A Warm Welcome to All Our Visitors and to Any New Members of Our Parish Who Share With

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A Warm Welcome to All Our Visitors and to Any New Members of Our Parish Who Share With

A warm welcome to all our visitors and to any new members of our parish LIVERPOOL ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESAN TRUSTEES INC. Registered Charity No. 232709 who share with us today's Celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We are pleased that you have come to join us in our community of faith. If you will be permanent members, please take the information leaflet available in the St Mary’s Catholic Church, Chorley church porch and/or contact the Parish Office THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BAPTISMS: Would parents please contact Fr Marsden or Deacon Norman personally, after one of the weekend Masses, to obtain the application form and see about enlisting 25th OCTOBER 2015 on the next Preparation Course.

As Jesus left Jericho with his disciples and a large CHORLEY HOSPITAL: Please contact St Joseph’s, Harper’s Lane (262713) if any crowd, Bartimaeus (that is, the son of Timaeus), a member of your family is admitted into the hospital and needs the priest to visit. In blind beggar, was sitting at the side of the road. emergency the ward staff will call in the duty priest chaplain via the switchboard. When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he be- ST ANNE’S GUILD: Bingo at 7.45 pm Tuesday 27th October in the Parish Centre. gan to shout and to say, "Son of David, Jesus, have pity on me." And many of them scolded him and told DIANA ROSS TRIBUTE NIGHT in the Parish Centre from 7.00 pm until late on Friday him to keep quiet, but he only shouted all the louder, th 4 December. There are only 20 tickets left at £20 which includes a 3 meat carvery. "Son of David, have pity on me." Jesus stopped and Please contact Heather on 07971025985 for more information. said, "Call him here.” So they called the blind man. HEALTH AND SAFETY: Autumn leaves are falling from the alley of lime trees. If "Courage," they said "get up; he is calling you." So anybody can spare some time and help sweep up, we would be very grateful. throwing off his cloak, he jumped up and went to Je- SAINTS OF THE WEEK: SS Chad and Cedd were brothers educated at Lindisfarne sus. Then Jesus spoke, "What do you want me to do under Aidan. Cedd founded several monasteries then was sent as bishop to evangelise for you?" "Rabbuni," the blind man said to him the East Saxons, He established his see at Bradwell (Essex). He died of the plague at "Master, let me see again." Jesus said to him, "Go; his monastery in Lastingham in 664. Chad was abbot of Lastingham when chosen Bish- your faith has saved you." And immediately his op of Northumbria, but Wilfrid opposed his ordination by Celtic rites, and he humbly sight returned and he followed him along the road. withdrew. Later he was sent to Mercia as its fifth Bishop. He moved the see from Rep- ton (near Derby) to Lichfield (669), where he too died of plague in 672. He was immedi- MASSES , MASS INTENTIONS AND SERVICES ately revered as a saint because of the holiness of his life, his outstanding humility, and The Rosary is recited after Mass daily in October his dedication to preaching the Gospel. The diocese of Lichfield and Coventry reached as far north as the Ribble through to 1538, when Chester diocese was founded (recog- Sun 25th Oct T hirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Mass bk. p.149) nized by Rome during Mary I’s reign) to encompass Cheshire, Lancashire, Copeland Sat 6.15 pm Mass – David Jelo (LD) and Richmondshire. 8.00 am Mass – Eugenia Genove 10.30 am Mass – Patricia Donegan (A) SS Simon and Jude: the name of Simon is placed eleventh in the list of apostles and we know only that he was born at Cana and was known as the Zealot. Jude, also Mon 26th Oct Ss Chad & Cedd known as Thaddaeus, was the apostle who, at the Last Supper, asked the Lord why he 8.40 am Morning Prayer showed himself only to his disciples and not to the whole world (John 14.22) 9.00 am Mass – Trevor Proctor (LD) CHRISTMAS CARDS have arrived and they are excellent value. We also have a Tues 27th Oct limited number of Catholic diaries 2016. Please purchase from the meeting room 9.30- 11.45 am Morning Prayer, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 12.00 noon Mass – Sheila Gorman LITTLE CHURCH: There will be a meeting for Leaders & Helpers in the Parish Centre

