. To be ridden in a snaffle bridle. 168 FIRST RIDDEN, mares and geldings not exceeding 128cms, registered in the main body of NPS M&M WHP Championship: The highest placed pony, owned by an NPS member, in each of classes 158-160 the following Breed Society stud books: Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, New Forest, Welsh A, goes forward to the final. Where this pony has already qualified the pony standing next in line, which is owned by an Welsh B. Riders to have attained their 9th birthday but not to have attained their 12th NPS member and has not already qualified, receives the qualification. Qualification may go no lower than 3rd place. birthday before lst January in the current year. To be shown in any suitable bridle. Riders may only ride one pony in each class. NPS Scotland/Kingfisher Building Products Open M&M WHP NPS/Micor Demolition Ltd M&M Leading Rein National Championship: The highest placed pony, owned by Championships: The 3 highest placed ponies, in each class not already qualified, will qualify for the Final which will an NPS member, in class 164 goes forward to the final. Qualification may go no lower than 3 rd place. NPS/Micor take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 11th September 2015. Qualifications to go no lower Demolition Ltd M&M First Ridden National Championship: The highest placed pony, owned by an NPS than 6th place. Highland Pony Society Rosette: will be awarded to the highest placed Highland Pony in class 151. member, in class 165 goes forward to the final. Qualification may go no lower than 3 rd place. NPS Scotland P(UK) Shearwater M&M WHP of the Year Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed Kilgraston School M&M Lead Rein & First Ridden Championship: The 2 highest placed ponies in the Lead Rein ponies in classes 156-158 will qualify. Championship: for the Morrison Trophy. 1st & 2nd in classes 156-158 qualify. and First ridden class not already qualified will go forward to the final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 11th September 2015. Qualifications to go no lower than 6th place. P(UK) Lobster RING 2 (Ridden M&M) - Judging commences 8.30am Pot M&M Lead Rein Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed in class 164 will qualify. P(UK) Brineton M&M First Ridden Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed in class 165 will qualify. Championship: 1st & 2nd in classes 164-165 qualify. MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND NOVICE RIDDEN (To be judged under the rules of the NPS) Includes qualifiers for NPS/Picton M&M Novice Ridden Championship, NPS NPS MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND OPEN RIDDEN Scotland/Kilmannan Stud Novice Ridden M&M Championship, NPS/The Minns M&M Ridden Includes qualifiers for NPS/Ringside Stud M&M Open Ridden National Championship, Silver Medal Rosette, P(UK) Confined Novice Kingsford Ridden M&M Pony of the Year NPS Scotland/Baileys Horse Feeds Open Ridden M&M Championship, NPS/The Minns M&M Winter Classic and Supreme Champtionship Ridden Silver Medal Rosette, P(UK) Kingsford M&M Winter Classic and Supreme Judge: Mrs Sheila Brooks, Kelso Championship CLASS Judge: Mrs J McNaught, Darvel 162 WELSH C & D Stallion, Mare or Gelding CLASS 163 FELL, HIGHLAND, DALES Stallion, Mare or Gelding 169 DARTMOOR, EXMOOR, SHETLAND, WELSH A, WELSH B Stallion, mare or gelding 164 NEW FOREST, CONNEMARA Stallion, Mare or Gelding 170 CONNEMARA, DALES, FELL, HIGHLAND, NEW FOREST, WELSH C, WELSH D Stallion, 165 WELSH A & B Stallion, Mare or Gelding mare or gelding 166 DARTMOOR, EXMOOR & SHETLAND Stallion, Mare or Gelding Ponies must be four years old or over, see NPS Rules for eligibility.
8 NPS/Ringside Stud M&M Open Ridden National Championship: The highest placed pony, owned by an NPS NPS Scotland/Baileys Horse Feeds Open Ridden M&M Championship: The 2 highest placed ponies, not member, in each class 166-167 goes forward to the final. Qualification may go no lower than 3rd place. already qualified, in this class will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials NPS/Rosettes Direct Home Produced Ridden Championship – wear white arm bands. NPS Scotland/Baileys on Friday 11th September 2015. Qualifications to go no lower than 6th place. This can be either mixed M. & M. or Breed Horse Feeds Open Ridden M&M Championship: The 2 highest placed ponies, not already qualified, in each class Classes. will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 22nd August 2014 Blue Chip Native BSPS Heritage Supreme Championship Ridden Classes: The Champion and Reserve Champion will Qualifications to go no lower than 6th place. This can be either mixed M. & M. or Breed Classes. P(UK) Kingsford qualify for the Semi-Final to be held at the Blue Chip Native B.S.P.S. Heritage Championship Show at Arena UK. Ponies, M&M Ridden Pony of the Year Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed in classes owners and riders need not be B.S.P.S. members to compete in the qualifying classes but will need to register to compete in st nd 166-167 will qualify. Championship: for the Ardoch Agricultural Society Trophy. 1st & 2nd in classes 166-167 qualify. the Semi-Final. Championship: 1 & 2 in class 174 qualify. Highland Pony Society Rosette to the Champion. Champion and Reserve go forward to the NPS/The Minns M&M Ridden Silver Medal Rosette Championship – see light horse section notes. MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND IN HAND MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND JUNIOR RIDDEN Includes qualifiers for NPS/Leyhills M&M In hand Summer Championship, NPS Scotland Includes qualifiers for NPS/RHR Demolition Ltd M&M Junior Ridden National Scottish Farmer/Scottish Horse M&M In Hand Championship, NPS/Kilmannan Stud M&M Championship, In Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championship, NPS/The Minns M&M Ridden Silver Medal Rosette, P(UK) Glyn Greenwood M&M In Hand Winter Classic and Supreme Championship P(UK) Dalkeith Junior M&M Ridden Winter Classic and Supreme Championship Judge: Mrs J McNaught, Darvel Judge: Mrs J McNaught, Darvel. CLASS CLASS 175 REGD. MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND YOUNGSTOCK, colts, fillies and geldings 3 years old 171 DARTMOOR, EXMOOR, SHETLAND, WELSH A, WELSH B Riders not to have attained and under (excluding colts 2 and 3year old). their 14th birthday before 1st January in the current year. 176 REGD. MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND STALLION, two year old and over. 172 LARGE BREEDS DALES, FELL, HIGHLAND, NEW FOREST, CONNEMARA, WELSH C 177 REGD. SMALL MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND, 4 years and over, mares and geldings. not exceeding 138cms. Riders not to have attained their 18th birthday before lst January in 178 REGD. LARGE MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND, 4 years and over, mares and geldings. the current year. NPS/Leyhills M&M In Hand Summer Championship: 173 INTERMEDIATE DALES, FELL, HIGHLAND, NEW FOREST, CONNEMARA, WELSH D P(UK) Glyn Greenwood Memorial M&M In Hand Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: 1st-3rd in exceeding 138cms but not exceeding 148cms (excepting Dales and Welsh D, which may classes 175-178 qualify. The Redford Rosebowl: will be awarded to the highest placed Welsh pony or cob in classes exceed 148cms). Riders not to have attained their 18th birthday before lst January in the 175-178. Championship - Youngstock: 1st & 2nd in classes 175-176 qualify. Championship - Seniors: 1st & 2nd in current year. classes 177-178 qualify. NPS Scotland/Scottish Farmer-Scottish Horse In Hand M&M Championships: The NPS/RHR Demolition Ltd M&M Junior Ridden National Championship: The highest placed pony, owned by an Champion & Res. Champion in all Mixed pure bred M. & M. or Breed Championships will qualify for the Final which NPS member, in each class 171-173 goes forward to the final. Qualification may go no lower than 3rd place. will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 11 th September 2015. Qualification may go to 3rd NPS/Rosettes Direct Home Produced Ridden Championship – wear white arm bands. Championship: 1st & in the Championship( ie 1st Reserve Champion) NPS/Kilmannan Stud M&M In Hand Silver Medal Rosette 2nd prize winners in classes 171-173 qualify. Champion and Reserve go forward to the NPS/The Minns M&M Championship: Youngstock & Senior Champions and Reserves qualify, see note at beginning of section. Ridden Silver Medal Rosette Championship – see light horse section notes. NPS/Kilmannan Stud M&M In Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championship NPS/The Minns M&M Ridden Silver Medal Rosette Championship Judge: Judge: Mrs Sheila Brooks, Kelso Eligible to compete are the Champion and Reserve M&M Young stock In Hand and M&M Senior In Eligible to compete are the Champion and Reserve NPS/Picton M&M Novice Ridden, M&M Junior Ridden Hand, providing they are eligible under NPS Rules. Judging to take place following the In Hand Hunters and M&M Open Ridden providing they are eligible under NPS Rules. & Sports Horses in Ring 3 – may be subject to ring/time change – please check with horse secretary. May be subject to ring/time change – please check with horse field secretary on the day. IN HAND HUNTERS & SPORT HORSES Judge: Mr M Adams, Fyvie CLASS 179 HUNTER OR SPORTS HORSE BROOD MARE, with or without foal at foot. 180 FOAL, from class 178. 181 HUNTER OR SPORTS HORSE YOUNGSTOCK, yearling colt, filly or gelding 3 years old or under. HIGHLAND PONIES UNDER SADDLE
Includes qualifiers for The Blue Chip Native BSPS Heritage Supreme Championship Ridden Classes and NPS Scotland/Baileys Horse Feeds Open Ridden M&M Championship OVERALL HUNTER & RIDING HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP Judge: Mrs H Dick, Inchinnan Judge: Mr M Adams, Fyvie CLASS 174 REGISTERED HIGHLAND PONY, stallion, mare or gelding For the Equinox Trophy: Champion and Reserve In-Hand Hunter/Sports Horse (classes 179 - 181), and Ridden Hunter / Riding Horse (classes 192-195) eligible to compete.