(bar area) on Thursday 5th November at 8pm. We will be planning Advent workshops Wed 28th Oct SS Simon & Jude and the Christmas Day Holy Mass. Please do come and support us. Thank you. 8.40 am Morning Prayer Fr Francis Marsden 01257 262537 9.00 am Mass – William Francis Kerrigan (LD) and Deacon Norman Arrowsmith Thurs 29th Oct 12.00 noon Mass – Michael Joyce E-mail address: [email protected] Parish website: www.stmarys-chorley.org Fri 30th Oct 9.30-11.45 am Morning Prayer and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Parish Centre: 270122 or 0797 1025 985 (Manager – Heather Roscoe) 11.30 am Chaplet of Divine Mercy 12.00 noon Mass – Elizabeth Jane Firth (A) INTERNAL WORK ON THE ROSE WINDOW is under way, hacking off the wet plaster which causes some dust. The area has been screened and covered. Please Sat 31st Oct avoid the restricted areas. Meanwhile the Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in 11.00-11.45 am Confessions the little meeting room next to St Anthony’s statue. You can sit behind a screen. 12.00 noon Mass – Cyril Dawber (A) NOVEMBER PIOUS LIST: Envelopes and notepaper on which to write down the 12.45 pm Baptism – Niall Stephen Michael Doheny names of your departed loved ones, are available in the foyer. Please write out their names legibly and add your donation. Then either drop it in through the presbytery Sun 1 st Nov Solemnity of All Saints (Mass bk. p.186) letterbox or place it in the collection during a weekend Mass. The names are placed in a Sat 6.15 pm Mass – Parishioners box before the altar. During November, one Mass is offered daily for all on the Pious 8.00 am Mass – Michael James Purtill (A) List collectively, so private Mass intentions may be held over until December. 10.30 am Mass – Pious List INDULGENCES FOR THE SOULS IN PURGATORY (1st – 8th November) 2.00 pm Msza Swięta po polsku followed by visit to Chorley Cemetery for the The faithful can gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls in purgatory sub- Annual Procession for All Souls led by Fr Zalewski. ject to the usual conditions of a recent Confession, Holy Communion on the day, and DEACON NORMAN will lead prayers at family graves in Chorley Cemetery on All freedom from all sin or sinful intentions, by -- nd Souls’ Day, 2 November at 1.00pm (come rain or shine). Please inform him if you 1. Visiting a church or chapel and saying the Our Father, Creed and prayers for the desire prayers and at which grave. Pope's intentions. This indulgence may be gained from midday of All Saints’ Day (1st QUARANT’ORE: SOLEMN ANNUAL EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT November) to midnight of All Souls (23.59 on 2nd). st will take place Sunday 1 November 8.45 – 10.15 am, 11.45 am – 1.45 pm and 3.00 - 2. Visiting a cemetery and praying, even mentally only, for the dead. This indulgence 5.00 pm (with Evening Prayer and Benediction at 4.30 pm) may be gained (once per day only) on each of the first eight days of November. Monday 2nd November 9.30 – 11.45 am and 12.30 - 5.00 pm. In either case if the conditions are not completely fulfilled then the indulgence is partial. Please pray for the sick and the housebound: Lelia Addy, Rita Almond, Frances Bond, Kevin McCarrick, Emily Atkins, Emma Beatty, Pauline Bennett, Brigid Cain, FILM SESSIONS RESTART: Friday afternoons at 2.30 pm we will be showing DVDs. th Marie Cannon, Michael Collins, Melville Coombes, Hughie Daly, Monica Donalds, Joan The first will be this Friday, 30 October, an EWTN documentary on St (Padre) Pio: 50 Doran, Sister Frances, Yvonne Finlayson, Martin Henry, Simon Holcroft, Peggy Years of Thorns and Roses (60 minutes long) Hughes, Audrey Jackson, John Johnson, Joan Jones, Doreen Lang, Julie Lowe, Tusia PERSECUTED AND FORGOTTEN? A report on Christians oppressed for the Faith Lynch, Debbie MacFarlane, Jude Mack, Frances McHale, Kathleen Mitchell, Veronica 2013-2015 from Aid to the Church in Need. Principal findings here in summary: Mobbs, Canon Kevin Mullen, Catherine O’Donoghue, Kathleen Rae, Kathleen 1. At a time when numbers of displaced and refugees hit an all-time high, Islamist Reynolds, Margaret Rice, Gerard Shaw, Molly Taylor, Paul Tiffin, Frank Waring, and groups have carried out religiously- motivated ethnic cleansing of Christians notably in parishioners in The Adelphi, The Gables, Westwood, Gillibrand Hall etc. parts of Africa and the Middle East. If this continues, the Church’s survival in these re- ANNIVERSARIES: Patricia Donegan, Elizabeth Jane Firth, Cyril Dawber, Michael gions is threatened. James Purtill, Frederick Enderby, Michael Bradley. 2. The fear of genocide –in many cases well founded – has prompted an exodus of Christians, notably from the Middle East and parts of Africa. 3. As a result of this exodus, Christianity is on course to disappear from Iraq within READERS : 24th/25th: 6.15pm Kinga Grzeczynska , 8.00 am John Gunn 10.30 am possibly five years – unless emergency help is provided on a massively increased scale Simon Eccles. 31st/1st: 6.15pm Jeni Wilson, 8.00 am Anthony Calderbank, 10.30 am at an international level. Marion Herbert. 4. A massive exodus of Christians in other parts of the Middle East, notably Syria DONATIONS FOR QUARANT’ORE: You may wish to donate the cost of a large candle combined with increasing pressures on the faithful in Saudi Arabia and Iran mean that to burn before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, or flowers to decorate the altar, in the Church is being silenced and driven out of its ancient biblical heartland. memory of a loved one or for a special intention. Please label your envelopes 5. The rise of militant Islamist groups in Nigeria, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania and oth- “Quarant’Ore” and hand in to the sacristy or the office. er parts of Africa is destabilising the Christian presence on the one continent which until PARISH COLLECTION last week amounted to £819, including £382 which was Gift now has been the Church’s brightest hope for the future. Aided. The second collection for APF World Mission Day came to £303.plus we 6. Christians have been targeted by nationalist religious movements – Muslim, received a donation of £50 for heating. Thank you for your generous support. Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist – many of which increasingly see Christianity as a foreign ‘colonial’ import, worthy of suspicion as a result of its perceived links with the West,

THE ANNUAL MASS COUNT - this weekend is the last one. Collectors please enter which is seen as corrupt and exploitative. the numbers on the form in the sacristy. Thank you for your help. 7. The decline of Christianity in many countries of concern has potentially pro- found significance regarding prospects for peace as Christians have traditionally been important ‘peace builders’ in society. 8. Totalitarian regimes, including China, have put increasing pressures on Chris- tianity which is perceived as a threat not least because of growing ‘underground’ sup- port.

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