9 BSPS Qualifiers: 1st & 2nd in classes 185-186 qualify for the BSPS Summer Championships. The highest placed pony in each of classes 185-186 that has not qualified for HOYS 2015 qualifies for the BSPS Challenge. If the highest placed pony has already qualified for the BSPS Challenge, the qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony 1st-4th in classes 185-186 qualify for the BSPS Premier League. The Best Rider in each class 185-186 will be awarded a Best Rider card and qualify for the final at the Summer Championship Show. Mini Show Pony Championship: 1st & 2nd in classes 185-186 qualify. CLASS 187 THE BSPS SHOW PONY, mare or gelding, 4 year old and over, not exceeding 128cms Riders not to have attained their 13th birthday before 1st January in the current year. RING 3 PERFORMANCE PONY – JUDGING COMMENCNG AT 1pm APPROX. 188 THE BSPS SHOW PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 128cms and not Judge: Ms Georgia Burns exceeding 138cm. Riders not to have attained their 15th birthday before 1st January in the current year. To be judged throughout the afternoon in Ring 3. Competitors can enter at the ring, paying an entry 189 THE BSPS SHOW PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 138cms and not fee of £3 to the steward. exceeding 148cms. Riders not to have attained their 17th birthday before lst January in the current year. Riders will be given 1 ½ minutes to perform a freestyle show of their choice to impress the judge. Will BSPS Qualifiers: 1st & 2nd in each class 187-189 qualify for the BSPS Summer Championships. The highest placed be marked out of 50 on performance only (no turnout or conformation will be taken into consideration). pony in each of classes 187-189 that has not qualified for HOYS 2015 qualifies for the BSPS Challenge. If the highest placed pony has already qualified for the BSPS Challenge, the qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony CLASS 1st-4th in each class 187-189 qualify for the BSPS Premier League. The Best Rider in each class 187-189 will be 182 Riders under 16 (to be under 16 on the day of the show) awarded a Best Rider card and qualify for the final at the Summer Championship Show. 183 Riders 16 and over (to be 16 or over on the day of the show) P(UK) Brineton Ridden Show Pony Winter Classic and Supreme Championship including Lead Rein and First Ridden Championships: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in classes 185-189 qualify Champion qualifies for BSPS Champion of st nd rd Prizes for 1 , 2 and 3 place, however depending on entries winners may receive their prizes in the Champions at the Summer Championship Show. Championship post.
RING 4 (BSPS, Ridden Hunters) – Judging commences 8.30am BSPS SHOW HUNTER PONIES Includes qualifiers for the BSPS Summer Championships, P(UK) Timberwolf SHP Winter Classic and Supreme Championship including SHP Lead Rein RIDING PONIES & HUNTER PONIES IN HAND CLASS Includes qualifiers for NPS Scotland/NFU Mutual Open , P(UK) Peek-A-Boo Supreme 190 THE BSPS LEAD REIN PONY OF HUNTER TYPE, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, Championships 2015 and Winter Classic 2016 not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the In Hand Riding Pony/Hunter Pony Championship current year. To be led by an attendant and shown in a snaffle bridle, the lead rein to be Judge: Mrs MC Nimmo, Broxburn attached to the noseband only. CLASS 191 THE BSPS OPEN FIRST PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE, mare or gelding, 4 years old 184 RIDING PONY/HUNTER PONY ANY AGE INHAND and over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 10 th birthday before 1st January in the current year. NPS Scotland/NFU Mutual Open In-Hand Riding Pony/Hunter Championship: The highest placed pony, in BSPS Qualifiers: 1st-4th in class 190 qualify for the BSPS Premier League. The highest placed pony in class 190 that each open in-hand Riding Pony or Hunter Pony Class(foal classes excluded) not already qualified, will qualify for the th has not qualified for HOYS 2015 qualifies for the BSPS Challenge. If the highest placed pony has already qualified for Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 11 September 2015. Qualifications the BSPS Challenge, the qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony The Best Rider in class 190 will be to go no lower than 6th place. P(UK) Peek-A-Boo Inhand Plaited Riding Pony/Horse/Hunter/Part-bred st nd rd awarded a Best Rider card and qualify for the final at the Summer Championship Show. Mini Hunter Pony Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: 1 , 2 and 3 in class 184 will qualify. Championship: 1st & 2nd in classes 190-191 qualify.
CLASS BSPS RIDDEN SHOW PONIES 192 THE BSPS OPEN PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE, mare or gelding 4 years old and over, Includes qualifiers for the BSPS Summer Championships, P(UK) Brineton Ridden Show not exceeding 122cm. Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the Pony Winter Classic and Supreme Championship including Lead Rein and First Ridden current year. Judge: Mrs MC Nimmo, Broxburn 193 THE BSPS OPEN PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, CLASS exceeding 122cms and not exceeding 133cms. Riders not to have attained their 14 th birthday 185 THE BSPS LEADING REIN SHOW PONY, mare or gelding 4 years old and over not before 1st January in the current year. exceeding 122cms. Rider not to have attained their 8th birthday before 1st January in the 194 THE BSPS OPEN PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, current year. Lead rein to be attached to the noseband only. exceeding 133cm and not exceeding 143cms. Riders not to have attained their 17 th birthday 186 THE BSPS FIRST RIDDEN SHOW PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not before 1st January in the current year. exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 10th birthday before 1st January in the current year
10 195 THE BSPS OPEN PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE, mare or gelding 4 years old and over, 203 OPEN MIXED AGE IN HAND, horses and ponies 15 years and over. exceeding 143cms and not exceeding 153cms. Riders not to have attained their 20 th birthday 204 OPEN MIXED AGE RIDDEN, horses and ponies 15 years and over. before 1st January in the current year. Veteran Horse Showing Regional Showing Championship: 1st-3rd in classes 203-204 qualify. Championship: BSPS Qualifiers: 1st & 2nd in each class 192-195 qualify for the BSPS Summer Championships. The highest placed 1st & 2nd in classes 203-204 qualify. pony in each of classes 192-195 that has not qualified for HOYS 2015 qualifies for the BSPS Challenge. If the highest placed pony has already qualified for the BSPS Challenge, the qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony ****OVERALL IN HAND CHAMPION**** 1st-4th in each class 192-195 qualify for the BSPS Premier League. The Best Rider in each class 192-195 will be Judge: Mrs M. C. Nimmo, Broxburn. awarded a Best Rider card and qualify for the final at the Summer Championship Show. P(UK)Timberwolf SHP Winter Classic and Supreme Championship including SHP Lead Rein: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in classes 192-195 All In Hand Champion and Reserve Champions Eligible to enter qualify. Show Hunter Pony Championship: 1st & 2nd in classes 192-195 qualify. Champion qualifies for BSPS Champion of Champions at the Summer Championship Show.
RIDDEN HUNTERS & RIDING HORSES UNAFFILIATED CLASSES - UNDER SADDLE – NOT before 12.00noon Including qualifiers for P(UK) Hazelden Riding Horse Winter Classic and Supreme Judge: Mrs Edith Gunn, Penhalogen Stud Championship, P(UK) Whittakers Lord Open Hunter Winter Classic and Supreme Please note that riders do not have to be members of the Pony Club or a Riding Club to enter these classes. Exhibitors Championship including Small Hunter will be expected to dismount, mount and jump a small fence in classes 202-203, judged on manners and turnout. Judge: Mr M Adams, Fyvie CLASSES 205-215 ENTRY FEE £4 and £6 on the day. CLASS 215 NO ENTRY FEE. PRIZES IN CLASS KIND ONLY, NO CASH PRIZES. 196 SMALL HUNTER, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, 158cms and under. Riders to have attained their 16th birthday before 1st January in the current year. CLASS 197 LARGE HUNTER, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, over 158cms. 205 TACK AND TURNOUT, any ridden pony eligible. 198 RIDING HORSE, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms but not 206 PONY CLUB PONY, under 133cms. No lead rein ponies. exceeding 158cms. Riders to have attained 15th birthday before January 1 st in the current 207 PONY CLUB PONY, 133cms-148cms. year. 208 PONY CLUB/RIDING CLUB HORSE, over 148cms riders 18 years old and under (on day 199 RIDING HORSE, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 158cms. Riders to have of show). attained their 15th birthday before January 1st in the current year. 209 PONY CLUB/RIDING CLUB HORSE, over 148cms Championship: for the Braco Show Quaich. 1st & 2nd from classes 201-205 qualify. N.B: If there are less than 5 entries forward for these classes they will be amalgamated. P(UK) Whittakers Lord Open Hunter Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in class 196-197 CLASS P(UK) Hazelden Riding Horse Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in classes 198-199 210 LEAD REIN PONY, not exceeding 12hh to be shown on the lead rein. Riders 5 years old qualify. Championship: for the Walker Trophy. 1st & 2nd in classes 196-199 qualify. and under on the day of the show. (Lead rein to be attached to the noseband only). 211 LEAD REIN PONY, not exceeding 12hh to be shown on the lead rein. Riders 6 years old RING 5 (CHAPS/Veterans) – Judging commences 8.30am and over on the day of the show. (Lead rein to be attached to the noseband only). 212 FIRST RIDDEN PONY, not exceeding 12.2hh riders 5-8 years old on the day of the show. COLOURED HORSE AND PONY CLASSES 213 FIRST RIDDEN PONY, not exceeding 12.2hh riders 9-12 years old on the day of the show. Includes qualifiers for CHAPS (UK) Championship Show, P(UK) Commanchee Ridden 214 UNREGISTERED PONY OF M&M TYPE RIDDEN. Class may be split at judge’s discretion. Piebald/Skewbald Horse/Pony Winter Classic and Supreme Championship 215 FANCY DRESS – Pony any height, child under 12 years on day of show. Judge: Mr M Adams, Fyvie CLASS This class (215) to be judged at approximately 4pm in the Main Ring. 200 CHAPS (UK) Open Ridden Qualifier, any height. Open to members and non-members. YOUNG HANDLER CLASSES (Members only to qualify – please see ruling). Open to horses 4 years old and over. Not to be Judge: Mrs Edith Gunn, Penhalogen Stud ridden by judge. 201 CHAPS (UK) Open In-Hand Qualifier, 4 year old and over. Open to members and non- CLASS members. (Members only to qualify – please see ruling). Open to horses/ponies any height. 216 YOUNG HANDLER, children 8 years and under on the day of the show. Ponies 14.2hh and 202 CHAPS (UK) Open Youngstock Qualifier; 1, 2 or 3 Year Olds; no foals. (Members under. No colts or stallions. Hard hats to be worn. only to qualify – please see ruling). Open to 1,2 or 3 year olds, no foals. 2 and 3 year old 217 YOUNG HANDLER, children 9-12 years old on the day of the show. Ponies 14.2hh and colts must be shown correctly bitted and shown by the appropriate aged handler. N.B: CHAPS(UK) Championship Show: 1st & 2nd in each class 200-202 qualify. P(UK) Commanchee Ridden under. No colts or stallions. Hard hats to be worn. Piebald/Skewbald Horse/Pony Winter Classic and Supreme Championship: 1st, 2nd & 3rd class 200 qualify. st nd Championship: 1 & 2 in classes 200-202 qualify. NOVELTY DOG SHOW VETERAN HORSE AND PONY CLASSES Entries Taken On The Field - From 12 Noon At Dog Show Ring. Entries close at 1.15pm Includes qualifiers for Veteran Horse Showing Scottish Area Qualifier Entry Fee - £1 Per Class Judging To Commence At 1.30 pm Prompt Judge: Mr M Adams, Fyvie CLASS CLASS 1 The Prettiest Bitch
11 2 The Most Handsome Dog 3 The Best Child Handler 4 Dog & Handler with the Waggiest Tails 5 The Best Sit on Command 6 Best Condition 7 Best Veteran Dog (Over 7 years) 8 The Fastest Sausage Eater Best in Show: 1st & 2nd from each class qualify.
PET FANCY DRESS Entries Taken On The Field – Main Arena after Horse & Pony Fancy Dress (aprox. 4.30pm) No Entry Fee - Open to all Pets large and small
Pets must be kept under full control of the handler at all times. Child Handlers under 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
12 Braco Show Horse Field – ALL rings commence at 8.30am. Whilst every effort has been made, the Committee DO NOT take responsibility for classes clashing. Ring 1 & 1A Ring 2 Ring 3 Ring 4 Ring 5 Working Hunter Mountain and Moorland In Hand and Unaffiliated IH/BSPS/Hunter CHAPS/VHS/BSPS Olympia
Judges: J Colthart & ?? Judge: S Brooks Judge: J McNaught Judge: ??? Judge: M Adams 143 BSPS Cradle Stakes 159 M&M Picton Nov Ridden Wel D & C 173 M&M Youngstock 3yo & under 192 RP/HP In Hand Yearling 210 CHAPS Open Ridden 144 BSPS Nursery Stakes 160 M&M Picton Nov Ridden D/F/H 174 M&M Stallion 2yo & over 193 RP/HP In Hand 2 & 3yo 211 CHAPS Inhand 4yo & over Championship 161 M&M Picton Nov Ridden Conn/NF 175 M&M Small Mare/Geld 4yrs + 194 RP/HP In Hand 4yrs + 212 CHAPS Youngstock 145 BSPS Novice WHP not exc 133cms 162 M&M Picton Nov Ridden Wel A/B 176 M&M Large Mare/Geld 4yrs + Championship Championship 146 BSPS Novice WHP 133-143cms 163 M&M Picton Nov Ridden Dm/Ex/Sh Championship - Youngstock 195 Show Pony Lead Rein 147 BSPS Novice WHP 143-153cms Championship Championship – 4 years & over 196 Show Pony First Ridden 148 BSPS Novice WHP Int 148-158cms Judge: S Brooks Judge:?? Championship Judge: M Adams Championship 164 M&M Lead Rein NPS Silver Medal In Hand C’Ship* 197 Show Pony < 128cms 215 Veteran In Hand Judges: J Colthart & ?? 165 M&M First Ridden 198 Show Pony 128-138cms 216 Veteran Ridden Not before 12noon Championship 199 Show Pony 138-148cms Championship 149 BSPS WHP not exc 133cms Judge: J McNaught Championship 150 BSPS WHP 133-143cms 166 M&M Open Ridden Smalls Judge: M Adams Judge: ??? 151 BSPS WHP 143-153cms 167 M&M Open Ridden Large 180 Hunter/Sport Horse Brood Mare 200 Hunter Pony Lead Rein 152 BSPS WHP Int 148-158cms Championship 181 Foal from Class 201 Hunter Pony First Ridden Overall In Hand Champion*** Championships 168 M&M Junior Ridden Smalls 182 Hunter/Sport Horse Youngstock Championship Judge: MC Nimmo Judges: MC Nimmo & M Osborne 169 M&M Junior Ridden Large <138cm Championship 202 Hunter Pony <122cms 153 M&M Novice WHP exc 148cms 170 M&M Junior Ridden Large >138cm 203 Hunter Pony 122-133cms 154 M&M Novice WHP 133-143cms Championship Judge: Edith Gunn 204 Hunter Pony 133-143cms 155 M&M Novice WHP 122-133cms Not before 12noon 205 Hunter Pony 143-153cms M&M Novice WHP not exc 122cms Judge: S Brooks Championship NPS Silver Medal Ridden C’ship* 184 Pony Club Pony <133cms Championship 156 M&M Open WHP not exc 122cms 185 Pony Club Pony 133-148cms Judge: M Adams 157 M&M Open WHP 122-133cms Judge: H Dick 186 PC/RH Horse >148cms Not before 11.30am 158 M&M Open WHP 133-143cms Highland Ridden Championship 206 Ridden Small Hunter M&M Open WHP 143-148cms Championship 187 Lead Rein Pony 207 Ridden Large Hunter 188 First Ridden Pony 208 Riding Horse 148-158 189 Fancy Dress (Main Arena) 209 Riding Horse >158 Judge: Championship 190 Young Handler <8 years Overall In hand Champion 191 Young Handler 9-12 years NPS Ridden Silver Medal and Overall Hunter Championship** Overall Hunter Championship Judge: MAY be subject to ring change 13 *Eligible to compete are Ch and Res from M+M Picton Novice Ridder, M+M Junior Ridden and M+M Open Ridden providing they are eligible under NPS Rules **Ch and Res from classes 168-170, 173-179. Eligible to compete are M+M Small and Large Ch and Res so long as eligible under NPS Rules. ***Eligible to compete are all In Hand Champion or Reserve Champions